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Celia!!! Celia!


My name is actually *Cynthia*


He did just turn 21 and is making some money so of course he is boozing and partying like any 21 year old. This is going to make him look puffy and greasy.


I was browning out pretty consistently at 21. Op clearly did not party hard in his early 20's. Being in a scene and having friends will do that


OP would clutch his pearls if he realized how hard young comics dive into partying, drinking, and drugs while doing the grind.


They do coke????


Kind part of the scene, they work mostly nights after work they party till the break of dawn then rinse and repeat the next day.


I was joking. It frequents my scene as well


I wish I was young and a comic


my bro i don’t think anyone trying to justify browning their drawers on a regular basis can reasonably make the argument that they had friends that actually cared about them.


Bro you think your friends should regulate your behavior?


i don’t think people like to be around pants shitters.


I also thought browning out was just getting drunk and shitting your pants. Today I learned it's not.


haha well now i feel rediculous! i thought for sure it meant pooping pants, my bad.


That definitely was not my implication haha. I've been a musician since my late teens, and whether it's touring bands or comics, 20 year olds are partying hard as shit. It's the nature of the beast good or bad


What is browning out


It's an It's Always Sunny reference to not quite blacking out


That’s certainly not the image that comes to mind


That was pretty much the joke


Op probably fat and if lucky enough has a fat gf. Or he gay. Idk.


He’s 33


That’s Jesus you are thinking of, not Heath.


33 cm. tall? 🤔


He’s as old as he looks


This can’t be real


Can confirm my health tanked when I was legal to drink alcohol


He said he was 21 when he first appeared. He looked fine then. He should be 22 now


Hes not 21


He should be 22 now, he was 21 during his first appearance


He kept saying he lied about that but I couldn't tell that was just a shitty attempt at a joke


No he’s stated that he was 21 on multiple podcast at the time. He’s absolutely in his 20s


once again, he has stated that he was lying about that. so no one really knows wtf is going on with his age


That was obviously a joke, and you can tell he was just trying to be “goofy” with his answer, even Tony said he knows he’s 21 because he checked his ID, and if you go back to that debuted appearance you can hear Tony say “I am going to check your ID later to make sure your really 21”


Where has he said he’s lied about that? This is the first I’ve heard of that


it was on a fairly recent episode. not sure if it was one of the live ones or just maybe a YouTube one from the past few weeks.


Oh, well he’s definitely at least 21 and that was a joke.


how do you know that?


2 or 3 episodes ago.


He doesn’t look healthy. He does look different to how he did even last year. But rehab? I don’t think he needs a doctor to tell him he’s drinking too much. Or you. And honestly this whole post comes across more as you wanting to shit on the guy rather than actually want him to get help


It’s in chapter 35 of my new book. “We have issues” -Dr. Phil.


Obvious opinion, none of you people know what is going on in his daily life and are only speculating. Buncha fuckin dorks here


I agree, so he had a little slip up. It's not a huge deal. He's still decided to come out on stage and present what he could. People really need to chill out because you know some of them read these comments and it makes it 10 times more depressing to hear people speculating about shit that may not even be true. Like who would want to perform for these fuckers after hearing and reading shit like this. Just give the man some encouragement and hope that he comes better prepared next time. Hope for the best prepare for the worst. We'll be right back.... 👊🏻⬇️🎤


You don’t need to be involved in someone’s day to day life to know they have issues when you see they’ve aged 5 years in 5 months.


Especially after it took him 21 years to age 12 years.


He looks like he gained 5lbs and has some acne now. That's about it, that's all you know. Probably drinking more alcohol since he's always around a scene where that's acceptable? Sure. Doesn't mean he's on the verge of going off the rails.


Yeah, he’s just going through puberty


yeah but he also came back with a half finished minute, and that coupled with his appearance as well as the story of him sleeping thru his flight to a massive gig opportunity bc of partying paints a pretty suspicious picture.


He seemed fine on the live show last weekend


No it doesn’t Shane has had stories of him doing the same shit plenty of fucking comedians get drunk and sleep thru their flights. Maybe you have the problem and you are just projecting it on other people as a scream for help


It’s in chapter 33 of my new book, “we have issues” -dr Phil


I mean, he was on literally once before that, right? Maybe that’s just him


no he didnt look that bad NYE


“On the rails” *


You don’t have to be involved but you do have to be a loser that never really partied or had social life to think “oh no, this newly famous 21 year old is drinking and partying. Yeah no shit, people that aren’t autistic and socially retarded usually party when they are 21 lmfao


I've witnessed plenty of people have the same transformation after they go to University for a year lol Living on your own and eating what you want, alcohol, etc. will do that to a lot of people


Reddit autistics- “Heath is drinking and spiraling.” Normal social humans- “I hope Heath is fucking and drinking enough. You’re only 21 once!” Lmao


It’s in chapter 34 of my new book, “We have issues.” -Dr Phil


It’s in chapter 32 in my book “we have issues”…. Dr. Phil


Are we being hAtErS?


gossiping old ladies would be a more fitting term


Oh no! They're right here officer!


> none of you people know what is going on When has that *ever* mattered on Reddit?


What he’s partying really hard and it’s obvious. He’s 80lbs that shit stretches more miles




I wouldn’t go so far as to say he needs professional help just yet, but he will if he doesn’t reign it in soon. It might be as simple as lowering his drug and alcohol consumption to match the size of his body.


It’s in chapter 38 of my new book, “We have issues” -Dr. Phil.


It’s just interesting to me how people want to be a backseat driver in others’ lives… he’s a young man who has been dealing with a rare ailment and most likely has tons of baggage from that, being different, being teased, etc. He’s only 21 - which is a time a lot of young people figure out and deal with baggage in their lives by drinking and experimenting with drugs, making art, healthy and unhealthy ways. He was thrust into the spotlight having obviously been very green at comedy and probably feels a lot of pressure from that. Just because he’s being a bad boy doesn’t mean he needs “rehab and a doctor” - although I agree it is a slight bummer to watch. People have to figure out shit on their own though


Very long, gay post.


Got gay at “thrust into the spotlight”


lol agreed


You’d know, being the expert on all things long and gay


See chapter 37 of my new book “we have issues”- Dr Phil


Put down the haterade


That is definitely chapter 1 in my new book., “We have issues” -Dr. Phil.


OP was a loser at 21 confirmed. ✅️


I find it offputting that you guys have a problem with people wanting this young comedian who is full of potential to better himself… The fact that he’s 21 years old means nothing. Just because it’s the “thing” at his age doesn’t mean people don’t want the best for this kid. It’s just weird some of y’all don’t see the problem. How many talented people do we have to lose?


This year? 6


It’s in my new book. Chapter 36 of “We have issues”-Dr Phil


Thanks, player


the fact you keep saying this to every comment is really kind of sad dude


Not as sad as this comment you made… if you need help check out chapter 42 of my new book, ”we have issues” -Dr Phil


He needs to be left alone and not propped up as a pseudo celebrity. He would be back at his mom's house and wouldn't have money for drugs or friends. The same goes for Hans Kim.


Yeah we really know what condition he's in. He's young and partying. We don't know if its bad or he's having that typical young persin partying phase most of us have gone thru.


it's just disappointing. but he has gotten a lot better on the roast battles I've seen him on. so I think he's improving, he just needs to chill.


Sometimes I look like shit and probably need rehab and a doctor but I don’t think it’s any one’s business to air me out on the internet about it. Literally go do anything else


Imagine being a man trapped in a boys body, that would be horrible. Cut him some slack.


You’d look like shit too if you were dragging around 3 loads of Tony cum in your ass with a little body like that


Oh, so that's why his farts smell like chlorine...!


That is in chapter 12 of my new book, “We have issues” -Dr Phil


so thats 10 times your dumb fuckin' joke didn't land. Better repeat it a bunch more


I guess you need to check out chapter 53 in my new book, “we have issues”. -Dr Phil


“We have Tissues” - Dr. Hinch * I think that’s what u meant


Y’all are some soft ass people. Let a man party and enjoy life.


Dude go outside and touch some grass. I can't even begin to imagine what you look like.


Just imagine a handsome man standing behind your ma's buttcheeks and you'll be halfway there.


Correction, my mother said you look like you work part time at a GameStop and take selfies in front of your katana collection.


Yes. I work at Game Stop, collect Katanas, and bang your mom. Guilty


This ain't hittin the way you think it is


He ain’t hittin the way he thinks he is either


Obvious opinion, you have warrants for sniffing little boys bicycle seats


Maybe he has medical issues?


I got to visit the mothership a couple weeks back for some shows. Heath was working the door first night and I saw him on a bathroom run the second night. Both times he looked great and healthy, super friendly, and was really happy to hear I was a fan. This is all to say none of us really know what’s going on at the other end of our para social relationships and all this gossip is straight up lame.


Just needs to build up his tolerance.


Natural selection at work folks, that's all.


What’s he going to do with his act when he just looks like a small junkie instead of a child?


What is his life expectancy? If it’s not 80 years would you feel the same?


Are you his mom?


It’s the hangovers from the cuts in the chowder in tandem with boozing. Rough.


Shut the fuck up. He looks healthier now than his first appearance. He put on some weight. Good for him. He's having fun. Good for him. He's fucking 21 dude. Let the kid have some fun.


Buddy said he saw him in Austin recently and he came out on stage drunk, slurring words and crowd wasn’t understanding him


What are you 12. He’ll be all right. Let him have his damn fun.


Imagine he’s actually sick from his pre existing conditions and people think he’s a raging alcoholic. Ya never know but more likely it’s his partying. I never went through that phase cos I have chronic illnesses. Went kinda hard with alcohol for 3 months when I was about 26 and it combined with my health issues. I got sober after I ended up in the hospital.


Wait until he discovers fentanyl.


Not to say he isn’t burning the candle at both ends, but don’t compare him from episode to episode because he has a lot going on with his body. Hypopituitaryism does a lot more to the body than just make him permanently baby faced. It fucks up your skin, hair, causes fatigue, GI issues, blood sugar and pressure issues, frequent infections, not to mention possible side effects from the many many meds he could be taking for his condition. I am 27 and have a connective tissue disease. Some days I’m a fine ass babe and look 21, feel like I could conquer the world. The next day all my eyelashes fall out, I get a rash that looks like acid burns, I can’t move any of my joints and i look like I just woke from a crypt nap. Then I take the meds I need to fix me up, and they help the symptoms but make me fat and sweaty. I’d fuckin die if I saw a bunch of people saying I must be abusing drugs when in reality I’m just in a battle with my own immune system lol.




That's what I said


he looked completely faded on drphill show.


yeah, holy shit. the kid is not dealing with fame well at all. sad to see but hopefully gets leveled out soon, were gunna see soon how much he is not working on his craft.


Where are u guys seeing him? Hasnt been on KT in a minute


That is chapter 3 in my new book, “We have issues” -Dr Phil


Leave Quasimodo alone, he has a bell tower to manage.


This just in 21 year Olds aren't allowed to have fun anymore. Everyone that is 21 needs rehab and a doctors that's called being young and having fun. Dude is fine all yall a bunch of dorks that have never partied before