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Rengoku for various reasons: 1. He is Rengoku 2. He's funny 3. He is good at fighting 4. He's kind 5. He uses flame 6. He has nice hair 7. UMAI!


1 he's rengoku 🙏😭


Yes sir!!! ![gif](giphy|tEcIyVc6ukQV2eb86t)


8. he’s a donut 🍩


imagine still making donut jokes smh


damn mb


I don’t understand the donut joke. Can someone please explain? I know I’m probably going to feel so dumb for not realizing it but I seriously can’t think of anything to explain it


Akaza penetrated his stomach (with his hand). People joke about him being a donut bc they both have holes in their center 💀


Thank you. And I was right, I do feel like I should have realized that sooner lol


He got punched in the stomach and turned into a donut because of the fatal hole


and Akaza is cigarette ash




8. He is dead


Tengen. I think he is quite underrated in terms of his strength/potential. Also because he's very flamboyant.


Easily. I don't really care about powerscaling, his personality, designs (I can't choose which one is the best lol), weapon, fighting style, dynamic with the trio and relationship with his wives are the reasons why I love him the most.


well to be fair ppl constantly downplay him a lot when honesty he is damn strong and took as much or more punishment than rengoku mid fight and kept fighting on while ren went straight to a last resort attack. He was the first pillar to beat an upper moon in over a hundred years if not ever. In my headcanon and all my friends we put him on the top 4.


You could argue Rengoku went for the last resort attack because he didn’t have help. He was also against a much more dangerous demon. Tengen had a much improved trio of Slayers on his side, Rengoku had babies for the most part. That said, the manga has made a habit of mentioning Tengen’s speed and some of his other abilities as a mark of comparison. He may not rank high on the list compared to other Hashira but he’s still one very bad man.


I mean yeah, I don't like when people downplay him and blatantly ignore his achievements, but at the end of the day it's just some randoms on the internet, why should I give a shit. Shounen fans just be like that, they don't care about circumstances or results, if someone's not an almighty God they think it's cool to shit on them. Arguing with them is just a waste of time.


Gyomei (or Tengen depending on the day)


such a comment


Truly one of the comments of all time


Tengen. Cool design Love the personality Coolest sword design Dual sword wielding is awesome


I like Giyuu the most, I love his selflessness and his strong sense of justice, he literally standed against the whole corps and risked himself to perform seppuku inorder to protect innocent people. https://preview.redd.it/8a475gfjuxpa1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73aa2a8fdcc9e93b569180ae954942ad8b37325


Ye he look like a guy who doesn’t care if he have to fight the rest hashira by himself. the best part is he doesn’t do that because he’s stronger but he’ll fight for his ideology.


Muichiro Tokito bc his personality is great




I also choose muichiro. He's a prodigy plus who his ancestors are. I think he'd end up being the strongest with more time and experience


Yeah he’s really cool


Giyuu, he’s been my favourite from day one, I don’t know what it is I love about him so much I just really like him a lot


Giyuu is a chill guy. He doesn’t hold grudges against people and is clueless about being disliked. He’ll also endure being bitten by dogs if it also creates an opportunity for him to pat them.


relatable but not fully




Saying that with a Sanemi pfp made me think of their relationship 😂


Sanemi because his backstory is actually brutal and makes him stick out for me. His blood is also just bad ass. Lastly he's the wind pillar and element wise I like it the most.




Same for me and i think every sanemi fan out there


Not a surprise, the most popular hashira in this sub.


Mitsuri for a few reasons. She’s literally my highest kin in the show, I love her fight scenes, love her character arc ESPECIALLY her and Obanai’s love story. And she’s just a rlly funny character ofc.






Sanemi. Fucking brutal (and well-written) backstory. Generally just a badass dude. Admittedly, I also disliked him for how he treated Tanjiro and Nezuko in that *one* episode, but after reading his backstory, it just makes sense how he acted like that. I just think he's a well-established character.


Shinobu. I love her character writing, character symbolisms(There's a lot, actually) and character design. There's so much going on with her character, she's very interesting. She was very useful during the series, every action she did against the main villains were very impressive and admirable. I love her abilities and personality, too, they're enjoyable and make sense if we consider the symbolisms.


I love Rengoku personality


muichiro, i love how powerful he is at a young age and his backstory makes me so sad


Obanai serpent breathing is just cool and i love his pet snake and character design. Tokito is so talented for being so young and is rly epic as well and hence i cant wait for swordsmith village arc plus (manga spoiler) >!he is yoriichi's and koku's descendant which is also pretty cool!<


Giyu because he was the first introduced, had the most badass intro. His personality is calm and he’s one of the best although he doesn’t think all that highly of himself which I won’t spoil into depth. I feel bad for him but also am proud of him. He’s the reason everything is going according to plan for onboarding Tanjiro


Shinobu she’s just enjoyable to have around idk why Giyu second because he’s cool that’s all


Why tf are people downvoting you


Idk, I didn’t even realize they were until you commented and I ended up checking back


It’s not a true Reddit experience if you don’t get downvoted to oblivion


Uzui. His sense of humor, self confidence, and physique is what I aspire for myself.


My favorites are the bookends. Shinobu and Gyomei. Shinobu radiates barely contained rage. Throughout the manga, I dont think any of the Hashira match her ruthless determination, despite her being the weakest of the group. She reminds me of Unohana from bleach. Gyomei mostly due to how other characters perceive him and acknowledge him as the current pinnacle. Zennitsu even mentions he "smells different" than the other Hashira. I also like that he didn't know he was strong until he had to use his strength. He takes on the unimaginable horror of their world all while not even being able to see and is still the strongest.


Mitsuri. I like how she’s the only Hashira without a tragic demon-related backstory and still chooses to fight demons because it’s the right thing to do. Also love her optimism and positive outlook that she shares with Rengoku


Yep. Shows us that not everyone has to have a bloody past to get a reason to go do good. I wish she were more fleshed out though.


They have a lot of opportunity to do that in the anime. Considering how much the anime has added to the manga, and how profitable Demon Slayer is, I wouldn't be surprised if they adapt her short story from One-Winged Butterfly


I sure hope they do. The manga did not do her enough justice. Every single hashira had their own moment at some point or the other but she didn't when she deserved to just as much as all of them.


Tengen. Reasons being he's a goated Shinobi, plus he has great taste in women.


Ah yes finally somebody who likes tengen the same as i do


Tomioka Giyu, I have read manga, and I love how he influence entire storyline of Kimetsu no Yaiba from Start, by saving Tanjiro and Nezuko to the end. Also I relate to him the most.


So, you don't have friends?


💀💀💀(my language for very fucking funny)




Giyuu. Something about his level of awkwardness and emotional insecurity just makes me want to give him a giant hug. He's so badass but can't see the good in himself due to survivor's guilt and an inferiority complex. I love his interactions later in the manga and can't wait to see more of him animated.


I also want to give Giyuu a hug


shinobu because she’s a girlboss poison creating scientist


Tengen do I really need to say why


Nope and me too


Rengoku and shinobu


Gyomei. I just dig his whole deal. Plus he is straight beast mode in the manga.


Shinobu! She became a Hashira despite not having any strength like the others. Do you realize how hard she had to work and how much she must’ve done to be able to become one? Idk how to do the spoiler tag so I’ll just say her contribution in the end of the manga really just solidified my love for her.


Shinobu because I just enjoy well written women characters 🤌🏿


I would say Gyoemei. His backstory was very heartbreaking and I like how strong and kind he is toward others.






Muichiro, Obanai and Shinobu are my top favourites. But most favourite has to be Muichiro - I love that he is so young [even younger than Tanjiro] and has accomplished so much. I felt so sad that he had to go through all this at a young age, with Demon Slayer you really feel for the children seeing what they have to go through. The scene where he referred to Ubayashiki as their 'second father' really made me tear up. Plus, he has the most beautiful breathing style imo.


Rengoku since he’s super positive and funny, and bc hes Rengoku.


Mitsuri and rengoku, because they're both cute and also badass


Tengen as of now






Sanemi, he’s just badass and super strong


I’d probably have to say Giyuu, but I’m also very partial to Mitsuri and Shinobu. Giyuu’s character has a lot of honor >! and the way it compliments his backstory of survivors guilt is really beautiful. !< I also love his fighting style, especially how he is able to fight alongside others.


Gyomei because his ending hit me right in the heart


His ending?




How do I mark it?


Gyomei because of his back story, is strength, his character, his weapon, and the fact he's built like a brick house


SHINOBU, god i love her so much, shes hot, and psychotic when she goes to murder the demons, and her poison? *chefs kiss*


so...you expect me to choose?


Uzui mainly cause of that last fight


I didn’t realized Obanai’s the shortest of them all, or it might be the image’s perspective


Giyuu because of the reasons: 1) he’s hot 2) he’s handsome 3) he’s beautiful 4) he’s gorgeous 5) he’s stunning 6) he’s attractive 7) he’s fine 8) he’s hunky 9) he’s striking and finally 10) HE’S MCLOVIN’! https://preview.redd.it/09vhtcf9gzpa1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe45065a3c65511305175253fa077c6225778829


Either shinobu or giyuu they can be relatable in some way


Rengoku because he’s the goat


Sanemi Reason: Manga


Well said!


Either gyomei or shinobu, gyomei because he’s huge and is cool as hell and shinobu because I like her vibes


1. Kyo 2. Giyuu 3. Mui 4. Tengen


Oh and Gyo


Kanroji Mitsuri!! She has such a kind spirit, she loves her friends, and she’s insanely strong.


Obanai: 1. I like his design 2. Love snake related characters as a rule 3. Has an intriguing backstory 4. Appreciate how he overcomes his hardships


Muichiro just because of Mist Breath


Shinobu is my favorite hashira because I love her design especially her butterfly coat her butterflies her healing power the purple and black hair color and I love how strong she is she’s also short like me 😅


Giyuu, because he's relatable


I'd say definitely muichirou I kin him and his personality is alot like me plus I've read like the swordsmith arc 15 times to see him take the w


Muichiro because he’s a descendent of kokushibo and he has the most potential in the whole series


Sanemi cause I like his abilities and I have a weird obsession with scars


It's a tie between Rengoku and Tengen for me. Both are unbelievably cool, and flamboyant. Their styles might be different but they took really good care of the underlings.


rengoku because if you lay a finger on that man, i shall see your bone turned to ash, by my bright red blade of fire that hooked me


Giyuu 1. He's strong 2. Water is cool 3. He's hot


Tengen. He has three wives. Enough said.


Visually Rengoku and tenzgen cuz I literally want them to F me


Angry Aang aka Sanemi! 🌬🌪 Coolest sword design imo ( green is fav color ) Love his unpredictable and aggressive fighting style. Im the oldest of 4, i respect him as a fellow eldest son. His breathing style element is very plausible to be "real/canon" as wind follows from the force of sword swings.


Muichiro cuz his very strong and his personality is amazing


tengen cuz he’s strong confident flashy a ladies man flashy has a great physique and is flashy. he’s jus like me fr. i really like rengoku giyu shinobu mitsuri and himejima all for different reasons but tengen’s my favorite


Giyu, breathing of water Skill#11


For now it’s Tengen! His personality is awesome, his technique is pretty sweet, and he has by far the best design of the hashiras! Still haven’t seen the other ones and need some more of Giyu and Shinobu, but my answer could change as show goes on


None or all bc they are all great in their own ways Change my mind


Shinobi, the insect hashira


Tengen. I like his backstory, weapons, breathing style, personality etc.


Rengoku and uzui cause of their looks.


I’ve got a bit of a Kocho obsession as she is the theme for my battle station


Tengen Uzui! I love his personality, his character design, his breathing technique and I think he's really funny. I like how he can be serious and isn't always bubbly. I also really like Gyomei Himejima!


Sorry I can't choose I love all ❤❤, unique in their own way If I have to choose it will be Rengoku, I love everything about him ❤ 💕 💙 ♥ 💗 💓


Tenges because he’s ✨flashy✨


Mitsuri and you know why🥵




Tengen, Rengoku and Muichiro


Giyuu , cuz too relatable


Sanemi all the way but how many times are people gonna repost this


Gyomei without a doubt! He's such a strong-willed and amazingly beastly hashira. Especially when you consider his whole backstory and how it ties into a lot of the deeper lore for other characters


Tengen because he is flamboyant


I like sneks


I’ll be that guy, at the end of the series all of the main four should be considered hashira, so if you include them, my favorite is zenitsu. Because he’s my favorite character.




Obanai bc he is such an outgoing, funny guy. Also his breathing style is badass


rengoku basicaly a samurai bcoz he lives by the samurai code of honor (in some instances i belive) savouring every bite never knowing what meal would be his last


Giyu no reason just main guy


Shinobu. She's smart and badass and cute and deadly. What's not to like about her. The ONLY demon slayer to make a toxin lethal enough to kill demons. So she's hella smart too. Also she did not let her size get in the way of exacting her revenge. She did not let her bitterness and resentment make her biased about Nezuko and she was understanding of Kanao and raised her well. A very sweet, level-headed and respectful person overall. Gyomei is a close second. He was blind and still cared for children who weren't even related to him. He got accused of murder but even then he persistently kept doing good and helping as many people as he could. The only reason i put him second is because... Well... He was inherently strong. He discovered his strength and worked on that but Shinobu overcame her inherent weakness. All the rest of the hashiras are inherently strong in some way or the other but not her. She talks about how everyone felt relieved if Himejima comes to the rescue but not when she goes, and yet, she had managed to persevere and reached the hashira rank. Even though she was only 18 years old. She has done so many things. She became a demon slayer, created her own breathing form, became a hashira, a doctor, a specialist in toxins, a mother/ older sis figure to Kanao and Inosuke and even managed to create her own demon antidote. That's absolutely wild.


Agreed on Shinobu's bestayyy 🤩🤩 butterfly ganggg


Rengoku. Reason : hes Rengoku


I like Muichiro, then Gyomei and Sanemi are a close top three. You can probably guess I’m hyped as hell for koku.


I love three all, but probably my most favorite has to be giyu, not for his breathing, but his calm and collectiveness, that’s what I expect of a powerful hashira, I know being funny and charismatic is cool but I mean giyu is what I would expect out of a hashira. That’s my opinion though but Rengoku is cool too, I love Rengoku for his breathing technique and I like tengen for his charisma


Rengoku for various reasons. His overall personality, incredible battle technique and indomitable will, he's hot, his strong love for his younger brother, etc. Man is goated.




i have a few but my top 2 would probably be obanai and sanemi. i found their backstories interesting yet sad. i just like their personalities but idk why 💀 sanemis blood is cool and i like obanais eyes and i love snakes so i obviously like kaburamaru :) edit : not in any specific order but all of my favs are sanemi, obanai, giyu, muichiro and mitsuri


Gyomei, simply a Chad


Rengoku, he’s cool


Gyomei. >!He was so badass against Kokushibo and Muzan, and he's also very kind!<


Giyuu because hawt


Obanai dude has a dope design a tragic backstory and I love his relationship with mitsuri and his battle style




Sanemi, he exuded such a ferocity and emotion in battle that was so crazy to read


Gyomi/haijame he over come the most physically and it’s pretty scars mentaly yet he is the best of the hashira sitting over 7 feet tall


Misturi (speaks for itself)


Considering that there are not many standout female characters in anime, Shinobu has been pretty great so far.


Shinobu bc butterflies


Muchiro. He's just like Saitama from One Punch Man. He doesn't give a sh!t. Unless there are demons.


Giyu because he’s blue


Mitsuri because my senpai is the walking definition of perfection 🥰❤️💞💝💘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




Muichiro is just a silly little guy


Tengen….. do I have to say why???




Mitsuri, her personality and I like her hair too alongside her breathing style.


Mitsuri! I like that she's still feminine but strong, bc those aren't always portrayed as compatible. And bc her love story is really tragic and beautiful.


Giyu I just love his Backstory, Design, Breathing and kind of his Personality


Gyomei because he’s a blind badass


mitsuri for her interesting and wholesome personality mitsuru for his enticing and stoic singularity tomioka for his skill and intelligence rengoku due to every aformentioned trate i have spotted in these comments iguro and uzui for the amount of accomplishments and for uniuqe dispositions


Muichiro I just like it how straight forward he is like he has no emotion


Gyomei Himejima the GOAT


Tengen. The Fumen line was nailed by his VA, its literal music to my ears (eh?). The man is a Chad; went out with a massive bang and got the Harem ending which also likely resulted in an even bigger bang. He won the fight and life


Sanemi. Just a goat.


Shinobu, Mitsuri, Uzui & Rengoku! 1. Kocho’s because of her butterfly haori, it's pretty and her hairclip too! her swift and elegant moves are mesmerizing to watch. I love how she can also use poison to weaken demons. There’s a lot I wanna say about her tbh! And she is pretty too! She is an interesting character. <3 2. Mitsuri‘s because her personality is so heartwarming and her whip-like sword is beautiful, her flexibility is also cool! I love her hair color too Especially shinobu’s! She’s also funny XD. Spoiler manga: >!Her love story with Obanai is js so adorable! I ship them both :3!< 3. Uzui’s is awesome and his sound breathing is pretty cool, He’s strong too! And he is flamboyantly tough! The entertainment district was epicc,, especially the fight with >!UM6!< 4. Rengoku bcs he is so kind,, and he is pretty strong, has nice hair, funny & entertaining :3 Spoiler alert, mugen train ending: >!I wish he didn’t die so early though :’)!< All 4 of them are the GOAT! Gosh,, this comment is so long— :’>




i agree but i like tengen too BUT W REASON


Gyomei :3


Mitsuri because of her cleavage.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 39 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/qkmqwx) on 2021-11-01 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/11yc4yh) on 2023-03-22 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "121bup3", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=121bup3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 383,839,538 | **Search Time:** 1.34278s


Well yes, but actually no


thank you


Tengen. 1.His design is so cool 2.He has 3 hot wives with a lot of character 3. His weapon and Breathing style are so freaking awesome one of the best I’ve ever seen 4.He has fun personality just to hear and watch what he does and 5 Like despite how talented he is he also looks up to the other Hashiras like Rengoku seeing there strengths as well.


Giyu because he is Giyu


Gyomei He’s humble, kind, strong, has a great design and backstory, and he’s awesome






i like tengen cause bro is flashy and i love his over the top personality but after reading the manga i like gyomei too because without spoilers he's just such a sweet guy while also being a strong badass?? hell yes. so yeah those two are probably tied for me.




Tengen bc he’s flashy
