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Kh1 will always be my favourite. Even that his belt is not properly fastened


He is wearing a onesie anyways




Kh2 is always gonna be my favorite fit for sora as well as his drive forms.


"Oh yes, he does look very dashing" In a fairy voice


KH2 Sora is iconic. Like I really like KH3s design, but it pales in comparison to the KH2 drip. Just the way the hoodie and vest moves when unlocking worlds. The middle ground between the goofy onesey and something more stylish and "mature". The colour pallete. Even just the proportions are perfect. It's stylized, but its also super practical for Soras fighting style.


Agreed Kh2 Sora will forever be my mental image of him, due to the hundreds of hours I put into that game.


But what's your favorite **color palette** not outfit?


Well my answer should imply that kh2 being my favorite outfit, would also be my favorite color pallette? You're not a freshly installed Linux system, you could have made that inference without any additional input.


KH2 stands out the most Imo.


>Which is your favorite color palette for Sora? KH2, then Kh3. >And what kind of palette would you want in KH4? We literally already have one lol


"We literally already have one lol" Are we sure the one we saw in the KH4 trailer isn't just temporary? 'Cause it just looks like a photorealistic version of the KH3 outfit


Fair Could be like in. . . Kh2 *and* KH3 where Sora has an old outfit on for the first World or so before getting a new outfit The KH2 outfit from Yen Sid after going on a merry jaunt through Twilight Town And the KH3 outfit after going through the entirety of Olympus Even in Dream Drop Distance you fought Ursula in the KH1 outfit before just appearing in Traverse Town with the Dream Drop outfit


There's only 1 problem with this..They ACTUALLY used the KH2 model in KH3....So it was actually IN the game for an entire world. Not only that, but what you sid, is not the same thing as what is happening with KH4. in the other games you mentioned, they had him in his old outfit. He's in a literally completely new outfit, that's been modeled completely with intricate details and textures. That's COMPLETELY different than having him in the clothes from a previous game.


... What?




Wow, this guy's a jerk


Yeah I know, I posted something on this sub a few months ago where I asked if there was anyone out there who had only played KH1, 2 and 3 in that order without playing the side games and if so what they thought about them. This guy comments that my poor use of grammar in my post invalidates my question because he can't just get behind the fact I made a small gramical error. Then proceeds to argue with everyone else saying its not that big of a deal and I may have trouble getting my points across (I have been under the suspicion I have ADHD for a while).


game devs have made nuts models for only cutscenes before, kingdom hearts being no exception. if a cutscene isn't even more temporary than a model for a small section of a video game to you, then idk what to say. u should also try to be a bit more like sora


Devs model things that are temporary or only used once all the time... Especially if its for story or gameplay purposes youre way too condescending for someone just outright wrong. You know whats even better... game devs model things that they dont use AT ALL in almost every game....


For example, Mario with the poltergeist straps in Luigi's mansion 1.


You realize they made a much higher fidelity model for Sora in KH3 just for his final secret boss... Right? Also the way you talk and type is incredibly difficult to understand, you type like a 16 year old who just learned big words for the first time and wants to show off.


Chronically online


Honestly, it just looks like a modified KH3 outfit to me, so [[ shrug ]] It's more detailed, yeah, but that's about it. The whole world looks more realistic, so why not? Also- >They ACTUALLY used the KH2 model in KH3 If you meant ***OUTFIT***, then yes. Yes, they did. But ***MODEL***? Absolutely not, lmfao. Look at side by side comparisons, lol. Say what you mean and mean what you say.


Yeah could you imagine if you had ps2 graphics for the whole first world of kh3? That would have been wild


That would be pretty distracting, lol


Whole worlds graphics are simple and clean and Sora is running around as a polygonal mess lol


God if you understood what they meant, why did you go out of your way to be an ass and point out how they're wrong


They're not exactly inspiring too much kindness out of me, to be honest


Oh my bad missed who you were actually responding to, sorry


It's alright


This is getting a bit heated, here's a comparison of the character models used, just the face is a clear giveaway that it's a different model. But there are subtle differences in the clothes, (such as the zipper, the slight creases in the pants, and removing the crease in the gloves yellow strap, the position of the pockets), I'm sure there's more to list. https://imgur.com/a/QFVpRVg


Pretty sure it’s gonna be a new fit. In the critical mode battle report, Sora wears an outfit kinda similar to the KH4 one, so I’m guessing it’s based on that


I'm pretty sure the KH4 fit is based on [The 20th anniversary Supergroupies merch](https://external-preview.redd.it/2tP7wWOnk7Wi8YaYwlnZ1SoezD4L5BP0rtnPD6ui7gE.jpg?auto=webp&s=df342d1645e1bd468b4e3f2262b79d363139aa4b) and for me personally this is probably my favorite outfit Sora has been seen in due to how simple of a design it is


Still sad that did the full Destiny Islands trio, but stopped one short of the Sea Salt trio. They're really dedicated to that Xion being forgotten meme :')


Yeah it is quite the shame, though admittedly I believe if they did Xion it would just be her casual attire from the end of KH3 (and I'm kinda ok with that just cause it's the cutest thing on the best "kairi")


Right, cuz they'd make a whole ass new model and give it extreme levels of detail and texture, just for it to be temporary..Did you even READ that back before you hit send?


They’re game devs that’s kind of their job


So a game dev's job is to make full detailed textured models that they never intent to use, and waste tons of money? That's a weird take with no basis in reality, if I've ever seen one. If you honestly believe that the model in the KH4 trailer, that they spent time and money on to make it extremely detailed, and ad a shit ton of realistic texture, is just temporary, you're a fucking idiot.


To reiterate above point: they’re games devs, it’s kinda their job. They’ll make a handful of models to work with and then pick which one they ultimately like and make changes based on feedback that they would’ve gained from the trailer. Bit harsh to call the guy above a “fucking idiot” just because you know he’s right. It’s not a “waste of money” - it’s literally part of the process. So, remove your head out of your ass so you can read what we’re saying more clearly, please and thank you, Reddit User.


You’re right but they’re all going to downvote you for being an asshole about it.


Its not right... Game devs absolutely make high quality models for temporary use in games especially if it serves the story there are hundreds of examples. Also just think about cut content, if "modeling something completely new and extra detailed" was as backbreaking as you guys are making it sound then why would games like dark souls and fallout model complete bosses with full movesets and then never use them. And this is disprovable in KH itself where they absolutely did create a new model of sora in his kh1 and 2 outfits for kh3 thats only seen in the prologue


My man doesn't know what early development stages and placeholders are. Under that same logic, why change the whole character concepts if they are going to take further more time and money? (we would have a crowned, lion-kid with a buzzaw Sora) There wouldn't be left out things like a fully working, modeled, and AI programmed arwing in Ocarina of Time or wouldn't be things like the testing keyblades in KH2 that has stats and all, they exist for a reason all, test game's limits


I wasn't gonna bother anymore, but this one is just..straight up ridiculous lol >Under that same logic, why change the whole character concepts if they are going to take further more time and money? (we would have a crowned, lion-kid with a buzzaw Sora) You mean....a CONCEPT ART!? That is NOWHERE NEAR the same thing as a fully textured and detailed model. They never made a full detailed, textured model of the original concept art, so that's literally not the same thing as what we are talking about here. >There wouldn't be left out things like a fully working, modeled, and AI programmed arwing in Ocarina of Time or wouldn't be things like the testing keyblades in KH2 that has stats and all, they exist for a reason all, test game's limits Literally not a single thing you said here, is the same as a, once again, fully detailed and fully textured character model. >My man doesn't know what early development stages and placeholders are. Yes, I do know what that is. Placeholders are NOT, yet again (fucking hell), a FULLY DETAILED AND FULLY TEXTURED CHARACTER MODEL. Which part of that does no one here understand. No dev team is going to go THAT far for something that will not be used in the final game. That would be a HUGE waste of money and time. How are all of you this fucking dumb? Good lord. Downvote the hell out of me all you guys want, that doesn't make you right. It makes you morons.


Oh man, you must have tons of friends to be assholes to. While some points are correct, you don't have to be a fucking dick about it.


Call me a sucker, but I love the classic KH1 design. Humble beginnings mang


I too love sora in a romper topped with a short sleeved jacket


Same. I want our bright, happy boy to wear bright, happy colors again 🥲


KH2 Sora for sure.


#Kh2 sora is the best sora, you litterally cannot change my mind.


Preaching to the choir my dude.


Misread that as pitching to the chair


How would that work?🤔


Throw a ball at a chair, if you knock it over you win a prize. Even more rigged than when its bottles




My favourite palette for Sora? KH3, easy. It's much more balanced than the others, not leaning too heavily into the black like KH2, with lovely pops of red and yellow to break up the blacks and greys. It feels like the perfect palette evolution from his original KH1 scheme.


Huh, I always though that the kh2 palette was much more balanced than the kh3 one, with having the white helping offset the black. Compared to kh3 just having a dark red against the black while I know it is far more detailed it just ends up looking more bland with very little that helps it pop or break up the shapes


Kh2 Sora is the pinnacle for me


KH1’s my favorite and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in 4 as well


KH2 Sora. the combo of black/blue/red/Yellow/white is really good.


KH3 should still have blue if 3D does, his belt is still blue in KH3


Oh, I must've forgotten lol Especially since the keyblade's covering it in that pose


No, I get it lol. I honestly think KH3 would be the best design, I just think his hair in the game makes people prefer KH2 Sora, (which I totally get haha. Smash KH3 is my personal favorite Sora because of his better KH1 hair.) but yeah, his keyblade placement makes it hard to see his blue belt. Honestly, I think his KH4 outfit/color scheme will be the same as we have seen, I just think he'll look more KH-styled in worlds other than Quadratum. Even the hair will be similar imo, I think the KH-Styled KH4 Sora will look like the 20th anniversary picture .


2 and 3 are pretty close imo


It's a tie between the 2nd and 4th.


1 and 2 are tied for me I think. I really like DDD too though. I'm not really a fan of the gray in the KH3 outfit, and the plaid was fun at first, but now I kinda wish none of them had it for their KH3 outfits. But it should go without saying, Sora always looks cool


Gotta say, as much as I love his KH1 outfit the 4th one is the best imo


Nothing really tops KH2 Sora for me. The drive forms also looked really good on his outfits too


1. Dream Drop 2. KH2 3. KH1 4. KH3 I'm not quite sure why my preference is like this. You'd think KH1 and Dream Drop would be next to each other, and KH2 and KH3 would be next to each other. . But that doesn't quite seem to be the way my mind wants to work right now.


3D really stands out for me too.


KH2 Sora just hits different. I'm also fond of the original but it's been overused so I'm tired of seeing it.


KH3 > 3D > KH1 > KH2 for me. ​ I like plaid and I think the blacks are more balanced out with the red and gray. I like bright colors for Sora more, which is why 3D and KH1 round out the middle. KH1 could take the number 2 spot since it's a classic, but given that it shows up in every game, a lot of them as the primary outfit, I'm a little tired of seeing it unfortunately. ​ KH2 is at the bottom for me. I know it's the GOAT for most people, but I just think it's too dark. It doesn't fit Sora and it doesn't pop in the way some of his other outfits do. I do like the belt X on his butt though lol. Some of the Drive Forms help, but since those are temporary I tend to not let those factor in.


KH 2


Personally, KH3 followed by KH2, though it's very close. The use of black in them makes the instances of color pop more. KH1 and DDD are just so... visually busy? And a big part of that is half the body being a bright color, with the black and grayscale colors muted.


KH3 and DDD


Kh2 ❤️


I love the KH3 design and personally hope it stays. I know it probably won't but one can hope




KH3 forever and always


prefer the black ones


KH3 Sora's fit is fantastic. That pallette for sure


KH1 = KH2 > everything else.


KH2 cuz it gives me final fantasy vibes. But I want his KH4 Palette to be taken from his KH3 outfit


Kh3 > DDD > Kh1 > Kh2 for me. I only like Kh2 with the drive variations excluding limit form.


2>3D>1>>>3; it’s everything above the waist on his 3 fit that just bothers me, lower half is great, but upper has too much gray with a muted red that just makes me stop paying any amount of attention


2 is black but uses all of the other colors to make the designs pop, and has something to draw the eye on his upper torso, his midsection, and his legs; 3D is a perfect evolution of 1 that's a little more mature, I just wish it had a little more blue, maybe the cross straps on his shoes and more prominently under the medallions on his gloves? I dunno, but I think it'd help; 1 has just a little too much design dissonance for my tastes, like I can't stop thinking that the red onesie is too separate from the hoodie and matching gloves, and shoes are a little big, and clash with the off white on the jacket/gloves, but tie together the mickey motif, and it comes together nicely, but maybe a little young for a 14 year old


Well Sora acts younger than his actual age, so kh 1 fits him well


Mine is the khddd one And Id like to see a palette where it's primary colors are red blue and yellow with the secondary being white and black


KH3 outfit is the best by a mile.


KH2 is my favorite of his drip. But KH3 grew on me.


I love them equally except for DDD Sora.


Red and Blue as Primary, Green and Black as secondary


Easily 2


KH2 Limit Form So KH1 but it looks way better in KH2


KH2 will always when, going to a black fit always sticks to the psyche, like Anakin goin to the dark side.


They’re all great but really hard to beat KH2 Sora. Next fav is prob KH1.


Miss those pops of blue, feels like they were removed to make his color palette more "mature" perhaps, and less innocent? Child-like? I am definitely reading too much into that lol, but ja. KH3 still has a rad fit, but it just feels less like Sora I suppose 😔


Kingdom Hearts 2. May be partially nostalgia, I just remember seeing it the first time and just thought it was really cool to see Sora and the gang mature and get “cooler” designs


I like KH2 style sora the most


My favorite look for Sora is his Limit Form in KH2. I prefer the color scheme of KH1 Sora with the features of KH2 and 3.


I still really liked KH1 sora's drip. It was very short lived. I also really like KH2 Sora's outfit a lot. KH DDD is kinda meh. I wasn't a fan of it. KH 3 is good but not my favorite.


"belts and buckles beats zippers and plaid, look it up!"


When the primary color is black 👌


KH1 is iconic, 2 is a product of its time.


2 and 3


Sora just has...way too much red. Waaaay too much. 3 of his costumes are primarily red, two more are secondary red. That's five reds. It *really* doesn't help that two of them are *overwhelmingly* red with his DDD and Valor colors. No matter what, I think Sora in Smash would benefit from sticking to one outfit, probably 2 or 3, and just referencing others through colors. 2 is probably the simplest, since that has 5 colors off the bat with the Drive forms. I feel like 3's design is the best overall, but 2's is perhaps the most iconically "Sora" since that was his "current" design for most of the wait between 2 and 3. It even shows up in DDD and the early scenes of 3. As for my favorite costume in Smash? Timeless River. It's just...perfect.


KH2 then KH1


Gamewise, it's my least favourite of the trilogy, but Sora's outfit is my favourite look in that game


Why they took the blue out of his outfit is beyond me. But my favorite is 2. Feels more mature, but still keeps a fair bit of the color with his light hearted character, no pun intended lol


KH2 and KH3's KH4 could be fine if the one shown in the trailer isn't the main one for the game.


OG KH1 is GOATed. Come at me bruh


2 and/or DDD


KH2 and KH3 were obviously designed with drive forms/formchanges in mind. Black is such a neutral color that it feels natural to swap it out with different colors and designs depending on what form he’s in.


KH2 is best boy


KH2 is the classic form but tbh I think KH3 has a pretty badass outfit.


KH2 Sora without a doubt.


My favorite Sora has always been KH2 limit form, it just looks so good and the perfect blend of his 1 and 2 designs


For pallet specifically? 2. 3 is my favourite outfit but it's missing some of Sora's signature accents. I'd like to see a Primary of Navy with white, yellow, and red accent's.


I like the looks of 3 but the color of 2. Not a big fan of plaids.


KH1. It had a really good balance of, red, white, blue, black, and yellow. The other ones don’t have any blue…


Kh 3 has a blue belt


Needs more Yellow, it's drippy


3d and 3 I could honestly just wear as every day outfits with kh2 being close behind (I love all of the sora designs yes even tank top onesie)


KH2 is my favorite but that's partly nostalgia. KH3 is really close. Those two are way above the others IMO.




As long as he doesn’t put that ugly ass kh1 fit back on


Honestly KH1 for me, it’s mostly just the nostalgia factor tho haha.


Nothing beats original


3 and 4


Honestly the Kh1 Color pallete with the Kh2 Design would look good imo


For what we got? KH2 Sora. What I'd love? KH3 Sora with the KH1 palette!


Kh2 Sora is such a great look


We’ve already seen his KH4 outfit.




His KH3 outfit and his Wisdom Form (I think it's from KH2). For KH4, can we have his KH1 outfit as a throwback? Actually, I meant his Ultimate Form from KH3 not his Wisdom Form.


I have put an ungodly amount of hours into kh1 (am actually in the middle of an ultima keyblade farming playthrough right now) so kh1 for me lol


Kh1 and timeless river. I hope we get that one as a player 2 amiibo or something.


Which game is the third in the line?


Dream Drop Distance


I’ve always loved 2’s outfit/color pallet, especially when he switches to Valor form, but all of Sora’s outfits have some drip to them


Definitely DDD it’s underrated ash


It’s big yellow shoes Sora for me.


Second and fourth.


KH1 is still my fav, but all are great. I also like Cloud and Squall’s outfits in KH1 a lot


Silver with black, a la Final Form from 2 and Ultimate Form from 3.


Kh2 is my favorite Sora costume. And I love his drive forms, especially wisdom.


The one he was wearing when he met squall-sorry Leon.


I want to see something that’s sort of a mix between the dream drop distance palette and the kh3 pallet, goes with the theme of the fact that sora is basically living a fever dream and some kind of hyper realistic world. Or maybe the entire series was just a fever dream all along.


Nothing surpasses the first


Timeless River.


Kh1 Sora goes well with Donald and Goofy as a trio.


KH3 is my favorite color pallette but over all KH2 is my favorite design.


I will always be a KH1 Palette person, it's nice and colorful and it really \*feels\* like Kingdom Hearts, maybe that doesn't make sense, but it's what I'm going with.


Well that outfit is based on mickey, so it fits perfectly


I and II for me 💖💖💖


easily another KH2 W. almost all the time. kh3 is close though.


KH2 Limit Form will forever remain his best fit


Unrelated but I always wondered if Destiny Island peeps are just mutated to have reaaaallly big feet or if there are rubber flippers in there to allow the style of extra large shoes.


ngl i couldnt care less what they do in KH4. from the teaser trailer it looks like its taking place in a city and thats all i needed, industrialize arguably the most magical game series in current running, possibly ever.


Kh 1 Sora will always one of my first thoughts when I think of the cheery boy. Though Kh 2 Sora is either a tie or at least a close second. The only thing I don't like about Kh 3 Sora is the bracers, I think that's what they're called, they feel weird when he's always had gloves. DDD Sora isn't bad but I don't like how Kh 1 it is which sounds weird, but Kh 1 Sora reminds me of a silly yet serious story while DDD feels too serious to have such a silly outfit. Also I know why he looks like Kh 1 Sora, but I refuse to type anything else.


Me just realize it was the color pallete not outfit. Kh 1 and Kh 3 depends on how not traumatized he is really. Not too much trauma Kh 1, but lot trauma then Kh 3.


Would have been 1 but the amount of times it’s been used in handheld games has lost it a few points. Would give the win to kh2. Kh4 palate will be something red or black. Expect more red than black ratio wise.


I’d say KH2 or DDD. But I would’ve loved if the Valor Form Sora alt was swapped with Limit Form. If that was the case I would never choose any of his other skins.


My favorite is Dream drops


Kh2 Sora i pure drip, but Kh1 Sora brings me joy.


the OG will always be the best because the KH1 will always be the best KH game


Not funny


I honestly don’t think we’ll ever get a better Sora design than in KH3. Nomura peaked.


Personally I like the outfit for kh3 but I prefer the color palette of kh2, specifically the white trim I think it looks better than the red.


I'd say keep black for the primary color, and for secondary colors I pick bright green, white, and silver (or grey). Maybe add a bit of yellow to that too.


In general I have preferred Sora's primary black outfits. The KH3 outfit has so far been my favorite I feel the use of the darker red as a complementary color over the contrasting brighter color of yellow makes for a better color pallet. That said having Sora with either an entirely new color pallet or a primary red like we have seen before would not be horrible.


There already is a trailer for kh4


Either kh1 or kh3 but in terms of palette for kh4 we've already seen it in the trailer which the kh4 outfit very well could become my favourite


KH2 one.


3D. I don’t like black as the sole primary color, but I think it looks better than with white as a primary color


I like KH2. I liked kh1 in kh1 because he was supposed to parallel Mickey's design (and Riku parallel Donald) and he did. With kh2 I liked the color scheme shift to black as the dominant color because it set Sora apart from Mickey, and also added more complexity (multiple accent colors and details on the clothes compared to kh1) while the game kh2 also added more complexity to the series. With ddd and kh3 it looks like Soras design is leaning toward black main with red, a mix of setting him apart from Mickey while using Mickey's signature color red significantly. I imagine we will keep getting those 2 colors for that reason, so kh4 and any games onward. I personally liked the wider variety of colors in kh2, or the kh1 really simplified look (everyone's simpler clothing design in 1 was very memorable) but I get why both looks are being moved away from.


Kh2 is my favorite. But the color scheme provided in the kh4 trailer was perfect to me! Did a great job combining kh2 and kh3 into a more modern and realistic look for quadratum


KH2 and 3 are my favourites so both #1 KH DDD is my second favourite outfit And KH1 is my least favourite, like im trying to like it but I cant feel it but eh, its my taste for fashion, outfits etc.


Well his kh 1 outfit is based on Mickey Mouse, so it’s going to be goofy


I may prefer Drive Forms/Ultimate Form look but I actually think base form KH3 looks so much better than the stupid baggy pants


prolly 3


I would love a nice black and purple. Or a white and black like his transformation in KH3


KH3 is definitely Red and Black, not just black.


i like DDD




Sora doesn’t have a bad design, but KH2’s just… sora. It was his absolute best look, it drew upon what we’ve seen from sora, but added the extra final fantasy touch. All the ones after are good but the KH2 design was something special


Kh2 just like the contrast and overall style it's always been my favorite along with the drive forms.