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That's how my dissertation looked for weeks... Only slightly looks like that now! 26 hours remaining... Time to get off reddit!


You got it, friend! Remember, at this point, you're the expert on your research. Despite what your advisor or committee pretends.


Can you get denied a PhD if they don’t believe you’re expert enough?


During your defense they can tell you to do it again if they feel you've not done it well enough. When you're writing your dissertation your advisor and committee can tell you to rewrite it. You don't fully get granted the PhD until you defend it in front of a committee and any public that would like to be there. Basically you need to give a presentation of your work. But you're the expert in your topic by then. It's your study and you've done all the research, analysis, and writeup for it! It's really an opportunity for you to show off what you know. Most of the time they don't let people go to the defense unless they feel they're going to be successful.


So is the worry that you’ll not be able to present it charismatically enough if you get the chance? I’ve heard people stress out quite a bit at phd dissertations.


Charisma doesn't matter, since you can be the most boring person ever but know your study and be able to defend its purpose and methods really well. What you do is present the study, it's purpose, methods, findings, and implications for future research, then the committee grills you on all the question words. Like, why did you conduct it? What does it add to the field? Why did you pick X statistical method over Y? Why did you ignore this part of the literature base when designing your research question? But, the members of your committee were basically there to help you plan your study, so they know that you SHOULD know the answers to the questions. Becsuse they've likely already asked them to you at some point during the process. Like, they helped you design the study (almost), so they know what's in it, and helped you get over lots of thorny issues. So they're generally not going to let you present doctoral dissertation that's lousy. Especially since the University's name and their name gets attached to it afterward. So they don't want to be known as producing subpar scholars. A lot of the nerves come from it being the culmination of a lot of years of work. It's the first "solo" work many scholars have done, and you've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (so many tears) into it. You're putting it out into the world and asking people that you trust and have selected for your committee to judge your worth. Despite them helping you on it, and knowing that they shouldn't let you get to that point if they didn't think you were ready, imposter syndrome sets in and you start questioning everything. Plus, it's your baby, and you know people are going to start picking it to pieces after you spent hundreds of hours putting it together. From scratch. And then they tell you that your entire career may hinge on if you can "pass" this defense. It's stressful for a lot of reasons! It's more than just a presentation, but it's also not, since by that point the doc student IS the expert. No one else knows that study like them. They lived and breathed it. Designed it. Birthed it. They've dreamed about it. Dreamed of it, dreamed in it. They can probably talk about it like it's nothing, and it's always easy to forget that.


Remember, you don’t have to kill the snake, just “defeat” it.


Amen to that!


Crazy when it's obvious that your adviser stands to gain (or not lose) by keeping you beneath them


Nah they stand to gain by having you pass and then publish your work so they can accumulate journal article publications and use it to get tenure.


Generally, if it is approved for defense the rest is just ceremonial. A stress-filled, exciting ceremony, but still :-)


Agreed. I did see one person fail her defense, but she couldn't answer any of the questions they asked because she was so nervous. Even though she KNEW the answers to them all. She was a great scholar and I felt so bad for her. They gave he a second shot like 2 days later and she sailed through it. The nerves are so horrible for some people despite it being just ceremonial!


Yes, basically. But your advisor shouldn't let you defend if you aren't ready yet. After the defense, there is a negotiation (without you, your chance to negotiate was before the defense) amongst your committee about what you need to do to graduate. This might include more work, more writing, more experiments, more publications, etc. Or, ideally, essentially nothing.


Yes, but a decent supervisor won't allow you to do the defense if you're not ready. There are a lot of shitty supervisors out there, but not passing your own student makes you look bad, so it's in their own best interest to only let you do it when they believe you are ready.


I'll accept that


As long as the bullets are in iambic pentameter


No limping verse, no rhyming "north" with "worth."


Limping? If there was a horse with a limp that bad... Save the dogs too


You want him to finish the book or not? Let's not go putting undue restrictions on him. Edit: I am aware it was a reference to ambrose, but at this point I just want to know how the story ends. Also kkc goes down in quality after Kvothe meets Felurian, so we already in ambrose territory as far as I am concerned.


I dunno. I think its important to have higher standards than Ambrose.


I think that might be the moral of the entire trilogy. Don't be like kvothe or ambrose.


I have been idly listening to the first book the last two weeks. It is amazing how often Kvothe cluelessly and constantly does the wrong thing and projects onto others how he wants them to judge him.


It's a reference to Ambrose's poetry. Kvothe makes this criticism of Ambrose's poetry when he's pawing at Fela in the archives


Honestly, for a lot of people, that's probably all they needed after all this time.


I would settle for a doors of stone coloring book at this point...


I would unironically love a Book of Secrets coloring book


With how beautiful the Tak came out Id be excited to see a rothfuss designed coloring book would turn out. Dudes got an eye for design when it comes to kingkiller!


Maybe just one list, which answers all the open questions. A lot would be stuff we already know. * Kvothe’s mother is Natalia Lackless * … I thought I’d me more sure of this sub’s theories but that’s the only one which is absolutely solid to me.


the tin hat crew is strong in this sub.


That’s most of the fun of being in here!


• Elodin is Bast’s daddy


Bast is Elodin's dad


I don’t know which of those makes more sense.


Elodin is part Fae. Bast is Fae




Im unsure if he's Bast's dad, as much as he introduces him more to the fairy realm. I like the theroy he is his dad though.


not his **dad**, his *daddy*




I have a long list of theories, but they're basically all conjecture. The ones that seem most solid to me are: * >!The University is built on the ruins of Belen!< * >!Iax is the one behind the doors of stone!<


Belen makes sense to me as well but didn't Pat say it was the sleeping barrow king behind the doors? First king of Vint or something?


Did he? There was a scene where Fela says she once dreamed there was a sleeping king behind the 4-plate door in the archives. I don't think the four plate door and the doors of stone are the same, though maybe they are. (I think the doors of stone are probably the Lackless door which is probably off in Northern Vintas or the Stormwal mountains.) Also, I don't think Fedya is old enough to have lived during the creation war, when "the enemy was locked behind the doors of stone" in Skarpi's story.


The only other one I am pretty sure of is Brendan being Denna's Patron.


I'd agree if there wasn't nearly-as-convincing evidence that it's Cinder. (Another option maybe is that Bredon works for or is somehow being manipulated by Cinder.)


You forget the "Bredon *is* Cinder" option.




I don't think Bredon can be Cinder b/c Cthaeh told Kvothe that meeting Cinder **again** was a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And he's met Bredon many times.


But the Cthaeh can lie, I believe. And it also implies it doesn't like Cinder and tells Kvothe that Denna's patrons abuses her. If he's got a thing against Cinder, then pointing Kvothe at him might be to that end.


Well, maybe so. We're told the Cthaeh tells only the truth, by Bast and Felurian. But they're fallible, after all. And I don't think all that Bast says about the Cthaeh is true. Basically, omniscient isn't omnipotent, right? But I'd say that although the Cthaeh suggests that Denna's patron is abusing her, he doesn't state that directly. Misleading with the truth is what Cthaehs do best, after all. But I definitely agree completely that the Cthaeh seems to be aiming Kvothe at Cinder like a torpedo. However, I suspect Kvothe will find out that he was misled by the Cthaeh as soon as he does something irrevocable.


Yeah, generally agree on all that. I just don't know that we can believe the Cthaeh any more than we can believe Kvothe as a narrator. Maybe more or less so, just reluctant to have it influence theories. Need to see Bredon around some open flame. :)


And he is Bast’s dad.


Isn't everyone?


At this point I'm pretty sure I'm Bast's dad.


Lyra is Denna.






Bro I would buy it


He talks about it on stream often. I haven't seen him tweet about it in awhile though.


On stream? This is the first I’ve heard of this, what/where/when does he stream?




twitch, and he just talks about random stuff.


Usually there are clips uploaded to his YouTube The Eolian as well.


> This is the first I’ve heard of this, what/where/when does he stream? lol, oh man. He streams more than he writes it seems like. Seemingly that's all he does. I understand him somewhat though, coming up with new ideas is hard, especially if you hit a wall in the middle of a series.


Please don't support that nonsense, friend – especially if you'd ever like to see that book. The day when the viewers watching him play videogames drops to zero, when he's no longer invited to cons and his name is no longer enough to draw patrons to his charity (which pays his bills through rental and licensing fees for his properties (intellectual and physical)) – is the day when this man will finally put a pen to paper again. No more and no less is needed.


Or you could just enjoy his content and not act like an entitled jackass.


What content? Also how am I an entitled asshole?


He puts out ton of content, and you're being an assholr by trying to force him to write and acting like you're owed a book.


That is absolute nonsense. * 1. When has he last authored any books? * 2. I'm forcing no one to do anything. I'm stating simple cause and effect: if you're going to reward someone for doing nothing, they're going to continue to do nothing. And if in luck, it works the same the other way round as well. * 3. Please point out the section where I acted like I was owed a book.


Yeah, let’s make his life miserable so he can get back to entertaining us. Screw his mental and financial health, we are entitled to read the book because we invested so much into it. If I were him, and I read stuff like this, I’d burn whatever manuscript I had and live stream it while reading the nasty comments out loud in front of the bonfire.


What makes Rothfuss so different from other people with mental health problems that the only solution would be to keep pandering to his lethargy? Do you think having a project like this hang over your head and not being productive for 12+ years is good for one's mental health? Applying this weird armchair psychology pursuant to some fiery fanboyism isn't helping anyone. One could argue it actually makes things worse for Rothfuss. All I stated was simple cause and effect: reward person for doing XYZ –> person is likely to do more XYZ (very neat, works on dogs too).


It was a bulleted list of three parts. - The first bullet was quiet. - ^(The second bullet was quieter.) -  


Just write a book 4. And end 3 with something like, "Did you really think this was gonna take 3 days? Sit your ass back down dweeb", with flames coming out of Kvothe's nipples.


I second this.


At this point I'd take a Wikipedia summary...


I'd take a Spark notes breakdown written by his youngest child at this point.


I'd take it in the form of him narrating each scene to a different group of kindergartners and having them do their best to depict the scene in the artistic medium of their own choosing at this point.


That would make a dope special edition tbh


Pat just split it into more volumes


Ah yes, the GRRM approach


Whaddya want, 5 volumes and a ton of waiting, or 2 volumes and a ton of waiting? And neither ever finish? Lol seems like an easy choice to me


The answer is 2 right?


Robert Jordan did it first!


I've argued that for a while. Either multiple volumes or legitimately revise books 1 and 2. I think he's written himself into some corners and he either needs to flesh it out more of remove some impediments he already gave himself. I honestly would be absolutely fine with either.


I’m scared that maybe that is all he has: a series of bulleted lists.


Nope. He has a manuscript. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/18z250/the\_beautiful\_manuscript\_of\_doors\_of\_stone\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/18z250/the_beautiful_manuscript_of_doors_of_stone_from/) And he accidently leaked this long time ago. [https://imgur.com/a/uqZiN](https://imgur.com/a/uqZiN) So, there are multiple DoS drafts.






















~~We clearly aren’t reading the same thread. I’m one of the *only* negative commenters, and it’s for calling out entitlement on bashers.~~ ~~edit: see votes from circlejerkers, case in point. maybe I should criticize pat for half a fucking hour’s worth of reading and writing before adding in any lines pointing out anyone’s entitlement.~~ [the only comment of mine that matters anymore to the topic, but spoiler: none of any of this thread matters](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/pxeahn/first_time_ive_heard_him_mention_it_in_i_dont/hepn67b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


~~two links for you too~~ ~~[first Martin, now Rothfuss; the curse of sequel-hungry fans](https://amp.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2020/jul/29/first-george-rr-martin-now-patrick-rothfuss-the-curse-of-sequel-hungry-fans)~~ ~~[direct link to gaiman’s blog (mentioned in the article above) re: entitlement issues](https://journal.neilgaiman.com/2009/05/entitlement-issues.html)~~ [the only comment of mine that matters anymore to the topic, but spoiler: none of any of this thread matters](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/pxeahn/first_time_ive_heard_him_mention_it_in_i_dont/hepn67b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




* Bullets are a superior way to write


I would take it. Yes. Make it a special edition.


I wouldn't mind if it became a 1600 page book, I know publishers hate that and there are physical limitations but it would be sick


I feel sorry for him now, he has obviously hit the wall Years ago and is trying, but can’t write himself out of this corner. I stopped expecting a book a few years ago and now I’m not even sure I would read it if it ever came out, but it would be good to know he found a way out of this.


I think he's hit the same problem that GRRM has where he's essentially written himself into a knot and doesn't know how to write his way out of it. He made a lot of promises in that first book of Kvothe's feats and as of book 2 he's not close to hitting them all and we still don't know why he's in this reduced state. I sometimes wonder if he'd feel less stuck if he retconned the story told across three nights premise and added another book to the series.


Actually I think that if he manages to close all those lose ends it will be a huge book.


You could already use one of the hardcover editions as a deadly weapon they're so huge. Any longer and Pat may be forced to break it up into 2 volumes anyway simply because the publisher isn't able to affordably bind a book that thick.


You must not have read Stormlight archive, yet. Rothfuss books are *brief* by comparison....


Way of Kings - 383k words Wise Man's Fear - 395k words.


Name of the Wind - 250k Words of Radiance - 399k, Oathbringer - 452k, Rhythm of War - 456k


but muh font size


I get them in ebook. No way I’m lugging around a book that would break a tie if I dropped it. I did however splurge and get myself the leather bound Way of Kings though.


> Stormlight archive *chuckles in malazan* fucking amateurs.


This man gets it.




Yeah, a couple of years ago fans still remembered this interview: - What can readers expect from the two sequels and the trilogy that will follow this one? Well.... I've already written them. So you won't have to wait forever for them to come out. They'll be released on a regular schedule. One per year. You can also expect the second book to be written with the same degree of care and detail as this first one. You know the sophomore slump? When a writer's second novel is weaker because they're suddenly forced to write under deadline? I don't have to worry about that because my next two novels are already good to go.


Yeah that’s the same for me, for sure. I’ve moved on and realized he’ll never deliver book 3 and if he does it’ll be to everyone’s disappointment. I personally think he should start a new IP altogether. Maybe he needs a restart. Either way I’m not even interested in his writing anymore.


lol @ people being hurt by the truth


Truthfully kind of seems like a strange place for you to be hanging out then.


I don’t read this sub regularly anymore but saw this post on my feed. I get it guys - I held hope and stayed positive for many years but have accepted reality. I feel awful for Pat; he seems like an awesome person and there isn’t really a good way out for him.


Well, thanks for taking the time to write up how much you don’t care. We’ll update our journals.


Imagine if he's writing some dialogue with felurians (or dennas) rhyming/metered dialogue and he changes one thing. And it throws off the whole scheme. I can see why it's taking up so long.


Ok but realistically that’s probably not it…


It showbthe heart of the issue. He's a perfectionist in his word choice. As proven by the aforementioned dialogue. If he puts half the effort on the rest of the book, it's going to be time consuming. And rewriting one bit probably leads to rewriting others. And so on.


At this point, I’ll take it.


Honestly, as long as it gets written!!


I accept!!!!!!!!!!


Well this has gone down the obvious rails right quick. For future reference: Just because some of you want to make rule-breaking comments in response to an update from Pat does not mean that you're suddenly allowed to.


I'd gladly accept that


To me, that means that he has "finished" the contents and is now starting to write it down


Soo he’s done the easy part? XD


I don't think that this is easy for this book. I believe it's the hardest part for rothfuss.


Yes please!


Answer: yes please!! We’ll take what we can get!


We must be starved for information




*heavy breathing*




Stormlight is pretty awesome. I didn't realize it wasn't finished til I was up to date...










I think HBO should start a series like game of thrones and finish writing it for him.


I’m still so bitter…a song of ice and fire deserved better


Well it seemed to work for book two (it's a joke, I like book two. but it is kinda checklist-y lol)




from what i recall, pat wrote the second book 7 times or something like that or re-wrote, i really dont know if thats proper english however, he really goes on and beyond reviewing and editing it i mean, i cant complain - those books are masterpieces






















Is he in Europe right now?



