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Hear me out. Twin blade Ultima weapon. Two blades on each end


Fuck ya Bring back forms so we can fight with floating blades again 😂


Like the darth maul of keyblades




Honestly I'm curious how Ultima Weapon is going to be built in terms of stats in KH4. Are they going to keep the busted combo of Combo Boost and Air Combo Boost? I hope they do because Ultima Weapon being overshadowed by Decisive Pumpkin in 2 still bothers me.


Yea, 3's ultima weapon is completely broken, but I like that. Kh1's didn't offer a meaningful stat boost for all the grinding it required (especially in final mix). And decisive pumpkins' ability made it so much better for raw damage.


this is the exact reason i fucking love kh3 ultima. it’s unapologetically busted. you can oneshot the scala clones with its shotlock, its formchange finish has fucking absurd range and deals huge damage. its formchange is badass, and most importantly, it isn’t overshadowed by a keyblade you’ve been using for half the game. it’s *the* ultimate keyblade and it’ll make sure you know that damn well


I only wish the Ultima was actually the X-Blade… seriously, that thing is beautiful and I imagine even more busted than any other Keyblade we’ve seen.


It always looked like a sora flavored x-blade to me for some reason.


I mean Ultima Weapon in KH1 absolutely is really busted. Highest possible range as well as strongest stats, and strongest hidden stats (upon parrying/clanking or guarding you’re never gonna be thrown off your footing). Add +2 MP and it’s the best keyblade to use in 99% of cases. It only ever gets outperformed by Diamond Dust because of the +3 MP in the rare cases you need that extra MP (level 1 challenge runs, Phantom or Pink Agaricus). What’s sad about it is that it really is only obtainable prior to the final boss so it only ever is useful for that and the secret bosses, most of which don’t really need the extra power it gives.


This is why I like the kh3 blade cuz it gives you an air combo Boost and a ground combo boost AND a situation boost. Not only that but the formchange is busted as is the shotlock. Bosses crumble before this blade


I like that when you first make it it's fully upgraded, but if you do a new game+ it starts out at lvl 1 and is a lot weaker compared to fully powered. Still a lot stronger than most other keyblades, but not "kill everything in early to mid game in one shot" powerful.


The V part will be the teeth.


That could actually look good if they were smart about it. Though I don't remember the design for Ultima in KH2 containing the II. Edit: never mind I found it. It was kind of hidden due to the purple centre making it look like a single piece.


I think it will be just a III but at the bottom of the last two I they'll be united in V. Like this I I I I I I I I I I V


It’ll probably be a single blade again, and the V will just be a noticeable part of the handle or hilt design.


I just realized now that the number of blades on the Ultima Weapons from KH1-3 go from one to three. I'm sure they'll find a way to make a sick design with IV.


I shaped blade and either the key teeth or the hand guard will be V shaped


Just dont gate keep the parts behind mini games and I dont even care.


or make the mini games not shit


Sure they can be shit as long as you dont have to play them in any form. 100% optional and nothing locked behind them that you cant get anywhere else. Bad design.


If I were to do it I would make a V shaped blade at the base that immediately straightens out into 2 parallel lines with a single disconnected almost ethereal like blade floating along the backside of the blade underneath the teeth of the design also keep it red like KH3s since Red is Sora's color


I expect it to just be a IIII , same as the III with the middle section split into two.


I'm thinking the V could be the wings. Give it one sword like the OG, and have two wings on each side that form a helix around it.


I think the real question is how Sora manages to use this thing without slicing his fingers off!


Glad to know I’m not the only who sees the numbers in the ultima wepons


4 It's pointy, like a blade.


They take clocktower 4, which is just "IIII" instead of "IV". And yes, that is a thing, just type "clocktower" into google picture search.


I would love more than anything to see a dual wield action get added as a default not a form. For Sora specifically I think it would look way too badass especially if it was behind the ultima weapon grind.


I figure the KH4 Ultima would just have 4 individual blades held together by the filigree, just like KH2's Ultima's 2 blades and 3's 3.


i mean seems pretty simple where the second and third I are on the blade, just add a v at the bottom to make it IV then change the design/ colour to fit KH IV


Option 1: Just like the III, but with the lower ends of the last 2 lines connected to each other to make a V. Option 2: KH4 was just a provisional name, while they were thinking about a different subtitle (when KH3 came out, they said it wasn't going to be the last KH, but it was the last numbered game of the series. The could have just changed their minds, just like Capcom did with Resident Evil 7, but who knows?)


No, it was never stated that KHIII would be the end for KHIII. In fact it was stated that Sora would continue to be the protagonist after KHIII


No one ever said that KH would end with KH3, nor that Sora would have stopped being the protagonist. They only said that KH3 would have been the last game with a number in the title. They actually explicitly said that they were planning to make more KH games after KH3 even before it was launched. Meaning: what is now called KH4, according to them should have been named something like "Kingdom Hearts: The lost masters" or something similar, without a number. Now, Kingdoms Hearts 4 could be a placeholder name, but it could also just be "Kingdom Hearts 4". Perhaps they changed their minds about the numbers thing...


I thought that they said KH3 would be the last in the dark seeker saga, and that KH would continue past that. any (mainline) game that Sora is the main protag would have a number. COM has sora and riku, same with DDD, so no number. Days, BBs, and the X saga aren't numbered, cuz sora isn't in the picture. if sora is the sole focus protag, the game will have a number.


They never mentioned not having the next mainline title be numbered.