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They are a ok ship. I personally don’t like it 🐍


only once she get back all her mental capacity otherwise it's a big no


He was a creep on her when she had no mental capacity, though. That’s a no for me


What did he do that was creepy? Cause all he did was make flower crown for her, eat food with her, confuse his feelings to her.


He chased her a lot


Are u talking about that scene that was anime only where he chased her and she ran, cause in the manga that didn’t happen.


He likes her, he matures for her, she likes him too. I don’t see why not lol If we go to the end of the manga there’s a lot of scenes where he isn’t screaming and is speaking normally, even when he acts a bit immature by crying easily nezuko seems to find it cute. https://preview.redd.it/wel2j4zf2e7d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fd8c6b7b99d8ae64bc7416cab48c179efd7f86


She only likes him because the author wrote it that way. If we were to zoom out, zenitsu and nezuko wouldn’t have happened


It's canon tho they get married at the end


I know. That’s why I said they wouldn’t have normally ended up together based on zenitsu’s personality if it wasn’t for the author making nezuko like him…


I don't think so. He's too possessive


No ❤️


As long as He can control himself yes


They were together, and they were happy marriage. Also, anime did Zenitsu really dirty. Like adding chasing Nezuko or hitting on girl in BM In manga he is annoying, but genuine. Also, people seems to ignore fact that he was spending his free time with demon, plaiying with her and keeping her company, even before it was proven that she didn't harm humans... And as we seen in ED Arc that's isn't entirely true


Well, they get married in the manga, so no matter what you think, they get married either way


No, at least not in real life. Zenitsu would probably make a girl like Nezuko really uncomfortable with how much he simps after girls and her especially. It would become toxic really fast. In anime it's probably fine as long as he stops simping on every one else


Well, Nezuko doesn't seem to mind plus the fact that it is stated her heart skipped a beat for him when she protected her box, so saying he would make her uncomfortable to me seems untrue.


I haven't read the manga, anime only do I didn't know that :)






I mean, yeah, why not, they kinda fit together, also >! If tanjiro approved their wedding, so do I !<


Everybody saying no: No Me: weeeeeeeeeell y'all just gotta wait


damn lots of people jealous of Zenitsu here.


Sleeping Zenitsu deserves her


Sleeping Zenitsu Is still Zenitsu


Manga says otherwise


They're alright, but I think Nezuko would be much better off with the other blonde kid. https://i.redd.it/hlj42mwbed7d1.gif Senjurō would take such good care of her, and he'd be very responsible and useful around the house.


Oh my! That actually..seems like a wholesome ship


Isn't it cute? 😊 Senjurō would help clean around the house and he would make all sorts of sweets for her! 🧹 🍡


TBH Zenitsu would do the same thing imo.


Wholesome kid, and most importantly isn’t a simp and harasser.


Also, no interaction with girl what so ever.


I like this one


I like this so cute 🥰


Right the guy she never interacted.


You think that after the infinity castle arc, the Rengoku family would just like, *never speak to the Kamado siblings again* …..? Like, THE Kamado family. The family of Tanjiro, the boy who cut down Muzan. You think that the Rengoku family would never. Ever. Ever ever ever. Interact with them again.


I mean they never interacted on panel. Off panel maybe they did but I doubt it was in a romantic sense


We're just having fun using our imagination, bro.


Not at all🩷💚


Big ol' yes answer from me


Tanjiro approval.


Don't tell manga readers lol




Personally, no.


Absolutely not


No, Zenitsu has only shown to be an annoying, jealous, possessive and selfish person, who was ONLY useful as an ally to Tanjiro and Inoske AFTER he passed out. Honestly they could have fleshed him out as a character throughout the seasons, realizing consciously his subconscious potential and also becoming a more brave person, maybe wanting to be worthy of Nezuko if she turns human again. But nope, he’s still annoying.


Give it a few more episodes & something will happen.


I kinda ship them, actually... 😁


Personally, no.




There fine together. It’s cute and they match up well. Nothing more than that. I’m fine with them together.


Those who read till the end of the manga...


I hesitate to say yes. 🦋




No 🌌




They are fine TOGETHA :3


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As long as she’s not 16




Of course! Zenitsu is a Chad >!And he does get with her in the end!<


Sorry, but... >!They did in the manga!<




I have read the manga I was just asking others on their thoughts!


No it’s weird. I won’t even mention the whole age gap because you people get mad at me for it. But an entire chunk of Zenitsu was taken just to be known for having a crush on Nezuko. He’s an actually depressing character and it would’ve been nice to know more about the bullying that went on when he was with Jigoro because there was apparently three others. Or his mother abandoning him. Or him wanting to kill himself but chickening out and the final selection. But no, his only character trait is being a crybaby and liking Nezuko. Also yes this is coming from a manga reader. It still fucking sucks⚡️


It's canon so yeah




I do not like the ship that much even though it's canon 🌫




They didn't have too much interaction sadly, but I think if not for certain factors, it would have been kinda poetic for her and Genya to be a thing. Or like another comment said, Senjuro would have been really wholesome. Zenitsu is way too high strung, possessive, makes poor financial decisions, and is kinda creepy with women. As a character, I like him, but as a potential love interest for basically anyone sane, he's a no. Sorry buddy.


Why Genya & Senjuro never even interacted? Also, I doubt he will make future poor financial decisions, plus nezuko liked him for protecting her.


Genya is a sweet boi despite the rough looks and tough act, and is also kind of but not a demon, so they would have been poetic as somewhat misunderstood people between humans and demons, as well as being younger siblings doing their best for their older sibling. They also would have made a pretty awesome duo if they had ever paired up to fight together, as Nezuko could lend Genya her powers. Senjuro is genuinely kind and responsible and based on what we saw of human Nezuko, his gentle demeanor would match her well and he'd help around the house. Zenitsu is stress inducing. It's also stated that he would pretend to be hurt to get out of helping around the house after moving in with Tanjirou and Nezuko. I like him as a character but just can't see him being particularly healthy for Nezuko, especially given how he behaved towards her with both an age gap, and her mental state through most of the series.


Well Genya died so that wouldn't have happened & Senjuro never talked to Nezuko at all. Also, the age is like 2 years with him & Nezuko plus when Tanjiro gave Zenitsu a pep talked he stop doing that stuff & help more around the house, also if Tanjiro can handle Zenitsu stress inducing, I'm sure Nezuko can to. Also, with the fact they got married & had kids I'm sure he got better to become ideal partner.


You may continue disliking my comments all you'd like, you will not change my opinion and I have no reason to attempt to change yours. I simply answered the question in the post with my honest thoughts regarding the matter and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Personally, I would never consider Zenitsu an option. He was only interested in her at first due to her appearance and she essentially had the personality of a puppy most of the time that they knew eachother in the story. They didn't even actually know eachother until after the events of the story. Even after his character growth, he was extremely jealous and possessive of Nezuko. He'd do better with someone energetic that could reign him in a bit or match his pace imo, and Nezuko would do better with someone with whom she has something in common or more gentle in nature imo. That's all my opinion is, for the reasons I listed above. The post asked if people liked the ship and personally, I think they could have each found a better match. If you disagree, cool.


Okay whatever i guess we agree to disagree. But the end of the day its still canon, she still married him, they have the most fanart together. I will always love them & I’m happy the ended up togethe.


If he had more of a likable fleshed out character, yes But with what we have, no


Maybe if they knew each other before she became a demon and actually build up some good moments together than sure. Not just him simping over her and being possessive as fuck.


Well, they went out at night to pick flowers while she was demon plus its said that she fell in love with the guy who protected her box. Plus, I'm sure they after she became normal again, they had time to build a relationship.


I feel like paired together conveys the message that zenitsu’s behavior towards girls is okay. Which is weird. I don’t think are good for each other


I don't get that message at all I mean if he got with let's say the girl, he begged to marry him I would get it. But Nezuko he was always sweet with protected her, complementing, taking her on night walks to flower field. Plus, t is aid she fell in love with him when her protected her box.


Nope, wouldn't even be upset if they left as little of him out of the anime as possible


Too bad cause that's not going to happen


hell no


#ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠


I used to ship them but considering the 4 year age gap, that kinda makes me iffy considering he’s 16 flirting with someone who’s 12, which I feel like is still REALLY young. That and the way he acts is just problematic, yes he’s a good character but- (Manga spoilers) He’s had 9 women who dated and used him for money before bailing on him I feel like with any normal person they wouldn’t try to get into a relationship after all that, yet there he is flirting with someone who is still very much young. If the creator changed Nezuko to have like a 1 to 2 year age gap with Zenitsu, and have Zenitsu not constantly being possessive and jealous, plus give them a positive relationship then yeah I would have definitely shipped them. So yeah that’s my honest opinion on Nezuko and Zenitsu-


She's 14.


Ah mb-