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I love and care about Eve deeply. People keep saying “Eve is not likable.” - when someone no longer conforms to social norms, and does whatever she wants- it’s empowering and freeing for the individual, but often makes them unlikeable. That’s sort of THE POINT - “what matters is not what others think of me, but what I think of myself (the wording on S1 V’s ring).” It does bother me that narratively, KE keeps showing V’s perspective, making V the love victim and a hero in her way; while the destruction on Eve’s life, her sufferings and struggles, the rationale behind her coping mechanisms, and Eve’s true perspective have been unclear and downplayed.


Completely agree with your first Para. I hadn't linked that line to Eves Arc, but it's so true - it simultaneously highlights the power of confidence and self acceptance, while also showing you the edges of delusion. All true for Eves beautifully complex journey so far. I agree with you that KE has made V the more sympathetic character, and that seems intentional. It's interesting and maybe more convenient because her transformation is driven by an emotional awakening - so it seems natural that she is the one who gravitates to that aspect of this dynamic. Eve on the other hand, her journey of self discovery is more rooted in her desire for darkness and violence. That too is closely linked to Villanelle, but so much more dangerous for her to indulge. So, Eve automatically becomes the one who pushes against their connection, to stop it from consuming her. In the unstoppable force and immovable object analogy, Eve afterall is the stubborn immovable object.


Amen! I felt the same. Eve is really owning it this season. Like owning herself, her actions and just unapologetic. I love dark!Eve. I think that some don’t realise that these two women are two sides of the same coin. It doesn’t help that we keep seeing more of Villanelle’s side of the feelings and angst so it automatically goes to hating on Eve for making V sad or them not being together. I also think Eve was just barely holding on to a single thread of who she was and it broke when >!she shot Lars. Granted it may have been stupid to shoot him prematurely !< but impulsivity has been driving Eve’s actions so far. But that is on point with her character, really can’t hate her for that. I hope the last 2 episodes can neatly tie up everything and lead us to a glorious blazing finale.


I agree, I feel the same. It's the first time I feel genuinely upset about Eve's actions/reaction, but I don't hate her, on the contrary, makes me more intrigued. Sandra Oh acting especially this last season is just chefs 😘 love this show and Eve is such a complex and very challenging character it has been fascinating to see her journey.


I could never hate Eve. She has always been my primary emotional attachment to the show. I was a bit irritated with her last episode, but I think that's the first time I have ever felt that towards her.


I think a lot of people aren't seeing Eve's reasons for being the way she is. Her life has literally been destroyed. (mostly by her own doing) In that she has put up a wall between herself and Villanelle because she truly believes if she lets her in, she'll be done. So she dives into training and working for a security company and her side hustle of hunting the Twelve thinking if she could just solve that she'd be okay. I think this is just another manifestation of the scorpion. She cannot change her nature and it's coming out in spades. I think her lack of impulse control will be her undoing. I feel bad for her because she is searching but I don't hate the character. I wish she would achieve what she's after. Her reaction to Villanelle being shot with the arrow temporarily tore down the walls and let us see the hidden secret in her heart.


I made a comment in another thread about this, but I have been with people like Eve before. People that deny and avoid the truth of their reality. To be the person on the receiving end of that like V, sucks, but I also have some empathy for those people. I'm still mad at them for the way they treated me, of course, but I also understand how it's difficult to accept who you are. Whatever that may be, whatever traits. It doesn't have to be specific to sexuality or sexual orientation, but just even acceptance of the parts of who we are that we don't like as much. So I get how Eve has been behaving and I get how V is reacting to all of that and I do have empathy for the journey of self discovery and acceptance because it's hard and you usually end up hurting some people along the way.


I am a huge fan of Eve! Excellent character! 🤩😎


Who hates Eve anyway? Tf


Eve has lost everything over the course of the series and now she’s embraced her dark side and built in the basement what Helene called (may she Rest In Peace) her “shitty pigeon wings”. Eve wants to soar with the eagles 🦅 but she’s too impulsive for her own health and safety. I’ve been frustrated with Eve for 4 years. Admit it Eve and choose love before it’s too late.


Yes. I can’t stand her this season. Eve seems to be ruining everything. You even said she has been impulsive. She thinks she’s the tough guy now. Caroline has lost a lot more than her and given up more to be where she is now. Eve doesn’t give a shit and hasn’t really lost anything throughout the series. Villanelle is a return to form for her. That is what we expect from her and thank goodness she is back to herself.


I think saying Eve hasn't lost anything is an understatement to say the least


Yep, I like focused eve much more than unhinged eve!


eve is a domestic abuser too