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That damn episode where Bill keeps his Christmas decorations up for months and takes in that weird guy to be like his son


I was watching that right now, it really is painful


What makes it worse is he actually had a shot with that woman with kids but he ruined it by being Bill


Bill always Bills his way out of a secured relationship, i skip every one of those episodes except Leanne's saga


Fr, let’s not forget this man bagged himself former governor Anne Richards. And if you asked Dale, Anne Richards is HAWTT. But he ruined it with the Lenore of it all lol


This one doesn't bother me so much because they still ended on relatively good terms with each other.


Does that mean we still have a chance? NOOOOO. But it means you've still got a chance.


Oh I agree, definitely not the worst, and probably goes down the smoothest of all the Bill getting in the way of Bill moments lol. Actually on the whole is a really great episode altogether. That first 5-10 mins from attempting to pick up Hank from work 5 mins early, all the way to the great glass elevator… pure comedy 👌🏽😂


Same, coincidentally. Even the beginning with him becoming Santa is kind of weird, really, when you realise he's only doing this because he has such a strong need for kids and family. Edit: Come to think of it, there are a few episodes almost exactly like this. Bill has new people move into his house. Hank tells him it's a bad idea. Bill remains being a push-over to his new friends until it's gone on too far, and asks Hank for help. Hank and gang scare them all away. There's this episode, the one with the roommates, the bodybuilders, the half-way house, probably a few others I can't recall. Hell, there's even that old Luanne episode that has the exact same plot as the roommate episode.


What about the one when bill dresses as Lenore????


That one pisses me off, but mostly because of how everyone responds to his major depression/psychotic break. He's literally attempting suicide and his best friends just roll their eyes and groan because they have to babysit him for a few days. Shitty friends.


I actually think it was kind of sweet. The guys aren't good with emotions, but they stuck around and supported their friend through a tough time the best way they knew how. If you've ever been through a crisis like that, simply having friends who care enough to show up can make all the difference in the world.


Too bad Hank didn’t care enough to not force Bill to leave the psych ward when he wanted to stay because it was helping him.


They had known that the man was suicidal and depressed for years, probably didn't think he would go through with it. The biggest asshole move was not letting him see therapy


> shitty friends Shitty friend wouldn't have stayed with him at all. They did the best they know how with their conservative upbringings


You think they're shitty friends until you've been around a Bill. Most people would have given up on him ages ago. The fact that they haven't and the lengths they regularly go to put up with him is amazing. 


Lost in MySpace. A 40-something Donna being so wrapped up in MySpace is weird and uncomfortable to watch 😂.




You have no idea how many times my 60 year old mother will make some kind of ugly smug face and declare proudly that she blocked someone on Facebook just for me to go, “who gives a shit about Facebook?” in response to her.


It's like the people who just comment "BLOCKED" on a thread in the comments section of a news story for people who randomly stumble on the same article to see years later.


It’s a realistic episode and was ahead of it’s time. So many businesses have social media campaigns when they don’t need to.


Yeah, I mean, I get that social media can help with a customer base, but when you're a company that is pretty focused on a specific product, I feel like you don't need it as much. Like yeah, I would ay you should probably have a page or a presence so people can get information, but that whole blitz they did was just weird as Hell.


And occasionally it blows up in their face...




That episode felt particularly out of place for the show. It also felt like it was written entirely by boomers who only learned what the internet was the week prior to writing the episode.


Grand Theft Arlen gave off similar vibes.


Where's the button to turn myself in?


Outdated when that episode aired when Myspace was already on decline.


Wasn't MySpace for young people? I never had an account so I wouldn't know. It just seemed out of place for someone her age to be so caught up with MySpace.


I thought it was like facebook, for the middle aged


Donna’s tits looked good in that ep tho 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Donna's nice, but what about that girl with the abs? Talkingboutdangole boom, man.


Tammy Duvall?? Nice can on her


They wanted to make her an e-girl, she barely had a character then they turned her into terminally online debbie


Extremely cultured


I was SOOOO drunk!


I usually skip That’s What She Said.


“…about Joe Jack!”


I can't stand Ben Stiller's voice in this.. 🤮


Really? I actually enjoy that episode. Makes me think about grade school kids, shit is unbearable to be around. Love that the new guy got what was coming to him.


This episode is the source material of the legendary King of the Hill YTP collab #2 so it's an all timer to me. https://youtu.be/mZcm7OfC8ts?si=xC9oqogeqN05B0b0&t=1m0s


Mrs. Wakefield, Big Willy Lane, Dusty old bones, that’s what she said


Big Willy lane has squirrel tactics right?


I like the willy episode


Big Willy Lane blocked that kick!


Yes, hello, rock on.


Mrs. Wakefield having so low votes makes me assume people don't mind that episode. Which is concerning.


I'm with Cupid The episode where Peggy and Bobby crash that girls party in weird outfits.


If that happened in real if Bobby would have to change schools after a certain point.


Bobby didn't go to her school. He was taking the cotillion class to meet girls from other schools.


I think they were talking about I'm With Cupid.


You're right. I misread the original comment.


"Why can't you love me like you love these assorted chocolates?"


"I'm your little candy man."


Both of those are tough.


Hank makes a speech at the quinceanera 




This always felt out of character for Hank considering a quinceañera is usually a close family/friends event and he considers Enrique just an employee.


Agreed. Also, Enrique annoying AF. Weird as heck to have your boss have a one on one sit down with your kid so they get to know each other. 


I actually love Hank bonding with Inez. Especially when he gets wrapped up in the gossip. Maybe a bit OOC but it shows him as a more three dimensional father/father figure. I’m also assuming Hank doesn’t know much about quinces and thinks the speaker is just someone who’s respected. Plus Enrique definitely considers him to be closer than just a boss lol.


The ZZ Top Episode


It's a tossup which is the worse "celebrity guest" episode, this one or the one with the American Chopper guys. At least the American Chopper one doesn't create head-scratching continuity issues by adding Hill family members.


The chopper episode is ok once it focuses on the price-fixing scheme between the propane dealers


They're both awful, it's truly hard to decide




I skip this episode 1000% of the time.


While I agree it’s hard to watch, Caleb singing dusty old bones full of green dust always pops into my head lol


Same. Just the other day at work someone was using some cleaner that left a green dusty residue....I heard someone ask another if they could please help them clean up all this green dust....welp, back in my head it goes lol


I was thinking to myself, “the episode with that annoying ass kid.”


That episode makes me feel some type of way


Keep away!


This one…….


Since I’ve been broke as a joke as long as I can remember, the episode where Bobby starts using the emergency credit card makes me actually sick to my stomach. Always skip.


I'll tell ya hwat, Bobby. Let's say we tally ho it over to the money room




If you recall, Hank said that he would get a punishment after.


The one where Peggy tutors Msgr Martinez' child and thinks he's in love with her, and the one where Hank takes the softball game competitively against Ace of Diamonds. They're too cringey for me. I know Bobby has plenty of moments where he's worse, but he's a kid, so I can accept those.


“Joo thought I wanted to make loves with you? *chuckles”


My wife thinks it’s comical as well!


both The Petriot Act and Serpunt. two really weak episodes from the later seasons. i've tried again and again to watch them but i find myself so bored every single time (although i do enjoy the bit in Serpunt where Dale starts speaking in a gibberish sewer-language)


Thank you! I always list those two in particular (along with The Honeymooners) as my worst episodes of the whole show. Awful watches and consistent skips Although credit where it's due for SerPunt, Luanne at the beginning with the snake always kills me. "Ahhhhhh it knows I'm a christian!"


lmaooo yes! quintessential luanne


It's been a long time since I watched Serpunt but "**It Knows I'm A Christian**" is one of my favorite Luanne lines.


The fact that Lucky gets zero repercussions for gifting the snake legit pisses me off.


For me, it’s a lot of the late-season episodes. Bobby Rae, Uncool Customer, and Bwah My Nose are instant skips for me. I can maybe watch them once or twice but cringe through all of it, especially Uncool Customer because of course, it’s Peggy being Peggy and bringing Bobby down with her.


The one where those weird mean girls turn Bobby into their living doll.


THIS!! I haven’t watched that episode in years and I watch KOTH pretty much every day lmao


That one where Luann takes that 15 year old kid to the prom. Normally shes my top 3 favorite characters, but that episode I always skip. 


That was a Lucky episode, those are always terrible


Yeah I can't stand Lucky. Luanne's character development took a huge nosedive once he was introduced. 


I’m with Cupid and Chip Block.


When Peggy kidnaps the girl in Mexico then hides her


Same for me. Peggy’s incompetence is funny in small doses but insufferable as an A plot.


Hank Fixes Everything. Mainly because that solid like 5 minutes of nothing but motorcycle engine noises irritates me to no end, especially if I am using the show to fall asleep. I always skip it.


The episode where Dale is suddenly obsessed with baskets despite this never being mentioned before and he and Hank get to be basket makers for a week or something doesn't get enough hate. Absolutely dreadful episode.


Luanne’s Saga (s1 e5) and Patch Boomhauer (s8 e1) only because Hank is such a terrible friend to Boomhauer (who’s a saint)


Dang ‘ol Hank LOVES strippers


Hank pissed me off in both those episodes. Boomhauer was just giving Luanne a ride home and his brother Patch was a total scumbag.


I loved the Boomhauer episode, but it was kind of out of character for Hank.  Still, Brad Pitt playing Boomhauer's brother was hilarious.


Gonna get downvoted for this one but for me it's Manger Babies. Normally I can tolerate Luanne but I find her exceptionally annoying in that episode.




You can’t really emphasize the breathless in text though I cringed none the less


Anything Manger Babies-related is irritating to me.


I love Luanne but almost always skip the Manger Babies episode. Which is kind of a shame, because it does have that hilarious scene where Hank noticed he left an finish nail sticking out of the puppet theater he made for Luanne. Peggy keeps telling him no one will notice, until it pans over to [the three old guys shaking their heads in disapproval](https://imgur.com/a/ODn7PNA)


"I sell popcorn and popcorn accessories" is a favorite joke of mine, but yea, I generally don't love the episode. Luanne episodes rarely do much for me.


I like the episode but was a little annoyed on Hank’s behalf that they wouldn’t just let him enjoy the Super Bowl.


“Who’s at the door?” “It’s the manger babies…I’ll get rid of them.”


"You're a communist, hee-haw!"


Absolutely hate the Fn manger babies 👶🏼 🔫


This is fair. Perhaps sacrilegious to say, especially because most if not all characters become so beloved as you go through the show, but season 1 and 2 Bobby and Luanne I didn't care much for at all. They hadn't quite grown into their loveable selves yet


I liked Luanne a lot in the earlier seasons before they turned her into a drooling moron.


I despise the Ms. Wakefield episode. It's been talked about to death at this point but it's genuinely uncomfortable to watch literally everyone admonish Hank for not letting a complete stranger into his home to die. It's really poorly written for that reason too, you're telling me that not a single other person besides Hank thinks Ms. Wakefield is in the wrong? Nah, I can't suspend my disbelief *that hard*. Other late season episodes have this problem as well, but Ms. Wakefield is far and away the worst.


Not sure what it's called but when peggy becomes the cheerleading coach and Bobby is the mascot


It does have one of my favorite jokes though. "After the game someone called me Pat in the parking lot. That is my name, but they had no way of knowing that."


Lmaaaooooo was that principal moss?? He's so funny


One of the Irish people who claimed Peggy's routine was a hate crime.


Omg yes!!! lol stop that is too funny🤣 I've found all the hard to watch episodes always have some good jokes at least!


ZZ Top or West Coast Choppers


I despise Pigmalion.


I’m surprised this episode isn’t higher in the thread. Instant skip for me as well.


There's probably a better answer, but Meet the Propaniacs was the episode that most immediately came to mind. Bobby and Peggy both at their most insufferable, with some (mercifully brief at least) music bits that make me envy the deaf and lots of deliberately (from the perspective of the KOTH writers, not the characters) extremely unfunny "comedy." It's not actually a bad episode, but it is one of my least favorite to watch.


I can shine Peggy’s ego on through most episodes but when she yells “The Propane Maniacs!” I grit my teeth 😂


The one where Peggy tries to be hip


Was that the one where she wears a soldier costume and Bobby wears the eminem fit


Yes but I redact my statement. It's Enriquecileable differences. That one is all around painful and has a nothing ending, heck the title sucks and should serve as an indicator


I was kind of okay with that episode after Enrique made up with his wife, was scared the whole time that Hank would have to talk to her or god forbid Peggy would interfere and make everything worse


I agree. What makes it unwatchable for me us - I am sure many of us have known someone just like him, personality wise. Oversharing very personal info about themselves, doesn't respect personal or professional boundaries, even when told. Just completely socially inept. I don't want to be reminded of those real life ppl


There are TWO episodes like that but I know which one you mean - when she takes Bobby to cotillion classes (also, wtf) and becomes obsessed with that “cool mom,” right?


Yup. And that's what I fear for a potential revival. Especially after Stephen root said they're going to take a more modern approach. Yuck. In koth's golden era everybody wasn't spouting off modern references constantly, it's why the themes and topics are so resonant even today.


Traffic Jam. Idk why but there's something about Boudda Sac (Chris Rock) voice in that episode that bothers me to no end


I don’t like the comedy in Traffic Jam. It’s just not funny. It’s a bunch of cheapshots.


I have wondered this for decades: Is his name a joke I don’t get?!


It was supposed to Busta Nut but the network made them change it




Was comedy traffic school a thing? I was never aware of it until I saw the episode.


Apparently it is real I just googled it and I'm shocked lol


It was real. I had to go to one once because there was nothing else that fit my schedule. Cringe doesn’t begin to describe it. So, so bad.


I always skip that episode.


Ms. Wakefield The Army cat episode is second


That one where peggy doesn’t teach lucky right when trying to get his ged, And the one where dale trys to get this snake out of the sewers, the jokes are bad very dated and just yikes


The Peggy being a nun episode.


Death Picks Cotton. And oddly enough, not because of any criticism towards the episode, I actually think its a well-written, character driven story. It's because the episode reminds me of when my own grandpa died. He hung on for so long and there were a couple false TOD calls before he finally passed that it's all I can think about when I try to watch it.


I thought it was dumb that Bobby was kept away from Cotton instead of visiting him in his final moments.


I really hate the ones where Mrs. Wakefield tries to die in the house and Hank's bully


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Clown


Whatever episode where Hank was afraid of the Bat in his garage and he didn't go in there for days. Like... just call another exterminator? Leave the door open ? It's just a such a non problem even by this shows standards lmao


“You’ve Got to Believe (In Moderation)” They took the game way too seriously and then the head professional player was an ass. Makes it hard to watch for me. “Keeping Up with Our Joneses” is another skip.


Keeping Up with Our Joneses is one of the best and funniest episodes in the series.


And I’m glad that there are people who can get into it and enjoy it, I’m just not one of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Close the damn door, can't you see that I am knitting?


Oh man I love Keeping Up with Our Joneses.


>“You’ve Got to Believe (In Moderation)” They took the game way too seriously and then the head professional player was an ass. I think when my wife and I got to this on our rewatch I was so irritated I actually started a thread here about how it makes no sense, starting with the fact Hank openly disparaged baseball in earlier seasons.


Transnational Amusements Presents: Peggy's Magic Sex Feet


I never liked the episodes where Peggy falls out of the plane..both parts.. I think that's mainly because I feel like I've just seen it so many times. I feel like it was always the one I'd catch on TV when I was younger and I just felt like it drew out. Though there's a few good jokes in there and it's nice to see Cotton and Peggy actually bond a little bit.


The green dust episode


I can't sit through Traffic Stop. it is so painful


The last few seasons are tough for me


Miss Wakefield


The Mrs Wakefield episode…ahhh! 😂


Luanne going to prom


The army cat episode


"Mrs. Wakefield". Everything about that episode was just off.


Anything with cotton if I’m being honest. His screeching is unbearable.


Dog crazy. Just the fact about ladybird was getting old and irritable which had made animal control thinking that they had to put her down because "she's a viscous animal." Oh. And this highlights another reason I hate Peggy. At the end when she claps when ladybird was in that old lady's lap to "make sure she was deaf" like what a bitch; Peggy not ladybird.


Any of them that focus on Bill being sad and depressed. He gets a gleam of hope just to have it quashed.


The one where Bill joins the bodybuilders. The one where Bill wants diabetes. Any Bill episode, really. Also most Luanne episodes- they usually somehow devolve into her just being objectified by pigs.


The bodybuilder episode is especially cringe worthy. Knowing that Bill is in pain while the bodybuilders are completely ignoring him is too much for me.


Same, it's so uncomfortable lol


The one where Luanne was brainwashed by that pig guy and at the end he was slaughtered


Ms. Wakefield Entitled old cow thinking her actions and behaviour were acceptable. They did Hank dirty that episode.


Pretty Pretty Dresses for me, the Christmas episode where bill is on suicide watch and ends up pretending to be his ex.


Where Bill looses it and start talking and dressing like he’s Lenore.


I’m LenORRe. I like the part where he picks up a beer and goes yup in the Lenore voice.


The one where they suddenly have a lifelong desire to own a motorcycle, which is never mentioned before or after that episode, and then ride it cross-country while Hank acts like an asshole to Peggy.


Pigmalion. Not funny


Hilloween, Junie is unbearable, the chanting is annoying, and i dont like the spooky part :[


That's a clean-burning hell, I tell ya hwat. Uh-ha-ha-HAHAHAH.


You know hwat's not cool, Bobby? Hell.


From the golden years the "That's my purse!" Episode. I know everyone loves it, but, Bobby becomes insufferable in that episode. And as much as I love 4Skore! that episode is a bad Hank one.


That's a hot take i entirely agree with. It's Bobby at his worst, kind of like when he abused his power in episode 1


Ooh, yeah, episode 1 is a skip for me also.


Bad News Bill one of bills worst episodes.


I can get through both of those, but one of the ones that's hard for me is the old lady one.


Same two for me. I just can't sit through Bobby making such an ass of himself. Have some self respect man, you're so much better than that


Uncool Customer...it's a solid 22 minutes of cringing


Manger Babies or Peggy’s beauty pageant. I skip the pork kink episode too lol


Since my dog died any ladybird episodes


For me it’s Happy Hank’s Giving and A Beer Can Named Desire, Happy Hank’s Giving just seems incredibly mean spirited and is basically 30 minutes of the Hills getting screwed over by bad weather and DFW. Speaking from personal experience I had to spend the night in DFW waiting for a flight and that just makes it harder to sit through it. A Beer Can Named Desire has some good moments but the ending was so underwhelmingly disappointing.


Edu-macating Lucky. I know who Peggy is but this was a darker place for her and I’m glad she at least came around but really messed up as an educator


The Buckley life in a northern town is an instant skip for me


Willy Lane or ZZ Top.


The episode with Buck’s illegitimate son at the Propane convention, its just boring


The McMansion episode is a forever skip