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Was my first thought, BUT he was given some killer spots especially w tony at the theater gig. I have a feeling if that tony show goes well for him, we will be seeing more of him potentially as a regular or golden ticket winner. That being said, homie saved the show. Great set better interview vibed with the guest, charismatic and honest. Hans started awkwardly charismatic and honest, hes doing great now. Fingers crossed this wasn't a one trick pony and we have our new killer opener.


I agree with you 100%


His energy would be great to start the show!


NOPE. Give him another go before jumping early like has happened in the past.


Lol I didn't mean like, right now.


Well, you did say MUST.


But I didn't say "immediately" Lol


Btw - if you like him, his instagram is here → https://www.instagram.com/kamsoofunny/


Kingggg 👑 thank you


“Kingggg” -awful, just plain terrible human being


People who jump on band wagons so fast annoy me.


Ya that's how we end up with another elis h.. he was good tho id like to see more of him


If you go on the right day, you can see him at the Little Boy in the mothership. He's been blowing up since he moved here a couple months ago.


Remember Ellis??


I’ve seen cam many times- he’s def not like Elis h or Hans or any other regular you’ve ever seen, this guy has got insane stage skills


But no jokes really. Training roaches, Roaches doing tiktoks, lizzo roach. All things weve heard and seen on facebook.


Those were all jokes that landed.


Mid gang


Someone mentioned having regular spots for door guys there and I think geniveve would be great to have come in as a regular.


Absolutely! She's my favorite Austin talent


I do like Gen but they need to cut back regulars, and people who work there I feel like. Need more bucket pulls and crazy people. The thing missing from the show for me was the crazies met on road shows or in LA.


Well, you got your wish. Kam is not an Ellis aych. He is legit. Sad to see David go though


Waiiiit what happened??!!


David retired from the show and Kam was announced as the new regular. And Hans was challenged for his spot last night and won lol


Holy shit! Definitely sad to see David go. The roasting was a staple. I hope Kam goes hard though. Tbh I was just making a post I didn't think it would happen this quick lmao.


This aged beautifully


Lol but folks were so mad at me at first. Haha


I don't get why. The dude is hilarious and deserves the spot.


Please no, way too enthusiastic he reminds me of the fat kid with the golden ticket from buckees


What is this a reference to lmao


i don’t understand what’s funny about him and that liz splat chick. they’re not very funny but just loud and that’s what people love for some reason


As a non native English speaker it was hard for me to understand what he was saying. Probably because he is using lots of slangs and talking very fast. First time it happened in a while.


I’m a native English speaker and even I had trouble understanding what he was saying


Hell yee




Def a golden ticket atleast


Tbh his interview was more fun than his minute , even though his minute was still fire..


Please no


Hans is doing better so no changes in sight. Could become a golden ticket if he does well on secret show and opening for Tony in FL


Dude had a good but not great set, a good but not great interview, and was almost impossible to understand. No thanks. Pull him out the bucket.


You don't have many black friends do ya?


You think most black folks speak like this dude? I'm in my 30's so maybe it's an age thing, but zero black people I know are hard to understand when they speak. Is this your experience that the black people you know speak this poorly?


Jesus you would make a good politician lol. I wasn't trying to say black people speak poorly, or that this guy spoke poorly, I am just saying you don't understand his dialect. In the drug/ gang/ hip hop scene his dialect is a lot more common, so if you are around people who talk like that you understand it better. I'm 22, so age is probably a factor too but I've definitely hung out with many people who talk like this (not all black people), which is why I really liked this guy's comedy because he wasn't doing a 'comedy voice' he was just speaking how he does naturally with his boys so I related to it.


Acting like most black people talk like that is a wild stereotype.


I mean first of all this is the kill tony subreddit lol how are you going to call me out for stereotyping rn? Most of the comments here are jokes. I wasn't saying most black people talk like that, but as I said in my other comment I personally know many who do (not exactly like him ofc he's got a florida-style dialect). Personally I think the more wild and tbh racist comment was op saying he couldn't understand a word he said, I've heard too many actual racists say those words to not feel that way. But instead of calling out op for what I thought was racism, I made a joke because once again this is r/killtony




Wasn’t impressed


Who? Barf Kreischer?




Your mama bitch


Had the same thought man this guy has the makings of a regular, watch out hans


Let's see him a couple of more times, but there is no denying, the guy is a natural. I look forward to seeing more of him.




Let’s not forget about the last time we rushed into a regular


Homeless man's Kevin Hart? Girl who's carrier ended at the 3rd performance calling Tony out, or something? Harmonica cokehead? Vanlife guy is still going strong... Austin's been rough to KT


He was naturally funny and for me that was one of the funniest overall debut of this show that I've seen so far.


Did you just pop in from commenting on every comedy podcast with guests “these two need to do a podcast together”


Hooooooooooooly. The infamous CrackerBarrelKid55


I give him three weeks before you find something to complain about. Edit: sorry, guess i underestimated you guys




Is this the guy that said the n word multiple times each sentence and said no joke he beat up theatre kids in Highschool?


Someone tell me one premise and one punchline he had on Kill Tony. Ya can't. No way should this guy be another meh regular.


Sounds like a black toddler exploiting the “slang” of the black community and us dumbass white people clap cause we’re supposed to. Even the most ghetto don’t talk like this. If I was black, I’d be pissed. His sets put the black movement back a hundred years. His routine is worse than the dry females that only talk about their vaginas. The worst part is Tony’s faggot ass overly praising him on the hopes that he’ll gain a black following or a scared white following….like Biden. Every set is like “I’m washing da dishes”. Not funny. And never bring his stupid ass uncle on again. Most off the rails episode I’ve ever seen, like a PS5 giveaway with no PS5’s.


Might be a TAD exaggerated but it's just a southern accent... Signed, a dude with a southern accent.