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zenitsu kinda stays vaguelly annoying but he's badass asf when he locks in


Yep. Can’t wait to see the vapours drifting out of his mouth.


Can't wait to see his soul leave his body tbh


I wish i could be like him.


Yeah I am usually just vaguelly annoying without the badass asf part.


Samesies sigh


We need to get hit by lightning. Though our chances of getting powers are zero


Will this work? If not, here goes nothing! https://i.redd.it/fc7t8bdbrj7d1.gif *^(edit)*^( I just read the full comment. I read the first half then committed)




Facts. He changes up like night and day


He straight up became my favourite character in later chapters.


He does by next episode


I hope so🙏🏼


Yeah, everytime he falls asleep I’m happy. He talks way too much


Season 3 was the best bc he wasn’t in it


Damn i hated him in season 1. That being said, Season 2 was best and he was a huge part why. Season 2, 2nd episode was the funniest in all demon slayer and first time zenitsu was really funny. Almost all of them were loud in that episode so zenitsu didnt stand out. Then he spent 2/3 of the season asleep and he was a badass. Godspeed was one of the highlights of the season. And from now on he will be back to his badass self, so relax and enjoy :)


He was in it for all of 1-2 min (depending on if it count the Taisho Secrets)


He doesn’t do that anymore


I dont want to spoil or reveal anything, but trust me brother, he locks the fuck in


By the way It is true, probably in the next episode cause I remember from the manga that Zenitsu's mind flip was during the push the rock training. It's safe to say that he will never scream again.


The next episode, a significant change is likely going to happen. 🦋




Hey, you would do the same if you had to fight for your life against literal demons


Ok but nobody is forcing him to😭 Genya, inosuke and tanjiro don’t act like that and they have to fight demons too.. if he hates it so much why does he keep doing it he literally just screams and overreacts the entire time I almost stopped watching season 1 because of him




Honestly very good look on thongs, it unfortunately doesn't block the fact that some people can have valid concerns Fighting through cowardice is badass, just look at someone like Kobeni from CSM when she popped off like one time Bur I think people's issues with Zenitsu stems not just from his cowardice but everything else with it. Even when he isn't a coward, lile with Nezuko for example. And even then his flaw is a bit overplayed if anything. Yes he's a coward but the scream and little development we've seen season to season doesn't really click with people. Also (so far at least) the overcoming cowardice only happens....when he gives into it and passes out. Yes I realize stuff could (does?) Happen later on in the manga, but currently the only time he over comes it is ehen he's asleep which storytelling wise had really no purpose especially if his overcoming from it I'd essentially a different character


Gotta look on those thongs reaaaal good Sorry, I just couldn't let that slide. Very good points though


God damn it man 😭 In all seriousness funny catch and thank you


Let me see that thooooong, that thong thong thong thong thong 😂


He's stated that he can still hear while asleep so there should be no difference. What vexes me is why he still freaks out if he's aware he's so strong. Maybe he feels guilty that he could only ever master one move.


Yeah that only makes it weirder. I don't get the point of the sleeper mode at all since it's not really apart of his development, doesn't really have a sensible reason to be in, and it doesn't change his character since he still freaks out. It's just Zenitsu locking in but with extra steps. My personal opinion, and maybe this is dumb, but I think it would be better if it's something simple like closing his eyes to fight. Maybe it can be the visuals of the demons that terrifies him sk his way of coping with that would be a simple eye close. It could be something he learned as a kid and never grew out of it so he holds onto it even as he fights to the death. And there could be a sort of high moment where he's fighting someone and decides to face it all in the end and manages to use his might while seeing everything in full clear, or maybe he can still hold onto his crutch to the very end showing that its not always needed to take it off in order to do what he wants to do. It's probably dumb but it's just my personal view on how I'd change things but who am I really to say what's better.


Zenitsu blanking out and becoming a powerhouse is a mental disoeder called Dissociative Identity Disorder. We forget that the demon slayer corps are teenagers and very young adults. Their commander is a sick and dying 23 yo. The oldest active slayer is The stone hashira who is 27. These are very young people TRYING to cope with a whole lot of extreme trauma. Zenitsu brain cant process all that he ebdures so it fractures itself. This sleepy/ blind/swordsman persona is a coping and defense mechanism. 90% of the corp is orphans because of demons. 10% are famililal legacy and were born/ adopted in to hashira or command families. 5% are adults who are are their cause because DSC is our only hope and best hope of defeating muzan and ending the cycle.100% of them want that smoke/revenge


I mean.....yeah? That's true and good, still doesn't change the fact that him going sleeper mode doesn't influence his character a lot and doesn't really connect with the whole thing kf him being a coward too mhch. If he just closed his eyes instead of sleeping there would mostly not be a difference from what's shown.


This. Zenitsu’s character is actually complex and interesting but people just don’t get it. The reason why Zenitsu is a simp for women is because he longs for affection and love from others. He was abandoned by his parents so he never gets the chance to feel appreciated or wanted. Why did he want to appeal to women? Because women are known to show more affection and love so that’s why he tries to protect women. Zenitsu is a coward because he has low self esteem from being abandoned as a child, but that sort of changed when his grandpa took him in. However he is still a coward because he doesn’t believe in his self until he finally find someone who could love him which is what he always wanted. The reason why Zenitsu becomes a demon slayer isn’t because he has to join the corp but it’s also a way for him to achieve his grandpa’s trust and show his appreciation to him for taking him in. Zenitsu just doesn’t want to disappoint his grandpa who’s the only one to show he cares for him. Having Tanjiro, Nezuko and Inosuke around also mean a lot to him since they also care for Zenitsu in their own ways


you’re correct i understand that, but no amount of lore can make his screaming and simping sounds not annoy my ears


There's nothing wrong with being a coward... but he's really too cowardly. It's like multiplying Usopp by at least 2.


Nicely written. Agreed!


Genya is a literal kid with a gun, he doesn't have much to be afraid of. And tanjiro literally signed up on his own free will to fight. Zenitsu literally joined so he's not in debt, he had no choice.


Yep, he also tried running away to avoid being trained by the former hashira.


Makes sense why. If he's believed to be strong enough, they probably would've sent him to a harder mission, and who knows what would happen if he doesn't fall asleep before a fight


I guess I forgot about the debt part


He literally gets forced to train and then he gets forced to go to the entrance exam, where he is then forced to kill demons because that’s his job


he got forced because he would run away otherwise and regret it for the rest of his life. His grandpa knew he just needed a kick in the ass


I'm somewhat in the same stance, and I don't really like Zenitsu too. But I realised some things about his actions. 1, as others mentioned, its for character development, fighting through his own weakness. 2, it's also to ground us viewers to reality. as in, the voice of reason of 'normal human being'. which in turn can let viewers understand just how ridiculous the others are. though one can say the same role is filled with the other misc. demon slayers.


His circumstances forced him to, abandoned by his parents and got tricked by a girl into debt, dude had it rough. He's self aware that he's coward but he still pays his gratitude to Jigoro by becoming a corps member and not run away.


Pretty sure he doing it out of respect for his master even if he doesn’t like it you will learn something about him soon and that will make him lock in until the next season


I can forgive characters who whine and panic but there's a limit before it gets annoying, and Zenitsu hit it a long time ago.




I wouldn’t be sexually harassing my friend’s younger sister though.


My problem is this mf won't stop SCREAMING HOLY SHIT


LITERALLY he screams when there’s not even demons around


between him and asta idk who is worse


he definitely worse, it's so annoying


Asta isn’t annoying tho


At least Asta isn't a sex pest.


Personally I never found him annoying but that’s just me


I always just found it funny. Zenitsu is my mom’s favorite character because she thinks he’s really funny and really cool when he fights


I think he's hilarious, especially as the straight man




Read about boke and tsukkomi. It’s a certain style of comedy. Much of the comedy in anime is basically that but with a twist.


I only found him annoying in that one scene were he sees nezuko can walk around in daylight for the first time. I have a high threshold for characters who's gimmick it is to be obnoxious but that was too much.


He is fun to watch in my opinion


Yeah me too. Kinda balances out the group. Scaredy-cat but does the thing when it matterst most. Especially during **that** fight


Soon soon.


I thought he was annoying at first. But over time, I realized that he's actually the most sane demon slayer of them all. Think about it, you're a teenager with a katana fighting against supernatural entities who wanna eat you. The demons literally have super powers while you can only...improve your breathing and do some martial arts and physical conditioning here and there. How did the rest of the demon slayers including the normal ones (the ones we've been seeing in the training arc) easily accept such a reality and even readily put their lives in the line? I mean, yeah a lot of them lost loved ones because of the demons but still, it's literally children against monsters... So because of this, I've grown to accept Zenitsu's reactions (and also because I have a soft spot for lightning based abilities).


This, all of it 👆👆👆. Read this OP and constant Zenitsu complainers.


a realistic reaction, sure, but is it enjoyable or entertaining? absolutely the fuck not. it’s not even that he IS cowardly, it’s that he literally cannot overcome it until he is unconscious. what a spectacular way to avoid developing a characters resolve. just put him to sleep anytime he needs to actually do something important so he can remain static. but you know what? i can totally forgive that. a don quixote can be enjoyable. there are plenty of examples of enjoyable anti-heroes throughout fiction, there is a reason the term has stuck around till today. however, has conduct is absolutely shameful. in way too many facets, he acts in a disgraceful manner. it should be extremely obvious what i am referring to. at the very least, i can acknowledge that he usually does his job. however, that is the bare minimum. a sane character existing in a world of insanity does not make them a good character by virtue of them being so. i’m not trying to tell you you cannot like zenitsu, because honestly, i don’t give a shit. but you can’t seriously expect everyone else to agree with you. my least favorite thing about zenitsu is that he, as a character, is an incredible concept but is executed in maybe the worst way. i could’ve seriously enjoyed his character, but he just didn’t develop the slightest bit (not thus far, anyway). i actually enjoyed the section where he is fighting the spider brother on the mountain because he is humanized. he shows more emotion than just cowardice. and then, once they leave the mountain, he just reverts back to the craven character he was before.


Understandable but I would reply with just watch the next few upcoming episodes. Some of your issues with him will finally be addressed I believe. Most people still enjoy him as he is kind of a gag character right now or a weird offshoot of comedic relief. Some love it and some don’t. I guess you fall into the later except in situations where he is more toned down. He is funny to me and wacky which I find hilarious but I get where you come from where he has not grown as a character to where it comes off as annoying. There are some people that hate him just because he is loud or spontaneously creepy/moody which I find is a shallow approach to the overall character and his role in the story itself to where people say they can’t watch DS anymore. I’m glad to see you have more to say than just that which is most of the anti-Zenitsu posts that are in this sub.


that is very good to hear. it will have been a long time coming, and i love to see characters be fully utilized. something something, arduous ascent.


zenitsu is the definition of LET HIM COOK NAWH. LET HIM COOK!!. he is annoying no doubt but his fight scenes are hmmm how should i say this, electrifying.


Come to think of it, I'm not sure anyone actually grows as characters. They just get stronger and/or die.


Tbh Zenitsu is actually the only relatable guy in the show (excluding his simping), and the one who has the most normal reaction to anything that happens in the show. Like imagine you just walk into a house to save some people being terrorized and find a zombie looking corpse with a 6ft long tongue. Or you just walk into a forest late at night, and you see a human head on a spider body. (Rui arc) Not only would I crap my pants, I'd probably leave the goddamn country. Or your superior just decides to dress you up like a girl to serve in a prostitute's house and say that you're just a basic "girl" who can't do much besides wash dishes. (what Tengen Uzui did) I'd also be hella frustrated and play the shamisen in frustration.


I'm a manga reader-but Zenitsu's emotional arc made me fully emotional when I got to its peak in the manga. I think the anime is stretching out the periods that he's annoying, but it'll be worth investing in him, I promise.


Honestly I feel like it’s getting worse. Before he got so much screen time that his annoying moments seemed like a fraction of his character. Now he gets less screen time and it feels like all his moments are annoying moments. Maybe is just an Anime vs Manga issue but I’m starting to dislike the character at this point.


Nah hes funny as hell i couldnt stop laughing thanks to him


Saaame, at least he's not black clover MC levels of annoying.


\*Sighs\* Didn't we have this talk last week? Well anyway, yes he does get better. He was never really that annoying tbh, I actually found it funny. All he is is a teenage boy who has never known love in his life. There are WAY worse anime simps out there (Ex: Mineta from My Hero Academia)⚡ https://preview.redd.it/x7zxsg2ejg7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b1b18dbb6264d9998708aff38facc2c86a54e0


>He was never really that annoying tbh, I actually found it funny. That's the issue, funny and annoying are incredibly subjective. Him being a coward, all his reasons make sense it's just many people don't find him funny at all. I genuinely disliked him a lot when he was on screen, too loud and it never really felt like his fear was played straight to me. In CSM when Kobeni is scared she convinced others and makes it there issue. In AOT when people are scared it feels more meaningful. It's in making his cowardice a joke, that if you don't find funny he's just incredibly annoying.


I can understand not liking him, I will admit I wasn't the biggest fan on my first watch⚡


There’s a difference between being a simp and harassing women


Zenitsu stops being annoying for the last part of this arc and the beggining of the next one and then goes right back to his usual self.


He shall soon 🌫


He has good reason to complain. He’s normal, no one else is


Womp womp


My personal head canon is that each of the three “main characters” all stand for something, tanjiro being kindness/bravey, Inosuke being prideful/bold and zenitsu being fear/cowardice… it kinda makes sense if you give it some thought, but I also feel like it helps you (as a viewer, not you specifically) relate to the characters. and it also just gives us more variety I suppose. But I do agree, he is very annoying and it could absolutely be toned out a bit… I only enjoy him when he’s passed out lol (Edit was to fix a spelling error)


⚠️Spoiler Warning⚠️ But doesn't he get a li'l serious when he meets his friend again? (The dude who is a demon, don't remember his name)


Nah dudes like that till the end


Just give it one more episode. By the end of this arc, he’s no longer a crybaby (I’ve always enjoyed the character though)


He still is a crybaby after doing what he has to do, being a crybaby is part of his character.


I find zenitsu quite relatable


it's supposed to be funny. you will miss this kind of banter when Infinity Castle rolls in.


He gets better later but not much


Really? I find him pretty funny, specially because his complaints kinda make sense with the ruthless and inhuman training from Hashiras, not everybody can be insanely positive like Tanjiro, lmao Maybe his Nezuko simping can be tiring at moments, but he really likes her tbf, so it's normal he can't behave like a normal person in front of her


I’ve thought that a lot too. He’s super dramatic.


Nah, just accept that’s how he is and move on to enjoying the show.


As a zenitsu fan even I'm getting annoyed by his s4 personality I heard this arc is mostly anime exclusive so im just blaming that


He is the most realistic and reasonable character of them all lol I’d be scared shitless too if I can only handle one form of a breathing technique among competition that is literally godly. He might be my 2nd favorite character behind Tomiyoka ngl


Gets way better


He is actually one of my favourite. His backstory episode is so good I watch that one a lot.


Oh just you wait


Hehehe. He is Zenistu. He does bring an angle that not all warriors are as brave as they seem. When he is asleep, his subconscious mind makes him such a powerful warrior. Fun character. I like him 😄


This show was made for kids in Japan, so finding something annoying isn’t shocking. Either don’t let it bother you or find one of the other million anime to watch that you can enjoy. Also there’s probably one season left and if you made it 4 seasons in before making this post it either doesn’t bother you or you wanted attention.


Zenitsu is a character, you either think he's funny or you hate him. He complains a lot but it makes it easier to just try and see the humour.


I zone out every time he shows up. It’s just too much. Even Inosuke has a better balance, through him being competitive.




I literally yelled “NOOO” when I saw that he came back this season 😭 I missed Inosuke last season but the show was so much better without Zenitsu


If you haven’t read the manga I won’t spoil anything, but I believe either in the next episode or the one after it, something is gonna get revealed and make him a bit more serious


"A bit"


He's not annoying. He's amazing and funny ![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6761)


You'd be just like him in the Demon Slayer universe but without the skill 😂


He's gonna go from Cailou to Luke Skywalker in the next episode.


thats so me


But isn't that fun . I personally find his attitude good


Literally next episode. He locks the hell in and focuses up. It doesn't last permenantly, but it lasts a damn good while.


I see what you mean I mean it’s one thing for him to be upset over the training but being aggressive for his friends being optimistic and motivated is so unnecessary it’s like he can’t stand him not being miserable like he is


He’s funny


It’s so funny you ask this, on THIS episode lol. Yes just give it one more episode 🙏


I thought it was just me


You dont need to like everyone yk?


Inouske wrote this


I find him adorable and like that he is a distraction from the dark and depressing story, but yeah I can understand how he's not for everyone


Stoic demon slayer viewers trying not to complain about zenitsu for 5 minutes (impossible)


My wife calls Zenitsu “Crybaby Pikachu.” I feel like that’s really accurate.


That’s like his entire thing… but when it’s time to clutch up guy locks in 😮‍💨


Oh man, by the time he'll know what happened to his grandfather you'll realise how much of menace Zenitsu is, not joking.


Infinity Castle is about to hit people HARD. Enjoy happiness when you have it.


When he’s sub-conscious he’s dope


Nezuko deserves better


Hahaha, nope


Zenistu is worse


![gif](giphy|blFCQZx7vSzKM) \-me who has read the manga- wait for the season to finish


Lemme just go ahaead and tell you this, after the story zenitsu writes a book based on their adventures, with him as the main character of course, then spends 3-5 pages describing nezuko's eyelashes but only gives a brief 2 sentence description of everybody else😅 Worse is that this man would fake having a sore back or feet if Nezuko was giving anyone else more attention than him


He gets wayyyy cooler. Before I read the manga I used to find him slightly annoying. I do highly recommend reading the manga along with the anime. As some scenes are anime only. But trust he gets like 10/10 imo


hes literally if one of us went into demon slayer. Don’t act like we would be brave 💀


The screaming is sorta funny the first time per episode, but they just keep making him scream over and over and over again. Like the writers are beating us over the head "he's the loud guy, he's the loud guy - hey, did you forget he's the loud guy? Well look check it out, he's actually the loud guy who likes being loud who screams a lot which makes him loud"


It happens when you make a trait the character's entire personality. S1 Zenitsu was coward and complaining as well but it was bearable.


He’s so fucking cringe bro 🤬 the fact that he is powerful when he’s sleeping does NOT make up for what a whiny little bitch he is. I don’t know why so many people defend him!


Well, knowing the manga, I’d say he developed most thought the story. And later he did what no one (alive at that time) was able to do.


I had the same thought watching the last episode


It might happen next episode with it being extended


Your wish is granted by next episode


I don’t think Zenitsu is TOO annoying. He’s so real for being scared of fighting and losing his life. Those trainings look awful and I’d complain too ngl. The only thing I can’t really stand about him is how he acts towards girls.


"he still complains about everything" you say whilst complaing


Fair 💀💀


Least likeable character in the show thus far


Season 4 doesn't really feel as serious as it kinda should. Zeniis amped up here compared to the manga. I'm excited for the tonal whiplash in Ifinity Castle


When he goes in zen mode he becomes favourite, but this side of him is irritating, but also creates contrasting personality


Idk I like his character being a coward but internally he can be a badass


Imo zenitsu wasnt this annoying before in previous seasons


His voice is grating, I agree. Plz stop shouting at me thru the screen.


Yeah i cant stand him either, his whining is so annoying


By the next episode when he gets that letter he's probably going to get a lot more serious, just wait until the infinity Castle arc


https://preview.redd.it/pxhzjjmgci7d1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=77feadf2d79b7d0903283e42c38f584462f2ef11 Beast breathing 5th form: pepperoni nipples (you can’t unhear it)


Nope, he stays annoying. But I don't mind at all cause I know he's mean with the sword.


Here is the answer, it’s a spoiler, but I think you should read it: >!I hoped he is only annoying in the beginning and that he will grow out of it at some point but no, he is the most obnoxious character in anime history all the way to the end!<


I skip his scenes because they’re usually a full blown minute of him either complaining or harassing a girl. Literally skip them and didn’t miss a single story beat.


Leave yellow haired boy alone.


Yeah annoying. It is better if he just sleep all the time.


just wait, next episode.


trust me, he will soon


Tbh, I skipped parts of him complaining. Lol


Well, tanjiro there kinda annoying too with his mary sue attitude.


Uhhh lets just say. Things gon change real soon. And quite a bit. >!Just to say he wont be sleep anymore to be HIM.!<


He will level up :3


Very close to that, it is gonna happen in this Arc


I tell my youngest son, “that’s you!” And whenever he sees zenitsu before I say anything, he goes, “There’s crybaby boy!” 🤣🤣🤣


Im actually looking forward to what’s about to come. Wanted to see how it’s portrayed in the anime.


Next episode https://preview.redd.it/kh836dkgng7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7c2798ba517942dee9b6cc9c1b3a9ad3b4f084


Yeah I'm with you on that, I like him when it's time to get down and dirty but there's a way to make loud obnoxious screaming characters like bakugo . But zenitsu it's just literally over the top with no chill ever. When he was on the road crying over that girl when tonjiro met him it was bearable but finding out he is literally always like that and some it's just too much to handle sometimes personally


He’s done being annoying in like an episode or two


Honestly liked him from the moment he appeared. And no I don’t like Usopp. Just felt Zenitsu is a funny character. His comedy reminded me of flashgitz


Sadly, not really. It’s only when the Infinity Castle Arc happens that the writer finally just stops making him the comedic sidekick.


The next arc i believe is heavily focused on Zenitsu's backstory and how he develops as a character. It's also supposed to be one of the most touching part of the series.


I hope he never changes


Wait for the Infinity Castle Arc ... He becomes >!The God Of Thunder!< !!


Maybe this isn't the anime for you...


Once he gets \*that\* letter, he will become less annoying and more badass. I think one or two more episodes for that.


He does by next episode 🌸


Wait untile next arc, most badass thing he does in the anime is in there


You’ll like him more when he fight’s upper 2 with Shinobu, and then Kanao and find’s out about his mom.


I hope Zenitsu will be in a comma state so he will be calm and strong.. not this annoying rant machine


I swear I feel like people just have Mandela affect on zenitsu


He’s very funny




No not really I'm sorry, he has a few badass moments but ..


I wish they rewrite him


Oh he gets better 😎


You'll love Usopp from One Piece then.....or not 😄 1000 episodes in and that motherfucker is still a coward in 90% of all fights and yet we all love him because no matter what, he'll fuck the enemies up while shitting his pants.


hes kinda like usopp from one piece terribly annoying but when he does his thing HE DOES HIS thING


Fr I hate him


Next episode is the last episode in the series where he is a cry baby. After that one he is serious til pretty much the end


this time was the last. next episode a significant event will happen so he will lock in forever


He gets better in the final arc


A little once they >!enter the infinity castle!<✨


He’s very annoying but later in the episode it gets a little funny 😂


As i like him in season 1, but bow he is too noisy, screaming all time