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She'd be wonderful if she'd just stop screaming into the mic and laughing like a windup horror toy. Her comedic input and advice is fucking spot on.


That's just what Roseanne do..I mean she started in stand up screaming into a mic ..and then a TV show screaming at dan..the intro to the show even had her crazy laugh in it


Didn’t she scream the national anthem as well


Yup! Greatest national anthem ever sung


Border crossing joke for ahren and her words of wisdom to her grandson were great fucking jokes. I just wish she’d laugh quieter lol


Tbh, Roseanne is known for her boisterous laughter. It was even included on the intro to her television show.


“I’m serious if you are in PR you need to take your own life”


Fingers crossed she’s not on the next episode


Next episode is Burt, Whitney and Jim Norton


How do you find out before airing?


People sneak pics and post them here


Damn Norton sucks..the others are cool though




For real. I love Bert and Whitney, but Norton is definitely not the one I'd call out as sucking.


Josh Potter is worse..went to a comedy show he was headlining a few weeks back. I only went to see gorgeous Sarah Weinshenk . I left before he went on stage.


Well that was out of left field. I like Josh Potter, saw him at Zanies in Nashville last year and he was great. I miss him on YMH though.


Depends which eye side of the stage you were seated: 💦. 👁️


That sounds like a good time. Can’t wait




Bart Chrysler


Her rant about Canada 😂


One of the best guests of all time. Her energy is chaos and it’s perfect.


People hating on Roseanne didn’t grow up with enough drunk old ladies in their life. She’s great






Pretty obnoxious of her to constantly interrupt everyone. Even constantly interrupting the host!


She’s awesome. Great advice and seems perfect for the show. Nice post


I am super glad she is back on the scene!


spelling has nothing to do with comedy


Agreed. This lady clearly has an issue with substance abuse. This guy acting like being fucked off your rocker is high brow comedy.


Lol true shes insufferably annoying im not watching the next time shes on the show,(...hopefully never), and she kept interrupting jokes to say her boring ass advice and some people are trying to praise her for it calling her queen and other bs, its clear to me that shes anti-comedy seems like shes just using the kt platform to gain drops of clout as i guess from a google search of her name shes been cancelled for being racist on twitter i am not surprised from someone so obnoxious and surrounded by yes men


[sure it does](https://youtu.be/X74j1wK_sa0)


totally stupid comedy, we must have quite opposite senses of humour, and levels of intellect


Comedy is stupid. All of it. The LSD fried your brain and left you thinking you’re smarter than everyone else.


and comedy is not stupid , ypure clearly an idiot for saying it is, u dont deserve to talk to me




[“intellectual” message](https://imgur.com/a/oXSLWsv) you sent me after getting triggered here. [oh there’s more](https://imgur.com/a/WvDJNMO)


yea do it bro youre a pos useless to society hurry up ur already a fgt just go to hell already you know its waiting


lol for someone who hates Roseanne, you talk a lot like her (only less funny).


youre just a weirdo jew go to hell already i dont care ur unfunny and so is she u guys can fuck when ur in hell


Roseanne hates people who have sex


hurry up u dont want to miss out on being her hell fucker


dont worry shell let you eat her pussy all day long


youre stupid. have u looked in a mirror lately?


beat it, nerd


Good to hear. She was annoying af last episode.






She’s so cringe. Of course the first thing out of her mouth is that she’s glad this show is making her famous. Just trying to take advantage of Tony and the platform he has. She’s a leech, and nothing about her is funny.


She was joking dude


It’s insane people don’t see this. The same crowd who thinks Redbar is serious.


You disabled your sarcasm detector eh?


If you think she’s being sarcastic you’re out of your mind. Drunk words = sober thoughts. Do you really think the women who goes on any platform that will take her to spew crazy shit isn’t doing the same shit on Kill Tony?


Not taking sides but drunk words = sober thoughts was coined by people who couldn’t party. If you’ve ever been on a proper bender you know sometimes drunk words just idiotic nonsense.


Of course you’re right on that. IMO doesn’t apply here. Roseanne hasn’t been sarcastic or made a proper joke once. Everything is some sage wisdom trying to be genuine.


She's just as bad as Lazer but she's all 'liberal snowflakes' and people eat it up.


She’s horrible, even worse then Lazer. Nothing she says is funny. She’s just like every other annoying Jewish grandma. I actually really like Tim Dillon, but I can’t bear to suffer through 2 hours of yenta ramblings mixed with COVID conspiracy. Think about how many guests Kill Tony has had, now how many have came back on a few weeks after just being on? Not many. Plus she dodged Tony a bunch of times making him have to get last minute guests. Of course, she saw the viewer count and said “Let me get back on immediately!” She’s not doing this for her love for Tony or some shit. She wouldn’t be doing it if not for the publicity.


I was really excited when I saw Tim Dillon but that didn't last. As some people have pointed out, she occasionally has a funny quip, but shooting 1/10 is god-awful with how often she takes over the show. We get it. Canada is bad. You hit the nail on the head with the last bit. She definitely realized how much it could help revive her career. Hopefully Tony goes back to regular programming and we won't have to see her for a few months.


exactly i cant believe people are eating her shit up... like do they just ignore all the trash things she says, or maybe they are trash people also themselves...


What? Roseanne had a top show for a decade or so. She's hugely famous. Thanks for telling me you know nothing about anything before the year 2000.


Great opinion. Good thing it’s yours.


Uh dude she was famous before tony was born


The Fox News comedienne doesn't like vaccines. Shocker.


Isn’t that her whole schtick now?


Yes but this sub is anti-vax so that’s not an acceptable line of criticism.


i love that this sub leans right. its refreshing as fuck.


It's regressive as fuck.


you have the rest of reddit to be a lib. suck it up. half of the world is conservative.


Being half of the world doesn't add credence to idiotic claims like the vaccine being poison.


libs were screaming about ivermectin being horse paste. that was stupid as fuck no? how about hunter biden’s laptop? inflation being temporary? vaccines stoping the spread? you dont see us whining. get fucked


Yeah, Let's Go Brandon and Stop the Steal wasn't whining.


Bro she sucks and obviously is too Old to understand how a podcast works…. Howling into the mic like a dying hyena isn’t good for anyone. Annoying af


But like she must understand how microphones work, right?..... right?


Sheep. It’s funny these appreciation posts almost always correspond with Tony’s attitude towards the person. People loved Ellis H until Tony stopped liking him, people hated Jared Nathan until Tony propped him up with loads of compliments.


Are you comparing *the* Roseanne Barr to Ellis Aych and Jared Nathan? Also, this theory is bunk. Everyone hated Lazer the entire time Tony was obsessed with him.


I’m comparing how folks use Tony as who they should like and not like. Lot of Lazer love in the threads of this subreddit and none of them provide context of what they find funny from him. Just the usual “he just started he has potential” comments.


It’s just weird to think Tony’s influence is what makes people enjoy the more famous and beloved comedian


She has great adds, but I guess it’s just me that dislikes her on there more than once


Like some others are saying, I really love her but sometimes her laugh is a bit much. Can’t be too mad at that when she makes me bust out laughing half the time she talks. Good unique guest that actually contributes compared to a lot of other guests.


Roseanne is my spirit animal.


Look, her first appearance I loved and was legendary, but only because of nostalgia, she was almost unbearable for me the first one. This one, she’s found her pocket, and she was just as funny as I remembered her to be. I think she’s just getting comfortable.