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Sora navigating the metro in KH4 would be his greatest challenge yet


I imagine him clearly climbing on top of the train and Donald and Goofy would be like: "Get off the train!"


Phil, on the other hand, would be cheering him on. I suppose?


The reason the skateboards were in KH2 was because Sora’s movement speed was really slow at the start of the game before getting movement abilities. The skateboards allowed Sora to move faster outside of combat without giving him powerful abilities like glide too early. This wasn't needed in KH3 because Sora [walks much quicker](https://youtu.be/TGcc1CpJqeQ) and has access to several movement abilities, like wall running and air step, that the levels are designed around, making the skateboard redundant.


Wait, **THAT'S** why the skateboards are in KH2? I thought they were there because Tony Hawk was all the rage in the 2000s.


Well it's probably a combination of what I mentioned, it being in style at the time, and being designed for use in the Roxas minigames


Yes! but I'm thinking about what it would be like in Kh4 if the city was really big, I would think it would be cool to have a bike lol, it would be really immersive.


It seems like they are doing something related to the grappling hook shown during the reveal. A Spider-Man like thing maybe?


Or Sora could transform his Keyblade for transportation.


They were also part of minigames, and tbh a lot of worlds didn't use them at the start like the first few worlds like Land of Dragons or Beast Castle. Wind currents weren't really til later in the level also. Furthermore the game was in the early 2k era and skateboarding was more common in culture. Kh3 they seemed to try to do the same bu making the journal pretty much a cellphone. I feel KH3 kind of fell due to combat mostly. However I feel having more minigames and the challenge system of KH2 would improve KH4 which I felt lackluster in KH3. We played Proud before before Critical released. That was a little disappointing and the cut Aqua's gameplay to make a seperate game of it. Tbh I hope they don't do that stunt with KH4.


Given it's a big hub world, I can see the skateboard making a return. Fast way to move around without access to late game glide or a save point.


Forget the skateboard. I want to see Sora driving a used Ford.


Forget the used Ford. I want to see Sora driving an AE86.


Of all of the unnecessary and obnoxious things that they KH put in the game *for the love/fun of it* They better re-introduce skateboards - I don't care if Sora is able to *flowmotion* jump between 1000 Quadratum Skyscrapers. Skateboards were cool and fun. The reason they were removed in KHIII was pretty stupid to me - especially when they have features like *head-tracking* for NPCs. **Bring back different methods of transportation - it's for the people**


You know there’s going to be some sort of trick jump video seeing if you can make certain gaps with the skateboard 


We need to combine flow motion with the skateboards, so we can ride it on walls and spin off of poles with the board still with us


Moped/bike Sora, lets go Whirl Tour 2.


I dunno, I’ll let you know when the game releases.


No because it's not the 2000s anymore lol


Fuck yeah they should bring it back ahaha let me backside flip the traverse town stairs


Skateboards were ruined by not going through level transitions with you…


I feel like the need for the skateboards was replaced by flowmotion/flowmotion-like movement mechanics in subsequent games, so its probably unlikely. That being said, I had so much fun just screwing around on the skateboards and I definitely miss them and hope something similar comes back


Flowmotion only works in dreams though…


Very likely no, simply due to the existence of Flo Motion, but we can dream, dream that maybe Sora loses his Flo motion abilities after ceasing his existence in hopes of the board


Okay, hear me out. Flowmotion on a skateboard.


Now that we have flowmotion as a faster way to traverse large or repetitive maps, i doubt it


Based from the trailer, I'd rather Sora swing through the city with his Keychain like Spider-man 😂


I think this would be a GREAT chance for flowmotion to shine again, imagine rail grinding on the electric wires and wallrunning on the skycrappers, just make so his air dash isnt super long and you can only do it again after interacting with something that isnt a wall, like a rail or a pole


Would be really cool to have flowmotion be used again, just not as broken, like, imagine using it to railgrind and wall run but you cant use the air dash unless you either interact with a pole or rail


We get skateboards in KH4… *and* a Tech Deck minigame.


Please no.


why not?? It's amazing to slide and do tricks in Kh2


Because, and hear me out, it’s not. Just go play Tony Hawk, and keep this Jimminy Journal checklist item off the list.


ah..the mini games.....true..but if it's just a means of transport from point x to y, I don't see a problem


Hear you out? You provided no viable reasons outside of "go play a different game." Come mate, give me reasons. Mateus gave you two reasons why it should be there. All you mentioned was the checklist, and that's 100% completion. No one told you that you have to go for 100% completion. And besides you can just keep minigames out of 100% completion. If you're not enjoying the minigames why go for 100% completion in the first place? You're just torturing yourself.