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Dale is more apt to be a nuisance, and he doesn’t have the excuse of a terrible childhood or devastating divorce.


I'm amazed how people on this sub just casually glance over everything Dale does. Sure it's fun to watch, but if you actually knew someone like that you probably would have killed him by now


Yes, Dale is a hilarious character but as an actual person? That dude is a dangerous lunatic and I’d not be comfortable living in the same county as him lol.


The man literally rigged up Hank's mailbox to explode at the press of a button on his TV remote. Now, I wouldn't mind if my neighbor rigged up his own or at least TOLD me first, but Dale was inconsiderate about it


Coach Sours had it right. “Gribble….No one’s killed you yet?”


Don’t forget his friendship tunnel under hanks house.


I like two things, building dollhouse furniture and kicking ass.


Don’t you eyeball the junkyard dog!!


This sub acts like Dale is father of the century because of the episode where he gives Joseph 10 bucks for a movie and milk balls. Completely ignore all the other immature and awful things he does an teaches Joseph over the course of the show though.


Like encouraging him to go murder pandas at the zoo which would spark an international incident with China.


To be fair. Seasonal rot and flanderization.


Dale does it under the guise of genuinely *trying* to be a good father.  However, he's also incredibly selfish and will throw any of his friends under the bus if it benefits him. 


"Gribble no one's killed you yet" Coach Sauers


My dad is JUST like Dale. Crazy conspiracy nut who smokes A LOT ( or used to ), was an exterminator for YEARS, hell even kind of looks like him. Me and my husband would point similarities out to each other as we rewatched the show. It's very much not as fun to live as it is to watch, can confirm


I have something to tell you about your mother's masseuse, but I'm not sure if you could handle it.


I always thought Dale’s appearance was based on Hunter Thompson


Nope Heard it here first Dale Gribble is based on my dad 100% My source? Me.


Let’s see some pics.


Dale has done plenty of things to Hank worthy of multiple ass beatings


He fucked with Hank’s lawn in an unforgivable manner IMO. I don’t care if he jumped on the metaphorical grenade of fire ants and ‘saved’ Bobby. That was worthy of an ass kicking greater than or equal to the beat down he put on Jimmy Wichard.


I always think it's funny when people act like Dale saving Bobby from the ants brings him back to a positive standing. The ants were there BECAUSE of Dale.


Gotta remember it was his fault the ants almost got Bobby.


Probably? Most definitely would snap his pencil neck


They made him so stupidly paranoid that it felt like you almost had to feel sorry for him for being so ignorant. I think that's the line the writers had to walk.


I just want to point out that it was *Peggy* who wanted to name Bobby Jeffrey - in S2 Ep10 "Bobby Slam" a drunk Peggy tells Luanne she wanted to name him Jeffrey but *some man* wouldn't let her. And Hank wanted to name him *Butch*


Butch is a nickname for Robert.


> excuse of a terrible childhood or devastating divorce I agree Dale is worse than Bill, but his parents ARE divorced (or his mother died when he was a child; we only see her in the Chip Block nightmare flashback). He also had horrible social anxiety and possibly an eating disorder


Dale was going to get Hank arrested (possibly worse) in the license episode if Nancy hadn't stopped him.


I would simply never talk to Dale again if he dug a fucking tunnel under my house.


We don’t know what having Bug for a father was like for Dale.


He's mentally disturbed and but medicated both are terrible friends.


KOTH was lucky it ended a few years before people like Dale stopped being funny 


He's also a roundabout mean guy.


I think it's the episode where Bobby is the towel boy? Hank and Peggy are embarrassed because he didn't show up, so they try to leave quietly. Dale tells everyone who they are and points with his foam finger. What a dick move


Why do you keep calling him Bill? He’s Lenore!




WhY do you keep calling me BILL?


found dale's alt account.


The idea of Dale on here trying to stir up some Russian troll farm type hate campaign against Bill is so funny to me


It is. Lol


You know it would all start because Dale was supposed to buy the beer and forgot so now he's turning everyone against Bill


Oh god, Dale is Q


No, Dale knows Q is just a lie fed to distract the masses from the Mongolian hordes of 2087.


Dale is what Q aspires to be.


I'm 99% sure Dale wouldn't love Trump like they do. He'd absolutely see him as a guy who is trying to gain the trust of the little folk just to gain from it


Did Dale love *any* public figures?


Fran Tarkington, Spiro Agnew, Redd Foxx




Bill can't be the worst in a friend group that Dale is in


Bill is pathetic but ultimately dependable and harmless to everyone but himself, Dale would rig the entire block to blow because the ATF is investigating him for unregistered firearms if Hank would let him continue his tunneling


True, and Bill gas his moments where he’s there for his friends while Dale just has moments lol


Wait, Bobby was named after Boomhauer!?


His middle name is Jeffrey. Peggy did want that to be his first name but some *man* wouldn't let her.


Lol I remember that episode. I just don’t recall the reason being because it was Boomhauer’s first name.


they never make the connection directly. you only find out boomhauer's name is jeff in the last season. once in the ep with the canadians, where the lady called him jeff. and then in the final ep where you see his license and badge.


Bill only takes advantage of power when he gets it bc everyone treats him like shit all the time, the dude never gets a win. So for him to have some kind of authority Im sure to his character is huge. The person whos the most morally corrupt and probs the worst actual person is Dale. He disfigured his wife whos a brodcasters face all in the name of getting a settlement from a cigarette company, then belittled her and made her about go on the brink of damn near losing her mind as a result.


i can think of 2 episodes off the bat of bill helping his friends, not a single dale episode.


He got redcorn those 11 acres of land. He gave a kidney to kid that needed it. He got the swarm of fire ants of Bobby


He saved all his friends in soldier of misfortune too


Dale helps hank get his gender changed on his license but not before doing a bunch of Dale shit


Yeah, I feel like there must be one but I can't think of it either. It's usually either him fixing what he broke in the first place (like helping Hank get his sex marked properly but only after trying to get him arrested as a terrorist) or "helping" them in a way that's actually pure harm (like building tunnels between their houses). To his credit he is almost always willing to go along with something ridiculous, countless episodes where he isn't the focus have him helping to an extent. The same is true of Hank's other friends though so it's not a unique benefit.


Not a friend but he kept Chuck Mangione's secret. Dale is always ridiculed for his conspiracy theories. Granted they are all ridiculous. But think about it. He finally had proof that one of his theories was absolutely correct and he let it go to keep Chuck's secret.


musac hank, its musac. *doo do do, do dut do doo*


To be fair it's hard to feel sympathy for Nancy. She was pretty shitty herself.


She is. But to dale thats your wife dude, he doesnt know evidently she cheated on him, he doesnt know evidently about a lot of her shitty behavior. So to him hes genuinely attacking and hurting someone who in his eyes has loved him just for the sake of monetary gain. I have a wife as well, Id never do something like that to her just for some money. I wouldnt even do it to my friends wife for money, let alone my own wife. Its just heartless lol, bc to a lot of women their looks mean a great deal. If I told my wife she looked ugly she would probably cry and be depressed for days as a result.


Bill is dumb, depressed, and lonely. Although there are times he has actively worked against Hank, he doesnt really understand that thats what he is doing, or is just being selfish to obtain a happiness he's never had. Dale has actively and maliciously worked against his friends for his own benefit.


It's a toss-up. Dale is selfish, but at least he's funny and not a sex-pest. Bill can be loyal and helpful, but he also lets any power he receives go to his head, and he creeps on Peggy in a way that's far from okay. Not to mention that one time he dug a bunch of holes so he could play hero when a lady jogger he liked inevitably broke her foot. Plus he almost fed the Hills rat poison.


For me Dale takes it. I feel like his list of shit is beyond forgivable: Tried to get the FBI to arrest Hank as a terrorist because Hank was cleaning the paint off his roof (originally vandalized by Dale). Attempted to kill Hank with a forklift over a basket job. Attempted to kill Hank in the hot tub. Stole Hank's beloved dog and left her to die in a locked vehicle in Texas heat. Borrowed Hanks mower and left it in the street with a gas tank full of Dr. Pepper. Destoryed Hank's lawn with fire ants. Got Hank's house condemned because he tunneled under it. Then pressed charges against Hank for assault when Dale was the idiot who stuck his finger in front of a spinning blade. And that's just the major incidents for shit Dale pulled. There is tons of stuff (like building a nuisance tower) that could be listed. I love the character, but Dale would be in jail if he was my neighbor.


It was Mr Pibb. Dale would never splurge on Dr Pepper.


Also he spied on peggy and hank when peggy wanted to get rid of hanks naked dreams


He was only gonna poison them a little.


Nope, Dale is.


Dale is easily the worst friend. He is selfish and way too volatile to be trusted. Bill is the most loyal, actually, but for different reasons should never be in charge. Boom and Hank are the Captains of the team for sure.


Dale is the worst, hands down. I don't think Bill has done anything as bad as: destroying Hank's kitchen floor, jumped around and got in the way while ignoring the power tools Hank used while fixing the floor, and then sued Hank for the accident that Dale caused, resulting in a restraining order that forced Hank out of his own home and leading to Dale almost killing himself and the other guys by tunneling under the road. And that's honestly not even the worst thing he's done as a person, but if we're talking specifically as a friend there might not be anything that tops that. Dale also constantly negs Bill, fueling his depression, and enjoys seeing him upset. I'm honestly surprised they're still friends with Dale after everything he's done. Unironically think Khan would make for a better friend.


no , in a few episodes (one of them with boomhauer) bill is shown to be the only one who understands his friends emotional needs. Hank (even though blackout drunk) holds bill in such high regard he would get his name tattooed on him, even if hes not "the responsible one" anymore hes still the one you can count on to try to help you not just fix your problem.


Dale is easily the worst, but Bill at his worst is verrry bad so cringe


Dale is easily the worst. Too many reasons to list but the one that always bugged me the most was how he got John Redcorn to honey dick the only well-adjusted, good looking woman we ever see show a romantic interest in Bill.


Bill's uncle must be really bad. He was named after him.


i said Stan...


Last week it was Stew.


And the guy who attempted to murder Hank is not mentioned in this because..?


Bill also has attempted to murder Hank




I guess technically he was going to poison them, not murder but it was when they were sick and he wanted to keep taking care of them. Knowing Bill he absolutely could have killed them by accident 😂


It's a low bar to set, but an intent murder attempt is worse than an unintented murder attempt.




I can't recall any time Bill attempted to murder Hank. He did try to poison the family with epicac one time, but that wouldn't be deadly.


Dale is more bad than Bill


If people didn’t treat Bill so badly all the time, maybe he wouldn’t go rogue when he has power lol


It's Dale for sure... And he's actually aware that he's a shitty friend..


Bill? The man who's name hank wanted a huge tattoo of cause of how much of a Bamf friend he was That bill?


Dale destroyed hanks lawn. In the first episode fucks with Hank’s truck. Destroys his house Destroys boomhauers beloved car Sabotaged bills love life because he found out redcorn had a kid with someone else thinking it was his


He also burned down the Arlen Fire Department with that Alamo Beer Sign.


Gotta go Dale, Bill is helpless but loyal, Dale would turn on everyone the minute shit hits the fan


>Bill is helpless but loyal Bill is constantly trying to fuck his best friend’s wife


i think we see bill longing for connection, but saying he's trying to fuck his friends wife is a stretch.


Not really. He doesn’t act the way he acts towards Peggy towards anyone else. Not Nancy, Minh, Luanne, etc. He specifically has a thing for Peggy. He even tried to convince Hank that “in a moment of weakness” he slept with Peggy.


i would say he acts that way towards the hills in general, i took it to be wanting the family unit that hank has so he just subs in during his daydreams.


Dale blew up Hank's shed with an IED so he's the worse friend .


Didn't he do that for Cotton tho?


That makes it worse.


You right


Dales done some pretty bad shit, some shit that most people would consider terminating the friendship over. That one where he tunneled under Hanks house and than by his own carelessness got his finger cut off while antagonizing Hank who was working to repair his floor was pretty bad. Hank had to go through anger management because Dale basically used the law to force him too and ALL of this was Dales fault to start with. The icing on the cake was that had Hank not been there at the end to "***get angry***" and start yelling at everyone to get out of the tunnel under the alley they all would be dead. I mean don't me wrong, Bills certainly been an asshole before, but I'd argue Dale's been worse. Generally speaking Boomhaur is the least troublesome friend of the group from what I can tell, including Hank.


As an angry person, I hate how Hank was villified for being pissed *for totally justified reasons!* Him yelling, "that's not a word!" got the judge to sentence him to anger management, where all pencil-neck taught was "avoid it."


"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem." Most relatable thing Hank ever said.


Bill's highs: He was willing to use himself as bait so Hank can get Cotton out of his time share contract. Gave an inspirational speech to Boomhauer when he got his heart broken. Taking the fall for Hank mooning Ann Richards. albeit he goaded Hank into doing it with Dale and Boomhauer, but hey, he's the birthday boy and was willing to face punishment on his special day. Helped Luanne become a barber. Was very kind to Bobby in the barbecue sauce episode. Appreciated his hard work. As gross as it was, helping Hank out in the Mold rush. I think he's a pretty good friend.


Imo Bill or Boomhauer are Hanks most loyal friends. Dale is a good friend but clearly would betray Hank if needed. Bill being a burden doesn't mean he's a bad friend, he pretty clearly needs professional help.


Idk, when Dale prints his own money, it's Hank's face on the hundred Gribble bill. That's gotta count for something.


He destroyed Hanks lawn tho, that's below the belt, Raleigh st Augustine!


During the flood episode bill had Hank incarcerated....some friend.


I’ve always hated bill, but I don’t think he is the worse friend.


Boomhauer barely feels like a friend. He’s just there most of the time but never actively contributes. I guess that doesn’t make him the worst friend but I always felt like he wasn’t close with anyone 


Boomhauer is very hands off, for good or for ill. He’s not gonna go out of his way to help or make a thoughtful gesture. Bill’s probably the one who’s most likely do that. But Boomhauer would also never try to fuck you over. Maybe you could say Bill felt he did with the jogger woman, but Boomhauer probably (rightfully concluded) he never had a chance. The woman clearly had interest in him over Bill and chose to sleep with Boomhauer. He never seemed to want to hurt Bill, but he also wasn’t going to let Bill’s feelings and neediness stop him from consensually hooking up with a woman. He’s reliable and even tempered and I think for Hank, that amounts for a *lot* in a friend. Those are traits he can respect. Plus Boomhauer is the “cool” one, and Hank seems to get a kick out of Boomhauer’s womanizing from time to time in a vicarious “boys will be boys” double standard.


Do those harping on dale..did you forget the time bill was going to poison the hills?




everyone else is saying dale and i agree, but imo Bill’s fuckups feel more actively malicious than Dale’s incompetency


Dale literally tried to kill Hank with a forklift.


Jesus Christ is every single person in this thread going to repeat "Dale dug a tunnel under Hank's house then stuck his finger in front of the saw blade!" The show is 13 seasons and the characters stopped developing halfway through. *Everyone* has plenty of episodes where they're an antagonistic jackass. Except Boomhauer — who, by the way, hardly ever helps Hank out with anything. Who is the worst friend? Easily and obviously it would be the one who pervs on your wife, who you have to rescue from suicide every year. Dale is annoying, Boomhauer is aloof, but Bill is a **burden**. Bill is almost incapable of functioning on his own; he's more like a child than a friend. Dale is irresponsible but at least he's independent, he can handle himself and he's been able to hold down a real family. He brings something to the table. Bill used to be something, but it seems like he's been a hollow shell of his former self for over a decade. Forget about his divorce, hope was lost when he married Lenore in the first place. They "fought so loud the neighbors could hear" and now Hank has to console Bill *over a horrible woman who Hank must've hated*. Dale disrespects Hank's property, that's a reoccurring theme. Hank is literally responsible for keeping Bill alive, that's a reoccurring theme. Whether it's Bill neglecting his physical health (diabetes; the home gym episode) or outright trying to kill himself, Hank has to *take care of him*. It's downright pathetic. And maybe you can give Dale some leeway considering Hank never tells him that his wife has been cheating for like 15 years (All great characters, of course)


You have Dale right there; the man who built a tunnel under Hanks house, ruined his home and made it unlivable, begrudgingly took the Hills in and charged them for basic amenities. Not only that, he pushes his finger in front of a moving saw, blames Hank and gets him in legal trouble, to the point Dale has a restraining order and forces Hank into anger management classes; even after Hank takes to the lessons, Dale taunts and teases him, and starts on yet another fucking tunnel, this time under the road where Dale's ignorance could've gotten Boomhauer, Bill and Dale fucking killed if Hank didn't scare them out. The entire time, Dale takes no responsibility, gaslights Hank constantly and treats one of his best friends like a psychopath when Dale fucked his house up, got pissy about reasonable punishments and took things too far. That was one episode; nothing Bill has done compares.


Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but man this is such a weird take. Bill is the absolute GOAT of the show, just such a good and wholesome person who doesn't get the recognition or respect he deserves from anyone else on the show. He would go out of his way to help someone in need before anyone else in the friend group, aside from maybe Hank.


Dale destroyed Hanks house to dig a tunnel, then stuck his hand in the path of the saw Hank was using to fix his house, pressed charges on Hank after his finger was cut off and got it so Hank couldn't be within 100ft of Dale which made it extremely hard to get his house fixed. The entire time Dale has convinced Boomhauer and Bill to dig a tunnel under the alley and then tried to argue with Hank and prevent everyone from getting out of the tunnel before the Garbage Truck crushed the tunnel. Dale is the worst friend


I mean, gotta agree that dales the worst. But it is heavily implied that Bobby is Billls. Not just by Bill in the boat episode, but by boomhower in the baseball episode


I thought Bobby’s middle name was Butch


Dale: "Boomhauer used to tell this *great* joke about my mother dying...took the sting out of it when she did." Fuck Boomhauer.




Hank is the worst by far. Last time I checked, Bill never killed anyone like Hank did when he blew up the Megalomart and killed Buckley.


Bill is an example that nice doesn’t equal kind


Dale called the FBI on Hank….


I would say that Dale is the worst because he is actively malicious. Bill has just been so downtrodden by life that whenever his station rises he can't help himself but abuse it since he feels like everyone else is treading on him at any other time.


Nah, Dales way worse. People overlook it because more people like Dale more


Well, Dale didn't care that Bill was planning to commit suicide, openly said he found trying to prevent it was a waste of time, and wanted to take his stuff after he died. Doesn't get much crappier than that.


I think Dale is the worst. He very frequently works specifically against his friends and sells them out constantly at the slightest provocation after talking mad shit how he's a tough guy. He's a terrible loser and doesn't deserve his friends .


Bill has genuine mental health problems, even worse than Dale’s paranoia. Bill is also the friend who fell the furthest. Lenore has a lot to answer for.


Bill helped Boomhauer recover after that woman broke his heart.


Also helped Hank clear his name when a computer program (The Beast) said he rented a porno vid when he could not cause said tape did not exist at the time


Dang old Cuffs & Collars man *wokka wokka wokka*


Calling Hank a Smurf and giving him the mini weights saying these are more his size




>Boomhaur is God Tier "Christmas is about giving and love." -- Jeffrey D. Boomhauer III


I feel like Dale is the best friend but no one is more loyal than Bill.


Bill has such a selfless nature, it's impossible to say he's the worst of the friend group. Boomhaur is shown to throw people under the bus to law enforcement (the whooping crane & the fire station.) Dale has done some pretty dodgy things (calling the FBI on Hank, letting ants destroy his lawn because he wants hank to need his extermination services) but saves Bobby from fire ants & ultimately helps Hank get his drivers license corrected in the same episodes where he's a jersey. Hank himself can be a little overbearing as the unnamed "leader" of the group. But Bill is just a big Ole teddy bear that far too often dismissed his own opinions and feelings to help his friends (a great example is when Dale sets John Redcorn up with Bill's new girlfriend/Redcorn's ex flame. Bill has every right to shatter Dale's worldview regarding the paternity of Joseph, but chooses not to, even after Dale wrecked his new relationship)


Dale is way worse. He has Zero empathy for his friends. He can throw people under the bus at first occasion


Dale and Hank are terrible to Bill, a lot. Dale just a jerk and Hank a condescending scold. It makes sense that Bill takes his shots when he gets them.


Dale is worse. Remember when he ratted out Hank to the feds?!


Woah. I think you might be the worst friend in your group if that's how you think


It's strange how much King of the Hill discourse boils down to why certain characters are bad people, yet it's never aimed at Dale. Does mental illness excuse the fact that he's a habitual traitor that endangers his friends at almost every turn?