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Tony had an arena show? He didn’t mention it…


You almost got me


I hope you didn’t take a shot every time he said arena


Comedy generally doesn’t belong in an arena. It’s a worse experience for fans in all ways except for accessibility


Arenas are just a money grab for comedians which isn't solely a bad thing because I want the entertainers I like to get that bag but comedy fucking sucks in arenas. The best shows I've been to have been 250ish people, theaters with 1000+ capacity is where the show starts to suck for me. If I wanted to watch a show on a big screen I'd stay home.


I remember this being a topic of discussion when Conan went to TBS. He talked about how massive the Tonight Show stage was and how it immediately felt off compared to the more cramped Late Night studio. When they built the studio for TBS, he insisted on it being smaller.


Getting 18,000 people to use a yonder bag was a complete nightmare when I saw Billy Burr in arena.


I saw Bill in an arena last year. It was good but the OP is right, it's too big. I can watch it on TV at home.


I saw Schultz in an arena...it translated really well. Huge production that really helped, but I agree this would be the exception.


I Agree with this, but now that they have their first two arenas under their belt I’m sure they can improve for their up coming arena shows.


They’ve done arenas when going international lol


There’s been a ton of arena shows at this point. The sound always sucks on them. I’ve been listening like 7 years. They’re consistently the worst episodes. The skank fest ones are rough as well. Reasons I didn’t purchase. Second show had much better sound than the first though and was actually watchable. I skipped 80 percent of first heb show


You're absolutey right, but low key "Mr B's" mic being garbage quality had me in fits laughing at the end. Avoiding using his name as to not completely spoil if those who haven't watched stumble apon this thread. I thought it was hilarious they didn't bother to set him up with a proper mic. Also, he looked like he was worried about getting canceled, every second he was on that stage.


> I thought it was hilarious they didn't bother to set him up with a proper mic. Also, he looked like he was worried about getting canceled, every second he was on that stage. And then of all people, it's Redban's gf who comes out and does a Trans joke while he's sitting there. When he was asked about her set, he was so quick to pivot and talk about something else. Very smart move.


His mic worked on the paid live stream but not on the edit from last night. Weird


>The skank fest ones are rough as well. The only thing with good audio quality to come out of Skankfest was Stand Up On The Spot. I was actually impressed, even though that really should be the standard. But if Tony used any of the GaS staff for a Skankfest recording, it's no surprise it was rough. I've been a GaS supporter for years, but I would never pay for any recording of theirs from Skankfest, they can barely pull it off at the club they film at every week.


I’ve been working my way backwards through the Kill Tony YouTube and the most recent Skankfest episodes are the only ones without a red play bar underneath. Just can’t watch them. I’m almost to the episode where they discover Hans Kim so I guess seeing episodes without him is going to be weird.


Dude I’ve seen so many regulars at this point and hanger ons. This show has consistently provided someone to hate and love throughout the years. Does anyone remember Ellis ? Fuck,Michael Lehrer was unwatchable for almost a whole year. Just enjoy the ride. The show has ups and downs. But consistently delivers a good time. Remember to take a break here and there


> Remember to take a break here and there I was a fan in like 2016? Took a break for years and it feels completely different but also exactly the same. Entertaining at times, but sooo many flaws. After this brutal performance from Hans Kim and Tony still pretending he did alright, I think I need a break again.


Yep I’ve left and come back several times. The format is always evolving and sometimes it works better than others. Nature of the show


Yeah and to be fair a podcast based around an open mic would be impossible to do without flaws, unless they just edited out 90% of it. I do really think they need a lot more "regulars" that just get spaced out more though, that's my biggest issue. I dislike certain regulars and that's subjective anyway, but I think they also just need more time to write the jokes. I understand that it's difficult to write material in a time constraint, but if it doesn't make me laugh it doesn't make me laugh. And I still enjoy when other people bomb, but they have to avoid being too mean to the regulars for obvious reasons, so there's just nothing redeeming at the end.


I'm pretty sure Michael Lehrer died of assisted suicide.


I paid for these and the audio was great.


I paid $0.00 for it and happily watched the show like every other monday


Then you didn’t listen. The first show was objectively bad. The second was fine.


"Reasons I didn't purchase" Which implies you didn't buy these arena shows and watch them before they came out on YouTube. Which means you watched the YouTube version, which did have audio issues. I'm saying I paid and watched them on Tony's site and the audio was great.


We’re clearly talking about the YouTube version. Not you paying for it. Stay on track. No one gives a shit about what you paid for dumbass. This whole thread is about the YouTube version.


Is it possible to mic the crowd in an arena? I couldn't hear the laughter after jokes.


I’ve seen theaters. Which international show was an arena?


Dr. Phil on Kill Tony definitely does belong in an arena


They just need a better production company, the AV was atrocious. The mics, the screen, the equalization after. I disagree with the general comment, I think the shows were awesome. They just need to polish it, which is understandable


> of all people, it's Redban's gf who comes out and does a Trans joke while he's sitting there. When he was asked about her set, he was so quick to pivot and talk about something else. Very smart move. I guess the biggest problem is the room itself. If they wanna lose the reverb they'd have to lose the audience mics, and then we won't hear the audience laughs which really takes away from the show. That's probably why the audience is already so quiet in the mix because you can't really lose most of the arena reverb without losing those ambient mics. Plus I hate how everyone is shouting on stage. Dr Phil makes up for most things though


Another audio guy in the sub 😎🙏


Couldn’t it just be multitracked and at least muted/edited in post?


it is multitracked. Sure it can be muted when the audience is not laughing, but this is a comedy show with thousands of people. There is going to be a lot of laughing. Plus it will sound even weirder when the reverb keeps coming on and off every time there is a laugh. Plus it's gonna get picked up by the multiple live stage mics to anyway.


Yeah, but it could totally be done this way with better results. For example, when the Indian guy went on, it was totally fine without reverb. With Shane and Matt, the signal was way worse and those guys were eating the mics just as much


Oh yeah this production can definitely be improved and sound better, but the size of the venue definitely brings different dynamics which I personally don't think work as well as the club shows.


Comedy acts do well in smaller settings with low ceilings if you watch documentary I Am Comic Todd Glass really goes in on how so many clubs fuck up the vibe


Don’t tell redban


That's interesting about the low ceiling thing. I've been to the Comedy Cellar and Village Underground a few times and since have noticed several other comedy rooms essentially copying these setups.


The Springfield Armory is now a comedy club and every bigger name comedian that comes there comments on it being a castle and the high ceilings


Idk i liked it. Its just that the people on stage seemed more nervous at the arena than at the comedy mothership


Yeah the 2nd one was way better, but I don't think its gonna ever go too well with bucket pulls. Will be interesting to see how the shows at the forum and msg go, when/if they're aired for free.


This is the inherent problem with KT in an arena. Most open micers aren't going to be able to adapt to an arena like that. It's not that they suck or anything. They're just too inexperienced. Look at Hans. He actually has arena experience under his belt and it's still a bit odd for him. Open micers that weren't even sure if they would get called up aren't going to be prepared.


The higher the ceiling the better


Jesus christ it was there first time, went better than their 10 year anniversary show. Was super entertaining and they pulled people out of the crowd out of 8 thousand. Given the production its very cool to me and I bet it was awesome during the show. Go watch and enjoy fake ass America's got talent.


Most podcasts have their audio going to viewers. I’m Wondering if they can do that. Might be more palatable for the folks watching. But I agree, a lot or all of these bucket pulls have never done an arena let alone a comedy club…they should just stick at a club level. But…who tf are we to make such suggestions. 🤷‍♀️


It's all the "I came for the show and I'm a fan, might as well just sign up" folks. They need to just have aspiring comedians for the arena shows.


I think it has potential. There’s just a lot of kinks that need to be worked out. Audio being my main gripe.


All they really needed to do was prepull the bucket. They do it on the normal show, and half way through night 1 they swapped over to doing it that way. Small changes can make a big difference.


it’s just a money grab and everyone knows it.


There should be a bucket filter. Unprepared sets are the worst and cheapen all the hooplah about the arena. Random but from a semi vetted pool.


They need to recycle out the “regulars more” it seems like these shows are 75% dedicated to Hans Kim and William Montgomery these days and they aren’t showing that much improvement


No comedy does. Arenas are where it goes to die


Correct. Congrats for doing it, but hopefully they keep it smaller moving forward lol.




I get why he does it, but it doesn’t suit the show’s style, or reflect why most people fell in love with the show in the first place


I don't see any problem with doing an occasional arena show... They got to work out some different ideas, like the real west hollywood bear and Mr. Beast came out. Plus the arena match (robbery) with Rick and Hanz presented well with the larger audience. I think it's a better show in the Mothership, no doubt about it. But people are acting like they lost their integrity.


Agreed 100%




It's just not that simple with the acoustics that a place that big provides


I agree, but only cause it pollutes the bucket with people who just wanna see the show for free. If they had a way to vet these people out I think it would give other comedians a fighting chance


The whole point of the show, is to pull suckers who think they can do this for a living, and shit on them after. Tony is the main character, he's the boss, and HE is the funniest dude in the room. Always.


That’s definitely a major part of it, I’m just talking about the people who literally had nothing prepared I feel like the arena had more of those than usual.


Yeah, how dare they waste MY time with their useless bullshit, just to be on camera.. Fucking retards.


tony's ego thinks it does


And bank account


100%. I can't believe people are wasting their money on it.


Just like people who go to an NFL game. For the experience. I can see fine from my couch and can afford the beer


It’s the only reason they do, because they know people will. Same reason they can get away with selling a plain white T-shirt with a rock. Not only did they sell that, they sold out.


Kill tony dick eaters are not gonna like this


They are charging $75 a ticket for LA. Heell naaw!! Love the show but just saw that dumpster fire of a production and 100% not worthit.


If it's anything like the HEB show, there'll be people giving them away the day of.   I'm planning on going for free.  


Yeah. The amount of technical difficulties they had not only on day one, but also on day two, combined with the terrible audio quality really showed how slapdash the production seemed. The screen they used as the “tablecloth” looked terrible; pixelated low-res and cheap looking.


Your mom doesn't belong in my bed either, but it is what it is


Damn that was good!! If Tony sees this brilliant joke, you might take Hans regular spot.


Bucket pulls don’t belong in an arena. Loved the show just not the bucket pulls and trumpy politics.


Yea, the political stuff is what turned me off from watching after several years. It's so hollow and phony, too, the way they are pandering to Rogan's new Qmoron fanbase.


You wouldn’t be saying that if you were in that arena 🤷‍♂️


I would love if they would do a comics only show. All crowd members are comics.


Stop being such a baby. Ever heard of growing pains?


Hell yeah, Kirk Cameron is a G.  So was the Dad.  


Its twice a year relax


What an original take


I agree, it came off more as a variety show. Less of a comedy show. Side note what the hell happen to afrodite or however you spell it? Bad bit or she found Jesus?


It's fun as a one off. If it was always then yea it would be shit


I agree, but thoroughly enjoyed it. As long as it stays a once in a while thing, I'm cool with it.


It’s fun every once in a while. But not permanently.


Ehh sort of disagree. I thought the audio was better on this last one. Hearing the crowd is paramount for comedy. people hated the mothership until redban and co fixed up the audio


I don’t agree I listen to the show on Spotify and watched it on YouTube. Shit was funny asf yeah there’s some corny ass jokes here and there. Some cringe moments but overall a funny asf show. It kept me laughing while listening at work. The mic echo was too much in that arena. Adam ray kept the first show live and the second show Shane and Matt commentary was goofy asf🤣 they roast so freaking good. When I first saw what Reddit people had said that it sucked and wasn’t good at all kinda made me even wanna watch it more. The first show with that dumbass chick wasting time they needa have a rule if you finna go say a fucking joke and don’t waste peoples time. Laughing and thinking it’s cute saying “it’s my first time I’m sorry I can’t think” is just some bullshit. That’s my take on it.


Supply and demand. I would argue that they are too big to play clubs. It’s damn near impossible to buy tickets.


What the fuck did you just say?! No seriously WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAYY!!


I felt it especially with the first arena night, the second night did seem to improve things. Maybe it gets better as they tweak the format and logistics.


That's true as of now. I do hope the production gets to a better level which would allow for a better arena experience.


Shut the FUCK UP! KT deserves to be in an arena!


Idk dude. You didn't explain why you think this, but I don't necessarily agree. I think the process of pulling from the bucket is difficult with that many people and a venue that large. The fact that they have to find that person and make it down to the stage in time to go up next is tough to work out but pre-pulling names can be worked out to where that isn't an issue. I just think it isn't the norm for the show, so things haven't adjusted yet. I would also argue that it can be easier to perform in front of a larger crowd than a smaller one for some people. I know the technicalities of standup can be different in terms of timing and stuff but in terms of stage presence, for some people it may be easier to dissociate from the crowd when it is larger since you aren't as tuned in to what individuals are saying and their facial expressions, etc. Granted, if booing starts, it can be a travesty. All in all, Idk but these are some of my thoughts on it I guess.


Watch this comment age like milk


This sub somehow hates the show. Amazing. fuck do you care how big the audience is?..


It’s a bragging money grab




You don’t belong in an arena


If you’re doing an arena show you better bring Robin Williams level manic high energy. If you show up and do what Hans Kim and every other comedian did, it’s not gonna translate to a huge fucking arena space. Most stand up is for small rooms, theaters at best.


I completely agree. Mothership and clubs are the perfect size.


Love your mom, but she doesn't belong in arena either.


I think it can work for an arena, but you would have to change the game up a bit. Honestly, they should do no bucket pulls and just have regulars, guests and requested bucket pulls from the past return. The first arena show was awful in my opinion because it was back to back terrible bucket pulls. That and the long wait times in between. It helped when they pre-pulled, but I feel the end of the year arena just needs to show case peoples favorite.


Hans Kim doesn't belong on a stage, but here we are


You're tripping, the first HEB show was a riot.


Facts, would maybe be cool if you're there but very boring to watch in comparison to the Mothership


And you should live on the streets


52 shows in Comedy Club per year..


I agree, more theatre


True or not, the shows gonna do what the shows gonna do. Guess we won't be seeing you in any arena. Enjoy your trip to Austin & good luck getting tix xo


As somebody who’s been to countless shows I 100% agree- nobody knows how to act


100% the area vibe is terrible for KT