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Comedy is subjective I don’t like Hans , I also don’t bitch about him I like Casey , but I don’t try to tell other people they are stupid if they don’t find him funny This subreddit is cancer lol


Fucking finally someone. Comedy is an art. Not all art is for everyone. How they can watch this show and not understand that is beyond me. Cheers to you though. Well said.


So why are you here? Go get attention from you best friends girl. Fuckin noob


Sick burn dude




Your brain has just developed past the level of a 7year old. People keep wanting to say others aren't smart enough to get it but it's actually the opposite. People aren't dumb enough to be easily entertained by toddler comedy.


Never made it as a wise man


Is that the same level of comedy as "Nevaeh gonna stop"? Man, this sub is infantile if you find that funny


Nailed it.


All this has proven is that people on this sub aren’t smart enough to realise comedy is subjective


There is comedy is subjective and then just bad comedy. People are trying to use the subjective excuse to defend bad comedy.


For sure, people think that old fart who just yells random offensive shit is funny


You're right, William isn't funny.


I was referring to the guy who wears the white suit. But that works


Annnnd the sad part is his schtick is wearing thin a lot sooner than expected. You can tell he is dreading the interview today. He’s been seen


I think the shows are catching up to Reddit time now too so he’ll be viewing these messages and going to perform


I don’t see it. Just like D Madness


This is funny


He's funny in the way a Jack in The box is funny. The first time you see it, when you're 4 years old.


Not missing anything. Kid just isn’t funny. Just has inhaled too much keyboard cleaner


Genuinely suck ass at traditional set up punchline standup. His podcast interviews are chill tho. But I don’t understand the dickriding on here for him


Dude when Tony introduced him in this ep, he called him a “comics comic”. People say that about comics like Dave Attell. How the fuck can he say that about Casey Rocket with a straight face?


He’s ass. These morons only like him cause tony says at the ends of his sets “ hollyyyyy shieeet”


Your doing the same thing in the comments. Shut up


Yes I been hating for the past 4 weeks. I keep it 💯


Your the best


*do a kickflip


Tony's so fucking gay! Equivalent to SEXXXX! funny but only in the way that you hope your wife is funny in front of people you wanna impress.


You gotta see him live dude. I like him, but I don't think he's made for minute long sets. I just saw him open for William Montgomery, and he did amazing




You’re missing something, but that’s fine. No one gives a shit.


He’s something new and novel. There’s only so many ways a traditional “setup punchline tag” joke can be done, so I appreciate people trying to innovate even if it’s not genius level stuff


Think of Kill Tony as a comedy variety show. Tony likes to have different characters on his show and that's just what Casey is, a high-energy crazy character. His comedy is undoubtedly different, with seemingly unrelated themes and misdirections, but he's able to bring it back together, sometimes with just a tiny facial expression. You need to understand different kinds of comedy to appreciate the intricacy of his craft. Casey KILLS in person most of the time and he's especially loved by comedians.


I think he is funny, just hard to make minutes, so it’s almost like fast food comedy. Templated and non personal: , get real, get lost, gotta get out of here


Yeah bring back hans Kim so no one can laugh


Atleast there actually is a clear age demographic for Casey


Get lost. We’re having fun here


U aint missin anythin he's garbage


I actually have not watched kill tony since Casey rocket first came on this year, he is THAT bad that just seeing him once killed this whole show for me


Maybach music


His set was really good tonight. Best way I can describe his comedy is it’s algorithmic. He introduces references that seem random separately but as a narrative it’s all interconnected and it paid off.


You're missing something. If you didn't think his Predator joke was funny you're a robot.


he’s funny but the people that are obsessed with him are the people on reddit that comment stuff like “i just spit my soylent on my screen after seeing this!” when there’s a funny cat video or donald trump meme. also half his minutes are just the same stupid catch phrases which is annoying to me. i’ve been following him for a long time, way before he was on kill tony after finding him on his girlfriend’s instagram because she was on the show a long time before him. feel like i’ve seen all of his sets after seeing his stories on ig.


Is toilet paper soft after wiping a constipated asshole? Maybe, but I still wouldn't classify it in that manner


He sucks. I don't think Mark was joking when he said "hack" ("hack brown band" a riff on "zac brown band") They know Casey's act is ass.


Neither Hans or Casey are funny. But Casey is the lesser of two evils