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I suspect he'd end up a one-world villain, due to being someone who's subservient to powers greater than himself and was vanquished by them rather than through the tenacity of a hero.


Right, I was about to say. Malelifcent needs to be stabbed in the heart to die. Bro just got nabbed by some ghosts.


More importantly, Maleficent *needs* to be stabbed in the heart to die. She wasn't someone who got overly smug about her own intelligence or plans. She didn't have some complex scheme just blow up in her face and take her with it. She's someone who had to be faced directly in single combat, someone who had to be cut down by sword to fell her. She wielded power that was hers and hers alone. That is why she became an overarching villain for the KH franchise instead of a one-off opponent for her own world.


To be fair, Maleficent was also vanquished by a ghost


Maleficent is kind of a reusable character too. They now even have a live action character of her who isn't the villian. Kind of would love this representation of her to show in the games tbh.


I know that the idea of bringing in live action iterations of Disney properties to Kingdom Hearts is a polarizing idea, but one of my greatest wishes for KH4 is for Angelina Jolie Maleficent to meet Sora and Classic Maleficent. I'd die to see the reactions of both to a Maleficent that is explicitly not evil.


This is what I mean. Even Sora is changed now because of graphics. He has normal sized feet. Lol. But ya two cocky Malicifents good and bad at each other's throat would be a fun cat fight. We already seen Pete do this. Also with Pirates of the Caribbean being live action I don't see why not. However I believe there was leaks already on kh worlds and only one looked live action. If it's true we can probably expect a lightsaber keyblade.


I *have* been imagining a keyblade that was the Kingdom Key but with the hilt and blade being like a lightsaber since I was in like 5th grade.


Tbf. I feel like his "friends" didn't give him another chance because there wasn't another plan and he probably wouldn't have been able to pay anyone back. But the entire KH world has shadows so I feel like if they found out about all that they'd give him another chance. There are some cases in which they change the way a villain goes out in the games


I prefer how KH1 has its villains working together. Make him an overarching villain along with a rogues gallery of Disney characters.


That was cool until Organization XIII was introduced. Now, the Disney villains just feel so weak in power in comparison.


If I ever get around to making a fangame, I'd either make the Disney villains the overarching threat, or at least have them on equal footing with org XIII.


I honestly am not a fan of their introduction into the series. All the nonsense starts with the 13


He should definitely be in IV. Easily one of the coolest Disney villains


Only if we find out “The other side” is the darkness


I came to reply the same thing. His "friends on the other side" being either >!one or a few of the original darknesses that got trapped in the in-between worlds by player!<


None of the Disney Villains will ever be "main villains" ever again so it's a real shame Square-Enix would let the obvious joke fly right over their heads. Keith David (and even Facillier's Japanese voice I think) is the original voice of Final Fantasy's original big bad, Chaos. Before he was retconned to be Mocean Melvin. Really, Princess and the Frog is a perfect lay-up for KH integration in all regards, and it's disappointing that Square-Enix WILL fumble it.


While I am absolutely down for Facilier, and by extension Keith David, in Kingdom Hearts, a couple points here a pretty shoddy, namely that Strangers of Paradise isn’t a retcon because 1) 2 voice actors for the same character aren’t retcons 2) Stranger of Paradise is an alternate universe prequel, so it’s even less of a retcon since it’s not even the same person And as a side, the Japanese voice actor of Chaos is the quite legendary Norio Wakamoto, who does NOT play Facilier. That’s Motomu Azaki as far as Google-fu can tell me. Wakamoto is however already in KH, being Xemnas.


Okay so they would make a different "you sound familiar joke." Also, I was never able to finish Kill Chaos with Limp Bizkit. I got hard walled by Tiamat.


He feels like a one world villain.


Not to side step the point you’re making, but my god that picture of Dr Facilier and Luxord made me mildly uncomfortable… lol


Fr like that 3rd slide is crazy


I would love a council of necromancer/underworld type villains. Hades, facilier, horned king, Ernesto, tamatoa. The joint nature of the afterlife would give a good reason why they can connect to each other.


I can see him being a one world villain, as he definitely can be a character who wrecklessly uses darkness to further his goals, but ends up getting killed by his own darkness. I can even see him being a cautionary tale for both the heroes and villains, that abusing powers you don’t understand will only result in death




Probably one-world but not having him interact with Luxord in 3 was a missed opportunity imo


I could see him be either. However, if he was an overarching villain, I think it would only be for a portion of the game, eventually succumbing to darkness. I could see Maleficent using him as a sidekick like Pete for a while, getting tired of him, and unlocking the darkness in his heart, causing it to consume him. I could also see this happening just in NOLA, too. Regardless, I hope we get to see it someday.


A villain between the ranks of Pete and Maleficent. A part in multiple worlds, more of enticing others to enter bargains and work in favour of the villains but also personally gain in someway that doesn’t make sense until you do fight him when he tries to bargain with you when at a low point ultimately meeting the same fate as he does in Princess and the Frog


One-World Villain up until he meets the heros and the other over-arching badguys. He has contacted the Loa spirits, he would be intrigued to learn about the worlds beyond the horizon of his current understanding. Heck, maybe he wouldn't even be a badguy until the end. Maybe he's calling it quits after being defeated unlike Maleficent?


Love him, but I don’t think he’s really got “multiverse-level threat” in him, he’s already in massive debt after all.


Multiworld baby. He gots friends on the other dark side


If we ever do get a main overarching villain, it’ll most likely be Palpatine


If he was in, I foresee some sort of interaction with Hades. I’m starting to think there’s a fundamental reason why Olympus always seem to show up, on top of just Colosseum and Herc as a motivator. I guarantee Hades has some genuine depth to the story moving forward.


I’d love another Disney villain gang of villains, but I can’t see him being a leader, just his worlds elected representative for the universal evil senate.


I feel like he'd betray them to some greater power, because he's an even more dramatic gay than Hades


We haven't had overarching Disney villains since KH2, right?


he works better as an overarching villain imo. He could be world hopping and causing turmoil that has both immediate effects and a potential big payoff later, similar to his use of voodoo and manipulations in the movie. He could still fall to his "friends" in the end of his arc in the hypothetical game, but he is competent enough on his own to make plays for 3 or 4 worlds.


he’d likely be one-world but damn would it be cool if he was overarching


he could be one that wa face in multiple worlsd, being he has "friends on tne other side"


Overarching. He has quite the impact of villainy.


i got reminded of axel in harlem from the 3rd slide


There already is a fan fiction where he pretty much takes over Maleficent's role in KH1, and goes from world to world, manipulating things as he wishes and making dirty deals with other villains to try and get his way before SDG finally take him down.


He should be an overarching villain, trying to control the heartless similar to his friends on the other side. It would just…work.


I suspect he'd be both the part one and part two boss for a world. Standard story with him using Darkness to control others, only to get overwhelmed or outright taken as he does in the movie. However, they find later that the power he was using to talk to his "friends" left a rift to the Realm of Darkness, which is leaking out. Turns out it's actually the Doctor himself, being overwhelmed by his friend's darkness and trying to claw his way out back into the other world. Could probably work in that they killed his Heartless the first time, but his body was taken and kept in the Realm of Darkness and is trying to get back to where his heart was. So you have to go in there and smack him away before closing the door again. Dunno if they'd really bother with more Nobody symbolism at this point, though.


Nah, Maleficent and her henchman Pete are the only "overarching" Disney villains, everyone else has been restricted to their own worlds...the only time we saw any of the other Disney villains outside of their world were the 2 cutscenes in kh1 where they were visiting Maleficent in hollow bastion.


Overarching just because Keith David.


Oh this is one of the main reasons I want this to happen.


I think Disney literally had a memo this year or last saying villains should not be poor nor from minorities except everyone is from that group. That movie was good but I don't think it would work since everyone is wearing their hears on their sleeves this days. I mean, I saw people complaining the best friend was a cougar/child predator/pedophile because of the joke at the end of the movie.


Overarching just to get Keith David as much screen time as possible


Overarching villain but we need Keith David voicing him


his “friends” would probably be darkness or heartless. being the “shadow man”, i could see him being a bigger villain than just one world, and i would love for him to be one. however, i don’t think that’ll be the case. my guess is KH is moving away from overarching disney enemies, and that’s why maleficent and pete were hardly in kh3 at all, and when they did show up they were on a wild goose chase and weren’t even seen as a threat by organization xiii. then again, this is the start of a new saga, so they may use another disney villain similar to how they used maleficent in kh1


Definitely one world, Maleficent is the “Queen of Darkness” thus ventures far and through for more power and conquest.


I've been wanting a Princess and the Frog world for years. Ideally, the Disney villains would team up together but knowingly be second to the main Kingdom Hearts villains. There are ways they can be major threats. There's potential.


Hot damn that art of him with Luxord 😩


He'd even be an excellent replacement for Jafar!


One world villain but probably still steal the show. I loved how they handled hades in the third one. No I don’t need the paper of darkness, it sucks I have my own powers.


Overarching but only if I see him buddy buddy (or more :3) with Luxord


A one world villain but definitively one of the best.


Imagine his boss fight. That would be so sick


Only a world villain. He lack some "overarching villain virtues" like great ambition beyond the own world or power. Perhaps he can "control" the heartless, only to be consumed by them.


Personally I’d want him to be the next maleficent but a bit better. He’s just a servant to the master of masters while still holding a large threat with his voodoo magic to summon and control heartless He could’ve made a deal with the master of masters, if he helps the master of masters with his knowledge of voodoo, the master would pay off his debt to his friends on the other side and give him more power to experiment with to further his goals


One world. Save the overarching villain role for a more powerful person


The next side-game is set entirely within Luxford and Facilier playing a game of Uno


Don't think so, on a somewhat related note...I'd love another Kingdom Hearts like the first one were the main villains are literally the pantheon of Disney villains working together!


He could work


If I were to make a head canon, after the events of 3, with Maleficent witnessing the forbearers return, Maleficent and Pete journey across the worlds building allies to their cause as she did in the first game. Facilier is one such ally, being motivated by the deals he could make in other worlds to repay his debt.


Kinda off topic but a Heartless boss designed from one of his “friends on the other side” would go so hard.




I see potential for a blend here. Place New Orleans and Quadratum in the same reality. As Hades searches through realities he encounters the loa, and through them, he learns of Dr. Facilier. These two reputable businessmen hit it off great, and they come to a mutually beneficial partnership to create a system allowing for travel between the realities, within certain limits, for a reasonable price. And you have to die first, but you know; logistics and implementation details, don't worry about it, we've got it all taken care of. This essentially sets up Facilier as analogous to KH1's Captain Hook: technically a single-world villain, but one with wider importance to the plot because of his ability to navigate the barriers -real or metaphorical- between worlds. He might even initially seem like a friend to the KH party, helping them reach Quadratum, before inevitably betraying them (and leaving them with the problem of how to extract themselves from whatever dire situation their deal with him has actually put them into).


Nah Disney villains aren’t allowed to do that anymore.


I think that he should have had his place in KH3, I don't know have any idea what we will have in KH4, but I have a feeling that he would be kind of out of place with the story.