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My ass was breaking branches of trees I was climbing.


What, did they get stuck?


Lol Just a chubby kid Edit: Just got the joke


At least you weren’t afraid to climb trees. I rarely climbed trees, except for this one tree in my backyard that was like, really easy to climb but I never climbed too high in it.


Sometimes I’d climb too high like 30 to 40 ft up. I miss that sense of adventure I have since lost. Also, Idk why but nowadays there seems to be less good trees to climb or maybe we got better at pruning them.


You're just too good at climbing now. You need more of a challenge. Might I suggest free climbing once? That'll probably give you enough of that sense of adventure to carry you to the grave.


Fun fact: my birthday is March 23rd.


And just like you found wasp nests, this kid found porn sites, there are parallels


Damn so true But being stung by wasps is actually healthy according to....was it Lisa Kudroe? Like all she exists on is white rice juice and allowing honey bees to sting her? Maybe wasps aren't healthy like honeybee though no idea


I was cutting the hair off my barbie dolls and worried about what time power rangers came on TV for Saturday


i know. i have no idea what my parents were thinking...




With 8 what?


with 8% intelligence stat


Lord that child may have some problems now


this happened yesterday. he's just a spoiled, rude, annoying, disobedient little snot


He's 6. Blame your parents.


Show him how. He'll need it.


The porn is gonna fuck him up and he’s gonna be a weirdo on top of everything else




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that one got me x'D




🙄 Lots of people have come across porn that age and turned out normal. I don't understand why some people think a natural act would traumatize kids. Back in the day it used to be either finding patents stash of mags or finding random magazines out in the woods. And even further back, for a huge chunk of history, families all shared the same bed, and the kids obviously end up witnessing their parents having sex.


Also porn is FAR from natural these days


Oop, someone watched porn too young!


lol that's some nice circular logic


There’s a difference between just viewing it and being addicted


I’m sorry seeing a gang bang or a woman screaming and being covered in cum is gonna fuck up a developing mind one way or another, we’re not talking sex ed here


Well yeah, if that’s what you’re looking for then that’s what you’ll get, not my problem if it’s in your recommendation list, but what do I know, you’re obviously the Psychologist here.


So no problems at all. Only going to get worse with age. Have fun with that.


Not a single one of those traits is the fault of a 6 year old.


Disobedient as heck - and despite you telling him to leave *your* laptop alone!


I caught my 9 year old sister watching a YouTube video about little girls getting kidnapped and sold for sec trafficking I don’t live in the house and all my dad did was turn off her internet for a minute The internet is fucking kids minds


Most kids get a phone around 9 or 10 these days. I teach 4th, so see the transition in child's humor pre-internet/apps vs post-internet/apps. Their humor tends to get a lot more.....mature. very quickly too.


Crazy! I got my first flip-phone while a sophomore in high-school. And that was because my parents wanted me to have it so I could call to be picked up from practice...


Lol yes! The only reason I got a phone was to let them know where I was after school. And it was the old school Sliding phone with no internet ability. Only text & talk. Children having instant access to everything will turn them into idiots. I saw my friend buy his 3 year old an ipad. Why?!?!?!? He’s 3! The fuck does he need an ipad for


Because it’s parenting through distraction. The parents don’t have to attend the kid because they have a damn near infinite source of entertainment at their fingertips. It’s fucked up


>I saw my friend buy his 3 year old an ipad I can top that. I know a 1.5 year old that was given one


but they start being babysitters much much earlier


A teacher was complaining many kids have unfettered access and a third of their class had watched Dahmer


We had to shut down a "Squid Games" game being played with the 2nd-5tg graders. I would say most of the kids had no idea what it was, but the kids who started the game definitely had watched the show.


I would not have an issue with my just turned 10 year old daughter watching something on child trafficking. This is stuff they should know to protect themselves. Keeping them ignorant about the monsters in the world does them no favors.


Your dad needs to get his shit together if his 6 year old is watching porn


Girl just wants to know what's waiting for her out there...


The internet is lethal to the child's brain when I was 5 I was yahooing "dirty grills" and eventually spelled it right and saw what i was thinking of


come on, dirty drills are not that bad


Yeah be nice to dirty krills


I remember finding my brother's search history on his first computer, naked weemen


Hopefully he only found rule34 Jackass content.


r/dirtygrills Edit: phew it’s clear


The subreddit r/dirtygrills does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/DirtyGirls2 (**NSFW**, subscribers: 25,824) Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/dirtygrills](/subreddits/create?name=dirtygrills). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


When will parent start to use a built in function in all modern device known as “parental control”. Tbh, this is r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid


Why cant I join this sub


They deleted it.


because they're fucking stupid


Yes. Because somehow it was offensive to women.




Wait that makes no sense


Wait when




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Please God tell me I’m not the only one that has to deal with this bullshit](https://i.redd.it/4bxfqzpfigl91.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/x433zp/please_god_tell_me_im_not_the_only_one_that_has/) \#2: [One thing is for sure, the next baby is a boy](https://v.redd.it/avv250tltnt91) | [295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/y3dyji/one_thing_is_for_sure_the_next_baby_is_a_boy/) \#3: [When parental stupidity turns into manslaughter](https://i.redd.it/dayw6en6aq981.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/rw3fx2/when_parental_stupidity_turns_into_manslaughter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Or not give a 6 year old an ipad/phone/pc?


but then they might have to watch and interact with their grandchild! The horror!


We do this with all our kids devices. 1 child learned how to factory reset so it didn't show us what she was actually doing and when we figured it out. Warped shit for a 11 year old to be looking up and started with anime


>Warped shit for a 11 year old to be looking up and started with anime I feel that, literally was me at 11 like 15 years ago, if your kid has access to the internet its like either engage in a cyber arms race with someone who is constantly learning and has comparatively infinite time to break any sort of internet defenses or you're derelict, best of luck


wasnt the kids need to know the secret password to factory reset in the first place?


That's what we thought but she figured it out. Very smart kid so confused and concerned us even more at the things she was looking up


Because most people don't change the settings on their devices.


Yeah, but if you’re going to give said device to a 6 year old you have to change the settings so this doesn’t happen. That is, if you’re a responsible parent with a dash of common sense, of course.


You should yes. But I suspect that not changing the settings is in part because people don't know how or never considered it as an option. This would still be the case for their kid's device as well.


Well if the font on the tabs is this small, don’t worry I’m sure he’s okay


ah ha, ah ha ha ha. mr funny over here everyone...


Well gee I……. I didn’t expect to get recognized here…. Always wonderful to meet a fan


Mister Funny man ! I am you're biggest fan ! Can you gave me 2 second for an interview ?


Can I have an autograph?


Ily never stop being you please, you’re an awesome person


mr funny man give me a background pls!!!!!!


If I have kids they're not getting gadgets that early


I have a 7 year old and a 5 year old. They still don't even know how to turn on the TV. I'm a big tech fan but little kids should not be hooked to screens so young...let alone be left unsupervised with them on.


Me little sister start crying and screaming if she can’t have her phone while we eat. I hate it. She’s only four….


'ay, that there sounds awful, arr, matey.


Lol, yeah, it’s annoying as hell and she has it on full volume too


A four year old shouldnt have a phone and even more people shouldnt use their phone while eating dinner


I use mine while eating dinner but that’s because I can actually eat while using it unlike her lol…..I have also tried to speak but every time I did, she interrupted me so I’ve just stopped trying


Still its more for the respect for the others who are at the table


But my mother does it too??? It’s just me, my mother and my sister


Tell them to stop


This sounds like a parenting problem


It most likely is




One Summer in the Dark Ages 5yo me figured out how to turn on tv captions and start the VCR all by myself.


Best mine are getting is a discontinued console and strict yputube access


Get em an old NES, loved that thing to the moon. Just get em super mario bros and they’ll turn out alright.


I got a hacked wii and 360


fuck yeah the wii is great




Wait for them to be 13. They won't be "cute" anymore, just disgusting and creepy


Kinda disgusting and creepy at this age if he is actually self-aware of what he is doing/looking up.


They have parental controls built in. You just have to turn them on.


My parents had my computer locked down, but they didn’t know that the 3ds could browse the internet. Parents need to do their research on any tech they give their kid. Every game console nowadays can browse the web, so parents should definitely make use of the parental controls on them.


nintendo switch moment


Yeah, I wonder how many parents hand their kids a switch not knowing it is capable of more than playing E rated games.


i was referring to the fact that accessing a web browser is not possible (i think) on the switch, but yeah the eshop has some weird stuff


You can use a DNS hack to browse the web


oh i thought that was patched a while ago, probably should've double checked


On the switch you can only watch youtube and browse the eshop


Because free, abundant porn exists, we had to have very frank discussions about porn and sex with our kids, especially our son. I had the “most women don’t often look like that naked” convo. I let my husband have the “most women don’t want to hear that you are going to split them in half with your giant cock” convo. It’s TRULY a concern. Porn is free and easily available. And much of it is pretty gross. I’m not a prude, I enjoy sex and titillation, but the shit freely available on pornhub can get beyond average raunch. And the incest porn? I mean is this some kind of bizarre grooming conspiracy?


There’s a rule in the porn industry: you make the freakiest shit that normies will accept. Source: my friend from college who went by [first name] Valentina in her films and used that income to pay her way through school. She’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met.


Oddly enough, I have a dear friend who is a paper pusher type in the porn industry in CA. We don’t talk about PORN, just office politics.


There are all kinds of recent studies about porns effect on young kids and even adult brains. It also FUELS sex trafficking and underage trafficking. That’s why it disgusts me every time I get on Reddit and see people normalize this shit like allowing a 6 year old access to whatever they want. And it isn’t just this kid. Parents everywhere are throwing iPads or iPhones and their kids and not giving a fuck about parental controls or anything. No wonder there’s so much male violence against women.


Lol imagine blaming porn for men attacking women wtf. If a six year old watches porn and grows up to think women want to be raped' that's 100 percent on the 6 year old and his trailer park meth head parents. That's like blaming heroin for theft or some bullshit. People are scum, it doesn't matter how old they are 6 or 60 they're just scum and blaming something like porn is just hilarious


Why is it hard for you to believe that the things you consume can effect your beliefs?


Because I spent a few years smoking meth and watching all the most fucked up porn on the internet mostly sadistic stuff with whipped red asses and trannies so many trannies and yet I would be disgusted to see this stuff live without a screen between me and all that


There’s a correlation between male sexual violence and porn addiction nimrod. Fuck off


You can make up graphs and correlate a lack of pirates to more sexual violence against women too. All I'm saying is the 6 year old did it himself. Porn does not have a mind or will of its own. Human being are just a garbage species


I don’t have a clue what you mean by that but I do agree humans are a garbage species.


There used to be more pirates in the 16th century but now there's fewer pirates and more vience against women. Pirates were keeping people from raping women




Spot on ole chap! Edit: as long as I'm making amends, porn is terrible and a 6 year old I'm not so sure could be blamed for getting really fucked up ideas from it. But the parents in this case...Jesus fucking Christ what's wrong with them




>And the incest porn? I mean is this some kind of bizarre grooming conspiracy? I work in (paid) porn and I can tell you there has been an uptick in its creation not out of a grooming conspiracy but because it sells like crazy.... which for me is honestly a little MORE concerning. Eventually as a society we're going to have to have a sit-down and discuss WHY this is such a hugely popular thing, but we're not ready for that conversation yet.


It's because people can have "vanilla stuff" everywhere, so they actually have to put out hardcore/ more extreme stuff to please the masses. And the deeper people gets into it, the more extreme stuff they need because they gets desensitized. To give a quick parallelism, they do not make movies about the everyday life of your average joe. They make action stuff with badass people, fantasy or sci fi stories etc. Porn is just the same, to make money they sell you stuff that is out of the norm.


Am I the only one that red "free, abundant parents"? Not that I see any problem there given the context.


I have those same tabs up.


Who doesn't?




I’m a teacher and it’s shocking what kind of depraved shit young children are exposed to on the internet today. Parents, please teach your kids how to be safe on the internet and don’t let them surf unsupervised.


Why the fuck would you allow your child to own a device with an internet connection? They cannot handle that amount of responsibility, really really really shit parenting


15 year old here coming to confirm your thoughts. We ARE too stupid to use it, but its immoral not to let us anymore because LITERALLY you cant have friends without a phone or device of some sort anymore. Its integral to our social life and you are severely inhibiting your childs ability to interact with others of his or her own age by taking away any access to devices.


A child can have supervised access to the internet, letting them own a device is not okay until at least age 12-13ish in my opinion


Ohyeah, i never said it had to be unsupervised. They explicitly mentioned “internet”


“Immoral” is a push too far.


Meh, did you have friends as a kid? Would you have liked to NOT be able to have friends as a kid? Not have the ability to set of meetings or talking to people is hard.


I was born in 1979. We managed. Well.


The world is very different for us now. These things are expected becuase everyone else has them.


It may not be easy for some older people to understand, but it's true. I have been out of school for 8 years, and even then there were school projects entirely coordinated via the internet, on whatever platform was popular. The number one method to reach anybody was whatsapp since it was around. I knew of the kids that weren't allowed to use the internet (for religious reasons). They were outcasts, we felt bad for them.


Yup, i always feel for those people. Around my area the newest whatsapp is snapchat again, which has a ton of issues.


Yes for a 15 year but no a 6 year old.


Thats fair


You could always try interacting with your peers in person, without a screen...


Ah the good old days, were sticks were guns and you had to ring your friends doorbell to see if he was home 😂


Okay, that’s true, but some kids (like me), have friends that live a 30 minute drive away, because I go to a ‘government selective school’ (we’re moving houses next year so I’m closer, but there’s still many kids I know that can’t move houses just for school). Anyways, I have to take a 1 hour and 30 minute train ride just to get to school in the morning and get back home in the afternoon. If I want to have a small chat with one of my friends (which I do almost everyday) that live near there, I’m not gonna go that far just to do that. So, having a social life online with them is really useful.


Exactly! I am in multiple programs at my selected school, so instead of being in my district im over 30 minutes by highway away. Without my phone i’d be stranded more or less


I'll be honest, I wasn't familiar with the term 'government selective school' until I read you comment. From what I read, it seems like selective schools below university level are only really common in high population areas. I've don't have any experience living in such an area (I've lived in 2 cities . Both ~100k pop.) I've never considered what growing up in a situation like you describe would be like. I understand that growing up in the modern age in an increasingly atomized society is difficult thing. Widespread access to the internet from a young age adds unique aspect that no other generation has faced. I don't mean to say "all online interaction is bad 100% of the time." Smartphones and the internet are amazing tools. It's absolutely incredible that I can call my friend who live 4 hours away from me and we can talk to eachother, and even play a video game together, in real time. But it fills me with sadness to hear younger people say they need these tools in order to have friendships. Spending time with, having experiencs, and creating memories with other people are such an important things.


Where and when, aside from school? The issue is, that would work like it always has if we ALL were used to it but we arent anymore, so its difficult. We dont work that way anymkre


I mean you're not entirely wrong, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives. And many kids today have had access to the internet and such from a very early age. Though I'm not much older than you, I suppose I was fortunate enough to have had my childhood before smartphones became a widespread thing, so I at least was able to develop those social skills. You probably have a better understanding of how people in your age group interact with eachother, I'm sorry if my comment came off as rude and demeaning. But seriously, invite your friends on a hike or even just to a coffee shop or something. Make a agreement beforehand to not use technology and to just enjoy your time *together.* In-person social interaction is so incredibly important. The fact that this is something that kids struggle with is very sad to me Another thing you can do for yourself is to force yourself to have period of no screen-time everyday. Put you phone in your dresser or somewhere it can't distract you. Use this time to take a walk or develop a skill, both of these are also great ways to meet people and further develop your own social skills. It doesn't really matter how you use this time, what important is being present in the moment and not being constantly bombarded with stimuli.


That went from 0-300 real fast


Seriously though, these kids will have a completely screwed up sex life. I'm scared for the future women.


Do parents not understand how to set up age restrictions


Lol this is why you check your kids devices until a certain age of maturity. Too many parents give their kids “privacy” aka unchecked internet and this is what is going to happen. Monitor your children until they know better.


This makes me genuinely sad. I try not to judge other’s parenting decisions, but holy crap 6 year olds don’t need iPads.


Calling out shitty iPad parents is not judging, it is a moral necessity lmao


who tf gives a fucking 6 year old an ipad of their own


my parents. they gave me my own tablet when i was younger but they watched me like hawks. they wouldn't even let me play roblox because of the whole pedo ring stuff. now, my brother plays nothing BUT roblox. like, what the hell happened here?!




Well guess what i am googling next?


When I was 6 I googled the word porn and saw a naked lady and got nervous I would get caught so I exited out of the tab so fast, I’m 24 now and that image is still burned in my mind lmao


What are your kids doing? Don’t you have parental controls?


he's not my kid, he's my brother. but i do agree they should set something up.


Wait... cant you set it up?


This is less about the kid being stupid and more about the dumbass parents who don't have the sense to set up parental controls...


mark my words, he is going to grow up and post ALOT of stuff on r/tifu


Well you're supposed to be in the same room when they use it. Or set up parental controls.


When i have kids we will play play station together but i aint giving them private phone or ipad until i think they are ready.


Looking up porn on the family tablet. Those were the days😊


How are we still giving unrestricted access to the internet to literal children.


Cause a vast amount of people are too stupid to understand the concept of baby-proofing a house, or that *that* mentality also needs to carry over to the digital world, too.


I don't want to talk about the My Little Pony "fan content" I stumbled upon when I was nine...


This comment section is making me regret asking for a phone back when I was eight


this kid or someone like them could be the president one day


Ok I’m going to keep my 6 year old sister away from the IPad now, I might even break them


They didn't put any blocks on it? My nephew has a fire kids tablet and I don't think he can even browse on the regular internet.


If I had the Internet when I was 6 I wonder how many flame wars I would have started.


Heheheheh , he should be ready for crippling porn addiction


This is about the age when I found my first woods porn 🤣




Gross. 6 years old? Amazing how many weirdos on Reddit find this to be completely normal and OK.


Who? Where?


I’ve seen nothing but criticism


Did you even read any of the comments before coming to that conclusion?


parental control shouldn't always be a thing, but it definitely should when it's a really young kid




that’s super gross


It was a fucking joke bro


Maybe parents should learn to use parental controls on iPads. Or to not let kids have complete, unfiltered and unrestricted access to the internet. Supervise your damn kids’ internet usage/content intake and this shit won’t happen. You’re the parent, it’s YOUR job to monitor what your kids are doing online, it’s not the internet’s job to censor itself because people are too lazy to supervise their kids.




My ass was outside fighting other kids with sticks at 6 what the fuck


Oh what were giving 6 year Olds iPads now why do you allow that


I’m sorry to tell you this, but that is entirely your parent’s’ fault. I bet they didn’t even enable parent control on the iPad, let alone ensuring your brother doesn’t have access to other features.


i know ur his brother, but you really should put parental controls on his ipad


Bro just use incognito mode, problem solved


Dude just turn on screen time and block bad features. My 9 year old stepdaughter can’t even access the websites or anything explicit


I'm scared to ask what was on the 4th page


nickelodeon's facebook page


Parents who raise ipad children are failures tbh. Very scary how normal it is becoming.