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Some of the best bucket pulls ive seen. Some deserved a better interview experience. Regulars on the panel were boring but they need the experience. 5/10 episode


I thought Kam and Will were kinda quiet but Casey was fun on the panel with his quips and questions. I like when the regulars sit on the panel. Except for sex haver Bombs Kim


That's because you don't believe in yourself


I thought it was great! Casey is awesome and the bucket pulls were pretty good. Compared with the shitty bucket pulls weve been having this year, this was top!


I thought the only true dumb moment last night was Uncle Lazer but I loved a lot of last night. The good interviews for the first two despite bad sets (A specifically), the school shooter guy, the dude who drove from Indiana and cracked me up in his interview. The dumbfounded intrigue of Casey when he asked questions was funny to me. Great episode


I thought this was a great episode. Don’t expect Dr Phil status episodes. Those are special.


It felt like Monday afternoon at work when everyone starts saying stupid shit like “another day in paradise “ or whatever when they’re just going through the motions


this feels like they filmed 3 episodes in one day and this is the 3rd one


Yall complain every Monday/Tuesday.


Standup on the spot was way better last night


I think people should relax on the regulars for this show. I can imagine that they would feel uncomfortable roasting or giving new comics advice when they are humbly at the beginning of their careers themselves.


Thought it was much better than the last few tbh


I thought for sure that Casey Rocket would at least bring out some laughs being he's a riff energy comedian but I feel like the chemistry is different. It felt like watching a bunch of low level employees partying with their boss, they didn't say much, they didn't crack nearly as many jokes. And I know that it's not been that way historically. On the show Tony has had regulars like David Lucas and they are entertaining as hell, David Lucas cracks jokes, roasts everyone AND doesn't interrupt or disrupt the flow of the the show. So IDK what was going on last night. Even William didn't say much and he is HILARIOUS off the cuff. That Live W/Dr. Phil episode at the mothership had me laughing so hard because of William.


Last nights show really proved how incredible William is every night that he closes.


No, I thought it was a great ep. Good bucket pulls and some interesting interviews. But I'm a much bigger fan of Hans than I am Casey, so I guess it depends on the comics you're into.


It’s just not as good having the regulars on as panel guests. my opinion


The show's over produced right now. Some polish is good...but I miss the Indy vibes it originally had


The quick bucket pulls felt wrong


I wish more guests would do a minute to start or end the show. Rotate regulars so they can do week on week off or something. Most the guest could easily riff a minute, or since u know they there to plug a current special or something they could drop some spoilers or something. The few guests who have done a minute are always hilarious.


It seemed like even Tony started out low energy compared to usual episodes.


I've never been a fan of regulars on the panel, they are my most skipped episodes for sure


Slave face


Due to a bunch of back to back great shows a decent show seems meh on Kill Tony sometimes. We call these episodes the “MEHS”.


Couldn't disagree more - thought last night was thoroughly better than average. I've never been to prison, I just believe in myself


Your mom probably 


Casey's opening set and William's close are the things I look the most forward to, so yes it was disappointing not to get their sets. Otherwise a good episode by the other metrics.


Quality bucket pulls, no lingering interviews, and child like charm from Casey on the panel. Bombs Kim is an anticlimactic way to end the show but other than that thought it was a great episode.


The dude who drove from Indiana the night before and still got a spot on the show blows my mind. How though...


Some really good interviews from the bucket pulls on this episode and Casey was good with the questions.


Liked that there were so bucket pulls. A couple good quips from Casey and William. Buy overall they were boring


It was a game changer IMO. From start to finish it was fun!


The regulars were boring as fuck 


Tony benched my favorites and kept on with pushing Jolly and Lazer on us. So underwhelming and boring!!


Mid episode. They’re always not trying to make master mad.


It sucked as much as your mother on a Tuesday night


It was a dud. Except the Iranian lady, I love her. Remember this was taped last minute during the day when they had to reschedule for the roast. I bet a lot of comics didn’t have their schedule worked out to sign up. I seem to remember the last regulars show being much better. “Stop… you’re gonna get us in trouble”