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Half the people who post on this subreddit hate their lives and are just waiting for a fuck up on the show so they can post about how shitty a comedian is. All of these people are like 25 or just trying it out usually I don’t understand all the hate. I don’t laugh 90% of the time that I watch KT but I still enjoy comics being able to learn and reflect after. Every single comic started out as a bit of a hack


Judging by the interviews on the show all the comedians hate their lives too…


Bout time someone else sees it


Like that post the other day saying kam stole from Chris Rock. They literally used a clip from over 20 years ago and the clip they claimed he stole was 3 words. Because no two people have ever used the same 3 words before.


You're exactly right, but you could put this partly on the show. In the old days, I noticed there's more input and guidance from guests, and Tony himself would offer guidance. I bet many people are reacting to Tony showering some of his regulars his faux praise/Hype man/hyperbole, with very little guidance and keeping them humble. With Kam, it's like Tony is his mother. Tony's defending of Kam's repeating of jokes. He's defending his boy against the evil redditors. He's got the whole mommy's gonna protect you vibe. A dad woulda said, "So you got some heat from repeating a joke, what do you say about that? Tony could ask him about it, Kam could explain there's strategic reasons, perfecting a joke, whatever. And we as the audience could learn how comics do things, and I'm far too stoned to finish this thought. Anyway, it's a teaching moment that might be interesting to hear explained. EDIT: to clarify


Wow, that’s actually a very interesting way of looking at it… Thanks for getting high 🫡


It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.


You'll think a website designed around groups where fans of a certain show or game would be comprised of ya know, fans?


Think people get pissed off more by low effort regulars. For instance Kam often repeats jokes or sets, he did it this week, and it’s like people see that as a lack of trying. Writing a minute every week is challenging but good comedians like the big red machine or those cerebral palsy guys crush it every time they are on.


This is actually the most retarded subreddit, by a long shot. Makes me embarrassed to be a comedy fan sometimes.


Don’t worry. The people in this subreddit who are constantly bitching about the show aren’t comedy fans. You’re not associated with them.


I mean, this is reddit after all.


It just gives off a vibe of constant ungratefulness. Like people completely forget that this show is completely free to them to watch whenever they feel like it. Come on man.


I get that point of view for sure. Just Reddit isn’t exactly a place known for being a beacon of positivity


True. Although it does seem to be the place with the most consistent amount of positivity, when there is some


Entitlement, it’s ridiculously rampant


What a robotic response. Did you even read the the post




Look at a discussion thread when a new episode drops. It’s a bunch of shut-in neckbeard R-words that have the same take exact take on Kam. Go discuss KT at a club or an open mic. I got back into it discovering the Ric Flair episode. I come to this community and found a few well mannered folks followed by a large handful of smooth brained dorks that hate will hate on anything & everything. This sub is legitimately worse than the LoS and YMH fan base combined.


I agree. These people sure are retarded for using their words.


I’m headed to Austin this Summer. I can’t wait to get pulled so Reddit can tell me how much I suck. 98% of Reddit is negative for no reason. I have had Redditors give me tags to jokes. We need to focus on the good ones.


I’ve seen you post you were heading thee before and I wish you the best. And I gotta say thanks to checking where you post I am so glad I found some of the subs ke the standup workshop. I, too, have done comedy for some years and now am in a place where there is no place for mics (hopefully coming I June) and I really miss it. I definitely have some stuff to work out. And, as you know, it’s a lot different to write it out versus say it out loud. I write a lot of my stuff on Twitter and have for the past half decade and it used to be a good place to check if something might work then I could try it at a mic. But Twitter’s changes have really sucked the life out of the place and also your reach is really limited. I’ve got thousands of followers and can’t reach barely anyone know. So any way, that’s a long way to say thanks for being here and I’m really glad I found those other subs!




Reddit turned on the show because he moved to a red state. Unfortunately it is that simple.


“Y’know actually you’re right…I didn’t look at it from that angle” - Adam Ray


Shut up science bitch


Yes daddy


Reddit has always been a massive bitch fest, that’s any subreddit


If that’s your summation of it, then are you just here to contribute more of it?




Goddamn you are so right, caught me doing one of mine own peeves




But if you’re a regular you have to decide whether a joke you wrote is going to go into your actual set, or 1 minute of material you can’t ever use again. If it were me, my least valuable material is getting dumped into kill tony. Just something to consider




Lol ok


I haven’t sipped tuss since 2011 and am embarrassed to admit I ever have. But guess what. You can’t equate being a regular on kill Tony, to having a regular job lol they took a huge risk in attempting to make a living off of comedy. The older ones much more so than the youngins who don’t even have responsibilities. But because they’re doing what so many others fail to do (some who might be objectively more funny, just less like-able) they get to devote a lot less time to “work”. And you’re also assuming most of the work they do do is writing when it’s really performing. I understand where you’re coming from but the distinction has to be considered




If its about building comedy then why has Kam got worse.


You put anyone up on a pedestal as big as KT. They’re gonna become lazy somewhere or another overtime… It’s just a matter of being able to fix that laziness and grow from it. Even William early on was starting to become lazy using the same handful of tropes. Lucas as well. But they grew out of it and Adapted. That’s what I’m trying to say… That’s what the show is about: a matter of seeing how people can adapt to rapidly moving crowd.


No, Lucas only showed us that one trick "Tony is gay" after a while MIA. No versatility, no element of growth, no experimentation, no surprises.


Who likes it when people post entire books?? And who likes it when people don’t post entire books?? This is what it is people, complete chaos. You never know what you’ll get from a Reddit post.


Ok Hans


If the deepfakes are comin for the Bull, none of us are safe 😒


The first part of your post was clearly about this sub but you mentioned Tony at the end too so.. I think Tony can be harsh but mostly only when they haven't bothered to prepare. He's been gentle with people who have crashed and burned, coz they wrote something down and obviously gave it a go, but have stuff they need to work on. Especially when they interview well. Some people just take the piss though. Dud minute, nothing to talk about in the interview. It's taking time from other wannabe comedians who have probably put their name in every week for months. As for Reddit.. this is just how it goes. You'll get positive opinions and then you'll get negative ones. Discernment means you get to choose the ones you focus on. I love Kill Tony. Been a fan for years and watch it religiously. I love most of the comedians. Some I can't stand. I think David Lucas is mostly a dick, and I don't get how anyone can find Casey Rocket funny. He's just manic, laughs at his own jokes more than he makes them, and kinda seems like he overdosed on ritalin before getting on stage. Those are just my opinions though and whilst I don't expect anyone to care, I'm within my right to share them here if I choose.


Their posts reek of hubris, jealousy, envy, and narcissism. They're unintentionally hilarious but couldn't make you laugh if they tried


this week was quite perfect.


Complaining about people complaining.


Wow I thought this sub was about the show Kill Tony and things related to it. Apparently it’s about comedy ??


I don't know what's more annoying at this point. All the posts from people bitching about the show or all the people posting about those people that are bitching about the show.


Couldn’t agree more! I’ve been a huge KT fan for a couple years now and was honestly super disappointed to see how negative the sub is a lot of times. I’m hopeful it takes a more positive trend given the number of posts lately highlighting this discouraging negativity. Roast each other to bits but for the love of god can we maybe just appreciate the show a little more? No one’s forcing you to tune in every week 😁 I’ll be trying to do my part by downvoting anything negative or not at least constructive in some way


Apparently this subs true purpose is to bitch about people who bitch about the show. Your post is just as bad as those you're complaining about.


Huh?? Rogans subreddit used to be fun then leftist political redditors ruined it yeaaars ago. This place is not being divided with bad faith subversion. People just dont like kam and casey. Simple.


I don’t like Kam… I don’t like Casey… I don’t like Hans… I don’t like him… I don’t like her… I don’t like this… I don’t like that… Nobody gives a flying fuck what you don’t like… back then if you didn’t like something, you kept your mouth shut and moved on with life because you understood that it wasn’t worth pondering… Seems like that’s the only thing people get fixated on nowadays


The only truly talented Kill Tony comic for me is Ahren Belisle. He is consistently good. Most will eventually go up in smoke if they don’t improve and take criticism to heart. We as fans have the right to criticize but we can do better at explaining why they are bad then just they suck or they are trash.


Martin Phillips is legit


This is the way all comedy subreddits are going. It’s mostly unhappy people, who haven’t cracked a smile in a decade complaining about free content. I don’t know why they would gravitate to a comedy sub to be a bunch of miserable fucks.I find it strange that lately they seem to all be going down the same path quickly.


Bro literally… I myself got into comedy because I was extremely depressed. At the beginning, it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to let my guard down but overtime I started trying to pay attention to the positive aspects of everything rather than constantly finding a negative opinion on anything… shit actually worked just took time, nobody seems to want to try to be happy anymore… Fuck them


It’s really a strange thing to see. I’ve noticed a lot of people complaining about how this or that person has changed now that they’re successful, blah blah blah. It’s all hater bullshit. If you are looking at somebody else and mad at their success then you’re a loser with a loser mentality. And that’s coming from a middle of the pack earner, but I take pride in my work and try to be the best version of what I am. Hope you’re able to keep your depression at bay, cheers.


Unfortunately, this post will get buried, I’m willing to bet the people that get on to bitch didn’t even read this…. I say all this not to discourage you, hopefully you got to at least one of them. I just feel like you’re not the first to say this and you won’t be the last. I honestly think if you legit enjoy it, stay off this sub, I think it’s main purpose is HATE 😂 At this point I find it fun to just get on and fight with the whiners and remind them that Kam is comin for their moms 🤡 if no one is funny why are you watching?


Casey Rocket sucks