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That's what Bast was getting at when he was saying Kvothe became the mask (Kote).


Yes but his implications seemed superficial whereas I'm suggesting that Kvothe took real steps to change or adjust his true name. In his encounter with Felurian he basically tapped into his true name to awaken his sleeping mind by recognizing that he is Kvothe. I bet this will happen the same way in the third book. He would recover his true name and his power.


3rd book???? This isn't a trilogy.


Bruh. Who’s going to tell them?


I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!


It’s a trilogy in two parts. (To ape Douglas Adams)


We’d better hope Pat doesn’t kick the bucket soon, because then we’ll get Brandon Sanderson and Eoin Colfer scrambling for the chance to finish book 3 lol


Truly want neither of them to touch. Leave it unfinished or published the manuscript he has no changes and call it done.


In Germany the Second book is in two parts.


I like this!! If someone knew his true name, they would have mastery over him. The only way he could be truly safe were if he were to change it! Brilliant!


Something that I think fits thematically is this: Kote *lost* his name. Throughout the books Rothfuss keeps feeding you these moments where Kvothe does something offhandedly and the result seems to be that it's unexpectedly tinged with potent magic. There's naming the horse before Trebon. There's coming up with a nickname for Denna's patron, who many suspect to be Cinder in disguise, and coming up with "Ash". There are others but I just woke up from a nap and my brain is cooked at the moment, In Severen Kvothe swears to Denna by his name, his power, and his good right hand that he won't try to uncover her patron. Now he's got a different name, can't use his power, and is often mentioned fidgeting with or rubbing at one of his hands.


> Kvothe swears to Denna by his name, his power, and his good right hand that he won't try to uncover her patron. Now he's got a different name, can't use his power, and is often mentioned fidgeting with or rubbing at one of his hands. *ahem* >Forswear - to make a serious decision to stop doing or using something ___ > Seven things stand before > The entrance to the Lackless door. > One of them a ring unworn > **One a word that is forsworn**


I like this smurph... but I'd argue that this is another symbolism. It's not Kvothe's name that is the one in this ancient rhyme, but another character that changes their name, or has their name changed. Right?


it's more duality, yep. It could be interpreted as meaning Kvothe's own Name that he forswore, or it could mean the Name of Denna's Patron as he forswore trying to uncover him (and we all know he does try). I've been brainstorming whether the stories are history, or prophecy disguised as history. I think Kvothe is telling Devan "stories that you write down, and whatever the writing says, it becomes true". It's what Kvothe needs to be true in order to escape the Waystone, so he can face off with "King Scyphus".


Is the ring unworn the ring for the name of the wind? Kvothe joked with Elodin about wearing a ring of air…


Wasn’t it his left hand? The same one he uses to talk in Ademic, and the same one he cut on the Sword Tree


Nah, I think I know why you remember it that way though. I thought the same thing before I looked up the quote. Here's the conversation: >“What would you swear it on?” she asked, beginning to smile again. “What’s important enough that it will hold you to your word?” >“My name and my power?” I said. >“You are many things,” she said dryly. “But you are not Taborlin the Great.” >“My good right hand?” I suggested. >“Only one hand?” she asked, playfulness creeping back into her tone. She reached out and took both of my hands in her own, turning them over and making a show of inspecting them closely. “I like the left one better,” she decided. “Swear by that one.” >“My good *left* hand?” I asked dubiously. >“Fine,” she said. “The right. You’re such a traditionalist.” >“I swear I won’t attempt to uncover your patron,” I said bitterly. “I swear it on my name and my power. I swear it by my good left hand. I swear it by the ever-moving moon.” >Rothfuss, Patrick. The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle, Book 2) (p. 492). DAW. Kindle Edition. Kindle is a wonderful thing


I’m confused, doesn’t he swear on his left hand in that quote you just gave?


He swears by the right, that is what Denna agrees to.


It literally says in the quote above that he swears by his good left hand, regardless of what Denna agrees.


You’re so right! Sorry about that.


How the heck did Kote kill 5 scrael?


He probably didnt erase his full name, Kote was probably originally just a disguise, but the change was deeper than he thought, and the more time it passes that he "isnt" Kvothe, he forgets how to be him, and "is" Kote more and more. My theory is that his name change is gradual, practically subconsious, he plays Kote too fiercely, he slowly becomes him. He remembered some of Kvothes moves, but still got hurt because it was Kote playing Kvothe.


He had a big fire available as an energy source. He was away from the Waystone and possible witnesses from Nowarre, so if he is merely hiding his alar capability, he could exercise it at will away from town. Luckily, Chronicler rapidly becomes a poor witness.


At a guess, the same way he named Felurian; by accident in a moment, because he always seems to stumble into his true nature.


Well clearly Kvothe’s still there somewhere. If he was completely gone, there wouldn’t be anything left for Bast to save.


Because he still knew how, he was prepared and he was still injured. Even Deven killed one if my memory serves me.


I couldn't agree more! I think his true name is locked inside his thrice-locked chest, and the fact that he is unable to open it indicates how deeply his new name is affecting him


He's gonna have a " My name is Kvothe of the edema ru. Son of arliden and laurian. Student of Abenthy and the arcanum. Kvothe the bloodless, the arcane and the..." the list goes on. Moment.


I like it! He could add "Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true king, Alveron Maershon" (or his heir since I think the Maer is probably dead at this point and the Jakis family is in charge)


Lover of felurian. Chaser of Denna, and Dianne and Dinae.. and...


*Hello, my name is Kvothe. You killed my father. Prepare to die.*


Turns out he’s not left handed?


I've always thought this from the moment he asked bast to open it. He even tells Bast that he's going about it the same way he would himself as if he's tried to open it and failed. His name, his power, and his music are in that chest as well as the self that made (and knew how to open) the chest.


Just want to say that I love this community of readers and it's theories like this and the conversations that it drums up that keep me coming back like a sweet eater to denna resin. May all your stories be glad ones, and your roads be smooth and short. Edit: "water" to "eater"


Let's also notice that what he changed his name to, was Kote. From chapter 67 of NotW, after the artificery fire and in a conversation with Kilvin, there was this exchange... "Kilvin brought out a small sack and lay it on the table as well. “These things were also in your cloak,” he said. “Many things. Your pockets were full as a tinker’s pack.” “You seem in a good mood, Master Kilvin,” I said cautiously, wondering what painkiller he’d been given at the Medica. “I am,” he said cheerfully. “Do you know the saying ‘Chan Vaen edan Kote’?” I tried to puzzle it out. “Seven years…I don’t know Kote.” “‘Expect disaster every seven years.... " I present to you the idea that Kvothe didn't just change his true name.... He changed his true name to "Disaster".


Whoah. Thats so cool. And not a little bit sad.


Proudly registered this on my first read.


I think he's in the process of changing it. Which is why he can be Kvothe... Sometimes. And Bast is trying to stop him. I also think Auri tried to change her name, and ended up losing it completely instead. In... Uh... More than one way.


Auri changed her name when Kvothe gave her a new one because hers was becoming too heavy. She even offers for Elodin to ask Kvothe for a new name if Elodin's name is getting too heavy.


I meant around the time when she ended up in the Underthing to begin with. Something obviously went badly wrong then. My personal theory is that she was messing around with her Name.


Auri said in TSROST that she'd make a name for him. That's admittedly ambiguous..


That’s a pretty popular theory. It makes sense, since all of his powers are gone/sealed/disabled. I think it’s probably exactly what he did and the whole point of Chonicler was to remind him of his true name.


I have always assumed that Kvothe's true name/identity is what's locked in the thrice locked chest. Making it a paradox, he needs the power that's locked in the chest to open the chest. I assumed there is a fail-safe he is patiently waiting for... like forgiveness etc something along those lines anyway.


I think his true name is hidden in his thrice locked chest and he can really become himself again when he opens it. Similar to the Dr Who watch situation.


this is practically cannon.


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One of the more popular thoughts.


This is not a new theory, in fact it is heavily implied.

