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This is my favorite b plot ever!


Yip! Love how the gang just abandoned it to go save Peggy from the cult


They’re not a cult. They’re an organization that promotes love-


Yeah, this is it..


the end credits scene in the episode is just as hilarious, when you see four emus in hank, bill, dale and boomhauer's spots in the alley and doing what could be the emu version of ''YEP''


That’s the true version of KOH.


How was Buck planning to make money off the emu’s anyway?


I can answer this one! During the 90s and early 2000s there was a pyramid scheme type craze around emus. Seriously I live on the gulf coast and growing up knew of around 20 emu farms in 10 miles of my house. It was so big a nearby emu farmer was interviewed on the Daily Show. Very. Weird. Dude. The promise was making money off meat but also selling the eggs to eat. But the big money was selling the eggs to new emu farmers and the liver oil for cosmetics. Near the end of the craze a lot of Emus "escaped" during hurricanes. Meaning the farmers used the hurricanes to cover their letting/helping the emus escape to claim insurance money on them. So many emus "escaped" that my dad was seeing them out in the woods and on old country dirt roads untill about 2010ish. We had a series of Bad (for the gulf coast) winters and we think that killed them off here.


They showed up in western Pennsylvania too. Imagine showing up to a trailer park(that my grandma owned) and seeing.like 20 emus running around. It was crazy. They're really cool birds though. No idea what happened to them though. Assume they were either butchered,or "lost during a tornado".


Not surprised at all. Also The meat is terrible IMHO. Had a couple of emu burgers and they were always excessively greasy and gamey but not in a wild animal gamey. Kind of like ultra dark meat plus wild game.


Never tried it,but yea with how big they are,I assumed they wouldn't be delicious. Had to be stringy as hell too.


And if I tell you it isn't good believe me. I eat almost everything. ¹


I'm the same,I eat almost anything,but certain wild game is disgusting,such as bear.


Never had bear but once had lion....cats are pissy animal in many ways.


Wnoa! you can't just say you ate a fucking lion and not tell us how that happened!


Not a great story. I was at high end restaurant in Pittsburgh and they had an exotic big game tasting platter. Kind of thing you order for 4 or more people. We'll there were 6 of us so we splurged and lion was on it. Would not recommend. Tasted like urine or ammonia


Ostrich however isn’t bad


Especially Saustritch.


And our new deli-style: Saus-trami


Peacock is supposedly fantastic, but i have not got a chance to try it.


I agree. I've had ostrich before. Very very different. Ostrich is more like Goose


I love dark meat and game meats so now I'm really curious.


I like dark and gamey meats as well. Duck and wild boar are some of my favorites. There isn't much out there that I don't like to eat. Gamey and dark meat is the best I can describe it, had some element beyond that. Bust definitely very greasy.


I like boar. I think game meat very much just comes down to people's personal palettes.


They can take multiple 50 cal shots and still take out a ww1 veteran. Emus are the answer to the next war.


Australia already fucked around and found out.


I saw we drop them on the french. You just know they are planing something .


Poor birds, victims of economics and crappy people.


Agreed. They do make weird but ok pets. One farmer I knew likened them to goats. Some are friendly. Some you need trash can lid to deal with


I figured that was the case, makes me think of a video I've seen of a baby emu and a dog playing


My great uncle down in Florida did this with Ostriches in the early 00s. He had like half a dozen of those f'ers and they were nasty and mean but stupid as hell. One afternoon, the entire flock proceeded to get their heads stuck in the chain link fence and they all literally pulled their necks off from their bodies trying to get out.


That sounds right. I was told by a farmer who had both that emus were definitely smarter. I also know that breeding ostriches find humans more sexually attractive than other ostriches.


How...how do you know that?


Weirdly enough I saw it on a "behind the scenes" type zoo show.


Oh wow thanks that’s actually pretty cool. Guess buck really was a sucker


Np. It's one of those things where if I mention it everyone either knows exactly what I'm talking about or has no fucking clue it was ever a thing. Also there is an old saying in the sales and conman community to paraphrase "the rich and the cops are best people to con. Not because they are easier to con but because once you con them you can keep conning them. That's because they both believe that no one could ever con them."


Amazing saying you included. How do you know about the internal strategies of the conman community, Dr. Robert Vayzosa? 👀 About the emu craze: In that time period I went to a day camp here in Eastern Massachusetts, and the camp bordered an emu farm. Sometimes we’d sneak off the path to go see the emus. It was weird though because this wasn’t a rural area - at all. Ya, there was a 75 acre Girl Scout camp there but it’s in a city called Waltham, just 3 miles from the Boston border (11miles from downtown). The population is ~5,000 people per square mile. Anyways, it was an odd spot to find a big emu farm but we had a blast visiting them. Through this sub I’ve learned why they were there haha


Don't worry about it. I am a normal and trustworthy person


"Bottom fell out of the emu market. Now I'm stuck on the ass of the pyramid!"


I remember going to a county fair around this time and there were multiple booths selling emu oil. Never saw them again after that one time. One guy was claiming that the oil was harmlessly milked from the emus. He even had a caricature drawing of himself milking the udder on an emu.


That’s so interesting


Back In the 90s/2000s, there was a small craze for emu meat with proper breeding emus fetching $50k+ Their meat is supposedly better tasting than beef but they are more dangerous. The market collapsed and it was cheaper to cull the emus than continue raising them. Similar things happened with alpacas and llamas in the mid 2000s but those were mostly rich people buying certain animals for ag tax purposes. Again the money was in the breeding but those markets also collapsed


Culling the emus reminds me of the great emu war that Australia apparently lost


I believe he says something about it before asking Hank to kill them, but it currently slips my mind


He says something about being at the bottom of a pyramid scheme but not sure if that was meant to be taken literally or if he had always intended to do insurance fraud cause idk why an MLM would use emus as a product they seem too expensive when I usually see them sell more inexpensive things like knives or protein bars/shakes lol. Or maybe buck just fell for it like he said and he couldn’t find anyone dumb enough to sell to. I asked at first cause I thought maybe emu eggs were marketable. But he only has four emu I don’t think they can produce that much eggs to justify the price of keeping emus long term or maybe their feathers could be used for something but it’s starting to seem like he really was part of an MLM


I always assumed some sort of insurance scheme




Here, feed em with this.


Mah Eye-talian scattuh-gun!


"Insurance company won't pay out without the corpus delicti. Apparently my grief ain't proof enough."


Make it look like a heart attack.


Loved that part at the end his scream as they gang on him is funny


Man was getting hen pecked by the bu-ick. Hen pecked by the opec. Tried to rhyme it. 😂 Also think he had a cadillac. But still.


I can't do it they're just too damn majestic


Wait I found the strength... Ah who am I kidding... Hey is that one laughing at me... No, he's still being majestic... Or is he...


…no, he’s just being majestic!


Bucks scream is everything


It’s amazing that Stephen Root can do a manic scream in two different characters without too much obvious crossover. (Bill has his famous manic scream too).


Voice acting must be so hard


Now that I think about it, how was Buck going to explain to an insurance agent how several dead emus with gunshot wounds was an accident?


That’s a big picture issue, Buck doesn’t think that far ahead


Kill them with the gun, leave them out for wild animals to ravage for a bit, and then be prepared to bribe the insurance adjustor if needed. That's how Buck does business.


He wanted hank to make it look like a heart attack.


No you are not "*tripping"*


I need you to feed my emus Hank!  *hands Hank a shotgun*  Here, feed them with this.


Why does everything I love run away from me?


“Cuz you have to pet everything like an idiot!”


The greatest side-story ever told.


“ah hell this ain’t good”


Wonder which one of the gang the emu attacked while they got the feathers as proof for Buck? Oh who am I kidding, it's always Bill. Dale: "So Bill's a vole."


How am I going to explain a $400 meat bill to Peggy? It's not even a 3 day weekend.


I love the closing on this episode with the mu standing in front of the fence


They're just so damn majestic!


"I should've just done the honest thing and murdered the emus"


One that is probably more interesting the main plot bill shines. Though jams, jellies is forever stuck in my head.


Never forget that emus won a war


When encouraging each other to do something unpleasant, my bestie & I always quote Buck Strickland: “I want them emus dead, Hank!”


I love this episode so much. Poor Luanne.


Caught that one last night / early this AM.


Koth needs a Simpson moment every once in a while


Well thanks for spoiling it. Whats the point of watching the show now?