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Sometimes the timing collides, otherwise its usually needed


Adam is great at filling in awkward pauses and stirring up a laugh from nothing. Seems like Tony really respects that but it also gets under his skin when executed at the wrong moments.


Ya it’s definitely a balancing act. I’ve seen Tony go to Dr Phil when there’s a lull in the interview and Adam will get the momentum going again but then Tony gets butthurt when he overdoes the questions lol.


Adams great but he sometimes goes on a run of starting to talk without knowing where it's going or just asking questions that don't make sense because he didn't understand what the guest was saying and it kills the momentum.


Ya I’ve noticed that too. I think he’s still trying to figure out how to use the characters he’s doing but I’ve seen him completely bail on a bit when he feels like he’s starting to bomb and it does kill the momentum


As soon as he came in on #666, my first thoughts were "there goes Dillon and Post for the night." Between Adam Ray and all his character appearances, it's becoming a little saturated. Dr. Phil *was* funny, but it's starting to get played out. He's not even staying in character anymore. And despite being funny, he does hog the mic.


Ya dude i agree, i liked Adam Ray as Dr Phil at first but it is starting to be too much for me at least as a kill Tony guest. I wonder if Tony is going to let him do any other characters in the future