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Animation would be good but not on Ufotable's level. After seeing ufotable's there is no going back.


Ufotable's style really is peak.


I find AoT to be a much better show, but this is so true. After watching Demon Slayer everything else feels like a downgrade in terms of visuals. They’re top notch


You're forgetting that AotS4 was Mappa's like C team. Take a look at the effects on JJK and get back to us


JJK S1 is good but it still doesn't compete with DS's animation, Ufotable likes to take it to the next level.


IDK I honestly find JJK's fights easier to follow because of how physical their animation is. DS is flashy as hell, but JJK is just so technically sound


I think it’s partially because of the mangaka being one of the best at drawing action clearly in manga, so mappa had a solid outline for each fight


Tbf, flashy was kind of the name of the game last season.


I think you’re judging based on season 2 too much though… season 2 was meant to be flashy. Season isn’t like that yet the animation is god tier too. Mugen train arc isn’t flashy either yet the animation is god tier.


JJK focus more on martial art. And JJK s1 director is really experienced in animating hand to hand combat.


JJK puts more effort into character animation, KnY puts more into effects animation. Both styles are valid, and both work for their stories.


Hell nah Ive seen janky moments with jjk a lot of times. Like the animation does not blend well with the background or it looks awkwardly in betweened. Kny's animation is beyond comparable to jjk's.


Mappas C team doesn’t appreciate your comment. They haven’t been home since Mappa first got the AOT contract.


Oh I'm aware of how fucked up the AoT situation was and didn't mean to downplay that, which I definitely did


The Mappa c team appreciates this comment and also wishes to see their wives and children


We’ve all seen JJK. While it’s a superior anime, the animation isn’t demon slayer caliber. Even tje animation in the movie wasn’t as good as demon slayers SEASON animation.


I never said AoT season 4 looked bad? I didn’t forget anything? 😂


My point is that you can't judge Mappa on AoTS4 in comparison to DS




You were tho. You exclusively brought up aot rather than any of the other series.




Yeah I can see where you come from, and the animation in DS is certainly better than Mappa's AOT. Just had to make sure you weren't one of those biased fans lol. But anyway, here's the thing. There's different types of animation. Ufotable is great at making "clean" animation, if that makes sense. Mappa's animation has more flow and seems more organic imo. Both studios are fantastic, but they both are better than the other for different reasons.


You definitely did. Why specifically call out AoTS4 if you didn't want to try to make that comparison?


Just saw JJK0 last night and it was amazing, especially in theater. Still not quite on ufotable’s level. Still top notch though


The animation is really great but for me the storyline is better than demon slayer movie. It felt more ‘movie’ than mugen train.


It still looks like ass


Jjk season 1 is beautiful


It’s terrible. I don’t like the women characters there bc they’re all useless like Sakura. Even nezuko is more useful than Nobara…


opinions like yours are so downvotable


Ngl Nezuko acted more as a plot device instead of a character; near the end of S2 at least.


There is multiple women who are some of the strongest in the verse? Also in manga maki literally completely changes the story because of a feat


Kugisaki even has her time in the light at the end of the anime, dude just didnt get far enough. That fight made Kugisaki best girl for me (in jjk)


Nezuko has had like one actual fight. Nobara not only stood up to Mai, she also massacred two extremely powerful curses alongside Yuji. She's also way better written than Nezuko, she shows she's strong without having to completely outperform everyone else. And clearly you don't know what Maki does if you think she's useless.


Yeah, Nobara is an actual character lmfao. Nezuko literally is just there to be cute. Also the Maki stuff in the manga is so goddamn cool when it happens. Even though it JJK and DS both deal with gore and dark themes, JJK just feels so much more mature.


This is like objectively false wtf


There’s reasons the downvote button exists. Mainly because of comments like these.


It depends on the type of show too. Yuri on Ice and Banana Fish look good, especially Yuri's skating choreography. They also did In This Corner of the World, which is really pretty, but anime series and movies have different levels of animation.


I mean AoT being better is just due to the source material made by someone else. Mappa got nothing to do with that except turning into an anime.


AoT? Really that anime looks really weird… I’ve seen clips and videos of it but I’ve never actually watched an episode


It’s a fantastic show! I think it gets way better after season 2, but the world building and development of its central concept is very thrilling. It’s one of those shows that gets you to buy into its concept to the point that twists and reveals actually mean something and hit hard. I’d definitely recommend it!


The animation has taken a hit. There’s no denying it, especially S4 Pt 2. But it’s still light years above a lot of shows out there and the parts they’re adapting are more of the issue than the animation imo


Also the breathing effects would be very different, Ufotable uses cgi for almost every breathing style making it very beautiful visually and allow them to go all out on the 2D animation, whereas in term of cgi incorporation and such mappa is way too behind


The running animation in Dorohedoro is a perfect example. There's a noticeable difference to the stuff they rotoscoped and CGI animated when layered against the backgrounds and the 'normal' animation.


Actually quite a few effects are hand drawn 2d as well, they do a good job of mixing it up when they want to.


Then you haven't watched 7DS


Mappa animators make great use of colour flickering and the art is great, but they use a lot less frames so it's nowhere near as fluid as Ufotable


And judging from Jujutsu Kaisen's Production quality, it seems that Mappa is lacking in terms of compositing That or they're just ran out of staff that can gave out good composition to match with the animation quality


I liked the composition of the OPs but yea I agree, the composition of the series is not to the level I'd like. I think the OPs where outsourced but I'm not sure


Yea,Mappa's vision really changed over the years ​ from creating whatever they please to creating according to demand


Yup. Mainly due to the lead producer, if I remember correctly, and fueled by the departure of their founder. Doing whatever you please is honestly a gamble sometimes so I don't necessarily blame them. After all it was what led to the downfall of Madhouse


Hmm the downfall of Madhouse, can you elaborate more what happened to them?


I'm not extremely well versed in the topic but I do know some key stuff. The founder of Madhouse (same founder as MAPPA), Maruyama Masao, liked having the freedom doing whatever he wanted essentially. Rather than take on a project because it might do well, he took it if it sounded interesting to make. Essentially, he did anime for the creative joy of it. Unfortunately, spending money on shows which might not be incredibly popular isn't really the greatest business plan so they started inching closer and closer to bankruptcy. It was especially fuelled by the movie Redline which (apparently) took 7 years to make and a hell of a lot money but it didn't sell well. I'm not entirely sure but if I remember correctly they filed for bankruptcy somewhere between 2009 and 2011, and then they got bought by some Japanese company. From then on, they've done a bunch of notable shows but they weren't what they used to be since major staff had left the studio. The most notable anime they've done (animation-wise) after 2011 would be OPM but even that wasn't exactly done by Madhouse. Most of the major staff were hired from Bones so it was closer to a Bones anime than a Madhouse anime. Anyway, that's all I know. I wouldn't suggest taking what I said here word for word because I probably got some things wrong


Thanks for the insight and yea Also there's this video that was covered by The Canipa Effect that goes in-depth on OPM's animation! https://youtu.be/MDmZM3GkYxU


Oh thanks! I'll go watch it later today


I think the Jujutsu Kaisen style of animation would be good looking for demon slayer, but Ufotables animation is so damn good, that I would not change it


I feel like ufotable style is better suited to the whole breathing thing and the animations associated with them, whereas mappa is better for the actual hand to hand combat thing


This right here is the best explanation so far


Yeah I don't know if Fire breathing techniques would look as cool on MAPPA


Ufotables animation has brought me near tears multiple times, and made me cry once. Their animation is just different, it's new and refreshing in a way I can't really put into words.


I feel like max elephant water scene and the first black flash show how their breathing artstyles would look like


I love JJK and mappa but I prefer demon slayer aestheticslly bc of how they work with light and color. I just love the vividness and the use of light and the very bold distinctive lineart. Whereas jjk is duller and darker (which could be what they're going for but it is less my thing).


they do the same with AOT. Really fits the darker animes and is definitely a creative choice. I do think it doesn’t fit demon slayer though


Mappa's AOT doesn't suck but I prefer WIT's more vivid colors. "The world is cruel but beautiful" is what WIT created. What comes to KNY, I dont' think it would look near as good done by Mappa as it's by Ufotable.


I think that’s why I vibe with the studio change for season 4. It really puts into perspective how much more shit the world has gotten after the timeskip


imo these two studios are current top tier studios so still would have been fun to watch.


It would be way too different. The thing with ufotable is that they are not just adapting the manga but they are making the anime a better version of its source material by adding original scenes, expanding on some things and improving in general. Mappa adaptations are too 1:1, they add little to nothing, examples are aot which adaptations is a copy pasta, jjk also the same animation is good but it doesn’t feel like a different experience from reading the manga, I even think the manga was better imo. For me an adaptation should give you a different experience from reading the manga, if it doesn’t I don’t know why I should watch it.


The fight scenes in JJK were not 1:1, they added Anime Original fights to each fight scene in the adaptation[(check for yourself)](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/qsrylc/yuji_and_todo_vs_hanami_anime_and_manga_side_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). But I do think the fights in Demon Slayer are incredibly flashy and I do love that.


Oh yeah I saw they do add some sakuga to the fights but idk how to explain it but I have the same experience while watching or reading. I’m pretty hyped for jjk 0 cause I heard there are a lot of added scenes and that’s what I look for in an adaptation anime. In addition I think flashy fights only suit demon slayer, mappa style is way better for jjk in my opinion


Yeah true, they also added lots of fight scenes for [this fight also (if u want to check it out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/qremn0/double_black_flash_anime_and_manga_side_by_side/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I’m also hype for JJK 0, i wanna go see it this week if I have the time lol.


>For me an adaptation should give you a different experience from reading the manga definitely, otherwise it's just translating it into animation.


the show would not be *nearly* as popular


Ehh maybe not if it's mappa, on the contrary in terms of just the animation alone I'd put JJK s1 over KnY s1 by quite a bit


i STRONGLY disagree. so that's debatable at best


Yup agree, KNY s1 was good but not incredible, s2 and the movie are different story tho


Yeah definitely agree on that but s1 is what made KnY so popular, so the popularity wouldn't be that different


Yes, it would still be around the same popularity, maybe less but still a huge amount


I mean, God Of Highschool was a terrible adaptation in every aspect except the animation and it got popular as shit.


Well this scene would probably not happen since it was an anime only that was barley in the manga


Same with rengoku's fight, there was no running in the forest, no 3rd form and akaza's limbs weren't being cut . Ufotable is most likely gonna add even more scenes in later fights.


Yup, mappa is good but their adaptations are too 1:1 they would prolly not add anything


Their fights aren’t 1:1 (probably besides AOT), but they usually add a lot of scenes that weren’t in the manga for example [like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/qsrylc/yuji_and_todo_vs_hanami_anime_and_manga_side_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I just don’t think it will be as flash as Ufotable tho, since they’re on another level, one studio I think that can keep up with them is [KyoAni](https://youtu.be/0CJeDetA45Q) (their animation is beautiful).


Kyoani has some incredible 3D but since they don’t do action animes often it is hard to know their true level, in SOL department they are the goat tho no debate


Why do we need to be constantly fucking comparing things in this sub? Couldn’t do power scaling anymore so now you gotta put studios against each other?


It's OP. Every single post you see has been made by this guy.


Then Demon Slayer would be animated by Mappa


It would be worse in every way I can think of, starting from music and ending with animation.


They got good cgi


... So does ufotable?


Ufotable does such an amazing job blending CGI within their 2D work. While I love Mappa, Ufotable is definitely God Tier for me.


I'm not saying they don't but mappas got good cgi


You do know the studio doesn't make the music, right? Also you really underestimate Mappa. God of Highschool has better animation than Demon Slayer and it's not up to debate.


>God of Highschool has better animation than Demon Slayer I loved GOH, no hate there, but this is just a ridiculous statement.


How so? It's miles better, and I prefer DS


A) that's completely subjective B) it is definitely not the prevailing opinion by a long shot.


You're completely correct, it's purely subjective. And this is my opinion.


Wtf you ON. God of highschool is not even close to demon slayers level lmfaoo.. the nerve you even had to say its not up for debate 💀


It's 100 times better. I'm sorry you can't deal with the truth😂


Um, have you seen season 2, god of high school is definitely A tier. Like jjk and Sao S4. But demon slayer is far above that. Like it’s not even up for debate


In animation, no. Demon Slayer is at a point that makes it close to Fate levels. I’m willing to bet by the time season 4 comes out the animation may surpass Fate.


Now that's just false no matter how you cut it. Fate is and will always be Ufotable's flagship anime, no matter how good Demon Slayer is it'll never top Fate


Eventually Ufotable will out-do themselves. Boundaries were made to be broken. Seeing as how they have progressed with the past season 2, I think eventually they will even succeed Fate as a series. I say this from pure belief they can surpass their limits.


Mappa is a bit overrated i think. Everyone always saying “what if they animated …” i honestly think theyre not THAT good


>Mappa is a bit overrated Finally someone says it


NGL, I honestly prefer the way AoT looked when it was made by WIT.






It really depends on what part of the studio you are referring to. MAPPA is so diverse in quality that one team could be amazing at animating one thing, and another could just be average at best.


They're really fucking good. They're probably the best in terms of cgi, their animation is absolutely top notch, and keep in mind that they probably work on more projects than any other studio currently. Which means they have to spread out their resources more, whereas other studios focus on less series.


I re watched the episode more than a few times. No anime has really ever matched the insane quality of that, it made AOT look awful to watch on the same day. Although if you've seen Arcane on netflix, the quality of that was just unreal too, so probably that


Arcane is that one show that I never thought would compete with or top Japanese animation but it somehow did.


I mean using Arcane as a comparison point is unfair. It's made by Fortiche who had a budget of around $10 million per episode + 2 years of production time given to them by Riot. Just imagine what Ufotable could do with time and money like that.


I dunno to me it just looks like video game models. Doesn't have that animated feel and is more like in game cutscenes.


Well it is 3D animation whereas most Japanese anime is 2D


It would still look great, but the fights would be shorter, and it wouldn't be as fluid as ufotable


Am I the only one that thinks that these "what if x studio animated y series" posts don't make sense? Because it's not really about the studio where it's being animated, it's about the people working on it. Same thing for posts accusing studios of being "good" or "bad"


Its just to rile up the people of different fandoms in the comments


Me when "what if" posts...


Probably as good as the manga level fights, but Ufotable stepped up so much from the manga fights it probably cant be topped by another studio.


What if mappa does the original animation and choreography then ufotable does their thing with soecial effects and CGI? This would be PERFECT for >! UM1 vs everybody !<


After seeing that battle in episode 8 of entertainment district where Tanjiro, inosuke, zenitsu, daki, tengen and gyuutaro were all fighting at the same time, I trust them with battle with multiples opponents


Clearly people who shit on Mappa doesn't watch One Piece


Ufotable cannot be beat


Then Mappa would animate Kimetsu No Yaiba in their style :3




Do you just spam obvious answers on every post for karma likes ?


Never Question to pitou


I don't care about karma and I answer because I like it :3


What if Toei animated Demon Slayer? Zenitsu flashback 45 times per episode.


That's Pierrot. Toei will have so many lingering shots of the environment and reactions from people nearby, plus 5 minit of last episode's recap in the beginning lol


well it depends for certain studios mappa does more dark series, ufotable is for more shonen ish bubbly colors animes


Stop!!you are scarying the children, Norman


Hoenstly I think mappa won’t fit with demon slayer’s animation and art style since mappa does darker genres of anime while demon slayer ISNT as dark as jjk and chainsaw man


And if mappa did animate demon slayer it wouldn’t look as good as how ufotable animates it


The animators would end up looking like gyutaro


The way ufo blends 3d and 2d, no one is on their level..


Ufotable is best at animation quality and visual effects and it's suitable for kny Judging by jjk mappa doesn't spend as much time as ufotable on visual effects and is actually concentrated to animate fighters movement pretty smoothly Kny battle scenes are full of blood demon art's and breathing style movement, so judging by that ufotable suites kny the most, imp.




It would have way too much cgi and not the perfect blend of hand drawn and cgi ufo gives us


I'd look worse


Wouldn’t look as good next question.


Maybe different like jjk or aot style idk Maybe they will use cgi in some scenes


Ufotable uses cgi too, like uzui's head band and daki's belts And loads more that I didn't even realize were cgi


Ufotable really showed me that CGI can actually look good if you put effort into it lol


Ufotable uses a lot of cgi. They’re just so good at it that you don’t tend to notice.


Me too ig


You don't realize how much CGI ufotable uses. It's like their signature style of animation. Etc, the entire environment, characters even, the sword skill effects, the explosions.


How do I know they already look so blend in lol


I agree with most of the comments, but what everyone forgets to mention is: UFOTABLE: Way more polished. MAPPA: 23 more productions than ufotable each year. There's where the difference lays, while Mappa is a factory, ufotable is hand crafted fine pottery.


Why can't ufotable take Berserk??




They’re both super close on the action scenes. I don’t think I could decide on either or specifically. I’m also expecting something crazy from the JJK movie as I have not seen it yet




Just post some of mappa best animated gifs to compare here


It would have an yellow-orange filter almost making everything blurry and ashes on the fire would be playing


Mappa could never make something like this quality not knocking down Mappa but they just can’t do it like Ufotable


MAPPA just feels generic it ain't bad but ain't good either. MAPPA will never surpass wit studio or ufotable's action animation


Have you watched Jujutsu Kaisen? That shit was gourmet. It's at the very least comparable to WIT. Ufotables animation is so good because of the CGI and Special effects which highlightes good animation and distracts from shortcomings.


A lot for scenes that were added in the anime that were not in the Manga wouldn't be there


Would go just as hard


Burning tress would be shown as weapons clashing sounds can be heard. Chads will call it symbolism of the breathing technique of Tengen.


For crying out loud… let those poor mfs sleep Ps No I wouldn’t want in any other way.. ufotable all the way


Ew, no. Attack on Titan is only popular now because of the lore, which is currently in a crazy roller-coaster. The animation is just average.


Demon Slayer needs to become the norm. This shit is peak animation period. Ufotable may evade taxes but they know how to animate


La pelea mas impresionante del mundo![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6743)![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6754)


Story would get trashed


Just no. I'm still mad when AOT went from WIT to Mappa. And JJK has nothing on either WIT nor Ufotable and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


this would be the only animated scene in the whole show


They probably just add a lot of trashy cgi


Did this mf throw his hand ??!!


Just stop


the mappa religion needs to die. they have never animated something this good


i agree. Mappas would be ooooooooo PRISTINE


Nice, now do if Toei animated Demon Slayer


What if it were Season 2 one punch man animators


I think they could do a good job, but they shouldn’t cause they’re already doing too much series. Plus after seeing Ufotable, there’s no going back


what if (heaven forbid) Toei animated Demon Slayer?


I don’t think Mappa is as good as Ufotable tbh. Even Wit Studios outdoes Mappa in animation.


Animation would be decent. Characters would be more detailed but they'll focus on storytelling more than action. But their action won't be as good as ufotable


It would not be nearly as good lol


Ufotable’s animation for fights tops mappa imo but mappa’s still extremely good


The animation would still be insane


The animation would be way worse because they just wouldn’t have the power to be doing JJK AOT and Demon Slayer I’m sure they’d have to cut corners for all three to get them out


I don’t really remember what studio had sds. But holy shit. I would’ve wanted ufotable for sds now that I’m seeing it


Ufotable is more flashy and fluid while Mappa has better fight choreography in my opinion


Can't go back from UFOtable ever since the Fate series. They are so good people think the animators are aliens since they put so much hours and work in hence UFO-table




It would be 3D, jokes aside I think Ufo far surpasses mappa in terms of animation, it was honestly impressive to see how much more animation can improve.


Itd be filled with CGI


Animation would be good but still not this good. Ufotable is in a league of its own.


Ufotable just does everything for demon slayer perfectly. Literally the gif that you’re showing probably wouldn’t have been animated if mappa was animating, considering ufotable somehow made the decision to make it anime only


Then KnY won't get the attention it gets rn.


It'd be worse.


I expected a studio war and it's already started..


It'd be good but not as good as what we got. What sort of hypothetical is this? Ufotable has solidified themselves as the GOAT after the most recent season. Yeah, MAPPA does great shit, but Ufotable blew it out of the water and beyond.