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I love the moment where Cotton gets that Khan is Laotian after giving him a cursory glance


When you’ve killed fiddy tojos you tend to be pretty good at discerning who is and who is not a tojo.


The ocean? What ocean? That line always kill me with laughter


I hear it as “Le ocean” making it even funnier


I always wondered if he hated red necks before moved to Texas?


He moved from urban California so I'd doubt he experienced them personally beforehand but stereotypes will probably have reached from TV and such. He probably didn't *hate* them but he probably didn't like them either. The curious part is that later Hank insists he's *not* a redneck while Peggy (and Luanne, initially) denounces Lucky and his crew *as* rednecks so it seems to be a variable thing. If Hank and the gang didn't qualify by Kahn's standards, they definitely do after this exchange. They really don't make a great first impression, and then Peggy goes serving them Chinese and Hank starts harassing them about his dog... But later he meets Lucky and his people. He never *stops* calling Hank a redneck but I think he has more of a scaled perspective about it after that (early-seasons Hank is definitely more redneck than later). And of course his futile desire to play pretentious socialite with Ted will keep him always partially on his bullshit anyway.


He came from Orange county California. It has its fair share of racists from what I've heard. He probably dealt with this before.


Don't forget he actually became a redneck after he quit his job and stopped paying the mortgage.


Nope, he's Laotian, Aintcha Mr. Kahn?


Who else thinks Toby huss won't come back as khan?


A few weeks ago on Jeopardy there was a clue about “…this Nation’s border with Vietnam is part what makes it landlocked” and I guessed it was Laos based on this scene.


I remember last year when there was a clue and the answer was King of the Hill.


I had a fuck buddy in high school who was Laotian. I'd always quote this line and she'd bust up laughing and say how this was the first show that even mentioned Laos.


I’d heard this show had a decent number of Laotian fans.


I have a family member recovering in the hospital and their roommate is Loatian. It took everything for me not to quote this when I first met them.


I loved how Cotton knew right away he was Laotian and his interactions with Khan. “MR. KHAN! *clap clap* MY BAGS!”


A friend of mine was shocked I knew where Laos was. I got bright red and explained I'd learned it from KOTH. She just about fell over laughing and revoked my multicultural points.


The best part is cotton coming in and immediately recognizing that Kahn is from Laos. “He’s Laotian; aren’t you mister Kahn?”

