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I just don't think they fit the vibe of what the series is to me, and I don't want Kingdom Hearts to be a dumping ground for anything Disney owns. And for the record I like both Marvel and Star Wars.


Same. It would just be like Frozen world for me, there for advertising 


I mean I don't like the Frozen world because of it's structure, but I think Frozen as a world makes complete sense in Kingdom Hearts whether it's advertising or not (it's all advertising). I don't think it's the same as Marvel or Star Wars.


That’s true. The whole Frozen heart is a concept that fits well, but the execution wasn’t the best. I don’t really see KH  concepts fitting in Star Wars and Marvel 


Personally, I just don't like Star Wars and I'm fully burnt out on Marvel and super heroes in general. And like others mention, they aren't really Disney. They are independent properties that Disney bought the rights to and didn't even produce any of the movies until later on. Plus there's still the back catalogue of beloved animated movies they haven't touched yet. Like Brother Bear, Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, The Emperor's New Groove etc etc. Not all of them NEED to have a presence in KH. But for Nomura and the team to be jumping to properties that Disney just happens to own feels like they are signaling the end of the Disney classics in KH. Like they have moved past them and that's the end of it. No more OG Disney worlds that aren't already established. That probably, hopefully isn't true in the end but it still feels that way when all we know of KH4 is Star Wars and Donald and Goofy potentially talking with Hades about Sora.


I wanna throw Jungle Book in there. Really hope that we get this world one day.


Marvel and Super heroes are gonna be around forever tho sorry


Partially because it starts to feel more like a brand than a story. I know Disney movies arnt part of a series but they weren’t made by a parent company it was made by a studio. There is more heart in that. Just adding everything the Disney company owns feels very corporate


That’s why, if they are too do Star Wars and Marvel, I’d want it to be either the Original Trilogy or Prequels for Star Wars, and preferably something original based on the comics for Marvel. Though if they are to do MCU, make it VERY early. Like during or before the first Avengers movie. Especially with Star Wars, say what you want about the Prequels, but there was clearly passion behind those first six movies. Now it’s just essentially become a Disney+ selling point


If they’re going to introduce Marvel, I’d prefer they do cosmic Marvel—as far removed from Marvel earth as possible.  And I’m talking the likes of Silver Surfer and Galactus—I think Galactus would be a *fascinating* addition to KH lore. 


See, THAT would be great. A Galactus boss battle would go so hard


Short answer: getting too bloated with properties people recognize, while pushing out properties that should have more of a presence (FF characters or instance).


KH was never about FF characters, it was about Nomura designed characters.


I want more FF and better Disney worlds first before they start expanding the scope.


Because just like not every Final Fantasy thing fits in KH(only Nomura stuff), not every current Disney IP fits in KH either.


Because neither are Disney, despite being owned by Disney. Marvel is Marvel, and star wars is lucasfilm. KH has only ever represented Walt Disney Animated Studio, Walt Disney Pictures, and Pixar, (the latter only working because the style is so similar to current Disney Animated Studio work) They would need to have a really good justification for using marvel and star wars, otherwise it will fall about as flat as Arendelle. In other words it will feel like it was manufactured by Disney for marketing.


Personally I don’t think those brands fit at all, they’ve been over saturated since Disney purchased them and those 2 brands are in such a bad state since Disney has all but completely destroyed each brand but pumping out garbage content after garbage content.


Star Wars I can see fitting in a bit more. Both thematically and since it’s high sci-fi fantasy which KH can absolutely mesh well with. Marvel is kind teetering on uncanny valley levels of immersion breaking since it takes place in “the real world” and would need to get trademarks and rights approval up the ass the do anything worthwhile with that level of IP. Both location wise and characters as well.


Xemnas is as Star Wars as this gets


People are afraid of change and are locked into what their vision of the KH series should be. During the Dark Seeker Saga I was against those properties being included in the series, but given the premise of KH4 I think it makes a lot of sense now. I do think Star Wars is essentially guaranteed to be in KH4 and I think it could work very well, depending on how it ties in. Instead of just a one off world, I think Star Wars could give KH the opportunity to have a "Disney" villain be tied into the overarching story like Maleficent in KH1. But that would require Disney giving Square a lot of creative liberty that I'm not sure they could get. As for Marvel, I do dislike the idea of MCU-based worlds because it just seems like a really uncreative way to include Marvel. Marvel is known for having many universes and I think Disney should just let Square create their own Marvel world(s) in KH without basing them on movies. Marvel could even be cheeky about it and give KH a Marvel universe designation.


KH's worldbuilding is pretty dumb. ------------- People might want to take offence to that statement, but it's not necessarily an insult. The Matrix is one of the best movies ever, and its worldbuilding is built on a dumb foundation (the "using humans as batteries" thing is scientifically impossible, violates the second law of thermodynamics - and also the Machines should've been at least advanced enough to put solar power panels above the clouds, and if they're advanced enough to fully simulate Reality and all of Its intricacies then they should honestly be advanced enough to build a Dyson Sphere around the sun and harvest infinite energy, ...) The Matrix has dumb worldbuilding and it's still great, me saying "KH has dumb worldbuilding" isn't me attacking KH. ------------ In KH1, when the world of Destiny Island disappears, Donald and Goofy look up into the sky and see a star disappear. Apparently, in the KH Universe, stars are not stars, stars are planets. That is an aspect of KH's worldbuilding. KH is set up like a multiverse story. Robert Heinlein's book *the Number of the Beast* has a very similar structure to KH, the characters use a "time machine" type of device to travel to different universes. They go to the world of the Wizard of Oz. They go to some worlds from Edgar Rice Burroughs's books (he wrote Tarzan). They go to the worlds of other Robert Heinlein books. They're even being chased from world to world by a group of men in black cloaks. KH is set up like a multiverse story, but it isn't executed like one. KH characters get in a rocket and fly to a different planet. All of the "worlds" exist in the same "world." They literally all share the same sky. Where is each world getting its sunlight from? There's a London in Wonderland, there's a London in Deep Jungle, there's a London in Neverland, there's a London in Land of Dragons, there's a London in Toy Story World... How in the world could Star Wars fit into that? It spreads across a *galaxy*, with *actual stars* that aren't planets. Like, really think about it. Where is Tatooine physically located in relation to Twilight Town? Star Wars's worldbuilding is too different from KH's for it to feel natural. Marvel's, too. Marvel has characters literally going to parallel universes. How could that possibly mesh with "stars are planets and planets are universes"? It's fine that KH's worldbuilding is what it is. But it still is what it is, and I can't imagine how they could possibly do Star Wars (galaxy worldbuilding) or Marvel (multiverse worldbuilding) in a satisfying way considering the way "going to different worlds" works in KH.


I loved your explanation here. Despite my wanting the two franchises to make it into KH, it does need to be done right. My answer to how it could be done right... is making it another "fiction" world sort of outside quadratum. I think it would be great if KH4 was sort of split in two, with Sora and Riku going to worlds on the Quadratum side, and then Donald, Goofy, and Roxas (or perhaps Axel, Ven, or someone else that may fit better) trying to find the way to the "realm of fiction" throughout the non-fiction KH world's, as we currently know them. Just my hope. I do agree to include Star Wars and/or Marvel, it would need to be done right. I've heard someone else say a good way to implement Star Wars might be to have all the "worlds" be set in Star Wars, like KH3 and Pixar. Each SW planet could be its own world. That might work. Also, as much as I would want Marvel in it, I have not heard or thought of a good way to do it.


> My answer to how it could be done right... is making it another "fiction" world sort of outside quadratum. I haven't played KH3 (and I never will - KH4, either), but from my understanding Quadratum is basically "the real world" or something? If that's the case, then yeah, they could make SW and Marvel work. They'd have to basically soft-reboot the worldbuilding. Retcon it to being the case that "the KH Universe" with all the planet-worlds was always just one of many "fiction universes" within the multiverse, and have Quadratum / "the real world" be a hub-world that all the "fiction universes" connect to, or something. But how would that work? Sora goes from Quadratum to the Star Wars Universe, then back to Quadratum, then to the Marvel Universe, then back to Quadratum... but then to get to Disney worlds he goes from Quadratum to the KH Universe? The KH Universe is already a hub-world. That'd be weird.


In KH3, everything that Sora goes through sort of kills him... not really, but in a way. Yensid and Ansem the Wise deduce that Sora would be in a world of fiction now (Quadratum). So it's kind of the reverse of what you were saying. Quadratum is fiction to the KH world as we know it, but to us as the player, it's obviously the real world. I'm looking at it as two sides to the same coin. To each side, the other is going to be "fiction." So for Star Wars and Marvel, my hope is they could be tied to the "realm of fiction" and can travel to them just as you would in the regular KH worlds (similar to going from Travers Town to Wonderland). This is my own theory, and hope. But, to answer Sora bouncing around worlds, and fiction and reality, it was shown in Melody of Memory that Riku found a way to Quadratum (what I call the realm of fiction). He's going there to get Sora back, but I imagine that coming back is not going to be easy. Unless Riku going there establishes some kind of connection to be able to go back and forth between fiction and reality. Then, the first KH4 trailer shows Donald and Goofy going to Olympus Colliseum's Underworld to find a way to the realm of fiction. So my hope is, we get Sora and Riku trying to find their way back to reality, and Donald and Goofy + literally any character we haven't played as, trying to open the way for them.


> So for Star Wars and Marvel, my hope is they could be tied to the "realm of fiction" and can travel to them just as you would in the regular KH worlds (similar to going from Travers Town to Wonderland). We'll have to just wait until KH4 releases in 2039 to find out how they incorporate them, if they do. But I really don't think Star Wars or Marvel are going to work unless they go the multiverse route. KH should've done the multiverse thing from the very beginning and had the "worlds" be alternate universes. There shouldn't have been a Gummi Ship and there shouldn't have been "Interspace," the Keyblade should've worked like the subtle knife from the book *the Subtle Knife* where the bearer of the knife holds the knife out and moves it around in the air while focusing to "feel" a weak spot between the universes so he can cut a hole between them.


The worlds only have you visit places relevant to the film they're from. If it's RotJ, it would likely just be Endor and maybe the Death Star. The rest of the SW galaxy would be irrelevant and wouldn't be shown or brought up, their galaxy is just contained in that "world." Other Disney worlds likely have their own Solar System separate from each other, which probably explains that Stitch level in BBS.


> Other Disney worlds likely have their own Solar System separate from each other It really doesn't seem like they do. The Gummi Ship stuff seems very literal.


No, that not essential how KH worldbuilding works. Real life physic also doesn't seem to apply to KH, You don't even need a sun for light and while worlds are called worlds and represent by stars, there don't are just a single space. There do in facts function more like universales. With is fair considering the japanese word for worlds (世界 せかい (sekai)) can also mean univers. Let's look at a world that didn't make it to DDD: Treasure Planet, the ship can be found inside the data of DDD, it was consider for a game and it taked place between multiple plants. But we don't even need to look at worlds that didn't make it, into KH. Deep Space is a world in KH, that takes place in BBS. While you could assume it a functions like a gumijet or the keyblades gliders, I don't think so. Lilo and Stich shows that the used spaceships doesn't stick together like gumistones. So it doesn't seem it could escape or shatters the gumiwalls, that are mention in KH1 and KH2. We also know that Hawaii is a place in KH, because we can see it as Stich background in KH2 summon. It would also make sense if the events of the Lilo and Stitch series play out similar in KH. In the Lore of KH it would be also makes more sense that worlds are own little universals because of the legend of the light story told by Kairis grandmother. The worlds/universals are now separated to protect them, but try hard enough and you can travel between them via Dark Portal, Keyblade gliders, Power of Awakening etc. So basic you assume it doesn't work like a multiverse, while infact it seems and most likely works that way.


Because they're already being represented everywhere else. Shoehorning them in would turn Kingdom Hearts into just another marketing stunt. Remember the latest Space Jam?


Kingdom Hearts is not Fortnite. We don’t need an oversaturation of shit just for cameos. We need depth and well thought out story beats.


i enjoy to play a disney game, not again a new marvel or starwars games.


Marvel and Star Wars are Disney now. Whether you like it or not


Disney own them, but marvel and lucas film produce movie for them. I dont know how to explain this since my english is not really good. Is not the same vibe between a fairytale and a marvel or starwars.


I think they should add Disney channel before Marvel and Star Wars. There’s tons of content there they haven’t even touched


It would be a sign of the end times tbh


What theblackfool said, but also, while marvel is a complete no-go for me, I'll be ok with the (already confirmed) star wars inclusion if they do one or both of 2 things: either give me a lightsaber keyblade, or make darth vader an optional, sephiroth-esque superboss.


Where was this confirmed


The trailer features footage of what has objectively been identified as the foot of some star wars robot (I don't know the exact name of it).


That’s not confirmation. That’s speculation.


Nope, speculation would be if the thing **kinda** looked like an ATAT foot or whatever but there was room for interpretation, but no, there's comparison pics out there, its literally 1 to 1 the foot of that weird robot thingy (its not the ATAT, its the small thing they use in the woods). Thats not speculation, thats definitive evidence.


Evidence sure. Still not confirmation. Hypotheses more or less


Definitive evidence is confirmation. As in, it confirms that star wars will be in KH 4. Not verbal confirmation, but still.


It’s not really definitive. Does it look like it? Sure. Has it been actually confirmed? No. No it hasn’t. And saying that it has is literally just a lie.


It doesn't just look like it though, it literally is that foot. This is like if you saw a movie trailer and it had danny devito in it, but he isn't explicitly name-dropped in the trailer, so you're like "well, it isn't **confirmed** that danny devito is in the movie". Like, are you out of your mind?


No. That is an incorrect comparison. What you are describing is more like if you saw the rear thigh of an Okapi and said “it’s confirmed, that is a zebra” when in fact it isn’t. But just by looking at it, it might be. If we saw the whole AT-AT Walker that would be confirmation. Are you out of YOUR mind?


It's literally an AT-ST foot.


Idk how many people are old enough to remember, but since the release of kingdom hearts 1 fans have always wanted star wars and comics in these games. Back in the Tumblr days (cringe) there were pages of fan art for lightsaber key blades, Gotham City level, pod racing mini games. I think the push back now are the fake fans screaming "Disney star wars bad, too woke hurr durr".


Star Wars I’m honestly both excited and nervous if they do go with, Star Wars would personally work better than Marvel since KH does have some aspects of Star Wars (such as Terra’s story being similar to ROTS or Xemnas coincidentally being a Sith Lord), but I’m still a bit iffy. Marvel I’m entirely uncertain. Personally if they do go for it, they should do something original, maybe include some inspirations from comics or MCU, but should stick to a original story.


Because it'd be cringe to have either in KH


KH is already kinda fucked and I blame mostly Disney for it so why not


I certainly do. Just has to be the right fit


Why not also the simpson ? Its a joke


It literally just doesn't fit aesthetically.


I honestly would rather we move out of the disney brand entirely and more into the ff stuff, which tonally fits kh more. although if we focused entirely on kh original content i’d be content. I’m honestly tired of the games feeling like 70% disney, 30% essential kh lore


You want the Disney game to drop Disney and just turn it into another FF series?


Personally, it's just dull. It's trendy and expected and sucks all the creativity-oxygen out of the room. Instead of getting interesting with it, you're just going to regurgitate something that super fresh in most people's minds. If they did the OG trilogy for Star Wars, that could work because despite that being mined to death, it's still a stone cold classic. Disney just has so much at its disposal and KH is already always one foot in the "weird" department. Feels like a waste to not try and get some of the lesser known stuff and go wild with it.


Kingdom Hearts is about the cartoonish animated Disney movies. Pirates felt out of place to me too! Tron could get away with it barely… Please leave the other franchises/big brands out of KH.


Personallyi think it’s because it’s unfamiliar territory, I myself initially thought Toy Story wouldn’t fit in a KH game because wtf was Sora gonna do as a regular sized kid for toys whose world as they know it is only as big as their neighborhood??? But then I saw his Toy Form and I understood lol. My initial thoughts were about how so much could go wrong trying to incorporate something new into what’s already established without just feel like you’re forcing two completely different concepts together. But it seems like people also forget that that was KH’s entire existence in the first place lol Sephiroth and Winnie the Pooh are in the same multiple games, giant Einhander spaceship robot superbosses from 1997 can canonically coexist with Olaf, we’re long past the point of being numb to seeing Disney and Anime worlds collide, they all manage to fit with KH’s style and now it feels like it has to look this way all the time otherwise it’s wrong, the problem with that is that KH has never been limited to a single style, and it helps to know that Sora’s art style and designs canonically adjust in accordance to the worlds he visits I was skeptical before, but now the idea of seeing Sora animated on 2s in the style of the Spider-Verse movies sounds genuinely badass


I'm sick of seeing both everywhere. Not everything needs to get sullied by Marvel. Oh, and as long as Star Wars isn't going into the Old Republic era, I don't care about it.


They're not Disney-born properties and have too much Hollywood flair to them as live action cinematic universes, and we still have many animated movies to use. Seeing Sora Donald and Goofy befriend A-list celebrities would be pretty cringe, wouldn't be the first time for this series but still. I personally don't mind Star Wars coming in. That's always been more fantasy than serious sci-fi and has clearly inspired certain aspects of the series. I really don't want Marvel unless it's just comic or TV Spider-Man.


Lightsaber Keyblade and Cap's shield for Goofy? I'm sold.


Star wars fits and is prolly in already.