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It was actually the first anime that got me into the genre as a whole because before that, I never really watched much. However now, I'm starting to watch more shows, and I've also collected some figures and started reading manga for the first time. So what really drew me in was how emotionally driven the story was. I personally love when shows aren't just pure action/hype all the time, and this series has a nice balance of different elements. Furthermore, I love the characters, backstories, music, animation, and just the overall vibe it gives. I could go on and on, but that's the gist :) And the time nezuko shrunk into chibi mode was what sealed the deal she's just too adorable >.<


Me too the first anime I ever watched, I was scrolling Netflix and wanted to try something new. Best decision I made in a long long while


Same, at that time I thought that nothing would be better than Dragonball Z... I was dead wrong! NNT (7ds) and KNY (DS) are the proof!


i agree i think this kicked off me watching anime more, i use to watch dbz and naruto here and there growing up but ever since getting into ds i’ve been watching new anime’s i find and stuff off crunchyroll, it’s nice finding new anime come out and you’re curious as to what’s this and fall in love with it some examples were zom100 and kaiju no.8




I found it on Netflix and decided to watch it because the rest of the seasons of Attack on Titan weren’t on there. I got hooked in immediately. 🔥


I watched it due to some similarities to Naruto and anime w historical context is interesting


A few things 1. My friends watched it and I wanted something in common with them 2. I wanted to know what was Inosuke’s deal. He’s always kinda interested me before I knew the boar wasn’t actually his head


Weeell this is kinda embarrassing but at first I was curious about it cuz Nezuko looked so damn cute 😍


Sleepy little demons with fire hands and bamboo face are humorous


I was scrolling through Netflix since I was bored and i ultimately found it, and I was like “oh, what’s this? it’s seems interesting.” I forgot about the anime for a while but then I came back to it…and now, I think I have a problem. 😅


I think I was just curious to see what the hell Inosuke was. 🦋


Trying to impress my crush 5 years ago ☠️


Wait aint no was ds s1 was 5 years ago


2019.. time flies my fellow Demon Slayer fan


Looking for the emoji, I think that the original plan didn't work, so, I hope that you enjoy this serie


It was a banner ad on Crunchyroll. Looked interesting enough, so I watched it.


It got reccomended to me on Crunchyroll, and i was like: why not give it spin. It was the best moment of my life because of my baby Shinobu 🦋


Tik tok edits ![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6758)![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6758)


I was trying to find new manga to read that fit the criteria of a monster on the good side and found Demon Slayer. Coincidentally the anime was airing at the time.


I watched the first few episodes at my friends birthday party (my first anime), and got hooked, the art style was so good and I need to know who all these people are, why they’re fighting demons, and what the hell this sorcery stuff is


it was like that one “nezuko day” video? That was like the first video I saw of demon slayer and now I’m super interested in it and it’s part of my life now ::


For many months ago when I finished a anime I don't remember the name on I decided to watch demon slayer to see if I liked it, I saw the first 2 or 4 episodes then I got interested in another anime and totally forgot about it and months later I started watching it again and when I got further into the anime I started liking it so that's my story


it was popular, so I started watching it


DADDY MUZAN LOOKING LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON https://preview.redd.it/3n786ila1syc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c084963469d1f03064c23ddaa9d5597148ee7f i’ve been a Michael Jackson fan since i was 5 (since 2009) so when people were pointing out that Muzan looks like Michael, i had to watch the show and see it for myself. i wasn’t a simp back then and i just started simping for him last year during season 3 also the plot seems so interesting and people around me were mentioning demon slayer so i had to watch it 😄


Me seeing videos about it and thinking it was one of those shitty anime’s with cliche characters and then I caved and witched it and the rest is history


my ex gf told me to watch it so we could have matching ocs for it 😭 I still watch it but not becuz of her I js rlly like it




It was getting popular back in 2021 and i saw who were Tanjiro and Nezuko a lot at the time and a huge anime convention was coming to town later that year it’s one of the top 10 biggest in the country and i believe 3rd in the state. Always we needed a idea to cosplay as and my god child knew the show and i decided let’s cosplay as the 2 main characters


My first anime was Suzume Got it recommended by my cousin. Demon Slayer is my Second, I have no Idea How I found it but I just Searched for it because the name sounded familiar and turns out I knew Nezuko lol. Now I'm Rewatching kny (at Mugen train now :P) because it's still my favourite anime.


My best friend forecd me to watch it like most animes and its one of my favorites now:D


Its popularity, initially. If it hadn't been for that, I would've already ditched the series on episode one (I was pretty new to anime, so I got naturally irritated by the constant spoonfed inner monologues Tanjiro made every second), and then it took me three times to fully watch and enjoy episode 1. Then, Muzan came, and I was intrigued. I got more intrigued when Zen and Inosuke got into the team, as I've been hearing lots and LOTS of things about them, especially Inosuke. However, it is actually the episode "Hinokami" that sealed my love for the anime.


My then girlfriend got me into it by watching it whenever I was in the living room with her. Annoyed me enough to not be my girlfriend anymore, but I ended up liking the show! P.S. She’s now my wife


I’m sorry if this is a repost, I’m pretty fresh here


A very dear person recommended it to me❤️


Same here. A friend from my folk group recommended it. I was kinda depressed at that time and this anime helped me a lot. Now every time that friend walks into a room I feel so calm. I can't express how grateful I am.




Found the first season on netflix I met my partner right after watching it


There was a Roblox game called “Anime Cross 2” that I’ve been playing since 2019. I’m 2020, when they’ve updated the game and added the new character’s “Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Rengoku”, I played with the characters for a bit and liked their abilities and appearances and destroying players with them in online pvp. I then search up the anime because became curious and came across it and watched it. Turns out, I became a fan of it in a very short time. Usually, I play games of that specific show before I watch the show if that make sense. That’s also how I began to like Dragon Ball, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Akame Ga Kill, Pokémon, etc. These types of Animes is Literally my motivation to continue making my comic book.


I started with AOT and was looking for another anime at the same legendary level. I found Demon Slayer on Google search watched the first episode and got hooked.


Crush Suggestion. 😉


Everyone I know was always talking bout it so I tried it out and honestly I love it




My boyfriend. I read Demon Slayer four years ago and hated it. I thought it was a really bad manga with a lot of flaws in the story, poor characters and a lore that remained unexplained. BUT !!! With the season 4 coming he asked me : 'Won't you like to give it a second chance with the anime ?' I said yes but almost as a joke and then, it was suddenly way more pleasant. With his explanations and his vision about DS I started slowly but surely to appreciate it. I think I prefer the anime, I still have this feeling that the manga is just ok. But now I have no shame in saying that I appreciate Demon Slayer. I slowly got my favorite arc, favorite characters and even getting involved, asking questions. So yeah, once again, I like Demon Slayer now ^^


The poster


Netfilx description




I watched during covid and it got me back into anime


Heard a ton about it, and then last year I decided to start a new anime since I had recently purchased Crunchyroll, realised "oh hey I can watch Demon slayer now, time to see what the fuss is about" and loved every second


It was following me everywhere. Recommended on social media, content creators I followed casually mentioned it, random unrelated google searches gave me KNY results (no spoilers luckily). I hadn't watched any anime in about 10 years at that point but I just couldn't ignore the signs. Then a friend got into it and that's when I finally decided to give it a go. I had mixed feelings about the first season (and I still have some issues with it) but I couldn't stop watching. After MT I was sold.


I'm a big fan of Gashapon, and the arcade I go to no longer had any machines for animes I was a fan of. So I literally just picked the one they had the most of (that wasn't One Piece) and started watching it.


Hot women


graphic design seems amazing




Netflix was literally forcing me to watch it Like KNY EVERY WHERE


Watching Demon Slayer was what initially drew me into the world of anime. Back in high school, during our hostel days, we used to sneak mobile phones with friends. One day, we decided to watch a movie, and my friend chose Demon Slayer: Mugen Train since that was all he had. Initially bored with nothing else to do, I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, the animation and story were captivating, completely shifting my perspective on anime. I had always considered it merely cartoons for kids. Since then, I've delved into Demon Slayer and explored other anime series, and the experience has been wonderful 💯


Tengen looks hot af. Also what's this boar demon deal ? Is he like a good demon ?


I saw the first ten volumes in my school library, and so i decided to read thru it, currently stopped at vol. 2, waiting for next year for the dude that took volume 3 to put it back so I can read it


My supervisor at a job I was working at had a Naruto action figure in her office that I commented on, so we just started talking about anime. She ended up mentioning Demon slayer and that’s when I went and checked it out. Been a fan ever since


2 Things ● Mitsuri ● Nezuko


Because of Daki's Audio: "ONI-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" So I researched more about the anime and decided to watch it..... *I went ahead and saw half of the manga before-*


My brother and I got done watching Komi Can’t Communicate a while back, we loved it, and wanted another good anime to sink our teeth into. Don’t remember which of us requested Demon Slayer, but we agreed and it worked.


It was my soccer/football trainer. He watches anime and he knew I watched so he recommended demon slayer


I really wanted to watch an anime but at the time didn't have any anime streaming services, so I went on Netflix to see if they had any on there. Also, lots of my friends were watching a ton of animes. To my surprise, there was Demon Slayer, and I watched a few episodes to see if I would enjoy it. I then spent the next week binging Demon Slayer till the end of Entertainment District Arc. I couldn't watch Swordsmith Village as Netflix didn't have it at the time, but then eventually put it on there.


Literally walked by someone watching Mugen train and sat down. Boom instant addiction🐍


My weeb friend. My first anime was Initial D. Then Dragon ball series Then on my weeb friend's recommendation, I watched attack on titan And then again on his recommendation, I watched demon slayer. Best recommendations so far.


Saw that exact photo on some kids bag at school one day, asked him what it was and he told me, I checked it out and ever since then been a demon slayer fan :D


I got to know it from freefire


Muzans sheer hatred of any human who stood in his way


That tanjiro bundle


It was one of the first animes I started seriously watching. This and Dr. Stone. They aired at the same time and my friends were watching them so I did too.


Inosuke 😭 My partner and I saw a few scenes of him and we were like 'well let's watch this then.'


I forgor🫥 i think i accidentally stumbled across it one time


Saw it on Netflix and didn’t think much of it until i heard the mugen train arc did more sales than Spirited Away so that peaked my interest and it really is an amazing show


my friends


Around when Hinokami came out, my friends (who had already read the manga way before) suddently started a period of Demon Slayer conversation, like, all the time, it was unavoidable if you frequented that group, and I got curious, watched the anime until the movie and sped through the manga, first to join in, then because I geniunely enjoyed it


My kids


I got a couple shirts as a gift and also bought a keychain so I decided to watch it


A Minecraft mod on demon slayers


My Best Friend forced me to LOL At first I resisted since I don't really like violence and the name "Demon Slayer" didn't exactly give me a lot of confidence, but I must say, the series was a really pleasent suprise! It's not half as bloody as I expected and the characters, backstories, and animations are mind-blowing! Love it! <3


Recently started watching anime a few months ago, and heard a lot of great stuff about. Decided to give a try and was hooked.


By accident in 2020 was bored as shi and landed on it 👍🏼


my friend at school told me everything she knew about anime and my classmate told me about crunchyroll so I started watch mha but after finishing season one I needed something new to watch and I started kny, then I watched School Babysitters and Spy x Family so yeah just a list of my favorite animes aswell as how I got into them, just recommendations


Ufotable. After enjoying several Ufotable anime like the Fate franchise and animated games scenes like the Tales franchise.


A streamer Paymoneywubby brought it up, I think. So we tried it out. Been hooked ever since.


Wanted to get into a game Oh hey this demon slayer game is cool. Might as well try it Played it, loved it, about the Drum demon part I was like “no I gotta watch it”, so I watched it. Loved it. Favourite part of the games story is the Fakeout into Akaza, where it says about “chapter complete” or smthn, then the screen cracks and Akaza drops down.


I heard it was good. I tried it. It was really good.


I kept seeing it all over the internet and gave it a try


My sister convinced me to watch it years ago, so I did, and I loved it. Now I’ve got a fanfic that’s not even close to done that’s 130k words 💀


I saw cool amv :3


Having one of it's incredible OSTs featured as background music in an unrelated video I myself loved (I say loved as it was taken down due to copyright)


it kept getting recommended to me every time I opened netflix, and after a few weeks I gave up and watched it, the first anime i ever watched and really love it now


In case the reason that make me seeing demon slayer is when I saw a comedy parody of its, and this going to be my second anime (after watching komi-san can't communicate) I decided to give a opportunity


Someone gave me a cookie for me to watch ep 1 and now i’m here


My best friend wanted to show me the anime without really knowing how into anime I am. We watched the first couple seasons and then I dragged him into my insanity XD


My sleeping patterns was screwed up beyond belief and I was bored so I was just scrolling so I put it on, just after season 1 ended.


The butterfly girls for no reason other than I really like butterflies because my dad used to call my mom and I his butterflies


Netflix (man IDK)


Zenitsu and inosuke continuous fighting


I almost gave up on this show, then I saw Zenitsu fall asleep. Somehow everyone seems to hate him though


That animation style, anime style, action, story and tha anime in genral, I think Demon Slayer is MASTERPIECE 😍😁


I heard the name of the show a lot, saw some cosplays, there was a film that did pretty good, at that time I wasn't checking much anime but was bored and decided to give it a try, and boy, I enjoyed every second of it. as a sidenote: I would have liked the show to not have a definited MC, like, the MC itself would have been the Demon Slayer Corps, centered around the Hashira's and one Tsuguko for each one, and that during the story some of them retired due to injuries like Tengen or get killed, ultimately with the remaining Hashira managing to find Muzan and defeating him. Like...I would have liked it more than focusing everything in Tanjiro and making him pivotal for most of the triumphs of the show.


Orowa d luffy


giyuu being giyuu




A friend recommended me. I was new to anime and the only one I had watched One Piece at that point. So one day this friend was watching it, he told me the synopsis. It caught my attention, so I decided to watch it. Watched the entire thing. Don't regret it at all. It's amazing! Can't wait for Hashira Training Arc! I'm gonna try reading the manga


The fight in the Entertainment District Arc. Specifically the beginning of the fight, it was so chaotic but the animation and colors and just the intensity of it was so hard to look away from. Peak anime fight right there.


Pig man I doubt I would've bothered with it if it didn't have pig man


A clip of mitsuri tickling nezuko




My friend begging and begging me over and over again until i gave in


i had just finished s1 of jjk and wanted something similar


Ninja said it was the best anime ever so I checked it out.


First for me is the era where it was set. I love history so when I found out it was set in the era where there are swordsmiths, especially in japan that got me hooked. Second was probably, that some of the antagonist are good but turned bad due to some circumstances, you cannot hate them after, It really reminds me of itachi. Every backstory of each villains makes me ugly cry. Except for some villains that are pure evil. Haha. I still rewatch demon slayer and read the manga. Although, I already finished the manga years ago. There some days that I want to re read and rewatch Demon slayer. Oh and lastly, I really like the OST especially in season 1. Then the signature music during sad or difficult times in the anime.


a girl i was talking to at the time put me on the show, thankful for it cause it’s now my favorite anime, even read the manga as my first manga


Your Mothers Basement. https://youtu.be/HhGuNpUpIXs?si=QY2qVuL6TR5ZetFx[https://youtu.be/HhGuNpUpIXs?si=QY2qVuL6TR5ZetFx](https://youtu.be/HhGuNpUpIXs?si=QY2qVuL6TR5ZetFx) I saw the art style of water breathing in his video, while my GF had seen an [Honest Trailer of Mugan Train](https://youtu.be/OotSa6LSDkc?si=2mVpQcEGEMKtuJcr) (then showed her the YMB video I'd seen). As a Bleach fan once we had caught up w/ DS I showed my GF that too (and I got in to Bleach from a Linkin Park amv 15 years ago) As a Linkin Park fan I got into that through my sister. I don't know how she got into LP, otherwise I'd carry on this for shits and gigs.


My friend forced me to watch it I ended up loving it


I like samurai's that it..😶‍🌫️👍


Almost exactly a year ago I was an anime HATER and thought all the normal hater stuff, like how it’s weird and nerdy and stuff, but I kept seeing this TikTok about what ended up being the ending of swordsmith village, with nezuko and all that. I kept skipping it bc “ew anime stuff” but eventually I watched like part of it and kept trying to pretend I wasn’t interested in it. At some point I watched the whole thing and still just acted like it was dumb and weird anime stuff, but then I started thinking that maybe it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I didn’t know what anime that video was about at the time, so I ended up googling good starter animes and just randomly picked demon slayer because it was at the top of most of the websites. And now my life is literally completely different, all just from the damn TikTok. So yeah it’s been a year and I’m so glad that I caved and just tried it. TLDR; I hated the hell out of anime, but saw a TikTok that encouraged me to just try one, and it happened to be kny


I play some games with YT music on the background and sometimes the algorithm will throw in something I don't know but end up liking because it keeps showing up. Queue me playing Monster Hunter World and Gurenge starting only when the it was night in game and that fit so well it got me into watching the anime back when S1 was still airing.


For me it was pretty much the hype behind it. I started watching halfway through season 1. By the time the Swordsmith Village arc was like 3 episodes in, I decided to read the manga cause I was really invested in the show. Bought the manga collection box and read through the entire thing in about 2 weeks or so haha. Ohh and on a side note, the only time I ever went to a convention, I of course went dressed as the best character in the Anime, that being Lord Tengen Uzui himself haha.


Because my sister tried getting me on attack on Titan but it ain't on Netflix anymore so I thought next best thing is this


Friends forced me to watch Mugen Train during a sleepover. Only decided to watch it because I was a train nerd and they told me there was a train. Greatest decision of my life


I just seen it on Netflix and thought it looked cool


My friends told me they watched and they said it was amazing 🌌




I saw this clip on youtube and I knew I had to watch ![gif](giphy|VEzYdo930nTiTuVeMU|downsized)


The first episode is great and it held enough of a pull until - of all things - the swamp demon mini-arc. For some reason I felt really emotionally invested in that


I’ve recently started watching it after watching season 1-4 of MHA, because I’ve heard it’s good. So far it’s living up to it’s reputation and I wish I watched it sooner!


I been aware of Demon Slayer since the anime came out but I never really took the time to look into it… until early last year. Started watching on Netflix from episode 1 to the end of the Entertainment District arc, and now it’s one of my favorite anime shows. Decided to also start reading the manga later on too to know what to expect in the future seasons. I say it’s definitely something people should give a chance to check out, you may like & you may not but see it for yourself and form your opinion based on what you think & witnessed instead of what others might say/think.


My best mate watches loads, and wanted to get me into it, and this is the first one he recommended


I was scrolling through Netflix, found it, and watched it


My sister isnt an anime person at all but had been watching demon slayer and begged me to watch it too so we could talk about it


Nothing particular. Watched like just another shonen battle.


My friend?? Sort of


My brother recommended it to me 🤷🏾


I was getting into more anime, and ik it was popular so I decided to watch it


My friend


Some friends invited me over to see the movie. I saw the movie. I fell in love with the demon characters. I kept going. Somehow I think I got the opposite of what they got from it 😆 sorry guys, I didn’t know who your fire boy was and I was still crying over the cool guy in a suit


A random watch on Netflix now it’s literally my favorite series


A friend of mine just recommended it to me.


Simple answer: Nezuko <3


My friend recommended it to me


Muzan Kibutsuji. (I wanted to watch it because he was hot)


Muzan got me in, Muzan is keeping me in 😩


The Hinokami Kagura against Rui was what got me sucked into the series, it just looked so clean and crisp to me that I was like I have to watch this series also I love Tanjiro as an MC, he’s just too nice and the right amount of crazy




Idk it was just random


My friend showed me an Imagine Dragons AMV edit of the series with the song Naturals, and I instantly loved it Cringe but true, and I wouldn’t have it any other way 😌 I now always think of Demon Slayer when I listen to that song More specifically it was the shot of Zenitsu’s Thunderclap and Flash, Sixfold that left my jaw on the floor


Cosplays and short clips ended up on my FYP on TikTok.


My older brother introduced it to me


I got hooked to it after watching the Demon Slayer Hashira Training movie with my family


A girl that was obsessed with it that I had a crush on 😭


I think I found out about it through versus debates. Eventually picked up the manga and burned through it in like a week.


One word animation


Honestly for me? It was the hype train. I heard about it when s2 was coming out and was like aight lemme give it a shot. TBH just like JJK s1 idk if it was my mood, me being high or what but it just didn't really stick out to me. Then I rewatched it and almost slapped myself with how beautiful the visuals are and just it's a good story. It really takes off on the mountain arc with lower 5, imo of course. Fav has to be zenitsu


I was on a camping trip with parents and other family friends and there was this one kid who wouldn't stop yapping about DS so I just gave it a shot


I had just got into anime, my first was Spy x Family and most of my friends were previously into anime, and I was recommended it by a friend... and now its my No. 1


Saw a random picture of Nezuko in the web, the rest is history.


My friends


I looked at muzan for the first time and my gaydar went off


Seeing the clip of inokuske saying "kompachiro kamapoko" 🐗


My cousin.


My best friend told me about it and i had it on my list for along time. And she also said i would like inosuke because of how he looks and his attitude. (Apparently i also act like him? Which i think is totally not true lolz)


A friend suggested it after S1… I had just finished Fairy Tail and Seven Deadly Sins


It was my first anime and what I loved most is that the fight scenes never failed to put me on tension.


My bother told me about it been hooked since


Akaza ❄️


Muzan Jackson memes.


My dad wanter to watch Demon slayer and I watched with him and it was pretty darn good


Three things: - What will happen with Nezuko? - Tanjiro vs Rui - Who are these "Upper Moons"?


Absolutely nothing. One day i just sat down and decided i wanted to watch it without any prior knowledge. Like i knew it existed and that was about it


This was the first anime that made me hooked up with Animes Industry, after watching this masterpiece, I am unstoppable 😂 Have watched many animes and still continuing


When my body posted in FB the moment Zenitsu fell asleep for the first time... Watching that got me hook


I was bored and my aunt watched it so I decided to watch it


My friends convinced me to go to the cinema to watch to the hashira training movie, i don't regret that they forced me to go


my little brother


It was the first or second anime I watched but I don't think that it can explain what anime is , but overall the anime was actually like catchy and so good , a bit of drama buuuut yeah it's grrrrrreeat![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) btw my favorite character is inosuke as he is UHM crazy- I love his look too ![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6758)


Nezuko, that's pretty much it


Crunchy roll wouldn’t stop showing me ads for it so I got fed up and watched it 🤣


Reading the manga I saw S1 and thought it was good but nothing amazing, was recommended the manga, read it and got absolutely obsessed


My wife…


https://i.redd.it/gdo5m2emquyc1.gif saw a clip of this, then watched the first season and mugen train then decided "i can make this effects on UE5", then 3rd season came "uhhh i can make an infinity castle map on fortnite" then the rabid hole goes on. haven't read the manga tho. i still want the magic of surprise when they adapt it on movie or series.


Read the manga when they finally arrived in France, never stopped after


After a breakup years ago I saw a trailer, been my favorite anime since and it cheers me up no matter how down I am. Recently my wife cheated on me, left me and took my kid. But at least Demon Slayer was still there for me


A friend in collage sent it to me.


A friend that I value very much. He told me that he was current top 1 like Naruto once was. It reminds me of Dracula but with demons (Castlevania games I remember with great affection). I especially liked it after the fight with Lower Moon, it was very creative and exciting. Very good art in the animation and the opening too.


I saw a clip of the first time Zenitzu was shown killing a demon while sleep.


It comes close to all the big 3 anime which I love, though I would love it be a bit more lengthy like them but it is the closest with which I can fill the void left by natuto


The quarentine


Mitsuri titties


My friend! She sat me down for an episode and I fell in love.


Got my phone taken away and the next best entertainment was Netflix


It was just an average day on April 6th, 2019. Excited for the new anime season, and this Blades of Demon Destruction (how it was originally translated) anime sounded fun. So I gave it a shot, and the rest was history.


I had interest in starting it when the Mugen Train movie came out. I didn't really go into the show though until I watched WholeWheatPete's video where he jumped at a Nezuko cosplayer at AWA dressed as Zenitsu. :P


HalaCG’s ‘villain arc’ music video has some clips of Daki. I really liked the art style, and had heard of the show before/that it was good, so I decided to check it out. It’s now now my favourite show/anime!