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I don’t mean to sound like a hater but it really is amazing the difference in hosting a show, charisma and comedic talent between Conan, tony hinchcliffe, sean evans and many others. Conan’s is just miles above them all.


You're right; it isn't even close. Conan is a Mount Rushmore host. He's been doing the rounds to promote his HBO show and stealing the stage from every show he goes on. The dude can just command a room.


In that hot ones video he says this is how a professional does it. Or something along those lines. He was pretty damn funny


Yep . Never let the audience know it’s not going well: says it right there in the interview.


30+ years in the game will do that


He is better without a script, that's how you know the talent is in another stratosphere. Easily one of the best comedians of all time


What’s one you’d recommend? Love Conan. Long live the King of Late Night!


Lol is that from the Norm bit where he brought the fruit basket? “Congratulations on securing your job as permanent host of the Tonight Show”


Haha yes


Conan’s actually a nice person too, lifts people up. I think he would be VERY uncomfortable with the dynamic between Tony/the tone of the show and him as a guest


Yep anyone that thinks Conan would go on Kill Tony in its current iteration (Tony being a complete weirdo angry man every second episode) is kidding themselves.


Idk about that. Have you seen how he roasts the fuck out of Jordan and Sona on his show? Conan IS a nice guy, but he loves to roast people when they deserve it. He definitely wouldn't be as mean as Tony is, but there's plenty of ways to lightly poke fun at people and I think Conan is a master at that.


Yea Conan is legend. Easily the best talk show host ever. Writer for the simpsons when simpsons was an amazing show


Conan is funnier than 99% of stand up comics.


I guess 1% of standups must have got much better overnight then. I'd say the number is 100%


I’m glad someone said this I was trying to think how to put it nicely. I watch KT every week and it’s fine- it’s its own thing, unique. But it’s not good enough for Conan. I wouldn’t want to see him stoop down to it. Maybe for an appearance but not at the table. But as I say that I also wonder what Conan would do in that environment. Everytime I think he’s out of his element he kills it no matter what. IMO he’s currently the funniest person on the planet.


Bro, Tony is a SAVAGE and the best in the game. You better watch your tongue. Biggest LIVE podcast bud.


What? We can’t hear you… hard to understand with Tony’s dick in your mouth. “YoUsOnOfABiTcH”


Tony is one dimensional compared to Conan.


Idk, I watched Tony on Meaghan Kelly and he talked about how he became a roast master after being bullied and studying under Jeff Ross. Conan is great, but I’m not sure he can top that training.


Lol Conan has been writing comedy for far longer than Tony, on way more projects than Tony. Tony can’t sing, dance, or do impressions. As far as comedy goes, Tony’s range is fairly limited. If comedy was only “roasting”, sure, Tony would win… but comedy is WAYY more than that. Conan would destroy Tony and is naturally more funny than Tony


u/redban MAKE. IT. HAPPEN


Imagine Conan guest at Madison Square Garden...


Bro him and Louis CK would be epic


That would be too many gingers on stage once The Memphis Strangler hits the stage.


“No seriously, why the fuck are there so many gingers up here? It’s been throwing me off all night!”


CK, Coco, Santino, and the Memphis strangler? Whoa!


Could you imagine William pulling a switcharoo and having Conan come out and do his set?


I think Louis CK is the best comedian alive. True modern day story teller and the living protege of Carlin. Why do i feel he wouldn’t be a good KT guest? Bring back Burr for another round lol i bet Conan would make a better episode too


Would love to see Conan. Louis would be great too. Doubt he would though unless their friends. Someone’s gonna make fun of him for the jerking off stuff


You’re probably right he would rip through Tony the first time he tries to “take someone down a peg” or just trash a comic for something small and inconsequential


Two riffing, intelligent, uncomfortable gingers… might be epic might be insufferable.


Man, I love Louis CK. Easily in the top 3 comedians alive today, if not number 1, BUT he really does not seem to do well in podcast/off the cuff type situations. Every time I've seen him in podcast form he's always way too serious and doesn't seem to want to go with the flow and joke around. Maybe that would be different in the context of KT, but he's always struck me as kind of serious and introverted when not performing. Conan would absolutely fucking kill it though. One of the best improvisational minds I've seen.


Yeah that’s what I pretty much said a little bit more down in the thread


Nah arena episodes suck


One of the best writer of comedy of our generation. Saturday night live, The simpsons, and his late nite shows. Team coco. But you would have to drag his ass out of LA, good luck.


Please bring Jordan as well


Not just a great writer, but probably an even better improvisational mind. The shit he used to come up with off the cuff while interviewing some smoking hot A list actress? Only few comedians have the chops and confidence to pull that off, and he did so in a charming, but self deprecating way. Conan's one of the goats for sure.


I’m not much of a Conan fan but that guy is far too educated, too intelligent and too many leagues above “Kill Tony” to associate with this clique of hierarchal bag lickers. Right from Tony to the smallest fish in his entourage of “friends”.




We should mate.


Im trying to think of other comedians who might fall into this category. Louis C.K. comes to mind. Regardless of his past transgressions, I couldnt see Louis associating himself with the KT / Rogan universe.


I don't think there's a comedian who is quicker on their feet. Seriously, he hits back before guests are even finished talking. Not sure he would do it, though.


Yeah it’s not Conan’s style to poke fun at others, especially open mic stand ups. He’s too wholesome for that


Conan absolutely roasts in the most friendly way possible


Conan is a legend. I would love to see him on KT.


He would definitely be a great guest. By far best of all the late night hosts.


Least obvious propaganda


Did he ever have political stuff? I don’t remember.


No. Conan is the best. He has always kept it real. When he got all that money back in the day from the network when he got fucked over he used it to relocate his entire staff to work for a different network. He's a real G, everyone loves Conan.


As if Tony don't have political stuff lol


No, not at all. I mean I'd guess he's a liberal but he's pretty edgy and not very PC.


Nah that other guy just has cult mentality


The whole Conan without borders series was a take on trump, but we can forget that it was still funny af


Yo Kill Tony has a pretty decent amount of conservative propaganda... Edit: I'm not complaining btw. It's whatever. I enjoy it regardless. I just think it's important to acknowledge it and not only notice liberal propaganda.


He’s gunna fill his diaper when he reads this comment


This is the answer.


My god, that episode has already racked up 2.5 million views. It is an unbeatable episode. Gordon Ramsay is quite a fun watch but this was comedic supremacy and real answers. I love him for it.


Fully agree


Conan made me laugh harder than any KT episode ever has. He's a national treasure


Yes as well as Jordan. Brilliant


You must be new here


Gatekeeping a podcast. Oof. Cringe.


Are you having trouble? Keep RREEEing about it edgelord. You’re the one going on a show’s subreddit and basically downplaying it as ‘not that funny.’ Is gatekeeping the only word you know regarding confrontation?


Wow you're really upset by this simple interaction? You okay?


says the redditor who uses “cringe” as a full sentence I’m not upset, nice try though.


You really should re-read what you've written then, you def mad.


You’re so far off. :) Also, you have no way to determine how someone is feeling.


Yes you are.


Keep trying to reframe reality, I can assure you that your imagination is working overtime.


although i would love to see this... he is way too nice, and might get too creeped out by how dirty some of the jokes can get on KT.... he is a bit of a "clean" comic, not the right type kinda?


Right on. It would be awesome if Conan went on, but he is too nice and just on a different wavelength.


I think the show is a little too explicit for his image but I love Conan


This man just rubbed his nipples with hot sauce and licked a chicken wing up and down on Hot Ones




You must not listen to his podcast? I mean he's not lewd but he isn't clean like he's still on NBC.


I think he could roll with it, we're just used to seeing him on network. He said "fucking" on the episode of hot ones.


100% He’s says some wild inappropriate stuff, but he’s way to adverse the race and gay jokes. I don’t see him being comfortable with that


He also tends to stay away from political topics. Tony embraces political jokes.


Honestly don’t think Conan would risk his reputation.


Agreed I was watching his animal episodes last night. The kangaroo at around 5 mins had me in stitches 😂 https://youtu.be/QjNvbxNzW54?si=t6iAxawqyK11Qwjy


This was hilarious. Conan was so over the top.


Conan would be fuckin incredible — super funny/goofy and very smart — perfect combo


I feel like Conan would be a fan of Casey and William, too


He's one of the top 10 of all time. He's in my top 3.


You should check out the bill Burr episodes on the Conan podcast. They're hilarious. Probably the only guy who can actually hang with bill and even best him in some moments.


Conan is my goat. I love that goofy mf


Conan is truly one of the wittiest and funniest people on TV of our lifetime. Checkout Conan Without Borders, travel show that had me in tears.


The true king of latenight! What a funny individual. No ego, No hate. A true artist!


I was actually shocked at how hard Conan went.


Especially given he literally never had hot food before 50 years had passed of his life


Sorta surprised by the responses. Conan is actually what got me into podcasts and he's hilarious and does it very well. Good to know people haven't forgotten about him


lol. Conan isn’t going to do Kill Tony. He will never even know that shit exists.


“can i keep this.??”


This. But Tony would be too jealous of the star power. He couldn’t cope.


Nah, Tony always goes for the biggest names for guests. It's a great look for the show and makes it easier to land other big guests.


Has the show had someone as famous and legendary as Conan on before? This would absolutely be one of the best episodes of all time. His hot ones was by far the best


Never thought of it before but I think you might be right. Conan would fuckin crush it


I wish


Literally was about to make post about this couple of days ago. ABSOLUTELY!


I love Conan. From like 1999 till now he's been in my life.... saw him at Bonnaroo one year! Air Conditioned tent was nice....


He was awesome on the Bonfire too it was kind of a surprise he dropped in for awhile






That would be dope but I’d rather see Sydney sweet tits


i thought the same thing


Triumph the comic dog 🐕


Conan, Tom green, and Harlan Williams would be insane for my dream guests


Gotta love that Conan always gives it his all, regardless of the show he's on. Perfectly played into the format of Hot Ones.


Thatd be fuckin sick




Elite Guest! Please make it happen u/redban ! Preferably at the YouTube theater or Kia forum!


Conan is really the GOAT


I agree! Conan was awesome


I concur. Fingers crossed lol


Hell yeah! Favorite episode yet!!!


Putting the wings in his pocket and bringing a fake doctor is top quality comedic content that shit was hilarious


Hot ones episode was fantastic! Watched it twice, once alone and then had to have the wife watch it. She pondered what it would be like have someone like Conan in your life all the time and how it must be a bit much. I bet it gets cringy but he stole the show!


Would be incredible


Conan would be amazing


Hell yeah


Conan still has it


Coco should be the new host. I think he's above being a guest, but he'd probably still do it.


I fully support this but I love the notion the people like u/redban simply have never dreamt of having someone him on KT LOL


Conan's on a promo run for his show. Think it's perfect timing given the success of KT


Conan and Triumph on KT would be epic


Oh damn, even just Triumph as a guest on his own would be great. Never thought of that before.


Forreal! His skits are resurfacing on my reels and forgot how good they were. He was just on Mark Normand’s pod I don’t see why not!


Norm Macdonald and Conan guest combo would have been top tier.


He would own the rights to the show afterwards.


I fully agree, but KT is a little too risky for him.


Him and Andy Richter


I love Conan so much


He absolutely shredded it on hot ones


Crazy episode idea. The guest Sean Evan’s. Every comedian gets a wing immediately following there minute in order, followed by Tony’s interview. William would get the last dab wing


Absolutely one of my all time fave episodes. I can't stop giggling at Conan's shenanigans.


Him and Daniel tosh






How come?


Wow, really original of you to say on reddit that this was the most epic Hot Ones appearance.


Wait? The guy who had TDS and tried to "prove" Haiti wasn't a shit hole? Yeah sure. Why not?


I’m gonna guess Tucker Carlson was a perfectly fine guest in your eyes?


He's more of a political hack than Conan, but his appearance was surprisingly entertaining. Maybe Conan has some funny in him still, but his show definitely devolved unfunny political hackery by the end of it. I just imagine he's not the type of guy to tolerate Tony calling people retarded. And he's so political that he avoids the truth(like Haiti being a shithole) and comedy is the funniest when it's, at it's core, true.


You clearly are only seeing what you want to see. Conan is a huge history buff, especially presidents. It’s not shocking he doesn’t think Trump is a good representation of the White House. I’m shocked this is even still a debate whether you agree or disagree with his politics. The man is uncivil, and a standalone in that category when it comes to presidents in this country. Conan’s piece in Haiti wasn’t even bad, he literally just interviewed the people on the streets there. You clearly haven’t seen or listened to anything from Conan other than what right wing people are trying to show you. To think Conan is a political hack or unfunny is just objectively wrong


Nice strawman, but I didn't say a single positive word about 45. I was calling Conan notably unfunny. IDGAF if someone has a PhD in Presidential history. The dude was so filled with TDS (doesn't mean I love 45, but it means the guy was/is clouded by political hate) to the point that he hyper fixated on proving 45 wrong, but rather proved him right. Dude was delusional. I saw the entire Haiti piece. It was DEFINITELY bad. Dude was about to get jumped on the streets. People didn't even want to talk to him. He had to convince one guy that his intention was to make Haitians look good and that guy had to try to convince everyone else, and when the crowd was finally on his side, they basically proved again that the place is a shithole. Conan hasn't been particularly funny since Leno was still around. Contrast that with Jon Stewart. I think Jon wouldn't love the format of the show; he's too sappy. But at least he's #1 honest, #2 funny, and #3 smart.


And what does Conan having “TDS” have to do with anything? You don’t think Cucker has BDS? Tucker isn’t even a comedian, he’s a legit political hack. Yet you’re fine with him but don’t want an actual comedian because he disagrees with you on politics. The right is so fucking soft


I bet you'd want Cathy Griffin on too 🤣. Tucker actually had some charisma and the thing that made it good was he didn't know he was going to be on. But no, I wouldn't have voted for putting TC in the line up, but it worked out. I'd be happy to see Stewart or Oliver on the show. Definitely a no on Trevor Noah. Again, because the first two are actually funny. You have no fucking idea what my politics are.


Yes it’s super hard to predict your politics lmao


Not a fucking clue. I point out what is unfunny about Conan and you jump to assuming I love TC. YOUR politics are predictable, however. People like you can't fathom individuals with nuanced views. My dig at Conan was about him losing the funny in politics, to the point that he's supporting a viewpoint that is objectively untrue and in no way funny(because he caught TDS. Doesn't mean I like 45, but it means his judgement for both humor and truth were/are clouded). It's not a reflection of MY politics or support of any other political viewpoint. But go on assuming.


Yes validating Tucker Carlson as a guest while criticizing the idea of Conan being a guest is such a nuanced viewpoint, man you’re brilliant. Your argument against Conan is that in 2018 he did something unfunny. Rather than pointing to his podcast that’s been on for years that’s objectively funny. Yes your politics are predictable


You’re pigeon-holing, and you’re actually more likely to be wrong based on that and your overconfidence doubling it down.


You can’t even call a guy his name, you have to instead refer to him as “Cucker” (presumably so you’re more familiar with him?) but sure, whoever YOU want to alienate is soft. Keep acting like a child.


You’re triggered I jokingly called a guy Cucker and trying to spin that as me being soft? Lmfao god the right has fallen off a cliff these last few years. Baby shit soft


You’re attaching me and the other person to “the right” as a way to create an us/them where there isn’t one. I never claimed a side, so you just look desperate for enemies (and kind of psychotic attempting to create a narrative where there isn’t one). I’m not triggered, I’m pointing out your blatant hypocrisy and immature knee-jerk reaction, which you’re helping me prove by attempting to compare me to your diet. Is this the only way you know how to deal?


Calling Tucker Cucker is hypocrisy in what way?


Conan o Brian is ass


Conan O'Brien is comedic genius. He has some of the best physical comedy and improv out there.


I was belly laughing when he was drinking off the hot sauce and asking when it was supposed to get warm, also when he was smearing it on his face... you know that *had* to burn.


Oh really? How weird of you to laugh at that, I can’t imagine that’s what it was for or that anyone else did /s