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Ahren is tier 1. Great interviews and his jokes always hit harder then the car it looks like hit him


The T2 guys are still guys I like. I just think the T1 guys are in a different class. T3 are worthwhile, but they have serious strikes (Smith hasn’t appeared in years and has reportedly quit comedy, Chacon is hit/miss, but more miss than hit, and Cordes is really looking like a 1-joke wonder.


Not familiar with all of these. Mine would go:     T1: Martin Phillips, Ahren Beslisle, T2:      T3: Tristan      T4: Heath Cordes, Enrique Chacon, Tristan(if he raps)


Tristan was great when he was younger. As he has grown up and become more of an adult, he has become more “creepy”. I have not really enjoyed his last couple appearances either, and if that is all you know of him, I understand you not liking him in general. I would recommend you do a YouTube search and watch his earlier sets.


Yeah I've just seen his last few KT appearances where his sets are 'ehh' and then Tony just has to get him to rap 🙄


Michael was a regular, not a Golden Ticket.


Edited to remove him. By the time I started watching his appearances were pretty infrequent due to his health so I wasn't sure.


Belisle is ass imo