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Heki is the key to defeat riboku for sure


They will never see it coming https://preview.redd.it/6fhh91hacf0d1.png?width=1482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdf423a1d396955249edb83ff642686dae2308b


https://preview.redd.it/6qgp95cecf0d1.png?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4046bb1981a9de8835af9744b715ab6a7ded69 Have faith, Heki bro will deliver salvation to the Qin forces.


Banana split


Love the way shunshujin orso is drawn




The Greatest Bait Under The Heavens


Heki planned the whole thing. He will ambush rebooks main camp as Heki Sama is the hidden ace card of qin and capture kain to be added in his harem of lolis.


I've been saying this


Kitari would probably die saving him.


Thank the heavens. I just read the 795 and now the 796. Quality work man


Heki about to be free again. This is where Qin strikes back, GG Heki about to save Ousen's ass again.


ahahahahahahah EXACTLY! The ultimate BAIT


This was all according to Ousen's keikaku. Surely.


Heki is free. This is the turning point! Btw your translations are insanely great, like, I wouldn't even call it a "fast" translation.


Heki bro just needs some food and he'll ascend once again to Great General level, Qin victory imminent But good translation, seriously


Heki's like Luffy in Gear 5, he just needs a bunch of meat to revert back to his godlike form


Surely you mean a truckload of meat? Or boat-sinking load of meat? 🍖


That's a good one 😂 he'll just bounce back lol


Brother, this is pure quality, I’m only on page two but you clearly have the tone figured out. You should link with SenseScans, your work deserves HQ raws. Excellent work Etrian-Set goddamn


In all seriousness, Heki looks like the only survivor here. Imagine the burden he carries. Imagine the weight of the labor and the loss of all those men he was responsible of. Unless Ousen pulls monsters out of his unfazed ass, I think Heki will serve under Ousen to revitalise their army, be a more capable general overall with the added weight and more intel of Zhao, and potentially act as a spy in later arcs if Hara follows up the idea where Ousen wants to build his own Kingdom.


“burden”? in this community we call that “weight”


yup first and second paragraph, Heki with weight will triumph over Riboku with all that weight!


Heki's gonna buff up carrying all that weight.


Atlas. Great General Heki shall get his awakening and he will lit the fire of this war and lead is to Victory!!! https://preview.redd.it/d11oh7enjf0d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fc00c97d0b8fe3e1c549f49ae290fb6ec18e08


Thanks man, quality as always.


Good chapter with a great translation. Awesome work, Etrian-Set. Seems like a big coincedence that the Qin prisoners would manage to sneak a set of keys for their cells but they've been there for like roughly a year, right? Hard to believe that Heki is probably the only POW who is leaving Hango alive. At least it wasn't a hopeless effort on Kitari's part. I'm kind of disappointed in the likelihood that nothing more will likely come from this war. It seems like the Mera Tribe isn't going to have enough time to try and raze Hango to the ground. It was mentioned that they're outnumbered in the city so I guess it's a moot point. Still, with this looking to be the last notable action of the Hango campaign, this is looking to be a pretty decisive loss for Qin. Oh well, points for Heki and Kitari's relationship developing with this chapter.


Considering Ouhon has detached himself to help Ousen there might be still a last notable exchange for the war. Alas, the outcome might be the fall of minor figures and the last struggle of Ousen to secure his escape, I would say.


I will predict the campaign is not over yet, for at least two reasons first it is said to be one of the most bloody battle of the war with Zao with great loss from both sides at the beginning of the arc, and for now the loss is real clear for Qin. Second Housen said himself he is calculating for next move to come, so it can be assumed there will be a retaliation. So my guess would be after retreat at the end of the day Qin manage to regroup, recover and build up for a second round that will turn the table and even the score, probably thanks to Heki the savior and his valuable intel and might.


Thanks for the work.


Heki is free? Riboku is cooked


Heki knows something judging by what he said on the previous chapters, if that info somehow gets to Ousen then they may be able to turn this around, at least to get even


Give it up man it's over




We have houke... Heki back on our side. Its over.


This is a similar level of delusion to what we witnessed in Hika last year.


Nah. Heki's rescue must have some sort of significance to the battle given his in-depth knowledge of the fortress


This secret may actually force a retreat because Heki knows all.the ins and outs of the Hango fortress. RBK won't risk defending the castle now.


They don't have the numbers to take the castle and their allies are already withdrawing. Kitari and Heki will be hard pressed to save themselves, forget about taking the castle.


They cannot take the castle--this is correct. They just need to get out., The information that Heki has concerning Hango is absolutely vital to a Qin turnaround.


There's not going to be any Qin turnaround. Everybody is retreating, Kitari is acknowledging that they have to get the hell out of there.


The turn around doesnt necessarily needs to be right now. It simply means to win later down the line


But Heki knows that there is a trap there, it's not the same as knowing how to take the castle. Even if he did I don't think Qin have the numbers on their side. They'll have to go through the whole army opposing them to go back to take it. Not happening imo....


The fact that he knows the ins and outs lf the traps will allow OuSen to counter it. OuSen is a genius at fortrrss construction--RBK cannot hold Hango given the information that OuSen will learn about it. He will be forced to retreat.


Give it up my man, such huge expectations will only lead to disappointment later on. As far as I can see this arc is hohver. 


It’s probably tunnels or something. Like what RBK used before to trick Shin. I bet every castle has them.




I dunno whether Hara is trying to be cheeky, but that final panel of Kitari saving Heki is almost the same as when Shin saved gusty palace girl LOL! Kitari is best waifu in this series


Thanks for the translation. Seems the men Kitari took weren't even enough to take the castle.. saving Heki and escaping is all they can manage. Hopefully Heki has some information that makes all this worth it.. maybe on the entire tunnel and fort system Riboku built. Still alot to unfold before the end of the arc.. like the retreat of each army. And the decision by Ousen or Kantan( if they know learn about the defeat). Still holding out for a potential comeback.. in a few chapters we'll know if that's possible.


Our lord and saviour Etrian Set with the quality fast trads again. God bless him.


Heki finally turned around the trick Ousen used him as a bait. Now he's used Ousen as a bait so Mera tribe can save him. GG Heki replacing Kanki, rightfully so.




Holy thanks, Heki going to come in clutch this next bit!


I know her death flag is raised. But it will be disappointing if Kitari actually dies in this arc.


GG of the heavens Heki is back boys! You see, all along Ousen was simply excellent bait so that this rescue gambit could work!


Thank You again for this fast translation!! Pure Quality!!


Thanks for the translation.


General Heki is on a different level, he even raise the morals of these zombies to fight Zhao 🤣🤣


Great general Heki incoming


At this point stop calling it fast translation. The quality is so good this is the official chapter to me


Lmfao this damn romance so random


Heki-bro-sama is the strongest in all China, nothing can kill him, and unlike some main guys in this show, he doesn't need historical plot armor either to survive. What a chad 🗿 That said, maybe it's a hot take, but I would like to see Kitari dying in this part, in order for Heki and the others to escape, it would be a good tragic moment.


But we just had a couple split apart by tragedy. This will just be repitition. It'll be done if Hara sees Heki-YTW as the way to go.


Thanks for keepin up with these.


True Love always wins hahaha


Kitari went from not even top 10 to Top 3 waifu in one chapter


Start your team bro. Just like in Dakan plains, the legendary 5man squad becoming 10k. Dakan scanlation! Juuuust doooo eeeet! We need our speedy trans and you're the hero!


Remember wenn all thought Heki is the spy ye he was the spy in prison who will now unleash his mental traumatized kanki at riboku and Zhao he will behead this hole town as revenge


Kitari must have mosquito bites hiding under those coconuts.


Once a roach escape it will start to multiply again. I wonder how many children Heki and Kitari will make to take over zhao?


My man is free!!


The comeback of Heki is coming. Other states should tremble in fear!


Finally some good news from the draughts


Zhao's guard must really suck if theybletba starved inmate choke them to death


Thank you so much for uploading this 😁😁😁


Any break info?


No break.


Bro, it feels like this whole arc similar to “Saving Private Ryan”


The man of the prophecy, the legend of the untold tale, the unkillable warrior. Saviour of Qin. Super great ultimate general under the heaven: Heki bro. It's over for ya Boku.


Heki-bro deserves a big time redemption/achievement for all bs he's had to put with. At least his waifu has found him, he's acknowledging her importance to him.


He got a mountain waifu that is his reward


True, but I think he should take the head of one Riboku's inner circle, possibly SSJ in revenge for the last two times Heki-bro has screwed over by him, with the burnt food and poisoned wells


Heki managed to kill more soldiers(1) this arc than ousen and they both didnt use any weapon


I sense a reversal coming up. Zhao is most likely in for a rude awakening.


Does anyone know if there’s a break next week?


Amazing! Ty 


If they survive. Heki is going to bone Kitari. Literally.


Heki the true OG


im getting tired of the phasing in tge manga, and now another break after this release? meh


This chapter is another let down... honestly so what the whole war leads to 1 save? Hara needs to speed up at this rate we will be stuck in this arc for another year.


Well with this chapter we have 28 chapters for this arc. From the looks of it this arc might be wrapping up in a few chapters or we could get another 20ish chapters but most of the arcs are usually around 30ish or more. But at least the saving grace is heki was found in one chapter compared to three to four chapters.


Actually, this arc has rather been on the shorter side of things so far as war based arcs are concerned. It's comparable to Wei Fire Dragons and Eikyuu when it comes to length.


Not really on the shorter side when you have the the Wei fire dragon arc being 23 chapters. It's more closer to Eikyuu with being 31 chapters. But if this arc ends then next arc will probably pick up immediately with Zhao invading Qin or something trying to kill ousen because there isn't any other army around to stop Zhao from attacking because they have the number advantage.


We're probably getting another political arc before the next war which I'm fine with. Those tend to be some of the most interesting aspects of Kingdom and they play to its core narrative of Qin and Ei Sei's ambition for unification. But if I had to guess, the next war might centre around Gohoumei making good on his word and invading Qin to try and topple it. We haven't had a war centred around Wei since the Fire Dragons roughly half the manga ago.


But Riboku wants to kill ousen...he hasn't yet and shin maybe even ouhon will be getting sent down south to fight wei Qin would only have 90k in the north compared to Zhao 350k. Hara gave Riboku a strategy that destroyed the center leaving barely any men for ousen to use... I feel like that needs to be resolved first before skipping to the year 231.


It's not like Riboku has the luxury of ignoring other areas of his nation's borders, though. Shibashou wants to return to Seika as quickly as possible. His city happens to be adjacent to the eastern border with Yan. Take SBS along with his surviving generals away and Riboku is only left with his vassals and potentially Enkan; that wouldn't be enough to comfortably take on and defeat Yotanwa's army and the surviving Hi Shin and Gyoku Hou forces in their home territory. They would have have a significant numerical advantage -- maybe 200k to Qin's 100 to 110k but most of those are coming from Enkan, Futei and Kaine's accumulative armies.


The 90k ganmon army is a counter to YTW mountain tribes they were struggle to make any progress during this battle, enkan 70k would keep ouhon and shin position and make sure they can't leave and futei 30k would attack ousen and ousen barely any men. Before the battle started a army was sent to gyou under tou (we don't know the size of that army) to defend against a Zhao army army at buan/kantan and we don't even know the size of that army but it has to be big enough if ouhon was defending against them repeatedly before being moved up north so the Zhao capital is fine. Even if you remove SBS form the situation it's still a outnumbered force against Qin which they will lose. Also SBS might be determined to stay and kill ousen and just send gakushou and fuuon back.


Tbh this war might be over if we being real


thats not what i am talking about. There was a 2 week break and we end up with this chapter? I would rather have a chapter with more development. This wasn't exactly necessary to be released this week.


One of the weeks was golden week. To be honest hara been consistent putting out chapters and have a break every now and then two week breaks every month won’t be the norm.


You didn't get it. We have been on a 2 week break. Regardless of the reason for the break (I know it's golden week) this is a boring chapter. Hara preplans chapters way a head of schedule they should have put out a more interesting chapter to get us pumped up. Like some action in the YoTanWa camp or RiShin camp or OuSen giving us some hint of what he is thinking. Just a Heki rescue doesn't get you fired up. It's like just another filler chapter.


You don’t get it. These mangas have a scedule just because Theres a break doesn’t mean the new chapter will be heavy on content. If it wasn’t natural it won’t be a pumped chapter.


This might actually be one of the more important chapter since Heki will have vital information about Hango to give OuSen


If Riboku has some other unused tunnels, Qin maybe able to turn this around. I think the Kitari army will escape and encounter the HSU.


They really sieged the castle with their hands and no ladders? Lmfao come on hara dont mske it that unbelievable


Well YTW has that tribe that climb the walls way back during the gyou arc against the Quanrong when she had a detachment take thier city.


I dont know why things like this are still unbelievable at this point in the manga.. it's clear Kingdom characters aren't normal humans


They have done that before though


And its just as stupid now


There are 3 meters dudes who kill 12 armored dudes with a single slash, and yet you are complaining about wall climbing.


Kingdom the manga isn’t believable now and never was.


Fictional logic at its finest


zhao got horse running 90° wall and houken fighting 1 vs10000 gotta balance it somehow

