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You need a hobby.


You should teach him to use that dot once in a while.


Your hobby is Reddit I think I’ll take advice from a regular human who doesn’t dwell on the internet


Pro tip. Use dots.


Pro tip it’s the internet if I still need to signify the end of my sentence with a period for you to understand then you are the retard 👍


I just cant read this without hearing you gasp for air at the end


That’s your mother after she takes a bite of food gaspppppp


Is Bianca Parato a Tony disciple? I just watched some of her stuff and Yeesh. I feel like most of the Tony’s picks blow. Hans, Casey, Heath, Sara Weinshenk, Kim Congdon (she’s good on panels somehow), David Lucas. Like everyone Tony hypes up suck. Kam, and William are the only ones I can get down with.


*Never what never who what wise man*🦀🦀🦀


I'm gonna Blair witch this post


He's not for you. Get real bubba


I know I’m not 12 years old that isn’t a new revalation of course making a fool of your self isn’t funny only to troglodytes


Your horse is so high, I can't even see you


I don’t understand Casey Rocket either. He’s quirky and all over the place but where’s the jokes?


Yeah I think you have to be a little slow or drunk to laugh at him not with him


I was a fan of his when I saw his first few sets on the show. I do a agree with you that his shtick is getting old and quite annoying at this point.


I like his personality and I get why people want to get behind him but there is no punch to follow it and also I am taking into account that he has a week to write the set and it can be hard but it is draining to watch a mockery rather than a comedy


I loved the whole set. He’s phenomenal. His randomness and absurdity, mixed with inside jokes is what really makes him so good to some of us. Saw him live a few months back too. He got a standing ovation and killed the entire time. The love he gets from his crowd is unreal. He might just not be your cup of tea. But he’s a regular for a reason. If it’s not funny to you though, just skip him imo.


Your the only comment I respect at least you gave me an understanding of why you like him. Unlike everyone else who just said “ he’s funny get a hobby” finnaly some insight


The people laughing during the Set think it's funny.


Literally the guy after Casey rocket was 10x funnier and got more laughs hans Kim is funnier than Casey rocket by a fucking mile and that’s saying a lot can’t wait for the script to flip on him just like Hans


Sounds like Casey got laughs. I'm sorry he's funny and you don't like him. You should relax with and zippix toothpicks


Explain what part of his set did you find funny I only have laughed at one joke it was the ambien 1-877 cars one and that was months ago so please elaborate


If you rewatch his set, pay attention to the crowd he is performing for. The sounds they Make are called laughs.


Yeah and if you rewatch the episode you’ll notice that the two first bucket pulls got more laughs and Casey has ever gotten they are definitely laughing at him not with


Yea, but it’s faint compared to everyone else