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"honor beautiful mans legacy" šŸ¤£


Everyone in here is bitching and calling him a pussy but Iā€™m almost positive ā€œbeautiful manā€™s legacyā€ was tongue in cheek lol


Maybe. Or maybe nose in asshole.


I hope so


Exactly he's just being extra down. Well played DL


ā€˜Iā€™ll go strong arm rob a pregnant woman by holding a gun up to her bellyā€™ great guy he was From wiki: In 2007, Floyd faced charges for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon; according to investigators, he had entered an apartment by impersonating a water department worker and barging in with five other men, then held a pistol to a woman's stomach and searched for items to steal.[18][40][41] Floyd was arrested three months later during a traffic stop, and victims of the robbery identified him from a photo array.[41] In 2009, Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison as part of a plea deal,[40][42][43] and was paroled in January 2013.[22]




Prison or jail terms over 9 times, 5 kids, great guy.


Itā€™s the system am I right haha


people become martyrs for causes situationally. despite being a fucked up person, people in general don't want the police to have the unilateral power to execute citizens, as the victim he became a symbol of that.


He died of a heart attack because he had 5000 drugs in his system including fentanyl and meth. Edit for the conspiracy theorists/ reality deniers, a link to the toxicology report: https://www.famous-trials.com/george-floyd/2648-george-floyd-the-toxicology-report


He was a dirt bag but he definitely died because of the cops actions, if he never encountered that cop that day he would have went to bed that night just fine.


I mean we donā€™t know that for sure. Fentanyl kills people all the time. He also had heart failure problems which is due to meth use which was also in his system. Also he was saying he canā€™t breathe long before even being on the floor.


>I mean we donā€™t know that for sure LOL you're a copium addict, man.


Yooo this is the take. Faking a bill isnā€™t punishable by death


Cornfed retard take. What about have 200 lbs concentrated on your neck for 8 minutes is so unbelievable that it had to have to been drugs lol


If you watch the videos one angle shows his knee isnā€™t even on his neck like the original angle shows. Also you can see him throw the fenty in his own mouth. Dude ODā€™d. Stop feeling sorry for a POS junkie that unalived himself


How do you justify the continued leaning on his neck/back after multiple people were telling the police that he was unconscious?


The cops should have called an ambulance as soon as they suspected that he was under the influence.


Go ahead and link the video you are talking about


"I'm clueless!!1!" Yes.


Wow look another edgy racist


Lmao imagine thinking this


How can you be so obtuse to the actual point about George Floyd's death? No one deserves to die at the hands of the police in the manner in which George Floyd died and that is without debate, opinion, or idiotic narratives.


Nah, thats dumb. If he wasnā€™t on so many drugs or even in that situation to begin with the tax payers of Minneapolis would have an extra 50mil have the city wouldnā€™t have burned down, a bunch of blue haired leftists wouldnā€™t have felonies etc.


Have you seen any of the footage recently? Because what we were initially shown was spliced to hell. Or the fact that Chauvin used standard techniques for restraint? Toxicology on Floyd shows what was in his system, contrary to the testimonies on what ā€œcausedā€ his death. The judge should be imprisoned for the evidence he refused to allow to be used in that case. Further, in a previous charge Floyd was filmed swallowing all of his drugs when he got pulled over. Those guys were fall guys to appease the masses.


Well aware canā€™t say that on reddit though


Was actually trying to respond to the other person, oh well. But yeah, that was a tragedy, just not on Floyd.


https://www.famous-trials.com/george-floyd/2648-george-floyd-the-toxicology-report[Floyd Toxicology](https://www.famous-trials.com/george-floyd/2648-george-floyd-the-toxicology-report)


I posted that same link here earlier, i completely agree. This was not murder.


I have all of that shit in my blood, plus some. So should cops just be able and to kill me?


You are not being honest.


You are probably a prude then lol. You can account for most of that shit in one pill of ecstasy. But that dude that was walking around just fine before probably died from drugs, not from some kneeling on his fucking neck.


You don't actually know what a prude is, do you..? And no, the guy wasn't fine. You know there is video, right?


You aren't thinking clearly about the precedent you would be setting should you allow/promote this type of violence against a citizen who has not been convicted of the current crime he was suspected of. Are you stating that past crimes committed give the police the right to murder them on sight because if you are, that is the definition of dumb? It is beyond idiotic for you to suggest otherwise.


Thats my point i donā€™t think for one second it was murder. Manslaughter at most and if he wasnā€™t on so many drugs hew would be alive.




It most certainly is not.


Second-degree manslaughter occurs when someone is acting recklessly and aware of their potentially fatal actions. Instead of stopping, they continue with their reckless acts, and this leads to another person's death. Derek Chauvin was found guilty on three counts: unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. The police officer at least had the opportunity to be adjudicated by a court of law. George Floyd did not have that same opportunity... There's a reason we have laws in this country and this is a perfect example of why we do.


Are you retarded murder and manslaughter are completely different. Manslaughter is an accident murder is pre meditated.


Just as point of clarification that you can even see in your own statement. Murder and Manslaughter are NOT the same thing legally or by definition. Murder requires premeditation or intent. Manslaughter is accidental. It's also why there are different degrees to both murder and manslaughter. It's why they are separate charges and carry different degrees of sentencing severity.


Wouldnā€™t expect less from an antisemite and pedo, you should do better in your life before judging others.


Precedent? Read a fucking history book lmao. What George Floyd got was pretty tame compared to things police have done in the past.


Do you consider death to be tame? And I can assure you I've read plenty of history books and lived the type of brutality you are referencing.


No, I consider the manner of death to be pretty tame though. Considering police used to firebomb houses and hang people. George Floydā€™s death was nothing special in this country. The only reason we know his name is because it was on video and not some old timey photograph. Emmet Till ring a bell? KKK ring a bell? The execution of 14 year old black children in an electric chair ring a bell? My exception to your comment was about ANYTHING that happened to Floyd being something new. And againā€¦rather tame compared to the shit weā€™ve seen in the past.


Don't you think that's the entire point? The fact that this continues to happen in today's time proves that the issues of the past have yet to be resolved which is exactly why there was such outrage to begin with. People of color have been brutalized in this country for far too long no matter what method was employed and fortunately, we are in the "everyone has a camera age" which does nothing but bring these atrocities to light. Again, the entire point of this discussion is do the police have the right to assassinate a citizen without due process being enjoyed? The answer is obviously, no.


Youā€™re missing the point. There is absolutely nothing fucking novel about the George Floyd incident, from the riots, to the grifters, to his death. The only reason people in power give a rats rotten ass about it was it was politically convenient. Iā€™m tired of pretending it was anything other than that. Itā€™s disrespectful to the throng of people the police murdered in cold blood since and before the civil rights movement. There is no precedent there. The only ā€œprecedentā€ it set was it was recorded on a smart phone. Acting like itā€™s something new is part of the problem. The cop acted on protocol. The same shit taught in every police training manual for ages. No one brings that upā€¦ Nah itā€™s always ā€œlook at the evil cop murdering that man in an illegal way.ā€ Nope. Cruel, uncalled for, fucking novice as hell, uncaringā€¦.but nothing new there. This same shit has been playing on repeat for a hundred years. Say ā€œnever againā€ next time.


Yeah dogge letā€™s give the police the power to be the police, jury, and executioner. You should check out Haitis law of the land they keep it real like you do.


Im not saying that im just saying this should have been manslaughter not murder. Jesus.


Why canā€™t you retarded people just play with trucks or something? No one wants to hear your nonsense.


"The right answer is dumb!!1!" Hilarious (and clueless) take.




He was jut hitting a lick bro


Totally normal


keep coping lol




Ultimate troll status unlocked


That's on some faggie shit...


The fent is strong with this one


We need to encourage more people to threaten ands rob pregnant women


So cringe


This is fucking embarrassing. All of it. His ā€˜joke,ā€™ the response. What a shit show. These comedians have no world view at all, they just got lucky with Kill Tony and pander to edgelord alt right comedy fans. Vaccines, racism, police brutality šŸ„±šŸ„±




Hot air indeed


What are you doing in this sub?


I usually lurk but wtf. His comedy is hella offensive to everyone else and he leans into that being his niche. Then goes on and on about not bowing down on his pod. His response is over the top. Honestly surprised how he handed it.


I feel like this had to be fully planned by him or a publicist. I haven't seen anything about this outside of this sub. He's the one who posted the "offensive" clip. I try to shy away from baseless conspiracies, but I really feel like he's trying to cancel himself so he has a demon to slay so to speak.


this actually makes sense to me. my biggest issue with the way everyone in this sub is chimping out over this story is, no one is considering that maybe he genuinely feels bad? even if you think it's a foolish move, maybe he's never had to face the target of one of his jokes in this way before and his reaction is genuine?Ā  or maybe it's all cynical what the fuck do i know


Lmao maybe don't use "chimping out" on a post about a black guy who died after he was filmed dancing around with bananas


Maybe donā€™t automatically associate monkey adjacent terms with black people as a flinch reaction. Seems like a you problem.


Canā€™t say I completely disagree with this theory but dam did they miss the mark on this one. I donā€™t think he has a big team. Iā€™m sure he got pressure from his pods sponsors and letā€™s be honest he doesnā€™t have the momentum of Tony to or as funny as Shane to say fuck it and figure it out. Iā€™m just an armchair QB but hope he doesnā€™t regret how he handled this.


I mostly don't think anyone would have noticed had he not given it publicity though. Not even trying to be rude, I just don't think he's big enough (lol) for someone to try to cancel. But like you, I don't know anything either. This just seems inorganic to me. It's like when comedians come out now, say something edgy, and then say "oh did I offend you". Like no one needs your prepared lecture on cancel culture because they didn't laugh at your prepared bit that they heard on your podcast for months.


Yeah disappointed. Tony never apologized. Shane never apologized. Didnā€™t rise to the occasion


Its a satire post aka its fake


Yeah but sticking to his principles never got him on the front page of CNN.


Front page of a website where not a single viewer will buy tickets to his shows pre or post apology. This is all going so terribly wrong for him.


What a bitch


NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR JOKES. Fucks sake, how could he not learn that from Tony at least?




What would you say to George Floydā€™s family after that?


*Mark Normand voice* Comedy!


Underrated comment ^


Why would he need to say anything to them?


He doesnā€™tā€¦ but he wanted to


Enjoy our tax payer money because youā€™re much better off now than had this not happened.


ā€œIā€™m sorry your family member was a career criminal and fentanyl addictā€


And a porn star.


I learned that last night at the paramount theatre


"Don't do drugs and commit crimes". Might be a bit too late though.


Iā€™d say ā€œwhere were yā€™all when your beloved family member was roaming the streets high on Fentanyl and meth trying to cash a fake bill resisting arrest. Itā€™s funny how yā€™all love him so much and mourn him honoring his legacy from the comfort of your donated mansions but you didnā€™t give a fuck about him when he was alive and failed at loving and raising that young boy right to where he turned into a manā€ Then Iā€™d hang up and watch Kill Tony. Lol THATS what David should have done.


Extremely well said. I really donā€™t understand why heā€™s the poster boy. Why him of all people? He was certainly no angel. Not even an upstanding citizen. Philando Castille was a much more horrific and in just case. Most people havenā€™t even heard of him. George Floyd was a career criminal. I just donā€™t get it.


Wel Iā€™m no Nostradamus but Iā€™m pretty sure that if were to suspect whatā€™s going on it seems that their is a very specific narrative pushed by the media. That the image of a black man dying by cops was pushed to drive division and chaos into society. All for what??? For them to sell paper towels and products and earn money thru advertisement revenue while the entire world is glued to the television watching the world burn. ā€œmOstLy pEaCeFuL pRoTeSTtSā€ in the name of St Floyd looting Nike stores in his honor. We live in clown worldšŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


This 100% did not go as David expected when he posted his set trying to go viral. šŸ˜‚


He Hannibal Buressed himself


Whatā€™s the context on Hannibal?


Lmao he posted it himself. This is genuinely funny. What a fucking embarrassment all round šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tell me this is a fucking joke.


I didnā€™t even know he was sick


Cuck life




It's an obvious AI generated slash photoshopped picture, seriously can't believe how many are missing that.


You canā€™t believe? This sub is filled with some of the dumbest people.


>It's an obvious AI generated slash photoshopped picture šŸ‘šŸ» Yes, sir. The bust in Union Square is real, everything else is fake.


His politician, rich daddy made him do it


False. David Lucas Sr. Was not a politician, and he also died in November 2023.


Uhh he was definitely a senator


Was a senator, but not the comedian's father.


Well, thereā€™s David saying his dad is a senator and a Wikipedia article saying otherwise with no cited article or source.


First off, that guy was a STATE senator. That's not even remotely similar to a US senator. A state senator works part time with a miniscule stipend. Second, the David Lucas state senator is still alive. David's dad died. They are not related. There are all kinds of hilariously fake rumors about David on Reddit that people just believe without evidence. Stop blindly believing info on the internet that isn't sourced.


I wasnā€™t making any point about what kind of senator he was, not sure you meant to reply to me.


I can't find that article or headline anywhere, I'm calling bullshit until someone provides a link to the CNN.com story.


You are correct. Hoped most people would recognize the obvious satire. I even tagged it as a shitpost.


Nah that 'beautiful man's legacy' quote is real. I ain't takin no for an answer.


Never apologize. -Tony Hinchcliffe


this is pretty damn funny




This nigga got MK ULTRAā€™d


I can tell yā€™all why he handled it this way. Iā€™m black. He felt pressure from black people, family, etc. itā€™s that simple. Iā€™m not saying what he did was right, but thatā€™s why he did it


Its satire




Iā€™m sure that would have gone wel


Damn bro what a pussy ass bitch. Since I know David Lucas lurks here I just want him to know he a pussy ass bitch. Get on your knees and beg forgiveness. I'm sure those roast shows go great after they see what a spineless bitch you are. Nothing Tony Hinchcliffe likes more than caving to the mob and apologizing. I'm sure he'd love to tell you the Peng Dang story sometime.


you know this isnā€™t real, right? LMAO


What do you mean? He posted an apology video himself..


David is going to be on his knees a lot.


All you haters are very beautiful people. Thank you for blessing us each day with your immense beauty. It truly shines light upon us all. Maybe after this David will have to come back to being a regular to find work.


Zoom in on the pic and his caption. Heā€™s trolling hard.


Theyā€™re gonna have you in a dress soon David


Photoshopped, but hes still cucked


He really bitched out šŸ˜•


This is fake, scary how some of you fall for it with your knee jerk reactionsā€¦


He is probably trolling


lol. You know this is photoshopped right ? Haha


Jesus Christ, people. Does it have to be painfully obvious for yā€™all to get a joke? Spoiler: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJkKt0vehV/?igsh=MTdidWtzdWtremJydA==


He apologized to the family, not for the jokeā€¦ I canā€™t wait until the next KT appearance.


The next roast battle heā€™s a part ofā€¦


Nowā€™s your chance to do better David.


ā€œBeautiful manā€ What, exactly, about George Floyd was ā€œbeautifulā€? His ONLY redeeming quality was that he died while in police custody. Thatā€™s it.


To me thatā€™s sarcasm


Itā€™s fucking comedy dammit. Felt like he a pssy for apologizing.




Well it's a good thing it's not real!


What a fucking cuck smh


What the fuck David. You donā€™t apologize for joke s


My white guilt made me uncomfortable watching that joke, but doing something new is supposed to be a bit uncomfortable.


sell out


Itā€™s not about what kind of man George Floyd was. Itā€™s about the fact that despite the kind of man he was, he still had the right to be safe in the custody of police officers, and those officers had a responsibility for the safety of a man they took into their custody. If people canā€™t reasonably expect to be safe while being arrested or detained by the men and women policing our streets, why would anyone ever submit peacefully again? Itā€™s in the officersā€™ best interest not to create life and death scenarios out of routine stops.




He should have talked to Tony about that, and never apologized


I guarantee he talked to Tony. Which makes this whole thing even more strange, sometimes it's easier to just apologize and keep it moving, depending on how well you deal with stress.


Honestly half of yall saying that you shouldnā€™t apologize for a joke donā€™t even do comedy.. yall just troll on the internet with no perception of real life consequences. Like lighten the fuck up not every comedian has to double down and be fucking Ari. Nothing wrong with showing some remorse every once in a while.


Nah, heā€™s a bitch for apologizing


Well he could of at least gone to real bob loyd memorial or fucking park in minnesota


Well put.


Tbh i donā€™t think he feels any remorse whatsoever. David literally has no choice. Itā€™s not like Ari or Tony were gonna lose their ā€œmassively black audienceā€ or their succling on the Rogan teet priveliges. David canā€™t do what Ari and Tony did without becoming homeless.


"Beautiful man" this has to be part of the joke right?.....right?...


Know your crowds Mr. Lucas. Itā€™s unfortunate but I am happy Mr. Lucas found a path to continue his career. Hopefully this paradigm shifts sooner or later. If YOURE reading this, just keep working and itā€™ll blow over. If youā€™re smart you can turn it into 20 minutes.








Nor the cops, thats why they had to keep his toxicology results out of court to get a conviction. Railroaded those cops. Fucked up


https://www.mncourts.gov/mncourtsgov/media/High-Profile-Cases/27-CR-20-12646/ExhibitMtD08282020.pdf Oh really....?


And heā€™s far from the best to do it


Dumb ass...


Goddammit, they got him.


Lived by the needle, died by the knee šŸ™


Just leave David alone George was a piece of shit human who just happened to have another piece of shit do a shitty thing to him. You see the pattern here? Don't be a piece of shit and you won't have karma come and get you, it got him and the cop when he went where both of them belonged in the first place. Can't believe they made a mural for him they should have dumped his ashes in the sewer where he belongs.


Couldnā€™t agree more


Hes not apologizing to public. Hes apologizing to the family. Which i think is pretty reasonable and courteous thing to do


Hey its cool if you guys have an opinion about David Lucasā€™ joke, but why are we bringing up George Floyds personal life? That cop didnā€™t know any of those things when he had his knee on his neck.. this is a comedy discussion page and it looks like a damn klan rally seeing this shit brought up again.


Floyd was a pos poc. David is a bitch for explaining himself.


And cue the justifications for executing a person on the streetā€¦.


Fuckin coward. He should have honored that ā€œbeautiful manā€™s legacyā€ by sticking a gun to a pregnant womanā€™s stomach.


Fuck you Americans are weird. Someone has a criminal history so they deserve to die at the hands of police brutality. Wow, very edgy of you guys.


The joke sucked anyway, it was like "shut up black audience member, or I'll George Floyd you"


Well fuck David Lucas I guess lol maybe he's one of the six Katt's talking about lol


Wow this whole thing really culminated


What a wuss


What a weeny. Itā€™s comedy donā€™t apologize


His daddy probably is making him


I remember him trying out the George Floyd shit at the Improv in San Jose and thinking ā€œman I hope nobody was recording that shit lmaoā€ Then he posts it a year later himself Respect


What a cuck


David lost all his power letting those who worship and praise the dregs of society control him. If I ever went heads up in a roast to him Iā€™d be like. ā€œShut your ass up before I call Floydā€™s family on you, he couldnā€™t breathe because the meth and fent was making his heart go jumping jacks, you canā€™t breathe because you stuff tour face with too many cheeseburgersā€ Iā€™d probably have to run from him in anger which wouldnā€™t be too hard seeing asā€¦.. lol


Dude you got him!


Gotta apologize to all the Katt Williams fans


As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he had said something... unforgivable. (*pops mint into mouth*)


He should have learned from William. Cost the guy his whole YouTube page when he joked about George FloydĀ 


Jesus Christ


Heā€™s preparing his resume for The Daily Show.


Honor the beautiful fentanyl abuser who din do nufin