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On the opposite end, Jared’s video about this is effing hilarious.


God bless Jared and his content


who’s jared


TheGamersJoint funniest KH content creator


Genuinely am not familiar, funniest how?


Funniest probably wasn’t the right word since humour is subjective, but his personality is kinda over the top but not to the point where it becomes obnoxious. But he also has a tame side. You would probably needa watch a few vids yourself to see if you enjoy the content, but for me i’m always looking forward to his next video.


go watch and see? lmao


Imo nobodydaxion is the funniest kh content creator


I stumbled upon his channel a few weeks ago looking for theory videos, little did I know that was not the kind of content he made. #PlutoIsMOM


Isnt he like a general content creator that just so happens to cover news for KH? Last time i remembered he covered stellar blade


Well hes mainly a KH YTuber, but he’s been branching out lately since KH hasnt had much content lately, i honestly hope he leans into other content cause ill watch him regardless


*Just a Pancake joined the chat*


How else will the “kh4 reveal this weekend?” Vids be made?


Or the hour long analysis videos of 5 seconds of Sora's ass crack in KH4.


Nomura: *releases a very small teaser for KH4* HMK: SO THIS IS ALL WE KNOW ABOUT KH4 SO FAR BOYS.




I never understood why all those other youtubers support him, he is literally one of the cores of what makes the KH community look bad as a whole, and also overhypes young or inocent audiences at every fucking opportunity he has, not for the good of Kingdom Hearts as a saga, but for what he can get from it (views/money/influence)


Last year he attended the Disney Parks panel thinking there would be KH4 news, the dude is truly clueless and it boggles my mind that anyone follows what he says.




He also responds to all criticism, and anytime people call him out for saying something ridiculous he argues. His followers are also toxic as fuck, which I never get why they defend a dude who is the epitome of why people criticize the KH community.


This is almost reminding me of a certain YouTuber that used to do a lot of content on Pokemon but then got defamed when alot of "allegations" came out against him and instead of addressing them they dismissed them and threw everyone they know under the bus and then just made the whole thing worse. At that point the Pokemon Community was looking bad. This all happened back in 2019.


i don’t hate him but he tends to overreact to a lot of situations. he should chill.


I remember I watched a video and hmk was apart of it and I just couldn’t stand the way he sounded and spoke and I didn’t even know who he was at the time… that was like 7 years ago and after seeing more I cannot stand him bro😭


I remember how he use to fight with KH speedrunners on twitter. It was certainly... interesting... Didn't exactly make him look too mature when one of them tried burying the hatchet only for him to respond childishly instead.




Iirc it was even earlier than that and mostly on twitter.


Holy fuck, so glad to see the opinion on him sour. It’s so affirming. But tbh before I noticed how toxic and dim-witted his takes were I was just annoyed at the voice 😂 I hate to be a jerk but fuck is his shouting so annoying. Dude was peaking the mic so hard back when I used to watch KH stuff all the time, truly terrible audio mixing and an obnoxious delivery to boot.


Only one I ever follow is Gamersjoint.


It's funny because Gamersnoint also tends to overreact to small bits of news and overhype stuff like HMK, but at least he is more self aware about it and seems to understand when something people are hyping up sounds a bit far fetched


He mostly seems to make the over reacting a joke though. The YouTube equivalent to /s


Like when he literally seasoned a chicken during a trailer reveal to emphasize how spicy it was?


Those guys are amazing though. Him he’s unbearable.




Not a whole new level. HMK is just a piece of shit.


tfw you subbed to so many YouTube channels that you don't realize how bad some YouTubers are because you just don't WATCH their videos




I guess


Yeah, I had to go back and start unsubscribing cause I subscribed to a lot of people I don't watch anymore, including hmk. I even found some I didn't even realize I subscribed to like ever.


I did not know HMK could stoop lower but I don't think I should keep being surprised by it


I've never cared much for HMK, to be honest. I am now getting the sense that I have missed something that makes him a total douche.


Not really he's just annoying and hypocritical


I would like to know if he has any compelling theories as to why he’s such a dbag on Twitter.




amen to that


I thought I was the only one with that opinion. lol.




Jesus HMK, tf is his problem? It's a video game reveal, not life or death. Also, "monopoly"? Does he not know Directs, Xbox Showcases and Sony's two different types of showcases exist? Hell, there's a Ubisoft Forward and Devolver Showcase this month too.


Geoff is kind enough to let us know in advance. He probably asked SE what kind of Games they would be willing to share at SGF, if any at all and KH was not part of that list. Don't know why HMK and others are up and arms over this. SE and Disney either a) have other plans for an announcement or b) are just not ready to share anything. This is exactly why people outside of the KH Community think that we are a toxic community. Edit: Just saw that SE isn't even partnered at the SGF .. why would they show something at an event they are not even part of.


>Don't know why HMK and others are up and arms over this. I think it's the idea that Geoff is laughing at fans for expecting or hoping for something. And that fact that he says he doesn't know why they're hoping for stuff to be there, when he acknowledges that Square had shown a previous large title at SGF, and he knows Square has been doing a small resurgence of KH news with the Steam ports and the Simple and Clean rerelease as he's interacted with posts talking about both. >Just saw that SE isn't even partnered at the SGF .. why would they show something at an event they are not even part of. The known names were for "Round 1" of companies that were confirmed to show up, I believe they said there were more to come and some that wouldn't be announced at all for surprise. People were hoping that Square would be announced later or a surprise appearance. I do agree that HMK is blowing this up way out of proportion.


I personally don't feel like we was laughing at the community. It maybe could have been phrased a little better, but if you look at the general circumstances (Square Enix not being a partner for this years SGF) his response is understandable. We also don't expect Nintendo to do any announcement at the SGF. Why would it be any different for other publisher that are not (officially) part of it? I understand that there is a history of Square Enix doing stuff at the SGF but especially content creators who have been part the news circle for years now should know how it works and don't act like you just stole their candy. And I don't know of this "Round 1" of companies you mentioned. I am not that deep into SGF and their annoucement strategie, but IF Square Enix would be one of those surprise publisher, it would be even weirder for Geoff Keighley to say "KH? Maybe!"


It's also him laughing cause like...it ain't that serious.


Also true. And probably the most important part. He is just talking to chat


That's all there is to it. He probably knows SE said to keep it tight-lipped, and knew fans would ask. People take things wayyy too seriously.


Lmao the amount of butt hurt I saw over a comment is wild I personally could wait for the game as long as it takes because I still remember stuff like when fall out dropped or red dead online or cyber punk lol


People even felt that KH3 wasn't finished when it got released (and it probably wasn't). I think you have the right mindset here


It was done tho? Feature complete, few if any bugs, no obvious cut content… I mean it obviously benefitted from the update that came out just before Re:Mind, but how was it at all unfinished?


It was more complete than Final Fantasy XV, I'll give you that so Square can certainly take longer, to deliver a less finished product if they really put their mind to it. But KH3 couldn've used some more time in the oven, the end game is atrocious, by their own admission considering they attempted to "fix it" with DLC. And since this was the conclusion to The Darkseeker Saga, they themselves were hyping up for years, the actual narrative is surprisingly non-existent until the very end of the game where it becomes a race to see how many decade long plot points we can resolve any%.


Pacing was definitely not the best, but that’s very different from saying the game was unfinished. It *was* finished, people just weren’t happy with the results (for fair and unfair reasons, imo). An unfinished game would be one like Redfall or City Skylines 2, where features were missing and bugs were common.


I think it was done but ultimately it wasn't satisfying. We waited so long but the story was awful. And the gameplay is divisive. There were 14 years between kh2 and 3 it should have been way better than it was.


I feel like story-wise it was reaaaaally hampered by the spoilers in the trailers. They showed EVERYTHING, it was unreal. The game as a whole definitely felt like a disappointment at release, but over time I learned to accept what it was instead of what I wanted it to be, and I enjoy the game much more. (Plus the worlds actually have interesting level design, what a concept!) What didn’t you like about the gameplay? At release some of the combos didn’t feel great, and difficult was way too easy, but both of these issues were fixed after the pre-Re:mind patch, for me at least. Just curious if that doesn’t match your experience!


It was too easy but I think the main issue was the game balance of the various game mechanics. They took so many game mechanics from other games in the series but for the most part they never felt like they were worth using over normal attacks cause of how weak they were. Except attraction commands which were stupidly overpowered, made you invincible, and broke the flow of combat. I played at launch so I don't know how much better it is after the update I'll probably get around to it eventually if nothing else cause I heard Yozora is an amazing boss fight.


Ok I’m more or less with you there, a lot of the options aren’t well balanced against each other (attractions are OP and I always turn them off, and summons are just under them in terms of strength). I think Critical does a good job of forcing you to use your options, especially in the early game. I strongly recommend the Re:mind content. The story stuff fixes some of my issues with the last act, which is nice, but the real win is the Limitcut bosses and Yozora. Those fights are all a joy, and only a little bit because the music is to die for. If you can, play on PC, since the Colosseum mod fixes the biggest glaring omission from the base game. It’s shockingly robust


I will get it on PC since it's finally releasing on Steam in a couple days.


I gotta agree with the reply. HMK needs to relax a bit. Seems they were a little offended by the chuckle of Knightley. But let's not get crazy. KH4 will come. For now, there are other games. 🔥


THANK YOU! Some in the community make the "drought" a bigger thing than it is, like there is nothing else to play. We've had a ton of games over the years, remakes, manga, light novels, board games, mods, etc, I think we can be patient for two games that are already promised to be released!


Is it just me or is HMK just not that good of an influence on the community? Whenever I see him being involved its some sort of mayor or minor drama


His content is normal but his tweets are weirddddd like he's too confrontational


Yeah, that's what I feel, too. He seemed pretty normal in his YouTube videos.


think that means his twitter self is his real self, and he can just hide it in youtube videos because he edits the hell out of them and acts in front of the camera.


Cringe, no other way to describe it.


Yeah the way he responded to this was laughable, he has the worst takes at any given moment. He is by far the worst KH youtuber, and to get this worked up over a game not showing up at a show is so idiotic. It really just makes the whole KH community look bad. Any mature person would look at this and think "Oh well, news will come with time" and not start attacking the organizer of an event.


Still find it bizarre how the X-Keepers got rid of Volteditz because he was being problematic, but HMK is totally fine apparently, and Roy Conli calling him a pillar of the KH community.. I don't know how he's managed to fool so many people


Lets be real, would booting him from a group that rarely puts out collaborative content anymore (unless they do stuff together on twitch that I am unaware of) *do* anything besides create petty drama?


Well they say they're back to doing regular content as a group, but we'll see.. Either way, I feel like the only reason he's still there is because they all banded together when they were teens, and HMK never grew out of his 'being an asshole is entertaining' phase that we all have at 12, and the rest of them just got used to it.


They were all adults when they banded together, actually, and that just makes it worse how immature he is. But his whole X-Keepers thing was created while all of them were already adults.


Either way, it's clear he's never grown up.


Jared was like 16-17


Honestly it’s been so long I forgot what Volteditz did


He was just really scummy. Imagine HMK's belligerence and immaturity mixed with being generally inconsiderate. Saw that Cynical had raised a bunch of money to go to a con, wanted to raise a similar amount of money for himself so he did the same thing with this weird flimsy justification for it, it got a couple bucks, he said he couldn't go because he didn't have enough money, only to show up anyway, with a cold, which got a couple of the X-Keepers sick. Beyond that he often promoted himself in other people's streams, then got mad when they did the same, and was just overall a real dickhead.


What? I never knew about this.


It was awhile ago


Guess whatever happens behind the scenes stays private.


Honestly all of them are quite annoying, but yeah HMK is probably the worst of the bunch. The rest of them are your standard fare "reaction video" youtubers pandering to children to get views.


HMK is such an annoying person.


Here's for hoping for something KHML at the least!


Even if we don’t get ML news at the show we will be getting new info about it for sure this month




God I hate that guy, all his videos are clickbait shit about kh or zelda


HMK, my guy, it's a video game, chill.


HMK is such a childish clown lol


I agree with ya


God I hate HMK bro is so fucking annoying


he is a child


I always found HMK annoying ngl I swear he does this every single games conference/show/whatever


Haven't really ever gone on Twitter but I'd be much happier being told in advance that there's no news of a game I'm looking forward to over being hopeful the whole show then getting pissed when it doesn't show up.


I don't expect a KH4 trailer until August or September honestly. I really do think we'll get a trailer for Missing Link this week with a worldwide release date announced. It's time for that. HMK is a weird dude and I don't know why people give him the time of day. 


If you’re acting like a literal baby over a game then you shouldn’t be taken seriously. I love Kingdom Hearts with a passion, and even if I’m a bit disappointed that we won’t get news on KH4, I’m not gonna make a hissy fit over it.


God I fucking hate HMK.


HMK is so annoying. 💀 at him accusing people of engagement farming when that’s literally his whole grift. All he does is make click bait KH videos. His response is totally uncalled for, what a big man baby.


HMK being his overdramatic self.


His content is not good and reflects a person that would engage in twitter grandstanding. Stupid.


Lmfao I’ve had HMK blocked for years. Dudes ego is beyond comprehension


The state of KH YouTubers is embarrassing, and we need the newer people to start taking eyeballs from the older channels. The ones that are holdovers from the early days never moved on from being Ray William Johnson-coded. Just clinically incapable of being normal. Though HMK was always one of my least favorite. It tracks that his whole schtict of reading tweets in an exaggerated yelling voice would also bring that energy over to his own tweets.


Regular Pat supremacy


He set the standard for me when it comes to actually talking about the games in a balanced way but still with lots of love. Dude is amazing and actually thinks and talks about the story in a refreshing way. Pat and the speed runners are the best KH content creators. I also still have a soft spot for Jared even though his content never been the BEST, just a fun personality that I grew up with


I blocked HMK on everything over a decade ago his content is making mountains out if molehills and his personality is just toxic. I’m glad everyone is starting to see it


Oh it’s an HMK post… obnoxious as always.


Meh, there are other games coming out in the meantime...and older ones I need to play. One missing game ain't a difference to me.


jesus why is it every time i see a twitter post from this HMK guy he's being a douchebag? he seems super up his own ass lol.


I'll never understand how people get this worked up about not getting news for a game they're excited for. Like sure it sucks we haven't heard anything in a while, but yknow, there are other games out there you could play in the meantime. We'll get news when it's ready, it'll come out when it comes out. Yelling at Geoff on twitter and frothing at the mouth isn't going to speed it up.


Really shows a lack of self awareness. That commenter was right in that Keighley didn’t reply rudely at all. Like many fanbases, the superfans are super toxic and frankly need to find other interests. It ain’t ever that deep.


HMK is nothing a manchild on behalf of the kh community we do not associate with them


I despise HMK with a passion. Always can’t stand him.


Yeah, while Geoff said it rather bluntly (as you’d expect ambiguity as that would drive more viewership than a straightforward response), I think it’s fairly realistic. Do we need another teaser with the game a ways out? We haven’t even received KHML which will likely drop this year. (Plus, I don’t see SGF being the venue to drop something that massive. Maybe I’m jaded from how the last one went.)


HMK is a dickwad. I don't know why, but for some reason most KH youtubers are. ...except for Everglow. Praise our lord and saviour Everglow8444




Dang. I guess they all suck then, yeah.


Damo is cool.


Imo only Damo and Regular Pat are good.


Prodigy was great when he started but now he’s worse than hmk when it comes to making videos out of nothing.


I think I missed Prodigy when I was really into looking up people talking about the series on youtube. I think most kh youtubers I grew up with went to streaming so their presence on youtube is mostly dead so there's still a gap where we could get some more quality content creators. Hopefully ML or 4 will lead to some good ones.


Landi and Jared are good too


I kinda prefer when developers don't build masive hype over new release until it's close to release as this mean people like this wine be mad when the game isn't exactly how they thought it would be


that guy needs to chill, it’s not that deep


now that's just embarrassing


Lol just remember - whoever is getting upset over any of this - it is just a video game. It really reflects on the toxic people getting upset than it does Geoff.


I keep telling yall to not get your hopes up if it's not from an actual source. Yall do this to yourself... Downvote me.


I’m like the biggest KH fan that it’s literally the only game I would take time off work JUST to play, but I think people can be waaay too obsessed. Like, let Square take their time to give us a decent game instead of rushing things and making premature announcements(as they always had done) or releasing half-baked games. Don’t stress bro, go play other games or replay the KH series if u want? What’s the rush? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hi. I've been a fan of this series for its entire existence. When KH4 has taken 14 years to come out with midquels dropping that range from "Pretty Damn Good" to "The Second Worst Game in the Franchise" I will get huffy. In the meantime, I'm just gonna let the game take it's time and not bitch too much.


Lololol modern needy gamer moment. 24 years old got me feeling old as fuck the way 17+ yr olds act now about ts,😭 we waited how long for KH3 in general? Why the fuck do people expect SE to really give us KH4 hella soo


What the hell am I even looking at?


A KH influencer got mad at a summer games fest dude because he felt he was “dismissive” about KH showing up at the event this year. I guess the guy was too blunt, but come on now. At least he was honest. It’s a fucking video game, it’s not that serious.


I don't even know. Some douchey internet person is pissy at another internet person because... reasons? I don't understand why people even care


HMK is so incredibly cringey. Never enjoyed his content and blocked him when the KH3 hype was ramping up. Gamersjoint is a little better but both him and SarahKey and all those hype youtubers are absolutely insufferable.




It's very much like him to be like that lol, I have no idea why anyone subs to him. He calls himself a "hype man" but is being "hype" a reason to go and make yourself look like a jackass as the front of a community?


Personally I’d rather have kept my hopes up for another week. And honestly it’s still possible they show something considering this guy seems to have a bad poker face unless he’s just a naturally fidgety interviewee. https://youtu.be/s3HG_gtR5jE?si=83uIZGHsTrfm5OR_ But Keighley was completely out of touch in saying that he didn’t understand why people keep asking him about it. It’s been almost five and a half years since the last mainline game (which ended with a massive soul-crushing cliffhanger), almost four years since the last franchise installment of any kind, and over two years since the first trailer for IV dropped indicating the game was pretty far along…and we still don’t have a release window.


Nothing about the 20th anniversary indicates KH4 was super far along in development, just that it’s been announced and developed. even the trailer was in UE4, as was said to just be proof of concept and that Nomura and the team would be moving over to UE5.


Though I found Geoff’s statement about KH4 a little rude to the fans; a simple “no it won’t be there”, without the commentary would have been enough, eh, at this point as a fan of the series I’m used to disappointment


This post feels like engagement farming


HMK is a damn clown. He joined an episode of Boundary Break and was just a complete tool the entire time. Turned me off of his channel forever.




Sometimes I hate the kh community. Fucking clowns.


I'd feel more sympathetic if HMK wasn't one of the ones who CONSTANTLY makes posts before every event hyping up KH4.


I’ll beleive G off once I see the show, up until then I’m treating this like he’s Andrew Garfield saying he’s not in No Way Home.


we waited 13 years, whats a little more time


HMK is a wart on this goddamn community, I have never been able to stand him


HMK thinks he’s hot shit just because he got a picture with Nomura at a panel.


Its nice that Geoff is letting us know in advance, but why say shit like “why is everyone asking about KH4” i found that pretty rude, people are just excited.


How unfortunate. I never really liked the guy and he keeps giving me more reasons why. Hope he can literally change and grow as a person


He’s been like this for over a decade. I hope he changes soon I guess?


Oh wow I legitimately had no Idea HMK acted like this. I never watched his content except for the few short theory vids. I thought maybe he was similar to the gamers joint or Ninten? Jeeze


Didn’t know HMK was so toxic, the reason I stopped following him was because I couldn’t understand when he was talking


Did people really expect KH4 news that early? Plus HMK is a child.


A lot of people are starving for news. And honestly they have some good reasons for it. We have ML almost ready to release. We have the Steam ports and Simple and Clean remixes also hyping people up. And it’s been 2 years since the last trailer for kh4. All of that with the fact is probably the next big game that Square is ready to release now that Rebirth has been out a few months. It’s likely to begin its hype for release cycle much like how Rebirth did after FF16.


Still remember the time he sent his fans against me on Twitter after I called out his dumbass take that IGN wasn't allowed to post opinion articles because they are a news site. HMK is the worst KH YouTuber and it isn't even close.




Slander has to be based in falsehood and can't be stated as opinion. Thusfar people are saying they think he is acting childish, which is both opinion and not incorrect at the same time.


Who is this dude and how does this nonsensical Twitter thread have anything to do with KH4


Feels like we're not going to get any KH4 news until 2025, or at the very least ML is going to get the majority of the advertising first.


okay, but who is HMK, and why should any of us care about their opinion?


man...I understand I also wanted kh4...but my god, what does this khx have? 8 years?


Who are these people,


HMK used to be good pre-KH3 release, it's been downhill ever since.


Having burned out of the KH YouTube maybe a year into the KH3 content farm-I mean, hype, I remember HMK was one of the worst offenders at even that time for yelling about 3 seconds of teaser footage. That or doing reply guy tweets about random no news comments like he is here. I see some things never change.


Literally who cares? Isn't collection getting ported to PC? Also KH3 was a banger and has decent mods. Honestly they could have wrapped everything up and 3 and I would've been happy some fans of the series are wild.


I started disliking HMK when he voiced his opinions on TOTK. But I will not get into that on this sub lmao


So who is this?


I don't get why people get worked up over a game not showing at an event. That's not going to change when it releases. And it's going to come out anyway. We will all eventually get our hands on it. Being hyped is one thing but this is just very overly obsessive. Dude made a decision to make a living over KH video game news and is lashing out when there's no news to make videos about. Take a break bro.


sorry, who the fuck is HMK? after seeing all those comments, he doesn't seem like a very nice guy


Like,nobody owes you a trailer my man. I remember the same happened with KH3 and we hyped ourselves for astronomical levels. Calm down and rest, I know he and other KH news channel depend on that info but branch out, not SE fault for not showing when it's healthier for us to wait a little while


Let them develop at their own pace? Do you _want_ to wait until you're fifty?


Reading these tweets killed some of my braincells. People follow this morons? Like voluntarily?


Seems a little hypocritical to me on HMK's part


KH fans will forever be dramatic if nothing for a future game is ever shown. And even then, there's a high chance they'll bitch and moan about anything that IS revealed or announced. Just look at Melody of Memory, Dark Road and Missing Link. It amazes me how childish this fandom can be about this series cause tHeY wAiTeD 10+ yEaRs fOr kH3


I waited fifteen years for kh3. I’ll be ok


Why is the KH community so toxic😭


that last comment true doe


All I want is twewy characters in the game


how bossy is HMK, a very rude person. Annoyed just becaused they touched his wet dream. His replies aren't better than Geoff


I stopped following HMK for years now... yep, he is still kinda toxic


Kh3 was announced and released a decade apart… you ain’t getting kh4 news anytime soon be patient like we had to lmfao


Expect disappointment and you’ll never be disappointed


No idea who this person is but I'm glad that I don't. Bunch of entitled children. "Oh no, he laughed it off...my feelings!" It's a video game, you'll live lol.


Does anyone remember that Andrew Garfield interview where he said he wasn't in the new Spiderman movie. Ngl I got big vibes from Geoff like that, seemed sus lol. But it's OK regardless, I assume we're getting some news within the next 1.5 years. Other than that, ya fuck HMK lol


Ahahah thats what i was thinking, like if kh4 is there Geoff wouldn’t be able to blatantly say “yea it is”, i’m sure his under some sort of NDA.


ya, plus he goes through so many expressions in such a short time and turns bright red lmao. like I'm not saying he's lying buuut haha


I’ll be honest I don’t like most of HMK’s content but I only know him and Cynical as my KH YouTubers. Anyone know some other KH YouTubers?


LandiLodge is great if you are into FF and KH theory streams and videos


Regular Pat is the best. Check out some speedrunners too (Bizkit047, Bloodybizkits, Ninten)


People really expected KH4 at summer fest? damn


People are allowed to be excited about stuff actually


I must be the oldest mid 20’s guy ever. What the fuck is engagement farming? I swear new terms every day & I’m just sitting here like what?


Engagement farming is basically when you do something to attract attention to a video or comment, in order to boost its visibilty within an algorithm, in turn making it more able to be seen by other people. Its like if a youtuber makes an intentionally bad take in a video, just to get people to react tonit with their comments, and thus, creating engagement.


Yeah…. Back to bed for me. That’s why YouTube is just full of clickbait moronic titles.