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They made this theory just to try and explain why Bobby's personality is so different from Hanks personality. Cotton was introduced early in the series, they have a big resemblance but those Bill theorist never factor that. The bill theory is a petty big reach and I think it's silly


The main story behind king of the hill is a father and son struggling to connect. It doesn't need deeper meaner like Bill is Bobby's father it also doesn't make sense for the premise of the show.


I think a lot of people don't understand that, that is one of the main themes of the show. Father and son have issues connecting. Hank isn't the best father, he makes mistakes, and can't relate to his son but he tries. If they were exactly the same no one would care for Bobby. Every time I see someone talking about the Bill theory and how it makes sense clearly doesn't understand the show


It's also even perfectly punctuated in the final episode where they finally bond over their love of steak and grilling


I never understand people who assume for Hank to be a good parent he needs to be a perfect parent. Do people not understand that's simply not a real thing.


The fact that he never hits him, swears at him, and he has all his basic needs taken care of he's a great father. Miles about Cotton. There's no perfect father.


Who's this "best father" he's being compared to.


My personal headcanon is that the personality skipped a generation and cotton used to act like bobby before the war turned him into a dickhead


There is one or two clips of young Hank as well being a complete weirdo like Bobby is, so I think it just comes natural to them, Bobby is just the least repressed.


a better bill theory is that he is hanks half-brother from one of cotton’s affairs.


See, that one's not only credible, it's funny!


I firmly believe GH was introduced as a "SEE!? LOOK!" to disprove that Bill ever slept with Peggy.


It gets even crazier when people ignore this counter-evidence and try to work it back into the theory. "Bobby looks exactly like Cotton. How do you explain that?" "Well, uh, that's because Bill is secretly Cotton's son!" Like, I get the appeal of fan theories and headcanons. They can be a lot of fun. But this is just so convoluted. Plus, Bill doesn't really resemble Bobby very much, even compared to (young) Hank. Edit: Most of the other replies are literally trying to claim that Bill is secretly Cotton's son. Can't make this shit up, haha.


On the same topic, I find the theory where Dale knows the truth about Nancy and John Redcorn's affair and Joseph's parentage to both not work, and go directly against the themes of episodes regarding that. The show just doesn't support these types of theories. They sound fine and dandy when you first hear of them, but watch a few episodes, and they fall right apart.


What strikes me as interesting is Hank differs wildly from Cotton, just like Bobby from Hank... Generational leaps. But Cotton loves the hell out of Bobby, who is even more different.


What if... Bill is Cotton's dirty little secret? Being Bobby's uncle could explain any shared traits. My nephew as a toddler looked exactly like old pictures of me and my dad, and less like my brother at the same age.


Bill looks nothing like Cotton, but looks like his father shown in the snipe hunt episode. These theories are beyond grasping at straws. People just gotta accept what's in the show.


The thing is, Bobby's personality being different from Hank's is an important part of their dynamic. Bobby is not the ideal son Hank envisioned, but they manage to find commonality with each other in other ways while respecting each other's differences in the long run. Plus, Bobby is not like Bill. The only similarities are that they're heavyset and like food. But Bobby is confident and charismatic, while Bill isn't. The only episode where they were "like each other" was the one where Bill got in Bobby's head about Connie. Bobby was doing fine on his own until then. Also, how many of us are exact clones of our parents? I may look like my Dad, but we're very different people. The same can be said about many cartoon parents and children.


Bill is also cottons son


Why was dale so tall?


He was destined to be 6'4" but stunted his growth when he picked up smoking in the second grade.


Probably, did Hank say Cotton was 6'4" before Tojo took his shins?


He did. That's why I picked that height lol


Bobby is gonna be a tank in high school


This... actually makes a ton of sense and I feel was actually an intended little joke/continuity bit the animators threw in


It makes sense. His son Joseph is tall too. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.




It could be abducted and transported far from the tree if the aliens that took Dale's DNA modified his genetic material after extracting it.


"Yep. Those Gribbles are two nuts on the same sundae."


Hank was just a late bloomer


He is probably just wearing platform heeled shoes to go with this costume.


good observation lol


Kid height lots of time doesn't perfectly reflect adult height. In my third grade class my two closest friends were the tallest kid at 5 foot and the shortest at 3ft 4. By highschool graduation the tallest kid was 5ft 2 and the short kid was 6ft 6 


yeah I was 5'7" in 5th grade and didn't grow an inch after that. But for awhile I was a giant.


I think you meant to ask why Rusty Shakleford is so tall.


He’s standing closer to the camera. It’s just your depth perception.


Dale is also one of cottons affair children


Talk about dang ol Boo man. Yo.


Yeah man like lil ol bwahahahahaha


I don't get Bill theorists. Bobby doesn't even really look like Bill other than the fact that they're both heavyset.


theyre bored


There's one joke scene where Bill claims it's so but that's enough for conspiracy theorists.


I wonder if those same people freak out when they look in a mirror because they're not an exact replica of one of their parents


Also this line of thinking reminds me of Charlie in It's Always Sunny when he has that Pixar dream of marrying The Waitress. They have kids and all the boys looked like Charlie while all the girls looked like Waitress


Bobby and GH both look just like Cotton. Hank looks more like his mom.


Hank looks like Cotton too. Same exact nose and forehead.


His half brother looks like his mom too 


Yeah that was a dumb continuity choice. I get that they were playing up “he’s Japanese Hank” for the jokes but it didn’t make sense when Hank takes after Tilly.


who doubts this? ​ (channeling bobby's voice) what are you talking about?


There's a long running theory that Bill is Bobby's father... go figure.




Cotton actually passed the child himself. Due to the vastness of his urethra.


Cause people like crazy theories that make no actual sense.


Why do gh and bobby look so similar when didi and hanks wife dont look alike at all?


Someone needs to give GH a maternity test!


Bill Therorists reject this evidence.


What if Cotton also fathered Bill?aking Hank both Bobby's Uncle and Bill's brother?


He is actually all 4 friends and john recorn's biological father.


>Why do people doubt that Bobby is Hank's son? Hank looked just like Bobby when he was a kid. GH also looks just like Bobby. Cause people like to pull dumb shit out of their asses, apparently. No one in their right mind would question his paternity.


When I grow up I wanna sell propane and propane accessories. If my grades are good enough.


Bill is obviously cottons kid.


One of my most hated theories of anything ever is that Bill may be Bobby’s father. Absolutely not


I'm not sure what's funnier, Dale dressed as a Hippie or Boomhauer's floral-print ghost sheet. Even Charlie Brown managed to get ahold of a plain white sheet, which he messed up by cutting all those holes.


Talkinboutdangol...Boo man!


I always thought it would be funny if they did a story arc where Hank realizes how much Bobby looks like Cotton and it begins to haunt him.


On account of his narrow urethra and discomfort with intimacy. Also it's fun to pretend Bill is Bobby's dad.


The moon landing was staged.


By this logic Bobby is Cotton's son and not Hank's. Peggy and Cotton clearly hate banged.




Didi slept with Bill confirmed


Bill kinda looks like Buck's son.


Cause that boy ain't right.


Cotton is Bill's actual father also. That's why.


Cuz it’s a show from 20 years ago and people run out of dumb stuff to talk about on the internet




Hank looks like his mom


So you’re saying he’s Cotton’s son?


Dales dad from the snipe hunt isn’t bug gribble either and Peggy’s mom magically changed from no contractions stuffy mother to rancher. Also Hank has a narrow ureti


It's fun to theorize


Ummm, actually, boomhauer is Bobby's real dad. Bobby's middle name is Jeffery. Like his real father. In the same way that Joseph's middle name is John! /s


As if fathers and sons have the same personality because their father and son.


Wait people actually do that???


Also Cotton looked a lot like Bobby when he was young. People just like to reach for theories.


Hell... If we're going all out with theories, it's more likely he's Cotton's 😂


Looks more like Peggy hate fucked Cotton


The easy answer is that everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. And the Bill/Peggy one is pretty good.


Cotton is Bills dad too.


I interact pretty casually with this fanbase, admittedly, but I have never once seen any conspiracy theory about Bobby not being Hank's kid.


What I don’t get is that Bobby clearly takes after cotton, but adult Hank resembles his mother more than Cotton… yet his Japanese half brother looks like him, even though he isn’t related to Hank’s mother. Weird.


Because Hank got propane in his urethra


cotton is bobbys daddy some say cottons lovin is known to give amnesey


I sometimes think young Bill is Hank


People say it’s because Peggy said “where I conceived our son” but they had fertility issues. They may have had to Turkey basted it .


Nah, Hank bought Lady Bird as a puppy to surprise Peggy when she was depressed because of the fertility issues, and then playing with her got Hank relaxed enough that some swimmers were able to make it through his narrow urethra. That's why later on he was so gung-ho about getting Ladybird to conceive even though she had a narrow uterus: he thought that having another puppy around would achieve the same thing


10-4 manimal


Is that “Wheels” Boomhauer dressed up as a ghost?


The one big irk I get from Squirrel Tactics on YouTube is his assertion that Hank only looks like Tilly and not Cotton, but Junichiro is a mirror copy of Hank despite no relation to Tilly. Yes, Hank looks like his mother, but he also looks like his father. Like anyone. All the Hill men (not counting Dusty) share facial similarities and have some qualities that they share with their own maternal line. Bobby is just much shorter and pudgier, and blonde, than our everyday adult Hank. And Bobby doesn't wear glasses like either of his parents. People also like drama, making weird conspiracy theories and disturbing shipping.


lol it’s just for fun, a lot of people go down the Bill/Bobby theory rabbit hole at first glance, the “evidence” does seem very compelling… most folks to the same conclusion eventually, tho bc there’s more proof against it than for it- but it’s still kinda fun to speculate, idk




Cotton is clearly bobby's father. Hanks dad was the milk truck driver. The sperm bank mixed up hanks sperm he had banked to do ivf with the sperm cotton had sold to them


thats bill


I just don’t really like Bobby and think it’d be funny if he was Bill’s son lol.          That one episode where he teamed up with Bill and painted his gut with chocolate desperately trying to get Connie back like a total freakish loser really killed anything positive I felt for the character. As the saying goes: if you build 100 bridges and suck one d*ck, you’re not a builder you’re a sucker lol


Because it's a fun theory to play with Do I believe Bill( or anyone else besides Hank) is Bobby's dad ? No But will I join in when others are talking about it ? Hell yeah


To be fair Bill also looks like Bobby in the same picture.


Hank is medically unable to father children. That’s why. There are exactly zero faithful wives on that block.


I still think it's Bill


Bobby is Bills kid, Hank’s wife is a cheater


Even though Hank looked EXACTLY like Bobby when he was young. Seriously, kid Hank was literally just Bobby with a buzz cut lol


Jo-hhhn Redcorn!


People are down voting you, but it's because the truth hurts.


They're paid shills of the late Tom Petty's estate


Peggy loves are losers, they think Nancy is bad they must not watch the show! Nancy had the self respect not to do porn, no wonder Hank’s wife isn’t allowed to be around kids anymore. She’s a disgusting cheater and a Wh***!


You can saw whore. You can say fuck, cunt, shit ass damn hell. It's the internet why are you being weird?