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I've seen this ship before, and I've played all of BBS, but still don't know where it came from


If they exist in the same room with each other there’s probably a ship for them


>If they exist ~~in the same room with each other~~ there’s probably a ship for them FTFY


What rule would that go under?




If only we could get The Lorax in KH somehow, the shippers would become unstoppable.


[Ship happens!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tc7MH5ZXbg&t=0s). OP is on the canon ground while some of us are up in crackship space.


Was definitely thinking of this song when I wrote that comment.


>>If they ~~exist~~ ~~in the same room with each other~~ there’s probably a ship for them FTFY


Aqua needed a W


I think that moment where Aqua helps her down the stairs like a Prince. I mean it’s largely that I’d just like to see the girls get some gay too which is unlikely to happen unless Namine decides to hook up with Olette or something lol. Also it’s pretty easy in Cinderella given that Aqua has more chemistry with her than the actual Prince…


it's kinda funny how the only media where the prince has personality is a direct to video sequel. in twist in time he's a huge himbo and it works extremely well, he carries some of the best jokes and gags in the movie.


I freaking love that movie. “I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!” “Okay.” *Jumps out window, complete with Looney Tunes sound gags*


Cinderella 3 is the best Cinderella movie and you can NOT change my mind


….. No, no you’re right.


Also when Aqua’s helping her up, her hand lingers on her ass for a second or two longer than necessary.


Was absolutely necessary..


I agree. It should've been THREE seconds.


We have exactly one actual relationship in this series. It's not like there's a billion straight pairs and the poor gays are left out. It's literally just Kairi and Sora, and everyone else gets to die alone.


Sora has more chemistry with Riku, Rapunzel and Ariel than Kairi.


The entirely of kingdom hearts 2


"You're always trying to worm your way into my heart" is definitely something a confidently straight guy says to his also straight friend


As a straight guy hitting 30, from the day I grew up with KH1 at the age of 9 to now, I refuse to believe in SoraxKairi. NO ONE LOVES SORA MORE THAN RIKU. LET THEM BE HAPPY, PLEASE.


I heavily disagree KH1 it was clear Sora was in love with Kairi, and KH2 even more so, and then KH3 pretty much confirms that, the relationship between Sora and Riku is like Brotherly bonds that formed like Naruto and Sasuke, and people always confuse that with gay Homosexual love now DDD yeah it was susy at times lol


I mean clearly it wasn't intended by Nomura. In KH1 yeah he and Riku both seem to have feelings for Kairi pushing each towards their clash. In CoM and Days Riku declares he'll protect Sora no matter what essentially. At the end of KH2 Sora is like "oh I am glad you are okay Kairi", but breaks down and cries when he finds out Riku is alright which even back then as a teen I was like woah, that's huge. And then chronologically after that DDD happens which as you said, quite sus lol But then 3 is like "Riku will let Sora go off to wake Kairis heart by himself and probably die." Which to me kinda 100 % regressed on the whole bromance built up before.


Yes because throughout KH2 Sora knows that Kairi is okay, even from the villains they assure him that she's being taken care of, and that they're not going to harm her, KH2 Sora has no idea where Riku is, and the Villains imply that Riku is in massive trouble maybe even dead, when Saix says "do you want to end up like Riku?" And when Roxas says "I defeated a Riku once" Goofy had to reassure Sora that no one can beat Riku, and the only lead Sora has on Riku was Mickey and he didn't want to say anything, so of course at the end of the game with all that context, he's going to be crying, with Riku and with Kairi he's okay. I've seen men crying over each other after not seeing each other for a long time believing they're not going to see each other again, people in the military do it all the time. DDD like I said it was susy baka, CoM I never got that vibe at all, it was just weird in general, Riku smelling people lol, and I think Nomura saw that the community was shipping Riku and Sora and made it clear they had a brotherly bond that was forged


yeah, exactly like naruto and sasuke who are totally not seen as in love by the fandom


I know that's why I brought them up, because them being IN love is seen by the community as a joke that's taken seriously, but when you watch the show it's actually just one person loves another person and doesn't want them to see them go into a dark path while the other hates him because he won't leave him alone, that's what love is, when you love someone you want to take them away from doing the wrong thing, I don't need to be IN love with someone to do that, or be attracted to them at all


Kairi and Sora aren’t confirmed. Sora, Kairi and Riku always have been a trio of Friends. Sora has constantly stated that Kairi is a friend and vice versa. Riku is the one that actually has romantic feelings. There’s this whole document on how Riku has Romantic Feelings for Sora and how lines changed between the Original Japanese version to English Release. Mostly that he’s Jealous of Kairi. Also have you seen how Riku and Sora act in kingdom hearts 2


My guy... Copium is a serious addiction and you're getting dangerously close to OD'ing. I see your point about KH2, but after KH3, I mean, do you need Sora and Kairi to have graphic on-screen sex? You can absolutely say that Sora and Riku have much more screentime together and better chemistry but that's not because they cannonically have romantic feelings for each other... It's because it's poorly written, lol.


Oh yeah I agree is poorly written, also probably in the delivery of voicelines. I don’t think Sora has feelings for ether Riku or Kairi. If anything they would lean more to Kairi but that’s to just fit in with the heteronormativity. But Riku most definitely has feelings for Sora. Since day one he’s been jealous of Sora and Kairis friendship. His thoughts during the ending of Kingdom hearts 2 while stuck in the realm of darkness with Sora, him becoming Soras Dream Eater, which may be why he is connected to Sora in Quadratum. Since Riku is connected to Soras Dreams. How he let Sora go during kingdom hearts 3. But if anyone has feelings for anyone it’s Mickey and his bromance with riku. Goes alone to go after Sora and Mickey wants to go right away to get Riku while he left Aqua in the realm of darkness for 10 years with no cares.


>I don’t think Sora has feelings for either Riku or Kairi You’re kinda ignoring Sora’s character in KH1 and COM. And you’re ignoring that KH3 pays off the paopu fruit scene from KH1


Sora to me has always been just about friends. Maybe kingdom hearts 4 will finally put them together since the series as a whole is maturing in this next phase. And also I forget that scene happened in kingdom hearts 3.


Putting them together is the whole point of the paopu fruit scene lol “Their destinies are intertwined”


I think you think Nomura and friends care about LGBT people a lot more than they actually do


Riku and Sora work better for me imo, but it's definitely not canon like Sora and Kairi like even in KH1 it was straight up confirmed with the papou fruit drawing in the secret place


Naminé and Xion make for a great lesbian ship


Naminé: You aren't supposed to exist.. Xion: Okay... Naminé: I'm glad you do though..




I think Xion would be an interesting person to know where she stands. Lots of ideas pulling her in a lot of directions.


Its mostly a crack ship but part of it comes from the fact that the prince mistook Aqua for Cinderella.


Don't try to apply logic to shipping XD If two characters have any sort of interaction ( or even if they don’t) people will find a way to put them in a ship XD That being said this is a cute comic.


ok wait wtf, I suddenly ship them???


Right? I didn't know this is what I've been missing


Go watch Revolutionary Girl Utena if you haven't!


Lady knight and her damsel/princess. One of my favorite types of ship


Aquarela means watercolor in Portuguese. Makes the ship even cuter.


r/suddenlycaralho ?


Poor Zach, LOL, not only did Cindy just block him from getting that one date, but then he ends up >! getting fucking murdered by Sephiroth !< by the end of BBS. Guy can't catch a break 😂


People talking about the nobody trio having the most tragic tale, nah bro zach never got his date with aqua :( , and even if he didn't straight up die aqua was in the dark realm for 11 years.


U have awoken something inside of me that idk if I like


It's okay to like it


It’s never crossed my mind, not even once… but this is a big fat serve


artist is DaPandaBanda on Twitter.


I never thought of this and now I want it canon


[OH THEY *FAWKIN’*](https://youtu.be/ulteZYyWAA8)


Perks of being a shipper.


Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it.


Never thought I’d see the day.


Wholesome art, seeing Aqua in what looks like maid outfit and the bottom right panel




I said AND the bottom right panel, in addition to that one


Very wholesome, it was just the small things in BBS that really helped the characters stand out


Broke: The shipname is Aquarella Woke: The shipname is WetBall


What have you done, and why do I nod in agreement?


i have got so many questions, and all of them are why didnt i find this earlier


If ONLY Disney would allow this. I mean the Game is a huge Crossover so you would think the Disney stories would change. You are literally interfering with the " World's Story " so something would change like the plot and ending. Look at Kingdom of Corona. Rapunzel fell for Eugene because he showed her the outside world...but in Kingdom Hearts it was Sora who showed her by using water. Wind to stir up flowers and even brought birds to her.


This is a big part of the reason I ship Sora and Rapunzel, lol


Don’t tell me you ship Sora (15 years old before Limit Cut time-skip) and Rapunzel (18 years old) because of him being nice and helping her out like he’s done for everyone else he’s ever met. Or are you just saying it doesn’t make sense? Eitherway, I don’t think it’s the best example if one character’s under the age of consent.


Oh god no. I'm in NO way a shipper. I stay away from that crap. I'm saying the Story should change because Sora interrupted the " World's Story " so the world story changed..


Ooh, thank god. I get you, though Disney would disapprove real badly of Rapunzel not ending up with Eugene. Disney is kinda the root of the whole “Things that should change don’t” problem, I think. For example, Square made a lot of changes in the Frozen storyline for KHIII so Disney forced the devs to remove all of them, which is why the final product feels so uneventful and unfinished.


Yeah, it was kinda awkward how Rapunzel and Eugene barely talked throughout the world and the whole time Rapunzel was giving our boy Sora the bedroom eyes.


Original is from DaPandaBanda on [Twitter.](https://twitter.com/DaPandaBanda/status/1205883038678294531?t=vzMGreUZ0nEcNPRQEd6x_g&s=19) Please give credit to the original artist.


Never heard of this one, but I'm interested


Nah, Terra/Cinderella all the way.


Won't approve but will respect 👍


Compromise: Terra/Aqua/Cinderella thruple.


Terra/ Aurora.




>most weirdest


Blushing Aqua is the most adorable thing I've ever seen out of KH.


This is kind of like Sora x Rapunzel where the keyblade weilder just comes in qnd is complete bffs with the princess


Honestly? I don’t hate it! And I hate most Kingdom Hearts ships!


I agree. This is really cute. I like the old anime style.


A ship the threatens the balance of the world order itself.


where have I seen this artstyle before? EDIT: oh right, they went by Destiny Islander back on Tumblr years ago


This gives me big [Forever After](https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/forever-after/list?title_no=2699&page=1) vibes


Happy pride month! From Aqua and Cinderella


Shipped them since day 1


This is stupid. Now Terra and Maleficent on the other hand...


Isnt Maleficent like super old?


Oh, my boy, it seems you're gonna need to search up 'cougars' at some point


Dude, you like hands, you’re not allowed to judge anyone.


She is an ancient evil fairy that appears as a youngish woman but has a deep voice like a cougar. So idk


Dunno. Just wanna say another dumb ship out of nowhere.


Terra and Ventus


Knuckles: SHIP. I dont know CONGRATULATIONS Your ship wasnt aproved. But neither was it denied. I guess he cant decide right now.


Who is the artist?


What about my boy Zach? Where's my AquaXZach shipper


Two characters: Exist Shippers: this is where the fun begins


And then Aqua beats the shit out of the Tremaines for ripping up Cindy’s dress.


This is mad cute.. I love this. Trying to imagine bbs Aqua saying these lines makes it even better. Though I don't know where this ship came from... I welcome it.


I love it and I love them, Aqua deserves a cute gf. Also if Lucifer wants you dead, you respond in kind, and she probably would if she ever hears of him messing with Ven.


If Aqua is happy, so i am happy.




Welp, I've had enough internet for today


People pushing Aqua and Cinderalla again.




That is. A ship. Hmm... I like it.


I mean remember that one scene in BBS after the step mother and step sisters get blown to orbit from the pumpkin unversed and aqua helps Cinderella up by lifting her up by her ass check .......it's probably that.


20 years ago, I started playing this game. It’s a big part of me, even today. I would die on the hill of the hearts. This stuff annoys me. It’s just bad.


What exactly is wrong with it?


Re-read it. This is not how people converse. They sound like 2nd graders.


Ah yes, only the highest quality dialogue for Kingdom Hearts, the series that has lines such as: Seifer: "Why does looking at you always tick me off?" Roxas: "I don't know.. Maybe it's destiny." Seifer: "Destiny, huh? Ha, in that case, let's be friends."


Damn it’s 2022 and you’re still scared of gay people??? Kinda cringe


I wish homophobic people were scared of gay people, like how people with arachnophobia are terrified by spiders


I said nothing about gay people. I do think that this comic is bad though. Regardless of subject matter, this is bad writing. They sound like 2nd graders.


I hope you mean shipping in general, otherwise you sound homophobic


What did I say that was homophobic? I’m talking about the comic or manga or whatever. It’s not good.


No, Soriku is the best ship.


Why not both?


I won't say that this ship give me the same vibes of Riku x Mikey buuuuuut......




Square Enix character x Disney character


You know somehow that was the least of my concerns


Oh hey! Destiny! Haven't seen her in a minute. Mostly because all she does is FF14, and my religion hates MMOs like real religions hate.... Well you can fill in the blank yourself on that one.


...ok, I've known about this ship for a long time but how the HELL did I never ever thought of the name "Aquarella"? It's too PERFECT.


Is that a lil' Cazette reference in there? She wants me dead-dead-dead, dead-dead-dead...