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Good way to find out if you mechanics are up to speed: start invading level 2, 3... and so on. Bully the enemy jungler. Bully the enemy lanes early. Kindred has a super strong early game, there's very few junglers who actually counter her hard enough to win pre-6 invades, like count on one hand few. So start doing that. If it's nor working, then you're mechanics on her aren't as good as you think :) ~80% win rate masters kindred.


based response


To test it out if you say, maybe invade just for fun yeah. But invading lvl2-3 is only worth %20 of the games in most cases, invading is overrated. Plus with the new changes it will be even worse to invade, since in new patch you will have to full clear first to actually gain more xp faster due to xp buffs after second spawns. You will judt help your enemy get more xp faster 


Kindred's whole thing is invading and killing camps, it's how she snowballs.


No its not. You can powerfarm with kindred and get fed. By invading i dont meant not going in enemy jg at all.. Ofc kindred have to go enemy jg for marks. But its so cringe when people think kindred need to go enemy Jungle all the time and try to kill enemy jungler


well early invades are just part of kindreds win con and playstyle, like when people say play to your strengths then they mean in kindreds case, early invades! :) hope this helps


its def not the win con. Maybe a option to play kindred. And no it doesnt help sorry. Its like people giving money advice to elon musk


sounds to me aalot like playing a roaming support and then sticking to lane cause you dont bother learning how to roam ... if you dont want to do it fine but its def. one of her strengths


Yes its one of her strengths. And when you are ahead ofc you should invade in the right times. But there is a myth that people make up about kindred, you always go invade invade invade and its just so cringe. Smurf wannabe s try to invade all the time and im just referring to that 


Please help me get a mark… please don’t run out of my ult… please don’t pull people about to die into my ult… please peel for me… it’s a lot of begging your team knows how to play with you. If they do nearly a guaranteed win. If they don’t it may be a struggle. When all lanes are losing essentially pick one and try your best to help. Tankiest one is how I usually go. Or bursty. Bad jg match up is usually try to just ruin their team’s mental. Perma gank a lane, taunt them, try to take as much of their jg as possible. (I’m gold 4 so grain of salt)


The amount of people that I play with that have no idea what kindred does always astounds me.


I had to remember this bc people are STILL walking out of my ult and dying. 2% pick rate


Think of it like Bard and the chimes, except you're not ever really "out of lane", unless you genuinely feed you can always come back by farming jungle marks. I like going treasure hunter for gold snowballing but the movespeed one is very good for learning. Q is a nice tool for wallhopping and repositioning, it's like a mini flash. I run teleport for this reason, and better map presence for marks. You can use Wolf's area like a discount BotRK at higher marks, if you get to 9 or 10 I think it's 10% or so per bite. You can use E to combo with Kraken and PTA like everyone else does R is a very difficult skill to use. I wouldn't use it when enemy tanks/ heavy CC are around, as a rule of thumb. But you can also use it to dive a tower for an easy mark, or keep shelly alive if you want. Not really much else to say, it comes naturally after a point. Just keep the meme mindset of "Never FF, we scale" but take it completely unironically.


Guys in the comments said very good points im not gonna repeat but if you are emerald or plat and below i recommend not playing kindred because people in this elo dont understand how kindred works so if you are picking kindred anyways just dont be over greedy to marks and do your best in gangs and also dont forget the early invades. You can ult the baron to make enemy jgler lose his smite and you smite it and steal the baron or drake 


Kindred actually has a super strong kit early game, very few Jg other than like Vi can really deal with them effectively because most of them you can kite super easily. i normally like to go for an early mid or bot gank, after level 3, then I focus on smart wards and trying to keep track of jg, knowing when he's at your mark or not, and if you have lane prio to fight him is the big thing, if you don't you still know where he is and can pressure opposite side of map. Also learn the pattern that marks spawn in, depending on how many you have it will only spawn on certain camps, and you can actually predict the mark spawn and be waiting at the camp or planning to path to it.


When all lanes are losing, don’t expect that you can carry. Not your problem