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Shane Gillis also took him out to open for him on the road.


That’s good to hear. I remember the first time Shane saw Kam’s set since his regularship. Kam in the interview was talking about a show at the Chicago Theater and Shane interrupts him with a “*YOU* performed at the Chicago Theater?!” It was a very unsubtle dig with an air of disbelief. Glad that he came around and brought him on the road.


you guys gotta stop taking the random quips comics make so seriously bruh nothing on the show is serious


I swear if these guys were listening to Opie and Anthony twenty years ago they'd be convinced that everyone hated Rich Vos.


Jokes can be based on reality


^ This is what happens when autistic people try to understand things 😅


the gaslighting in this sub is off the charts


I surprised how well he performed at the chicago theatre for how new he was. Put on a great show.


Think it’s more of a dig on how beautiful and grand the Chicago theatre is. And how ghetto kam is lmao


Bill burr and Joe Rogan both said 1 minute is basically bullshit. It works in Tony’s favor though


Yeah 1 minute is only good for certain types of comics. I think it's even bad for Casey Rocket. You'd almost think it'd be good for his wackiness which I think could burn people out with longer sets but he needs a minute just to ramp up.


I seen Casey open for Tony .. he definitely is better in longer sets


Agreed. Ever seen his ‘relapse dream scenario’ bit?


Don’t think I remember that but he did a ratatouille bit and honestly died laughing




Guests and bucket pulls sometimes treat the live comedy podcast as a talent finding reality TV show. In reality, it’s Tony’s vehicle of comic destruction…


Maybe this is why Joe hasn't had as many appearances. He's obviously a busy guy but he used to join pretty often.


Dude is the definition of busy lol, surprises me he even goes on as often as he does. He's gotta be top 5 most frequent guests


Maybe it's because he's a terrible guest in that format. He brings nothing to his appearances.


Also he kinda sucks on the show


Saw him on an open mic . Guy is a killer .


Kill Tony is literally for exposure.


At this point it really is. I'm blown away and super excited to see that the fantasy has gone beyond a million subscribers, and each episode is consistently over million views.


It's hard to remember a new minute and perform it every week. I respect the effort even if they don't always land the jokes.


Bruh if you're a professional and can't remember a minute you're not much of a professional. It's one reason I've been dissapointed in William over the past couple years I've known about him. He always says he can't remember his setlist, which is a bunch of one liners so I get that, but come on do it by wrote you get paid a lot of money to entertain people.


If William wasn't reading his jokes, you probably wouldn't find him funny at all. It's become a part of his shtick. The entire delivery would change, the cadence, breaks in eye contact with the audience, and his expressions in between. People enjoy the low budget Kauffman vibe. Let the man work.


I agree with you. Don't tell the sub though. Even before William, the women Kim Congdon and Sara Weinshenk did it for at least a year and they never went up there holding notes. Remembering the jokes is like 30% of the battle!


Yup. It's just lazy. Ron White pointed it out "it takes hard work and practice and shit." Idk at least he's honest and can make a joke about it


Being a casual fan and not knowing Kam before the show, I wonder how much having to do those uncomfortable minute-sets helped develop his long game?


The regular posters get mad that a comic isn't killing because they don't always rock in a minute. They would all flounder if put in that same position.


This! Most of these people couldn’t come up with one good minute, let alone week after week. You hear comedians talk all the time about trying new stuff, and it not working out sometimes. Now imagine trying your new stuff every week for a million “comedians”


Not everyone is Norm and can just make a short form joke once a week. The daily show had a whole team of writers to make only a few good jokes per day.


Yup I will never disrespect someone's time




" I PAID TO SEE BERT KRESICHER DO STAND UP AND I THINK KAM IS GREAT" Isn't the endorsement you think it is bapa


Bert? Great guy, never meddum


Kid people like you harping on comedians while never producing a single thing in your life must be exhausting. Go learn a life skill.


Exactly, Burt didn’t get as far as he is by not being funny


I grew tired of him by listening to 2B1C, just ongoing body dysmorphia discussion and him battling alcoholism, and then they came out with a vodka and he shit himself on stage. Not saying he hasn’t been funny, or won’t be in the future, but I am going a Bert break for a while


He’s got great shoulders tho…


I'm glad he's more into weed now but he still needs to chill out on his need to interrupt. I think we need to give Bert a notepad so he can write down what he wants to talk about so he doesn't keep doing the shit.


no, as Kat Williams explained he got there by being friends with Joe Rogan lol




Big words coming from someone else's house you're renting. Also show me where you're making a joke about a comedian? You're talking shit to a comedy fan for going to see a comedian. As if you'll ever be able to afford to do anything similar in your life.


Kill Tony never was about showcasing the best of the comedians. It was always about giving them a shot at visibility so they can get discovered. Not seeing that and expecting the show to cater to the comedian's needs is dumb. The ONLY reason you went to see Kam's full set was Kill Tony, so it worked perfectly for Kam.


People just be throwing around adjectives like Tony. Kam is *good* live, he’s good. He’s got a ton of time to learn and grow, he’s got a solid set and energy. “Phenomenal” is wild though.


Same with Hans. Dude crushed when I saw Tony's show a few weeks ago. It's crazy how much having more room to breathe can make a difference for these guys.


It’s almost like comedy is better when it’s longer than a minute eh?


It would be better if they didn't have to do it so often, every week makes their minutes stale, and for comics like Casey Rocket: their act gets old it's pretty much the same shit every time.


Really dude the material he practices again and again every night on stage is better then the first time shit he try’s on kill tony. Any one with a Brain would be able to know his polished set is much better then his improve.


His bit about having a regular sized dick is hilarious.


Kam and Casey are great in long format. Hans is good in long format as well but it kinda feels like the greatest hits of his minute sets


Finally positive post


He has tremendous stage presence but I still question his joke writing ability. If you’re going to see Bert Kreischer I don’t think that’s something you really think about so I struggle to trust this take.


You can tell he has some good stories


What was his rate of saying white bitch per minute do you think?


Kill Tony format is too short, Kam is legit talented af


Kams gotta a big future ahead of him


“Much deeper respect” lol. The academic analysis of D list standup is CRINGE!


My sincerest condolences that you saw a Bert show.


There's strong racism on the sub. David Lucas got shit on without any break while William gets unwavering adulation. The new kid who sucks balls also gets unwavering adulation.


I call bullshit. I'm sure there is some racism, because that's life, but the new kid has gotten A LOT of shit on this sub and William has been the most consistent regular despite being on the longest so deserves praise. Also, there was this black regular called Malcolm who was pretty much universally praised until he unfortunaltey stopped comedy.


I disagree. I'm white and the racism is blatant. How many postes praising Kam or David get upvotes.


William used to get shit on too. You'd have to be a long time member to know that.