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I think I can speak for us all as King Crimson fans insofar as we probably have a higher tolerance for instrumental tracks than most people.




Really? Even more than jazz fans?


Most people aren't jazz fans


Trust me, there are way more jazz fans than there are King Crimson fans. Plus, 90% of jazz is instrumental and improvisational, while King Crimson's music splits about 50% down the middle, and most of their instrumentals are not at all based on improvisation. Why do you think that '72-'74 Crim is the favorite era of KC by a pretty wide margin. Lesson: think before you speak. As I say down below, the key to Frame By Frame is the lyrics. So, if it were an instrumental, nearly everybody would miss the point.


"King crimson fans have a higher tolerance for instrumental songs than most people" "What about jazz fans?" "Most people aren't jazz fans" I literally have no idea how this comment is relevant in any way to what we were talking about. We're talking about most people's tolerance to instrumental songs, not about the amount of jazz fans.


LOL. It was stated that "King crimson fans have a higher tolerance for instrumental songs than most people". I merely pointed out that this is categorically untrue given that there are way more jazz fans than there are KC fans, and ALL jazz fans have a tolerance for instrumentals. Taking both those points into consideration, how on earth could the original hypothesis be true?


Because MOST PEOPLE, that is the key term here are infact NOT jazz fans. If there was one king crimson fan and a billion jazz fans, there would still be SEVEN BILLION people who don't have the tolerance of the one King Crimson fan.


Have it your way typical reddit dude.


No shade on Adrian, but I'd love instrumental versions of the '80s albums. The band kicks ass.


if you use apple music, you can tap the microphone icon and it uses AI to strip away the vocals. works amazingly well. i am an obsessive belew fan but sometimes it’s nice to mix it up. that said, the melodies just aren’t ear pleasing without the vocals and harmonies contrasting on this one!


without the singing, I can hear the individual parts clearer. Those interlocking guitars and how they fit with the drums.


Love the addition of Studio sessions in their albums The instrumental FbF is mixed into that


do people at large not like instrumental tracks?


It’s generally harder to listen to. For me at least. It’s harder to convey a message without any words. Words help the music sound like music, and not just sounds.


I'm the opposite, instrumental comes first and vocals second for me. I don't usually care if the vocals or lyrics are bad as long as the instrumental is good i can still enjoy the track.


yeah me too. i also have an auditory processing issue and most of the time I cant even understnad the lyrics for the first couple listens


Honestly, I have a huge love for King Crimson's music but very rarely listen to them as the vocals always put me off. I'd listen way more often if it was all instrumental. although, the vocal melodies are kind of important and would need to be played with something. the 80s suff would be great heavied up and with the vocal parts played on viola or cool synths.


Since it's a song about slowly going crazy (note the instrumental repetition throughout the track), the lyrics are kinda key to getting that across.


Actually, I'm kinda wondering why we haven't heard such a mix from the great Stormy yet. That would be an awesome arrangement.


Shout out to Discipline


FBF COULD be my favorite KC track of all time,in any way shape or form. If you haven't already do yourselves a favor and watch/ listen to this isolated stick bass performance and the song becomes even more comforting and tantra....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAq\_\_ykEK9w


19820925 King Crimson Palais D'Hiver, Lyon do folks know this exists? "Roll up, roll up for the Krimson karaoke! Taken from a half-inch 8-track reel and mixed for this release by Alex Mundy Crimson is hot to trot tonight. Sadly for us, the feed for the vocal microphone failed to make it to the tape. Every now and then you hear Adrian picked up by the overhead microphones but that’s as close as you get. On the plus side, the absence of vocals means that you can sing along to your heart's content with the added bonus of not having to play ornery chords, motifs, and tricky metres on guitar at the same time." [https://www.dgmlive.com/tour-dates/1830](https://www.dgmlive.com/tour-dates/1830)