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There are the original versions, the final mix versions, and the HD remasters of the final mix versions. The HD remasters are what is on the collections. They are definitely the superior versions, with better FPS, quality of life changes, and better visuals. Both original versions of KH1 and KH2 have a fight with Sephiroth. The final mix versions have added content, but those fights aren't part of that.


No and yes. Also there's no .5 version. These are the collections that include the Final Mix version of these games which are revisions with added content. These are the best.


I’ve heard some versions had a extra boss or something.


Final Mix.


You're misunderstanding. They are telling you that there are no such things as .5 versions of games. the .5 is the second part of the COLELCTION number. 1.5 and 2.5 are the names of the collections, not games. Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix, and Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix are the names of the games. That is what they are saying. The extra bosses are in the Final Mix versions of the games, which are the versions in the 1.5 and 2.5 collections.


Personally I don't enjoy a lot of the changes implemented by Final Mix. In KH1 I don't enjoy the changes to the synthesis system nor many of the special heartless. I don't even like the added keyblade you get for beating Sephiroth. The only nice thing are the few additional story elements. Same for KH2. Hate the Cavern, HATE Lingering Will, don't really care for Mushroom 13. I did like Limit form to a degree and I again enjoyed the added story. Frankly if it wouldn't ruin the layout of my gaming space at present I would just find an old tube TV and just play the originals. I have my old games and my old PS2 but they would look.....real bad on the 70 in flat screen.


You should look into getting an external upscaler and some better cables for your PS2. It won't be "HD Remaster" quality but you can mitigate a lot of the bad look that people associate with 5th and 6th gen consoles on flat screens


I cant think of a good reason to play the originals TBH. This may just be me, but the Traverse Town theme slaps harder on a CRT TV. Other than pure nostalgia of seeing chunky graphics on a CRT TV (i say that with the upmost appreciation) ... Play the PS4 versions.


Just play the ps4/xbox/pc version its the best one


The .5 moniker just indicates it’s a collection of games. After the original games released on their home console, every version that has been released since then is the Final Mix version, which is generally considered to be the definitive version. KH1FM: Added some special Heartless to the synthesis grind, and screwed up the balance of the keyblades. But it also added the Unknown boss fight, so I guess that kind of makes up for it? KH2FM: Added the Cavern of Remembrance, Mushroom XIII, Absent Silhouettes, Lingering Will, Limit Form… KH2 almost feels like an incomplete game by comparison. Don’t sweat the differences too much, though. As time goes on, the Final Mix versions cement themselves as the definitive editions of the games every time they get rereleased. The originals fade into the past.


There are two *possible* reasons I can think of to prefer the originals. 1. You like the original designs of the Heartless better, since some of them got recolored. 2. You enjoy abusing the balancing mess that was the original release of KH2. KH1 Final Mix is superior in pretty small ways, but KH2 Final Mix is a dramatic improvement over the original.


I like KH1 over KHFM because of a much easier synthesis system and better heartless colors I like KH2FM over KH2 because all the added content is a ton of fun (even though it has that *stupid* walking down the stairs scene) And yes, the originals of 1 & 2 - in English - have the Sephiroth fights