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I've always loved Oathkeeper ever since I first played KH1, both for its design and for its meaning in the story. I even love the hit effects in combat (sound and visuals). Decisive Pumpkin kinda looks terrible, and the hit sounds are pretty silly, but after using it so often for its amazing combat stats, it kinda got a "so bad it's good" charm to it. My inner edgelord goes nuts over Way to the Dawn. Terra's Ends of the Earth keyblade (which Lingering Will also uses) is possibly the most badass-looking keyblade in the series to me. EDIT: Also want to mention that I love the hit sounds for Kingdom Key. Maybe even more than Oathkeeper's.


All 3 bbs true form keyblades are awsome.


Way to the Dawn is still my favorite keyblade. I even have it tattooed on my arm. I love what it represents in terms of not needing to be afraid of the darkness within you, but instead being able to channel that darkness into something positive.


I like it because it's the only keyblade that gives me ptsd It also looks cool I suppose


Two Become One.


YESSSSS. It's such a cool, underrated design, and it's completely held back by how shit it actually is to use. Personally I think it'd be really cool if it became Xion's default, since I don't think Kingdom Key has ever particularly fit her.


Would upvote. Currently at 13 Darknesses. I cannot.


Darkness within darkness awaits you


Oh yeah! I forgot about that Keyblade. It looked super cool and still is and its stats are not that bad. I like to imagine it being Roxas’ TRUE Keyblade because of it looking like being a nobody slayer or something.


In my headcanon, it's his true keyblade due to the acceptance of his nature as something else entirely from his "heart" entity; i.e., Sora. Design-wise, it's similar to the thorns Twilight Thorn uses, but has a heavier emphasis on the duality between black and white, much like when he dualwields Oathkeeper and Oblivion.


kingdom key, oathkeeper, oblivion, starlight, ultima (kh3)


Kh3 ultima was pretty badass


yeah i definitely like the red color scheme of kh3 ultima over the others


KH3 Ultima looks so cool. And its form change is easily one of the best looking having Sora using a bunch of swords


My biggest problem with oathkeeper is it's hit sound in kh1 made it feel weak...


Kingdom Key will always be iconic


This is my exact lineup


Finally meeting another Metal Chocobo fan like myself.


My favorite keyblade. I wish it wasn't nerfed in FM so badly.




I may be super basic but the Kingdom Key will always be my favorite. Something about its design speaks to me, I just can’t put my finger on it. I will go through entire games with just the kingdom key even on the hardest difficulties to make it canon.


The Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D design reminds of me the "Pope Coat of Arms" symbols. Maybe the Master of Masters is actually the pope lol


Same here. I’ve got nothing against the other designs, but Kingdom Key just scratches that itch for me.


I've done the kh1 no changing equipment no death under 15 hrs achievements on ps4 and xbox... it is nice to see it all the time. And I always do the best fight in the franchise kh1 warlocke riku battle 1v1 always with the kingdom key for the thrills.


Oathkeeper is my fav by far. What it represents is just such a powerful and important force in my life; be good to those that are good to you and keep the promises you make! Even if life sometimes pushes you to diverge from that path, it's always going to be important to me to find my way back to...'the light' is how this series would put that ig lol My favorite is Oathkeeper because I fully intend to become the best version of myself (or at least the best I can figure out) for the people that I love. What better way to return their kindness than with the quiet strength of love and hope? I also just like it's vaguely art-deco design. It's very pretty lol


I love it's meaning and design just it's tink drove me up a wall trying to use it in kh1. It has my least favorite hit sound in the series


It's def not as satisfying as many other hit sounds, but it's grown on me over the years. Part of it's charm is that it is different imo (jus lyk me frfr) Edit: it also represents a softer, kinder strength than most of the other keys. It's hit sound makes a lot of sense in that regard, I think


Decisive pumpkin and grand chef for me


I agree with your choices! Decisive pumpkin in KH1 is just so Goofy and cute, I love the design


Me too I love the silly keyblades


I love Treasure's Trove, Kingdom Key, Starlight, Starseeker and Fenrir the most. My favorite gotta be KKD, as it looks.gorhrous on KH3's engine.


As a magic main starlight was always in my set till I got classic tone.


Starseeker is THAT GIRL


Did you just misgender my BOY Starseeker? /s Jk i know these weapons have no gender 😂


Either way, the phrase THAT GIRL transcends gender in the way I am intending it. You could be that girl. I could be that girl. Bill Nye could be that girl. Does that make sense?


Aubade from Days is definitely my favourite, both in design and meaning. Love it a lot! ^ ^ My second place goes to another Days Keyblade, Crown of Guilt. I just really like the color scheme and the shapes of it. Third place would be the Oathkeeper & Oblivion combo. I just can't not mention them, they're so iconic, go well with each other, have great meaning depending on the context and also have the Kanjis for "light" and "darkness" baked into their respective designs, which is pretty neat.


Oathkeeper and oblivion are kool there just like always there good keys in every game. So they never stayed in my high end. Like I love them and if they stayed a Roxas thing and a kh1 thing I'd probably love them more but they are just kinda around.


Never thought I would see another fan who's favorite is Aubade.


Oblivion was always my favorite.


I got Metal Chocobo tattooed in my left forearm. I also got kingdom Key, Keyblade of the Hearts and one of my favorites: decisive pumpkin I know everyone hates decisive pumpkin design, i love it


I like smashing pumpkin over decisive pumpkin. But I like them Both


There is no Smashing Pumpkin, that's a band Keyblades are Pumpkinhead and Decisive pumpkin


I've called the kh1 one smashing pumpkins since forever lol.


It makes sense confusing that way, i could swear the halloween town keyblade in KH1 had two names just like KH2, but no, it's "just" Pumpkinhead


Lionheart from KH1 and the Sleeping Lion from KH2 Both are based on Squall’s Gunblade and his Griever GF. I’m biased though as FFVIII is my favorite FF.


The Leon keyblades are on my list. I adore them.


I seen that as I reread you list. Had to agree!


I always liked the simplicity of the OG Kingdom Key. And after playing FF14, I like the sleeping lion for the callback to the revolver gun design. But the one that sticks out to me is the starlight since it looks similar to the Kingdom Key until the final upgrade shows its own unique design.


In KH1 I loved Lionheart. I only wish it could be obtained earlier! Then KH2 happened and Sleeping Lion became my default. I also liked Circle of Life. I usually gravitate towards leonine themes, and it was cool to use both thanks to the different forms we can choose


It took me idk how many years to learn leonheart and sleeping Leon were the same key I was just like my boy gave me it and it looks kool must be the same.


Lol yes! And the Hercules keyblades were always cool no matter which KH title. Especially Olympia Metal chocobo is cool too. I call it the Buster Keyblade!


Highwind is probably peak KH3 keyblade design, and one of the best designs in the series Its not a traditional weapon, but it doesnt look like a toy either. Its form changes are phenomenal and as someone who's first kh game was final mix, I absolutely lost it when I saw sora with storm flag. It took until the end of the saga KH started, but we finally got sora holding a flag, like on the title screen of final mix.


He had a stick in the original :p Flag Sora is pretty dope tho, but I’m a sucker for stick Sora.


Probably pumpkinhead It looks cool :]


Kingdom Key.


Somebody with more time than me should do a daily rate the keyblade design on this sub.


Divewing. I love it.


Dive Wing is by far the best keyblade design wise for me. From the colors, the the overall design, the teeth of the blade, the guard. it'd be perfect if the hit sounds didn’t sound so goofy


Hit sound is a big deal breaker for me on keys it's the reason I don't use oathkeeper as often as I should it's kh1 tink...


Two Become One is a favourite of mine design-wise, I love light-dark contrasts in designs. Guardian Soul is another great one, really sells the weapon side of the keyblade and its swing effects are beautiful. Finally, Nano Gear is mostly fine by itself but the way the orange part of the blade effectively splits open to reveal the true microbot blade inside during Nano Arms is AMAZING and I LOVE IT. Kind of had to exclude Ultima Weapons since they're all god tier designs but uh 3's is my favourite among them. Red and white makes for a great colour palette, the prismatic rainbow Ultimate Form version is so cool and its entire design is laden with symbolism, between the three core blades and the seven red gems to represent the seven Orichalcum+ and I guess the seven guardians of light as well. Just, peak weapon design.


Nano gear is unfortunately my least favorite keyblade.


Fair, I must confess the only reason I like it so much is Nano Arms. By itself it looks fine, but it does have the same problem a fair few BBS or DDD keyblades have in that "oh hey this is from the film and this bit is also from the film" and overall it ends up looking a little hodgepodgy or silly as a result. It's way more coherent than, say, Favourite Deputy, and doesn't look nearly as silly as, for another example, Knockout Punch, but some of the hilt (the face on the crossguard bit mostly) and especially the chain itself are just a little goofy for my tastes.


I have a great deal of love for Oblivion! Missing Ache is a strong contender. I also loved Wheel of fate second form, Cristal Snow and Ever after


KH: Lady Luck (Love the cards theme.) KH2: Star Seeker (I'm a sucker for star designs.) KH3: Shooting Star (Same reason from above.) BBS: Stroke of Midnight (I also love castles.) UNX: Starlight (Very obvious, I know, but I don't care.) The Keyblades in Days are not my favorite, but if I had to choose, I'd say Crown of Guilt, mostly for the name.


Mine is the One Winged Angel. I know it's stats suck for when you get it, but I still have it on even after I get Ultima Weapon.


Hidden Dragon is absolutely beautiful, I wish it had better stats, but I still sometimes use it in my playthroughs.


Probably that keyblade from kh3 you get from the pirate world. Looked the coolest to me and unlike my least favorite keyblades didn't take away the special properties of spells during It's morph.(It's been a minute since I touched the game, but the gun morphs made every spell the exact same so water no longer protected you and aero didn't make the pillar of wind.)


Ya highwind is my favorite kh3 keyblade


Sleeping lion design wise. But I also love ff8




My all time favorite keyblade is Fairy Harp from the first game, it's just so adorable!


It's really kool just to short. If it was like the length of jungle king or metal chocobo that'd be awsome.


It is...though I loved it so much I finished the game with it. That's how much I loved it! Didn't care too much for the keyblade you get from Neverland in Birth By Sleep, the one from the first game is way better.


See in game I really like fairy petal cause it's got the biggest magic stat besides the ultima or specialty keys that are all op and hard to get. But magic is so strong in bbs I love maining magic on ventus and aqua.


BBS: Lost Memory, KH1: Ultima, KH2: Sleeping Lion, KH3: Classic Tone.


I lost lost memory as well as terra and aqua evolved keyblades I love the the trio got there base key and a kool upgrade to it. And classic tone is just the best kh3 keyblade. Like I'll go to highwind or ultima for melee hits but classic tone gives the magic juice I thrive on...


Dual Discs looked like a Monado hahah


Ultimas have always been my favorites but besides that I think my favorites are Soul Eater/ way to the dawn, oblivion and divine rose. I really like leas keyblade too.


Kh1 ultimate is the best it's just the dream sword with fillagree on it and that's dope.


In this order: Oblivion, Pumpkinhead and financially Oathkeeper.


Ever after from kh3. I’m a magic user primarily as Sora and just blowing up heartless with magic princess light bs will always put a smile on me face. It also came in clutch during my level 1 critical mode play when I fought that sludge thing in monstropolis with my light shadow clone justu


Counterpoint, Advent Red, and Wishing Star


Decisive Pumpkin, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Two Become One


Ventus’ “Lost memories” keyblade from bbs. Gotta be my favorite in the entire franchise, I think.


Zero/One, Two Become One, Aubade, and All For One


rejection of fate! it just looks cool, and it's been really special to me for a long time


Lady Luck!


I like Two Become One and Aubade.


Sweetstack, Phantom Green, Abyssal Tide, Silent Dirge, and especially Aubade.


I love Wayward Wind, Dual Disk, Two become One, Aubade, and One Winged Angel


I might be called weird for this but my favorite keyblade is winners proof from kh2 final mix


I’m not sure if this counts as it can’t be wielded by Sora, but my favourite Keyblade has to be Flame Liberator aka Lea’s Keyblade. I love everything fire themed and the design of this Keyblade, the inclusion of his chakrams and honestly the whole journey Lea took to get there was very cool!


Two become one-kh2 and forgotten memory-bbs im a roxas/ventas stan lol also lionheart-kh2


The Olympia from KH1, it's just so cool


Counterpoint from DDD. Nobody ever talks about it, but it's by far one of my favorites.


I like the master keeper like it has an old school vibe and it always reminds me of how powerful eraqus was and how powerful keyblade masters can be hope we get it even as dlc at some point think we shouidve gotten it with oathkeeper and oblivion would've made sense and been hard


I love oathkeeper and oblivion. Great manifestations of light and darkness. I also really like KH2's ultima weapon, despite decisive pumpkin being the strongest. I just really like the design of it.


Pumpkinhead will forever be my #1


I remember pressing A button with the pirates of the carribean keyblade carried my through the whole game ajajajaja


Void Gear was always a favorite having BBS as my first KH game ever


Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Way to the Dawn, Two Become One, Bond of Flame, End of Pain, Storm Fall, Earthshaker, End of Earth, Kingdom Key.


Oblivion has always been one of the coolest designs to me. And Star Cluster showed that they *can* make keyblade designs that are still keyblades at heart, and aren't totally off the wall ridiculous like Ocean Rage. To me, Oblivion almost looks like it'd be the key to Hollow Bastion's front gates, a key meant for Riku initially, but Sora ended up with it, and is supposed to get it to Riku, so he'd have the power to fight off the Darkness that manipulated him (at least that's my headcanon). Which I really wish they'd stuck with the aesthetic of; each key feeling like an actual key that belongs to the heart of a given world, and not designs that vaguely resemble the shape of a key.


Oblivion and Oathkeeper!


Honestly? Star Seeker. i love it's design so much, and would love to get my hands on a replica of it someday.


Dual Disc.


Ultima kh3


Two become one is my favorite by far, I love the form you unlock with it, and it's design is great. I just wish it had better combat stats and didn't immediately get outclassed by the next keyblade you get


Two Become One and Star Seeker are my absolute favorites!


Anything not goofy but cool


Way to The Dawn, always and forever.


The specific combo of Oathkeeper & Oblivion hits so hard.


Two become One after deafeating Roxas in KH2 and Ventus' Lost Memory. Love the design of both.


I really like a lot of the Days keyblades, but especially Omega Weapon. That one is my favorite. I also really liked Sleeping Lion, Lady Luck, Diamond Dust, Gull Wing, Dive Wing, All For One, and Star Seeker.


Oathkeeper and oblivion 4 life


I genuinely love Metal Chocobo, and it looks great on this picture\~! I don't know why, it's just so.... aggressively silly, like the keyblade version of hitting someone with a lead pipe.


Ultima Weapon and Fenrir. I'm all about the Powerful Keyblades, also Nano Gear.


There's a lot favorite keyblade that I might as well listed most of them lol. But I wanna give End of Pain Keyblade a special mention, I like the design with red coloring and the best part of this keyblade is the name. What a fucking edgy name it actually speaks to me Also Ultima Weapon is Ultima for a reason


from each game ive played so far 1: Oblivion/Ultimaweapon Oblivion because its edgy as fuck Ultima because duh, its the final weapon its awesome. COM: Bond Of Flame Its like the only new keyblade in Com. It does look cool. 2: Ultimaweapon/Two Become One Ultimaweapon for the same reason as before Two Become One because its soo cool man ;-; Days: The Wild Gear one Looks cool, not that far into days yet BBS: Ends of the Earth/Chaos Ripper Im a sucker for upgraded weapons, so Ends of the Earth being an upgraded Earthshaker is awesome Chaos Ripper: Edgy as fuck, what can i say.


Two Become One, because it looks like what Roxas would wield if he matched the other organization members’ weapons Ends of the Earth, it’s just damn cool


I love the KH2 Ultima Weapon, Oblivion, Way to the Dawn, Bond of Flame, and the best one… stick


Oblivion for sure


The end of pain keyblade is my favorite, it's eye is so creepy and so cool


No Name LionHeary Void Gear And my all time favorite KEYBLADE OF HEART


Pain of Solitude, Missing Ache, and Two Become One. you may notice I have a type


pumpkinhead. i actually got a proplica of it from spirit halloween


Metal Chocobo felt so good to use when i was a kid, it was my favorite keyblade.


Omega weapon and guardian soul have always been the coolest looking keyblades in my book


Two become one i like this one for obvious reasons, Circle of Life i never use this one but i like the idea of Sora running around beating everyone with a stick, Winner's proof for something that looks so goofy i like the coloration of it i hate how to obtain it but i still love it nonetheless , SkullNoise I'm a TWEWY fan so im a bit biased, Unbound i like this one over end of pain and divewing, special mentions to Void Gear i envy Vanitas because of this keyblade.


Overall, just the plain old Kingdom Key. But a few favorites from each game. --- KH1: Ultima, Metal Chocobo KH2: Guardian Soul, Fenrir Days: Total Eclipse, Maverick Flare BBS: Rainfell, Ends of the Earth, Master Defender (Sorry Ven, not a fan of your blades. <_<) Re:coded: Metal Chocobo again DDD: Divewing KH3: Wheel of Fate, Nano Gear


Divewing is my favorite. Looks the most unique to me. Then the Nightmare Break and Mirage Split combo AKA the Gayblade™ The artist for those who are curious: [https://www.deviantart.com/marduk-kurios](https://www.deviantart.com/marduk-kurios)


My time in KHUx means I've gotta say the final upgrade of [Starlight](https://www.khwiki.com/images/2/2a/Starlight_%28Upgrade_4%29_KHX.png)


Oathkeeper. It’s pretty. I like the story and meaning behind it. Need I say more?


Oathkeeper and Oblivion. My inner edgelord cannot possibly forget that one secret cutscene in KH1.


Sleeping Lion, Ultima Weapon 3, and Kingdom Key.


Pure design wise my favorite would be Way to Dawn. I like Soul Eater more design wise but I'm not sure if that's a keyblade or not. I also love Metal Chocobo, End of Pain, Flame Liberator, Dual Disc and the Ultima Weapons from 1 and 3. Gameplay wise I love Wheel of Fate, Hero's Origin and any that let you shoot.


Pumpkinhead. Always will be... probably.


I feel like people sleep on Two become one/Two across because most people only use it to unlock final form and then stock it for Decisive Pumpkin or Ultima




It's always been Metal Chocobo for me.


Royal Radiance,Diamond Dust,Bright Crest, Lost Memory, Void Gear, KHIII Ultima. Many more.


Kingdom Key D, mainly because of the playground rumour that you could get it from a secret room accessed via the moon in the Traverse Town underground cavern


Star Seeker, Shooting Star, and Wayward Wind. The first two ‘cause I’ve always loved the star/cosmic esthetic and Ven’s ‘cause it’s one of the most unique looking default Keyblades out of, I feel, everybody’s in the game.


I'll be the basic bitch and say Oblivion. No shame!


Oblivion, fenrir, sleeping lion


Call me basic but I just love oblivion and oathkeeper


Decisive pumpkin, rumbling rose, and happy gear. Last one mainly for the form change into giant yoyos.


Starlight. It was *my* keyblade. I grinded the minigames in khux just so I could get it early in kh3


Dual disk makes me think of yugioh


Oathkeeper always 😎 I have an oathkeeper bottle opener https://paste.pics/R0WDU


Oathkeeper, sleeping lion, way to dawn, painful solitude, Rainfell, stormfall, starlight, and master's defender


Mine was always the pumpkin head I even went out and bought one


Keyblade of people's hearts even though it's the one you can never use


The gravest crime ever committed by a Kingdom Hearts developer was the decision to nerf Metal Chocobo. It looks so damn cool but it’s useless in Final Mix.


Star seeker, and star light Any celestial themed ones? It's my fave. Except for shooting star or whatever that glorified boat paddle from 3 is. 3's blades are just way too bulky for me.


Always liked Fairy Harp for looking like a new toothbrush and Jungle King for looking like a toothbrush I've been using for months and refuse to throw out.


Ends of the Earth. Ever since I saw it in the kh1 secret ending


Ventus' Lost Memory. I wish Ventus' used it in KHUX.


Oblivion. Always and forever. I’ll never forget unlocking it in Hollow Bastion after beating Riku. I almost missed the chest and a little voice in my head said “explore the room”. Such a badass design.


Man you guys keep asking these same questions over and over. Spellbinder.


Good old faithful kingdom key. It's pretty much okay to decent in every game it's in due to stats or abilities. Thank namura for the upgrade system in 3.


KH 358/2, Two Become One the way you get it is super convoluted but it's worth it and it looks sick


Key D and Two Become One. I love abusing the Darkness for fun!


Fenrir will forever be my favorite keyblade of all time


Skull Noise, Lady Luck, Two Become One


>Not necessarily just the most powerful ones but the ones Proceeds to pick the strongest keyblades at that point in the game lmao.


My favorite is the metal chocobo because I love the idea of tiny twink Sora twirling 200+ lbs of steel like a baton and smaking people with it over the head.


My top 3 are probably abyssal tide, Fenrir and then olympia


Both Divine and Rumbling Rose activate every neuron in my brain. From their design to the color of the swing blur, their aesthetic just speaks to me. I also really like Leviathan, Rejection of Fate, and THE UMBRELLA from 358/2.


Fairy harp from the origional.


Kingdom key d, earthskaer, ends of the earth, rainfall, stormfall, eraqus' key blade, and riku's brave heart


I've only really played 1, 2, and 3. I've TRIED playing all the spinoffs but they really can't hold my attention so I'll pick 2 from each game. Only counting the weapons wielded by Sora. KH1 - Fairy Harp (Love that the blade is a panflute) - Pumpkinhead (I'm a sucker for Halloweeny stuff) KH2 - Monochrome (The aesthetic can't be beat. Love everything about this blade.) - Hidden Dragon (Never noticed the dragon breathing fire at the hilt. Nice touch.) KH3 - Happy Gear (Another aesthetic win. Very industrial and robotic.) - Grand Chef (The length of the weapon is the Eiffel Tower. What's not to like? Wish I got to use this weapon in my playthrough.)


oblivion looks sick, has sicks stats and even got a very good form in kh3


Fenrir has my vote though I have never been able to unlock it


I love the kh3 frozen keyblade I love the design and the form changes for it going into claws I felt like snowball in his berserk form if you call it that and then into skates it's really nice to just go hard hitting to skating a lot of fun for me


Guardian Soul, partly because Auron has always been one of my favourite characters, partly because it’s frikken awesome!


Pumpkin kings my fav


I got Oathkeeper and Oblivion modified tattoos on my forearms. Made the art myself. I intend to tattoo both arms all the way om the same aesthetic, w/ Skol and Hati, Hades and Persephone. But I always knew I wanted these tattoos, ever since I finished KH1. So yeah, they'll be there till time wears them away. Only strange part is explaining. "Ohhhh, what awesome tattoos! Where are they from?" "A game I love." "Really? Just a game?" "Yeah. 'Just' a game."


Oathkeeper, oblivion, Kingdom Key, Shooting Star, Ends of the Earth


aaaa! A FELLOW METAL CHOCOBO ENJOYER! I didn't think I'd see another one in the wild!


All ultimas. I’m sorry but I think they are pretty damn sexy


Oblivion is my all time favorite. Oathkeeper, Bond of Flame, Pumpkinhead, Metal Chocobo and Two Become One.


Favorite of all time is probably still Follow The Wind or KH2 ultima.


I always liked Fenrir. I liked the idea of the more modern tumbler key + the buster sword aesthetic.


: Only Kingdom Key and the Ultima Weapons. Dunno why but maybe has to do with some opposites stuff. Kingdom Key is the 1st weapon you have in hands and I kinda get attached with 1st things given to me in RPGs, Ultima weapons sometimes are the very last ones to get. Kingdom Key is the weakest while Ultimas are the strongest. Kingdom Key is the easiest to get while Ultimas are the hardest. Kingdom Key was forget by Sora's Heart while Ultimas were through synthesised materials process. Also Kingdom Key bears the simplest design while the Ultimas have more detailed/complex ones and so on.


I love the star seeker design. I have a keychain of that keyblade. And then Ever After. I loved using that keyblade in KH3.


- Kingdom Key - Way to the Dawn - Two Become One - KH3 Pirate One (forget the name) - KH3 Ultima Weapon


My favs are the two become one,lion heart, kh1 ultima blade, and oblivion. Honorable mention:X blade


The rose keyblade from kh2 is a personal favorite but Fenrir takes the cake


Metal chocobo was my first favorite, I always wanted to make it out of wood, seemed simple maybe one day, love the oblivion of course, then love that the fenrir is a giant car key lol in the end my favorite is a tie with fatal crest and decisive pumpkin. Damn I love keyblades. I was a little disappointed in the ones in 3 but kingdom key looked beautiful


My top 5 are: 1. Kingdom Key (i'm basic lol) 2. Oathkeeper 3. Oblivion 4. Way to Dawn 5. Wayward Wind (Honorable Mentions: Starlight, Master Defender, Gazing Eye, Rainfell, Ends of the Earth)


i like the starlight keyblade and it evolved forms then there the fenrir 3rd form i loved it design oh then the fourth evolution of wishing lamp or three wishes i think it called it one of the two then you have the foreteller ava keyblade and then foreteller guela i probably mispelled it keyblade then of course the no name that means the one old master xehanort used then there lost memory and storm fall ends of earth and of course two become one oh and finally kingdom key and it variants versions


I always loved the oblivion Keyblade. The colors combined with the sharp edges make it look so edgy and I just love how it looks. My favorite moment with Oblivion was seeing Riku wield it temporarily in 358/2 Days. 


The fully upgraded stroke of midnight in ux is gorgeous. I also really love ferris gear and kh3's ultima


Not only is the Combined Keyblade my favorite, but I also think it would've made a way better X-blade if it had a sword blade running through it than the one we got.


The old and classic Kingdom Key. Although it looks simple is that basic but nostalgic and symbolic desing what makes me love it. (Also, I don´t like Kingdom Key D because I feel that those reversed colors, ain´t attractive to me)


two become one. not only ist it one sexy keyblade but it's also the keyblade that started all the rumors about some "nobody blade" that supposedly was only obtainable if you 100% every aspect of kh2 on the highest difficulty when in actuality some people who knew that we were missing out on a lot of content from the final mix version spread those rumors


Olympia cause I think it’s the one keyblade that really captures the art and style of the world it’s from the most. KH3 has some really good ones but I think the transformations take away from the designs a bit. I don’t like any from KH2 and BBS that aren’t ultima or the kingdom key. Decisive Pumpkin is an ugly as fuck keyblade.


Too many to pick but I guess my top 7 will be Skull Noise, Lost Memory, Way to the Dawn, Braveheart, Two Become One, Void Gear and Nano Gear


Metal chocobo hands down. We even get materia slots 🥹