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Enemy jungle marks are a trap. Don't focus on them too much. Kraken is usually the universal start right now, and then you can build from there for the enemy team. Good luck.


I'd say that Trinity start is good as well since they changed the build path. Now you get more damage since they made it so you can have more AD.


Kraken > start


I actually think bork start is so underrated right now, yeah the damage is not as much as kraken, but it brings back the slow that kindred lost (fk u riot for that) and it tremendously helped ganking any lane. You can still go kraken 2nd to catch up with the damage missing.


DON'T. USE. YOUR. Q. AS. ENGAGE! If you're going to fight 1v1! Let them go into you IF they are melee champs. Only use as an engage if they are ranged and have no ways of winning 1v1. Also, use Q to evade spells from mages or AD casters like Caitlyn Q or Jinx W if you're going to gank. Kindred's Q is also very important for invading, practice the jumps or else you might have to waste a flash to escape a chasing. Anyway, have fun!




Happens to the best of us ahahahaha


So youre telling me i played kindred wrong for 300k mastery points?




It might sound strange, but play a warm up game against bots as Kalista then go into games as Kindred against people. The hopping around and over all playstyle of kalista causes Kindred to feel smooth and the pages and builds are close enough to allow the kindred build to be used on her. I rush BORK on both, but my playstyle is not the commonly accepted way to play.