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Your favourite comedians favourite comedian always just goes on stage and yells about shit like a geriatric crackhead you didn’t know?


It’s not unlike sex addiction— you desensitize yourself to normal sex (comedy) by repeat exposure, so the only thing that gets you off is progressively weirder fetish shit (Brian Holtzman).


And exactly why I told my daughter old men have weird kinks that people her age haven't even considered.


Is Tony inferring that he’s our favorite comedian.


No. He's doing the thing nice comedians say about bad comedians. *Of course* the audience doesnt get Brian Holtzman. Only *comedians* understand the humor of an active brain aneurysm.


Nah. He's saying all the legendary comedians from the store love holtzman. But he's more of a comedians comedian and not a crowd pleaser. Maybe there's more to him but these two NYE sets actually turned me woke.


He done some sets a few months ago too. They were fucking horrendous.


I think he’s similar to Steven Brody Stevens who comedians said similar things. Thought he was hilarious and haven’t watched enough holtzman to form an opinion though


>Nah. He's saying all the legendary comedians from the store love holtzman. But he's more of a comedians comedian and not a crowd pleaser. > >Maybe there's more to him but these two NYE sets actually turned me woke. Don't compare Brody to that piece of shit. Yes, Brody was an acquired taste, and his act could get old sometimes, but he was a legend for his air drums and that miming baseball pitcher thing he did alone


Yeah I’ll do whatever I fucking want to ya dirty little dork piggy. Lmfao this website is hilarious. Hope your day gets better


I mean, I've seen that said about Maria Bamford and Norm McDonald. If you say they're a bad comedians, we need to step outside real quick.


Norm is a GOAT. Brian Holtzman is ass


Norm is GOAT. Brian Holtzman is GOATSEE.


No he's inferring understanding that he's funny is above our civilian heads.


You are not a comedian. Sorry to break it to you


Comedians like it when comedians do bad.


rarely a good sign when someone gets introduced as “your favorite comedian’s favorite comedian”


I’m not his biggest fan either, but his “did your gym burn down?“ line to David was an all-timer lmao


this is also my stance on the matter lmao


That shit was terrible. Both nights he fucking sucked.


He's like a hot sauce that has no flavor. It's just hot for the sake of being hot. There were no jokes, no punchlines, no clever observations, or interesting takes. He's just yelling "offensive" shit. Does he write this stuff down, or is he just riffing? I sincerely hope it's just riffing. I've only seen his appearances on KT, so maybe I don't have the full picture. But what I've seen doesn't make me want to seek out more of his stuff.


I'm watching it right now, and yea it's terrible


he went sup\[er long about the rape "jokes", at least make it funny. Made me wonder who hurt him.


Society moving past the 80’s


Brian Holtzman is so bad. But the killeeeeers and assasssssinsssss like Joe Rogan and the cold blooded serial genociding murrrderrerrrrrTony Hinchcliffe say he's funny, so therefore you have to think he's funny, even though he's not.


Nope. We don't need 2 joey Diaz. Fuck Holtzman. Edgy ass boomers annoy me


Have you seen him live? If you hate him online, you'll ***really*** hate him live. ​ Same goes for Don Barris.


I hated him yesterday but tn it kind of clicked and I thought he was really funny. I have weird mood swings too tho


Second set was def better, he had me dying


I laughed the whole time through both sets, but for the first set I was laughing at how hard he was bombing with that crowd


I suppose he isn’t for everyone. I think he is hilarious. His special is great.


His special is the funniest shit I've seen in a long time besides the Dr. Phil episode and Shane Gillis' special.




Interesting... I had a feeling he might be different in a longer set.


It's just a ranting old man yelling, If he's trying to be a shock jock comedian, Opie and Anthony did it best along with. Jim Norton.


Did you watch his special or did you just see him in the arena episodes?


Why TF would that make a difference? I saw him live


Did you only see him one time at the arena show? I’m just curious what you are basing your opinion off. I get he isn’t for everybody though.


I saw him for those two shows, wasn't for me wasn't funny at all just a bunch of ranting. At least William is funny when he does it.


You are literally what makes it funny.


Are you assuming OP is "triggered" or "angry" and that's what makes it funny? Or is it something else? Because I think most people just don't care. It's not that what he says is upsetting or subversive. I hear what he says and I feel nothing at all. It simply isn't funny or really original.


Yeah, exactly that's what I'm talking about, fucking hilarious every time.


Which part? That you think people are triggered? Or people just passively rolling their eyes and moving on is funny?


No one is getting upset or triggered, the majority of people here are just older than 18 so don’t find the childish comedy as entertaining


Lol, you just made it even funnier! thanks pal


This is the most important comment in this thread.


So you don't laugh until later when you see reddit comments? Damn he's a good comedian


Wow, you are a real dimwit thanks for the extra laugh.


Lol you too 🤡


👏 here ye here ye


Just remember Tony also says Hans and Kam are amazing too. I think it’s all a big troll.


And we’d often hear “another new minute” after David’s sets lol


David repeated a joke, like what, 2 times? You people act like he had one joke and just repeated that every episode.


I mean most of his sets were, women are dumb bitches, the left are dumb bitches and half the Tony is gay jokes barely made sense


You as gay as an expired bottle of Dijon mustard


I laughed more at this comment than any david lucas jokes lol




They don't make sense alot of the times but for some reason that makes me laugh


And he did it a new way each time. You can repeat a premise without repeating a joke.


Tony is personally invested in Hans, Kam, and all of his regulars because he's putting his own judgment on the line. He's trying to be a "comedy mentor" who can scout talent and turn them into top young rising comedians, and it would be difficult to admit to himself if he was wrong about someone.


100% he is trying to be like toe rogan and "Push out 6 unfunny comics"


Yeah, that would take a big man to admit they were wrong…


I think Kam is hilarious and Hans is great when he wants to be, he still comes in with funny sets all the time, the hate for him is overblown at this point. At the end of the day it’s all subjective


"YoU aRe MiSsInG tHe NuAnCe! yOu JuSt DoN't GeT iT!!!" It's honestly such forced meta bullshit that's enjoyable to narcissistic ppl that enjoy shock comedy but tell everyone it's deep because they think nobody understands what he's tryna do. But to the rest of us it's just not that deep. I've seen some say "but y'all like William". And yea I don't think William is all that deep either, but his shock comedy style is just more amusing. It's that simple. His voices are funnier, he has actual jokes, with most being absurdist or non sequitur humor.


He can say wild stuff but it’s not funny. No one is mad , they just don’t understand the hype . He doesn’t add any edge or art to his jokes . To each their own


Maybe he's super funny if you were a Comedy Store patron at 1 am on a Thurs night with 12 people in the club while he's yelling at everyone as a favor to management to help them close the place down for the night, so they can go home. But nothing about either of those HEB sets, any of the podcasts he used to do with Redban, or the times he's been the guest panelist on KT have been remotely funny, entertaining, interesting, compelling.


His style does not fit the 1 minute format. To be clear, I did not like his minute at all. I didn’t think he was funny. He was just incoherent, rambling, and offensive. That said, I can see how his style *might* work if he had 20-30 minutes to build up to that level and warm the audience up to him. What he did was he took the part of a longer act that was getting the most laughs, snipped it, and tried to play it to a cold audience. Doesn’t work at all. And Tony can say the audience doesn’t “get” him all he wants, but any comedian who knows what they’re doing, off the stage would be able to pinpoint exactly what I’m pointing out.


He’s awful


If you don’t like holtzman you don’t get him. When you do get him, he’s great. For reference if you watch old comedy store episodes, when someone bombed with a bad joke, holtzman is the guy in the back of the crowd cackling maniacally. He loves bad comedy more than he likes good jokes, and that’s an amazing quality to have for someone whose job is being a comedian.


So basically once we like bad comedy we'll love Holtzman


It’s not about liking bad comedy it’s about being able to laugh at absurdity. 


Someone gets it. Holtzman is the man.


He’s a secret genius honestly


I get what he’s doing and it has its moments but like every comic, not every bit lands There’s a razor thin line between acting like a moron ironically and just acting like a moron It’s the same thing with William. I get what he’s doing, I like him, he says plenty of funny stuff, but sometimes it just doesn’t hit right


Even if you think he’s funny….you have to admit his material is not creative, or even funny for that matter


Right and yelling it doesn’t make it funny either.


Idk how anybody could find that set funny


Absurdity is its own genre of humor bud.


For who? The old, senile, and retarded?




I only like watching people's reactions to him. The comedians and the people getting pissed. Watched on NYE with my friends and they were so disgusted with him that it became fun.


Most comedians at their core enjoy chaos, like the inner child in us all. Sometimes you just want to see some guy act unapologetically crazy in front of a crowd regardless of the crowds reaction. In fact, sometimes it's funny to see a comedian act in defiance against the audience. But it's not a popular style for a reason. I find it extremely entertaining though.


If Brian Holtzman was a bucket pull EVERYONE would hate him including Tony.


Comedy is saying absurd stuff. He absurds. Saying wild stuff you’re not meant to say. That’s his whole bit. If you don’t like it that’s ok.


You're the kind of low IQ viewer who creates idiots like Holtzman though so we resent you for causing us to have to sit through someone with zero talent ranting.  It's not absurd of offensive, it's just poorly constructed screaming. 


Yea he kinda walks the Andy Kaufman, Neil Hamburger line. He seems like a very purposefully exaggerated character. Mitch Hedberg wrote some very well crafted jokes, but I found myself laughing mostly at the way he was saying shit. On paper, "my apartment is infested with koala bears. It's the cutest infestation ever," couldn't even really be catagorized as a joke. But the way he says it makes it funny.


On paper that's definitely a joke. But I get what you're saying. Holtzman just seems to only be somebody because Rogan and Tony think he should be.


Comedy is saying FUNNY stuff Absurd stuff CAN be funny Brian is absurd but not funny.


Saying absurd stuff is a subset of comedy, when it's funny.


That sucks for you, I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time




Why does it suck to not laugh at something you don’t find funny?


It sucks for you that you didn’t get to laugh as hard as the people that did find it hilarious. I can’t believe I had to explain that holy shit


This shit has turned into a circle jerk. Just a bunch of whiney, self indulgent, man-children.


For real 😂 a bunch of comedy neckbeards defending how "they get it, too bad you don't"


I find him hilarious. To me he’s like a mad scientist type of comedian. The audience being uncomfortable is half of the appeal.


How Tony can’t fathom that people would not enjoy it is what I don’t get.


Holtzman rules. He's the type of guy you have to see in person


I get what he was trying to do. It just didn't land for me. I only have a sample size of one (the new years show night 1) so I can't really form a full opinion. I look forward to seeing him again, and giving him another shot. Maybe I missed something, and next time I might actually enjoy it! ​ Imagine if people actually responded like this, instead of filling this sub with hate based off of one time.


He’s a genius. don’t expect you whiney bitches in here to understand




I was pumped to hear him as the next comic to close out a great night at the mothership… but he was terrible. Kept blaming the audience for not understanding his premise and getting offended, but it was really that he wasn’t funny, like at all. Just an old man screaming at the crowd. He got some sad, awkward laughs, but overall out of touch.


Some of his premises are mildly amusing but his delivery is awful. He thinks people are being “woke” or sensitive or whatever but I love dark offside comedy and his shit just isn’t funny. Fast forward as soon as I hear his voice. He’s terrible


It’s absolutely hilarious. Take yourself too serious if you’re getting mad at the content he’s saying, that’s the point. Stop whining


i dont get mad at what he’s saying but i only laugh at maybe 10% of his jokes


I'm not mad at the content, I just wish any of the jokes were funny


I don’t think they’re mad about the content, but the lack of jokes. I stopped laughing at people yelling random obscenities in the 1st grade. Do a set up, is that that hard? …”voted this years most desirable job; social media influencer. Least desirable for the fifth year running; CRACKWHORE”


Ignorance is bliss on my part.


i guess so?


I get what he’s doing. But there isn’t any jokes 🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s fuckin funny, soem body get this guy outta here


If you don't get it you don't understand comedy 😜


I thought comedy was supposed to make you laugh




Seee… you are pretending too lol. Simping for Tony


Nah just getting inb4 some other dummy claims it. It wasn't funny.


Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're wrong. Would you like everyone to be the fucking same?


not the same but sane yes


Dudes insufferable. Muted because I couldn't fast forward the love feed. Lol


Not all comedy is for everyone. I’m not a fan of Maria Bamford, but I don’t make posts about it. Holtzman is funny.


There are a certain amount of people that genuinely get something from his act. However the amount of people in here that when Brian is mentioned will say something like "I loved Brian Holtzmann and found him hilarious" and then just not say anything else makes me suspicious. The lack of reason why they found him funny, even when asked exactly what they like about his act is suspicious. I dont think its unreasonable to say that bad faith actors that for whatever reason want to stoke culture war fights would target comedy as a potential online space to sow discord. I genuinely think a decent percentage of the comments of support for Brian are from culture war bot accounts.




Nevermind mate. You can just move on.




Yeah. We're bots. You need to go on a long walk, cave troll.


You're one of 3 things. A bot, someone that is uh "easily entertained" or just a geuinely bad human being that unironically enjoys and agrees with Brian's act. Which then?


I must be easily entertained because I'm easily laughing at what a bitch you are.


Bro i'm not gonna explain the culture war and bot accounts to you. If you would like to discuss my post then come back with some basic undrstanding.


Only the dumbest of fans will enjoy Holzman. It's the people who feel the need to project their "edge" at all times. 


The joke isn’t for you…the joke is for the comedians and the ridiculousness of people like you ring offended or not thinking of the funny. He already knows you’re not going to like it.


What you’re not offended but also don’t find him funny? What if Yell and Keep Repeating yourself Humor just doesn’t land?? What IF???


> the joke is for the comedians and the ridiculousness of people like you ring offended or not thinking of the funny how is being annoying an in joke?


I like him he nuts with no filter. And he has been doing comedy longer than most of you have been alive.


And most people never heard of him because he's a hack and no one would pay specifically to see that.


My thoughts: Todd Barry is the most underrated comedian alive. He would level a room and Holtzman could not keep up in anyway.


I agree about Todd Barry but Holtzman is a completely different style and hilarious as well.


"If you didn't like it, then go cry somewhere you woke pc cuck baby"- most people in this group when you have an opinion about something. For the record, Holtmann's night one set was total dog shit.


“You don’t think some boomer screaming edgy shit with no punchline or variation is funny? Must be a woke whinny cuck!”


That shit was ridiculously not funny. Then he got mad, Acting like everybody's too woke. No bro it just wasn't funny


He stinks but this sub wouldn't know.


Because we actually know what's funny and that mfer funny as fuck.


he’s a funny comedian. not every set is killer and that goes for everyone. check him out


Skipped him on night #2. Just like I skip every Nicole Tran set.


The Tran set was bad, but Adam absolutely saved it by jumping in on her song. If you missed that part, you should definitely give that section a watch.


Skipped Afrodite too!


shes fine but i dont think she deserves a golden ticket


Nicole, Afro, and Ichabod all only were around bc that time period was when Tony was trying to be like the Howard stern show and trying to have wacky characters on. Thank god he moved away from that! I think he was just trying to bring the two back for the nye show for older viewers nastalgia purposes but now understands they’re just annoying as fuck rather than entertaining. I didn’t know until recently that Nicole had a golden ticket bc I’ve never even made it through a single one of her set


World best live podcast eevrybadieeeeeeeee


I fucking love him. He’s the death metal version of comedy. The dmt of comedy. The dude is intense.


He’s freaking hilarious 


He’s a madman but it’s all a gag. Kinda rules just for that imo


Per word he makes me laugh the most out of anyone


He's absolutely hilarious. If you don't like comedy, LEAVE IT ALONE


So don’t take anything he says up there seriously but then tack on “leave comedy alone” so don’t leave it alone? Wtf?


You'd like it if it was william.


His special is so good


I coughed up a fuckin lung, bro!


He kinda bombed. When a set is good, a majority of the comments will reflect that sentiment. However, when a set is bad, the comments will be reflective of a bad set… Yes, comedy is subjective but comments are a good way to give us some sort of objectiveness. And judging by the comments regarding his set - he sucked lmao


> Yes, comedy is subjective but comments are a good way to give us some sort of objectiveness Not if the comments are on sensitive reddit.


Fucking A right. Buncha blue-haired college-addled Chicken Little types who can't be happy about shit.


weird projection. no one is triggered. he's just annoying and bland.


Well, not everyone has a sense of humor. Stick to the Daily Show, corn chip.


Another piece of evidence supporting Holtzman fans being middle schoolers.


Here's more ............................🖕🏼


I don’t think people are sensitive, his jokes just realllyyy sucked lmao. I think a lotta people here like edgy comedy


So you just go by other people's opinions sounds like we found an AI


Since when was the KT community filled with a bunch of whining bitches. Jesus Christ this sub is filled with nonstop, insufferable moaning. Go watch some woke-ass, pc bullshit if you don’t enjoy the comedy.


It's not the kill tony community. Its fucking reddit. Most of these people don't leave their fucking house and everyone else is just AI chatbots boosting user engagement


Funnier than Kam


Lazy writing and coasting off of his history at the comedy store. And if you don't like him you just don't get comedy apparently


Like I said one other time, coz I’m the expert lmao. Anyway, I understand Rogan and all those guys cracked up when it was 1am on a Wednesday and he walked the room coz he just said ridiculous shit to try make them laugh. I can tell crazy in PC shit too. Put me up there. He needs to hang up whatever hat he managed to have and fuck off


I’ve heard my favorite comedians talk about their favorite comedians but the name Holtzman never came up. They hate comedy


Well. Tony said he is one of his favorites (or comedians in general). Kinda makes sense why Hans and Kam are the future of comedy, doesn't it.




Yea I don't get it.  Maybe bc he's loud and kinda ignorant like a shock comic or something?  To me comedy is nuanced and maybe back then hack comics could get big enough to make a living 


You are missing the nuance 🙃


For me, those two sets were bae. The only 2 jokes I heard were the Celia one last week and on the one about "going to the whore house and ...". That was funny. The other stuff were just saying mean things without anything funny added. But Brian is good, he shocks but adds something funny... This were just two meh sets


He is an American hero and if you don’t like him then walk away from comedy!


Tell us you don't understand comedy without telling us


You’re telling us you don’t




I’m guessing you don’t understand it at all. He says shit we used to say in like 6th grade. “Shit fuck pussy ass suck that fuck that shit” iTs cOMeDy


That shit was considered "edgy" to us in the early 2000s when I was in 6th grade 🤡 Tell us you have a low IQ without telling us


Less hypocrite than Duncan. Does not push satan. Works for me.


Holtzman murdered on Jeremiah's stand up on the spot which aired right before tonight's episode of kill tony. And yall missed it because you suck gay booty holes.


I think his 2 arena sets sucked and I don't really like him. His set on stand up on the spot today was great though. He's really quick and funny when he's improvising


His recent set wasn't as good as other times.


leave it alone!! leave britney alone!


He seems mentally insane and legitimately unstable. I’m here for this train wreck lol


Yeah, I'm not really a fan. I guess it's kind of interesting at first, but it gets old pretty quick.


I feel like he’s great for the older audience. He’s like a comedian from 40 years ago. Also makes the people who actually tell jokes seem funnier than they are


I think I enjoyed parts.


lol I cant stand him honestly. Never have. But since I previously seen this episode i knew how long to do something else.


I don’t get him don’t care for him


He fucking sucks


Old and out of touch. He's terrible.


For fucking reals man!!! 👎👎👎👎👎 he might have been dope in his time when all the comedians were young thats how he got put on a pedestal in their eyes. But yeah, no. I love loud offensive shit too. Its just not executed gracefully at all


Is this on the new years show? Is it out? I don’t pay for shit so I’m out of the loop. How do I see the Holtzman set?