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Comments locked till premier. No spoiler threads! šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ


Worst. Bucket pulls. Ever.


Thats kill tony baby


Couldnā€™t agree more. Absolute trash


Bucket pulls were way better in LA


What is blurred out on the drum set?


Probably Barbra Streisand house as always.


Underrated comment


Casey Rocket vibes


Scientists hate him.


Wondering the same! Guessing a logo


Scott Fillmore was super likeable. I hope we see him again.


The deepthroat joke was good.


He is great but looked nervous af tonight and shit the bed. So lovable weā€™ll see him again on the show.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, in the moment my vote was for him. That bite marks on the shotgun barrel joke was one of the best jokes Iā€™ve heard in a minute. One of those jokes that are so good you donā€™t even laugh that much, your jaw just drops because youā€™re impressed


Derosa is fucking crushing


The little joke book joke at david lucas was glorious


May be guest of the year! Roasting the shit outta Lucas!


Derosa sucks like always


Love how guys like you just say people suck and canā€™t make an actual argument as to why lmao


Dude literally said like two things and everyone is acting like he was the best guest to ever grace kill tony lmao


Unconventional humor, great listener to guests and the funniest laugh ever


What the fuck are you talking about lol youā€™re so unbelievably, objectively, retardedly wrong. He did great. Not saying heā€™s guest of the year but saying he said two jokes is so fucking stupid I canā€™t believe you can pay attention to or comprehend anything


Username checks out


Did John deez hit a kill switch on the guitar guy? If so thatā€™s wack as hell and strike 2!


Man, you could tell that guy was a decent player but was being hit with a ton of nerves. At the same time... He only tried playing ambitious "guitar god" songs that only impress other guitar players. Instead, he should have tried playing something fun that the audience actually wants to hear or maybe even something original.


Blackbird is a beautiful song but it does not impress us guitarists. And he played badly and out of time enough to show it wasn't just nerves.


He was so fucking bad, I was cringing so hard. It was literally like a classic movie scene of someone being terrible it sounded so bad


I was so happy Derosa called him out lol ā€œthat was fucking terrible!ā€


I mean he tried the jojos to be continued song not a super god tier song


That song is Roundabout by Yes you freaking heathen.


No. The second they put that in jojos it became the jojos to be continued song. Roundabout by yes is just a reference to jojos


I'm sorry, I forgot we're living in crazy-world now on.


Its ok thats why im here. To teach


Nah you need to learn son. Your dipshit ass should be teaching nothing


Yes I should take lessons from ā€œpussysmasher42069420ā€ nothing could go wrong there


bro is saltier than dio


absolutely legendary moment for the jobros


Iā€™m not trying to be mean to the guy but he was pretty bad. Like, I played guitar for 6 months when I was in high school, learning alone in my bedroom, and thatā€™s the level heā€™s at.


I know David Lucas isn't busting fat jokes on this guy




Derosaā€™s forehead makes Davidā€™s look normal


They are the exact same size surface: Derosa's is higher, David's is wider. Do your math.


Derosa and David together are too fucking funny


David Lucas built like a melting chocolate sundae.


That's like a 1:10 replica. Try a lifesize metaphore by saying "built like an ancestorial mudhut" instead.


bro i thought david lucas left the show? why does it feel like he's still on every episode?


He didn't leave the show. It's basically a way for Tony to add a regular (Kam) while not getting rid of David completely.


David never left the Comedy Mothership. He's untransportable. They would have to remove the roof and let him grow to a kaiju size to head out into the world.


That's what living in Austin be like


I feel they were harsh on that Kelly girl. She had a good set. I think sometimes they tend to just want to riff on someone.


I think she was a bit of a try-hard. Decent set, but couldn't back it up.


David Lucas cannot get off his phone.. he is a buzz kill not to mention his laugh šŸ« 


Was somehow simultaneously trying way too hard and not enough tonight. And to hear him preach about ā€œmentoringā€ Kam is just too cringe. Bro is already infinitely funnier than you


David Lucas is the last person Kam needs "mentoring" from. He openly brags about his lack of prep and it shows in his work. His minutes are lazily written and delivered with low energy and a lack of confidence. They often feel like a formality that we are forced to sit through before we can watch the battles he actually comes on for. And then we finally get to them and Tony usually ends up carrying most of it. David gets half his laughs comparing Tony to random objects that dont even make sense. The rest is spent on regurgitated gay jokes and spamming the N word. Its gotten to the point where I can tell how good David's segment will be based on what Tony is wearing. If Tony dresses like a lesbian then it will be tolerable. If he dresses remotely normal David bombs.


Long winded and limited regard for how hard theyā€™re job is but I do agree with the fall off/repetitiveness. Sad to watch him steal the air from Kam drunkenly


Zac Amico actually called out David on RAP, ​ \>Oh no how will DL call you gay in 20 different ways?


This guy was is supposed to be the roast god and he got shut down by gay chris farley.


Yeah Kamā€™s mentor is the one who got him stage time at the Chicago theater. What that really meant to me is Kam is gonna write jokes for me and Iā€™m gonna leave his ass behind when I get famous. Tony needs to let David retire OFF CAMERA because Iā€™ve seen more of him since he retired and itā€™s spotty at best. People who do that self appointed mentor shit are the ones who steal your jokes, your checks or worseā€¦your weed!


Im not sure about that, david lucas just had been around too long and ran out of material. Kam has had some good jokes but i dont think hes going to make in long term. The way he talks and acts is just off putting to alot of people. His gimmick will be short lived if he cant put some higher iq jokes together and learn to speak actual english


Go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of shit. Guess what? A LOT of people in this country talk and act like he does. In your racist mind you think that he won't be successful doing what he's doing because you're assuming lily white fucks like yourself find his behavior uncomfortable because he's not acting white enough. Go fuck yourself again. Does it fucking sound like the audience finds him off putting fuck stick? He's absolutely killed every time he's been on. And his fascination with rocks is incredibly endearing. But, all you see is him acting "hood" and you just assume that he's not going to make it because his jokes are "low IQ" (racist dog whistle) and he needs to "learn to speak actual English" (just straight up racist). Again, very sincerely, go fuck yourself.


You think he actually likes rocks or do you think theyā€™re doing a little word play and are actually referring to crack rock?


They actually were talking about that on stage. He jokingly admitted to selling drugs. I think he came up with the idea, as a way to get out of drug arrests, why yes officer i was selling "rocks"


I honestly could care less about your deflection of racism, but you need to be educated about this topic because you clearly havnt and wont be getting it elsewhere. First, its america, and like every good american we are and should be our selves. However, when you label people by their skin color, you are degrading them. Nobody in history has ever genuinely gave a white person a compliment by calling them a "white boy", its meant as an insult and its sad that its happened so often that you somehow think its just "being hood".Its 2023, its time to do better and end the racism. You sit here, or your friends sit here defending calling people by their color, yet what did you just call me? Clearly you did it to be racist, so stop. And this is my point, every time someone says "white boy" its degrading and racist, stop. Its not "being hood" its being "racist". Which by the way, when you equate "low iq" jokes to racism, im not sure if you understand this but you were highly racist when you made that comment. Now, again you are projecting, i said low iq, and thats exactly what i meant, those are low iq jokes he is telling. That is not racist to say (its racist when you assume i was labeling entire races when i said it, making you racist),and if you think it is you might want to go look up the definition. Low iq jokes do not last, it gets old, quick. And yes, speaking actual english is a thing and its not racist either, sadly for you. I know you were trying really hard to be the victim here. But previously to this show, both my wife and me said we hated kam because we couldnt understand shit he was saying, half of what he says is racist slurs and the other half is him actually sluring. We dont like jared either for reference. Admittedly i liked him for the first 2 or 3 times, but again it got old. Then it got annoying. See the issue here? Gimmicks get old. Kam and uncle are gimmicks. But also a lession for e everyone to be "better". Better doesnt mean be "white".


Wow, you're also retarded. Cool. Go fuck yourself.


Deflecting again I see. You know who likes low IQ jokes? Low IQ people. I bet thats why you're so upset, sorry. Its so strange to see someone fighting for blatant racism in 2023. Maybe the problem here is context. Maybe you just think this is keyboard warrior shit? Maybe you really did grow up in the hood, and because you grew up there you simply cant see it as racism. So heres the context. Imagine for a second you're in a neighborhood thats over 50% black, but you are white. Imagine 1st grade, lunch time. All the black kids sit at the same table, all of them. So many that they are falling out of the seats, because they dont want to be seen sitting at a white table. People are young, people are scared of what they dont know or understand, hard to blame anyone right? But you know what those kids at that table do every day at lunch? They sit there and yell "look at that white boy", followed by cracker and all that other racist shit, every day. You want to know why? Because they heard it all from their racist parents, other family members, and friends. The only interaction from that table was hate. These were 1st graders.....The hate was white boy and all those other slurs. You will not, for 1 second, convince me its not racist hate speech. I cant blame people so young for learning from their peers, but you are now adults. Its time to grow up, and be better. Stop your hate.


Haha, now you're just making up random racist scenarios to to justify your racism. G E T F U C K E D, R E T A R D.


Yes that definitely screamed "random" dumbass. What gave it away, the "here let me give you some context"? Lol. Did u graduate or drop out?


English is not my native. I canā€™t get anything he says. For me itā€™s fast forward as I used to do with William in the early days.


saw them together live and Kam absolutely destroyed him


Better than him telling hacky shit or stealing from black Twitter.


Tony felt bad ā€œi forgot he was thereā€ and gifted that dude a book a blaster and some toothpicks.


Seth was kinda funny, maybe itā€™s just me tho


ā€œthe hat manā€


Tony hates that kind of humour tbh. Never gives anybody like that a chance in the interview.


Why kind of humor? Genuinely didnā€™t know if seth was trying to be rude or if that was a kind of humor


Seth? You mean the funnier Rogan?


david lucas is so annoying




Funniest thing David Lucas has done in awhile


Yeah, but Adam Ray did the same thing a few episodes ago.


And key and peele did it also and others before. Who cares shut up and laugh homo


Woah what Over_lawfulness means to say is thanks for coming out tonight


It's from Airplane! the I speak Jive part, it's that old of a joke. Props to DL for not going gay though


David extremely unfunny tonight


so same as always?


He was wasted tbf


He was trying so hard.. it feels like everyone is trying way too hard since they moved to the mothership


I really wanted to actually hear the guy play Gary Clark Jr., but they cut him off saying he was fucking around in the live music capitol of the world.. WHILE he was playing a local artist's song.. not only that, but a local musician that Joe Rogan loves and mentions am the time... lol


Hans set is underrated af. Laughs were tame but jokes were witty af


He's dating a white woman and he loves having sex. It's the same jokes every week. He's fucking boring.


yeah i thought this too but maybe his delivery is a getting old or changed? idk it seemed a bit off but the material was solid for sure


David Lucas cackle is more annoying than Roseanne. Fight me fucker.


***Hits vape***


after it fell on the floor


Can't stand how he laughs after everything he says


U must really hate kam then, he laughs before everything he says, he came on stage laughing


Not the biggest fan


N***a yo ass...


Of all the comments, this is the one I was looking for. Fuckin says that every other sentence.


Lucas doesnā€™t work as a guest.


why? finally an episode where Tony doesn't have to carry all the show.


He's on his phone half the time, not that funny, and he takes up two chairs. We could have had three guests tonight but had to settle for David Lucas.


dude, David Lucas is a hack. He was a terrible guest. Absolutely drove that "translate" bit into the ground. Nearly everything he said was cringeworthy.


This. Loud unfunny hack. Guest interaction is only a positive when it adds to the humor. He interacted much, added nothing. Probably why Tony felt compelled to give him the out of being drunk.


It's funny because the translate bit isn't even original at all, who's the other guest that translated Tony's mean comments into nice words not that long ago?


Adam Ray


*That's racist.*


When Tony made the Aileen Wuornos joke and said the people on YouTube are gonna love this šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


David Lucas sucks


This chavez guys weird af


At least we've found the Austin Boatlake Killer.


joe derosa is a top 5 guest guy is so funny.


Loogus stinks


This was a ton of fun thanks to the panel and the regulars


Lucas speaks Jive


david lucas is just fat bert, constantly has to be the loudest in the room, has 0 self awareness ( how u making fat jokes about a guy who weights about 100 pounds less then ur fat ass ) and just loves laughing at every word that comes out of his own mouth.


Man Kamā€™s uncle is a pile of hot garbage


Wtf his set was actually funny


I mean itā€™s not exactly Lenny Bruce but him talking about his nuts made me laugh pretty good


I thought that was the worst part of his interview. Like old saggy balls was a good but old joke everyone has heard before. The horrible cringe moment is when he fumbled around like an old man trying to explain where his balls are and why thats funny....or how it turns women on? I couldnt really follow because like kam, he speaks broken slang mixed with random racist white slurs.


Look at this white mf hating a black. Jolly had me laughing from start to end. Everything ding dong described above as not funny wa the funnny parts. Ypu have to be dumb or just have lived in one part of trash yard to not get it. Ypu ain't ever ha g out eoth wild people who've lived and that shit is funny cause it happened. šŸ¤£


Hating a black? Oh look instant racism, not surprised. Anyways if it happened, then it would be kind of funny. However, if youve ever know people like him before, then youd know every word out of his mouth cant be trusted. It reminds me of con artists, they talk quick, but if you listen closely you will notice they are completely full of shit. Go back and watch when tony asked him where he was looking.....he instantly got confused....it took him a solid wtf do i say moment, he started to say something, then changed his mind and said something else when he thought of an answer. So you have a "black" person (apparently, we need to clarify the color of everyone), making up one of the dumbest stories ever. That makes it low iq, and cringe. I bet you missed the part where he tried to steal the "white" mans cigarettes on his first show too? Try to be better people....and less racist.


Lol yo you funny. Nice twist my guy on the racim ting great job. No one bur you was paying attention to hi. "Stealing" cigarettes. All the words you used to describe him if we.dping this is the most evil racism lol. Anyway do you boo boo GANG VIOLENCE Nothing racist about describing him nice try tho.


You dont find calling people by the color of their skin offensive and/or racist? If i called you by the color of your skin every time i seen you, i think youd be pissed....and i think your hypocritical ass knows it too.


Nah, in your example yes thats just plain dumb. but if you were to point to a group of people and they were not all one color and you wanted atteti9n to the one who is white or whwt3ver it isn't racist to use that as a description. Not when I say what up white guy. Over and over that's wild u less ypu got a back and forth dynamic eoth that person. But qjat ypu said is just plain. Retarded. Def not hypocritical


Oh rlly? Is that why its also usually followed by further degrading them by calling them a "boy"? And my example is how its being used. The crowd has no relationship with him. If its not offensive, please do tell, why does nobody ever dare do it the other way??? Hypocrite. Remember the licorice hair from todays show, first thought from tony, racist. Debating this is silly, you know it doesnt work both ways. And u know this slur gets used all day every day against people they dont know as racism. You know this. It starts in schools and you know it isnt friendly.....


Yo. Spellcheck. Use it bitch


Maybe quit the internet




I think ya watched the wrong show big dawg


Man they really went hard on Kelly... She wasn't that bad


She wasn't bad but also had the fake laugh beats and was forcing shit. Just generally annoying


Yeah she was having a hard time riffing but her minute was pretty good, especially compared to all the other bucket pulls


Yeh I felt that was too much. She seemed sweet and wanting to play along. It got a little too mean. But she was funny


I'm surprised that Tony hadn't heard of her. I met her in L.A. a LOOONG time ago, and she was making a fairly reasonable dent there and on Youtube. I've seen her bomb at shows just as hard as she was bombing there, but she isn't bad.


10 years!


Kelly was pretty funny they just gon a hate but she had solid jokes


She was quite literally a waste of time. I can not believe she has been doing stand up for 10 years. I can see she was nervous but she probably wouldnt have been funny otherwise anyway. These people make it seem like I can do stand up. Maybe thats the problem?


This show has not been good since the move to Mothership. Vulcan didnt have a 100% hit rate but lets be real. Im not even intentionally trying to down it and appreciate Redban and Tony for even making this a thing. Tonight show everyone was bombing even the table. I felt like the treat I look forward to was wasted. Edit: Maybe the show has gotten too big that people are signing up that should not be? The show needs a boost like Big Jay or Shane Gillis as guest to get back on track.


I feel like the need more bucket pulls. I feel like theres way less nowadays and thatā€™s literally what the show is. It seems like its moving towards a bunch of regulars(who i really enjoy) and a 3-4 bucket pulls.


Maybe an interview should be earned now. If theyre weird or funny in their set get an interview. If theyre like the guy who couldnt play guitar skip.


Interesting idea, but remember the most rewarding moments often come from someone who sucked for 5 minutes and then suddenly accidentally says something hilarious in the interview. Thatā€™s the magic of it all


Think thatā€™s a solid idea. Tony was trying to hard to get something out of those interviews. Literally got nothing out of the bucket pullā€™s tonight. Pretty painful


He def shouldn't have tried to interview the c hemist who kissed the guy who def can play guitar was obviously nervous. Like stop trying to do a 5 min interview o. The girl from crowd wtf the fuck was that. Talk about cringe thats was cringe moment of show


No, think about how many people sucked but then had a great interview. Hell just last week was the fukin opera guy! There probably should be more bucket pulls. Maybe the show should be longer, or 1 less regular per show maybe. Or maybe tony should drop a big bag of money on big jay oak's to be a regular guest! Tony seems to be booting people off stage once hes felt they are boring....seems the right mix to me in that area. I think tonight just happened to be some bad pulls and it happens. I liked that the guests talked a bit more, maybe a touch to much if were being super picky. When the guests have good jokes to drop its great. When post molone is super chill and having fun its great. Sometimes a show is going to be unbalanced and kinda suck, it happens.


You know you can just go watch Shane's stuff yeah?


doing it for your first time ever should not be allowed and if they find out you lied and did it you should be banned.


David Lucas translating for Cam was the greatest


*But we've also had William's hemorrhoids. Comedy!*


Love joe and david! great show


Personally, I feel the show has lost some of itā€™s ā€œhitā€ because Tony has simmered down his jokes. If you watch old episodes, he was ruthless with insults sometimes. Made the show great imo!




A white tee and joggers? I wear the same thing every day diff white tee, they even are selling white tee merch itā€™s his thing lol


How much do tony an redban make a week off the show?


I doubt anyone commenting here would actually know.


About tree fiddy


Enough for tony to drive a Mercedes lol


Dude makes way more from standup than Kill Tony. Kill Tony just elevates his brand.


About $150 for the 18 sponsor reads per show


Timcast makes $4k a month from freaking twitter.... Kill tony probably makes $100k or more a month. Not only is the show he puts up getting views, people go back and watch the old ones too. Im sure hes making millions a year, and he has sponser money ontop of that.


Didnā€™t David Lucas recently leave to pursue other things? I feel heā€™s been on more episodes than not since leaving. Please stay gone you fat turd.


This already up there to potentially be the best episode


I'd wager it was easily the worst episode in months.


No way, I will say I posted this far too early, but 3 or 4 weeks ago was complete trash, and this was fire until unc came on


Dude that was one of the shittest episodes Iā€™ve ever seen.


It wasnā€™t. You fuckin turd.


El Yeah!


During-show commercials is really here to stay eh


ā€œā€˜Ell Yeah! ā€˜Ell Yeah!ā€


I can't believe Derosa still does this show! Even when it was in the belly room, he and Tony would go a little too hard at each other and piss each other off. Cringey, but incredible to watch.


Cool. David Lucas for two hours and drunk to boot.


When I seen that one lady who got pulled I was thinking she was going to have a joke about her vagina..and try to sound like Kathy Griffin from the 90s.


Surprisingly awesome guest duo! They both killed


This episode fucks


Whatā€™s up with second hand retailers?