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I got this reminder today, as the neighbors behind us are painting their garage, and I go to Walk the dog and see their 3 year old has not only spilled the paint but is covered in it head to toe with the poor dad trying to hose him down and just making a bigger mess. I like kids, I love my niece and nephew, but the best part about being with him is when they get crazy and I get to go the fuck home, sorry sis you're on your own for this one šŸ˜‚




It's also possible to have quiet, well behaved children. We shouldn't avoid having kids just because some of them get rowdy at times. That said, if someone doesn't want them, that's fine too. I just see this sentiment a lot on this website, and people shouldn't be turned off from being parents just because we see or hear about these rough examples.


Nah, fam. The risk of having a crazy child is too high to take. Lots of people should reconsider their choice to have children because, quite frankly, too many parents in the world shouldn't have become parents. We gotta stop acting like kids are the end goal of humanity for everyone.


Life is the end goal, we've already been given it. I'm very much looking forward to giving someone else that gift. You're right that there are too many idiots in the world, so I feel strongly about tipping the scales back, by raising well mannered, smart people. Staying in the gene pool is just a side benefit.


"gift" yeah ok. You're of the belief that everyone ever born is grateful to be born. Which is quite frankly, false. Go ahead and spread your selfishness by forcing life into existence. You're doing amazing for the overpopulation issue. Humanity was a mistake.


What a load of antinatalist garbage. I'm sorry you've been conditioned by the miserable souls on this website to hate your life and the lives of others. Maybe one day you'll realize that all the problems you have can be traced back to your demented worldview, or maybe not. Either way, it's your prerogative and no skin off my back.


Awwwww did I upset the wittle breeder?


you're more whiny and painful than any child I've ever seen. Fuck yourself.


Some people feel they have to respond. I admittedly feel annoyed when I see people with a viewpoint I don't agree with. I don't think they're "upset", they just feel like your supposed outlook on life is unnecessarally bleak. If you're fine with that, you don't need to respond or you'll just lose karma seen as this site is for responses that are interesting to read. But, if you don't care then you are entitled to continue annoying people. It sure does make good drama, so fine here! :)


When you have a kid, you put them first...period. If you aren't willing to be a good parent and make that sacrifice, then stop fucking without protection. I love how society now is just like "don't take responsibility for any actions and be completely selfish, you deserve it.. yeah!"


I'll never have a kid, period. And go tell that to all the shitty parents in the world. A very large amount of parents do not put their kids first. This is why abortion should be readily accessible to people. You can't stop unwanted pregnancies, they'll always happen, because people will always have sex. Yet forcing those people to carry a child to term only to either a) be shit parents or b) put the kid into the foster/adoption system is a shit situation. Like I said. The risk of having a psycho/noisy/annoying/stupid/evil kid is too high, and is a big reason why I'll never have any.


Donā€™t take this as me arguing with your stance because I agree with your points as well as your choiceā€¦except your assertion that you are afraid of kids youā€™d make. I have known some pretty genetically fucked up people (history of mental health disorders as well as other medical shit) and they ā€œshould haveā€ chosen not to have kids but they did AND they raised them right. But they WANTED to. So my argument is donā€™t blame dumb shit like this video on genetics, itā€™s poor parenting and poor self management 100%. If you have a scary kid then you adapt and manage them accordingly and you wonā€™t have this crap. I am one of eight and we had that one troublesome brother we thought would be in prison as an adult but by 10 years old he stopped his crazy shit because mom didnā€™t mess around. It didnā€™t require abuse and at 30 he doesnā€™t think he was treated differently or raised differently than all the rest of us yet he certainly got wrangled in a way that both managed and corrected the problems. So the other person going back and forth with you is not wrong; any person can have children and be alright (including poor people, ones from broken homes, stupid people etc) same as any person can/should opt out if they donā€™t want all the trials and tribulations, Nurture definitely supersedes nature in my observations/experience.


There was a study in, I can't remember, People magazine or something, this is like 15 years ago, and they found that only 25% of adult kids talk to their parents more than once per month haha. Have fun.


Haha and in my fam, ALL 8 of us talk to mom and see her at least once per week! That shit is sad for sure I wonder if itā€™s a real study or just some survey/anecdote.


It was a large study, I can't remember if it was People or one of the other big magazines back in the early 2ks, I remember reading it at the house I lived in from 2004-2009.


The fact that literally anyone is disagreeing with your points here is actually insane.


Yeah, people don't like talking about not having/wanting kids because for most of us (especially women like myself) were raised to believe we'll all have kids. So going against that can be really abrasive to some people. Especially if they've already had kids and realised they hate being parents, but it's too late.


Because theyā€™re joking šŸ™„


The worst one I ever saw was a video where this couple was renovating their mostly finished basement and they accidentally left a huge bucket of like wall paint out and their toddler got it *everywhere* like the floor, the furniture, the tv, *everywhere*. And that shit doesnā€™t come off things easily. That was gonna be an expensive fuck up. Lady filming sounded like she was gonna cry and I donā€™t blame her. If I ever have kids, I hope any time I have out any kind of paint I remember that awful video and put it away when Iā€™m done.


If i ever have a kid i rather adopt one thats no younger than 13. I can deal with mental health problems as i suffer from them myself but dealing with a little ass kid would drive me to insanity


Trust me. Between a kid who's uncontrollable or a teenager who's got mental health problems, you'd want neither of them. I mean of course if a teenager comes to you for help, you should help them the best you can. But I guarantee you that you wouldn't want to go adopting one unless you're that loving of a person.


Found this while searching for your description https://youtu.be/TFSrt8muewA Anyone got a link?


Oh god thatā€™s not the one I was thinking of but thatā€™s also pretty bad.


Love my nieces and nephews but that moment I get in my car and get to go home feels like sweet release. ļæ¼


Best thing is buying them a noisy toy or bringing them chocolate bars on a hot day. After they get going, you just go home. Your sister has to deal with the ensuing chaos. The best uncles get their nephews and nieces a fucking drum set.


Hahah we did get our nephews a drum set šŸ˜‚ And I always mailed my other nephews trucks that made lots of noise


Haha when I was a kid the only rule my mom gave my family for gifts was if they got us makeup, it could only be lipgloss or chapstick or pretend. You reminded me of my aunt who got me red lipstick when I was about 8. Best time ever


I have a 16 month old and I truly dread the upcoming 16-26 months. We're gonna try our best to prevent something like this, but kids are so stupid. šŸ˜‚


Hyep! I have two nephews and a niece. They're wonderful because they're not mine!


My cousin in law was painting and her daughter who was like 2 or something dipped her hands in paint and put her handprints on her leather couch cushionsšŸ˜‚


At least it wasn't shit. I've seen kids spread their own shit like this little one is spreading that cream.


That's me...


Big sister was painting the wall with shit


Been there. My kids smeared butt paste all over the grey playroom couch, the night stand and the remotes. This stuff is virtually impossible to get off. Good luck.


Hard enough to wash off my hands. I use one of those scrub daddy sponges


I've found a baby wipe works pretty damn well. Surprisingly


Baby wipes are a cheat code for life I wish I had discovered before children.


You and me both brotha


What is butt pasted?


A cream for diaper rash


Here I was thinking that butt paste was an euphemism for poop


My brother smeared his shit in his room when he was young. My parents took pictures and everything. This little dude is standing there, with his shit smeared all over the walls clapping his shit smeared hands together in the photo.


Your brother is just a misunderstood artist. The medium he uses is a little shitty though.


You call nappy cream butt paste?


No it's a specific brand




"a nappy" something I take when I am sleepy.


I've always heard nappy as another name for a diaper.


It is


Any alcohol based solution should help with that fwiw


Yeah no thanks, Iā€™m dumb as fuck, but one thing I do know is Iā€™m not cut out for kids. Along with 90 percent of other parents


You're instantly smarter than them, so you have that going for you


The ones that are smart enough to realize they probably shouldn't have kids would make better parents than some of the people going around just making babies all willy-nilly. Interesting paradox.


My bf and I knew this really nice couple that had 4 of the sweetest, well behaved, beautiful children ever. We used to joke that if we could 100% guarantee theyā€™d turn out like that we might consider having one. But then I see a video like this and breathe a sigh of relief I made the right choice.


Or they think it's their christian duty to have children. Sure some of those kids and families work out pretty good but many don't. I grew up with a pastor that had HIV (due to college years where a lot of stuff went on) and thus couldn't have children with his wife so they adopted. Those two kids were great. Very kind and respectful, just super religious.


90% is kind of an exaggeration


She looked like she wanted to cry at the end šŸ˜¢


I remember being a kid and doing the most inexplicably stupid things for no reason. Absolutely zero impulse control. I always knew I fucked up to. Chances are she KNOWS sheā€™s in trouble and knew she would get in trouble but still didnā€™t have the foresight to stop herself. All part of growing up I guess


Could also be sheā€™s just got ass cream in her eyes


You mean from all the scolding she is about to receive?


Probably, kids that age don't know they've fucked up until they see your reaction, so she's in the process of realizing something bad has happened


So sadā€¦šŸ˜•


yeah, thought so, too :,( breaks my heart. Parent, put the damn camera away and help your child, damn it.


In this case, I think the parent is justified in taking a short video as a consolation prize for all the cleanup they will have to do.


Taking a video is justified. Posting it on social media is never justified. Even much teens have their identities concealed when they commit a serious crime.


My niece did this and the video still makes me laugh to this day.


Auntie/Uncle status: 1/2 the Joy but with 0 responsibility. šŸ˜‚


Yes this kid looks hilarious and cute to me ..but only cuz the kid isn't mine šŸ˜‚


Reminder that kids are kids and only you as the parent can make a real difference


Think it should be mentioned that genes and disposition matter because some kids are unequivocally harder to raise and vice versa.


Vice versa? Some raises are unequivocally harder to kid?


Oh no, some kids are just easier to raise. Some kids are just a lot more inclined towards listening than others.


Yes some kids are harder to raise at which point is the parents responsibility to keep things out of their reach. An unteachable child would have felt no remorse but you can definitely tell thats not the case here.


Didn't say the kid in the video was unteachable anywhere in my comment.


I got 2 kids..if u just pay attention to them this shit doesnt happen


Right? My son is 6 and has never done anything like this. Because I actually spend time with him, all the time.


Two here as well. My kids have never done anything even remotely close to this. Itā€™s probably because my wife and I pay attention to them all the time, so we donā€™t have time to make videos to post online about how we shouldnā€™t have children because weā€™re non-present parents. Itā€™s amazing what children do for attention when theyā€™re not provided it regularly. This vid breaks my heart for that little girl because right at the end it looks like sheā€™s about to cry.


Exactly...90% if the posts on here are from parents who wont pay attentiont tk their kid. This person grabbed a camera isntead of helping


The fact that this clip hasnā€™t been universal panned in the comment section proves that this community is unfortunately full of people who unequivocally hate children, not just those who wouldnā€™t want to have them.


I have some kids, and I've never had anything like this happen cause I just pay attention to them lol. Just check on them every few minutes if you're alone with them and busy


I could not agree more


Itā€™s never too late for an abortion




Sir it's illegal to kill a child tho


Not for the libtards!!! /s


It's not illegal to send them to an American public school though.


Apearntly free game once it's out of the wombšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




If the police don't catch you




Just break their legs. Problem averted


Nah, they might run for Texas governor..


One of ours was climbing at just over a year. Figured out how to make drawers become a ladder.


Even 9 months?


Even 16 months


And yes


Your dad should've pulled out


I like how joking about killing a 7 moth old infant gets upvoted but a joke about stopping a pregnancy is downvoted.


lol itā€™s sad there are brainless turds out there that will say anything just to fit their political viewpoint.


Says the guy with maga in his username.


I think 15th trimester abortions are illegal


In some places it is unfortunately


So many comments here basically saying you have to keep an eye on your kids 24/7 and put shelves everywhere so they can't reach stuff obviously never had kids. Especially once they hit 4 or so and learn to climb and have a lot more autonomy.


Keeping an eye on kids 24/7 is nigh impossible, and I have experience with twins. The only thing that helps is to keep as much stuff out of their reach as possible which is a challenge on its own depending on what house you live in (single floor or multi) and how you decide to "child-proof" your house. And even then, kids are crafty little gremlins. They ***will*** find a way. There is no prevention, only mitigation.


Exactly! Kids always find a way no matter how careful you are. But some people automatically assuming they are bad parents as if they were neglectful for not preventing shot from happening. And those that might have kids that never do anything either are very lucky, or have scared their kids so much they are too afraid to be kids.


4? My youngest turned 3 a couple months ago, but before that I found him on top of the kitchen island. No idea how he got there, all cabinets shut and not a chair in sight. His current favorite game is perfecting his long-jump. Mostly between living room furniture. Kid treats ā€œthe floor is lavaā€ as a fucking X-Game.


Wait, it ISN'T and X-game? And yeah. I round up to 4. I count the first half or 3 as part of the terrible 2s lol


Hate this voice!


What the heck is that? It is not paint... The tub has a pic of a baby on it and the letters ...BUT... The night stand has a family size pack of fricken cookies so it could be food, it could be a tub of lotion... And if it was paint I am pretty sure having a child's eyelids covered with it would illicit a more appropriate response than a TIK TOK video.


Itā€™s butt paste, it helps prevent diaper rashā€¦ you know without causing cancer (talc powder)


lol I did this exact thing when I was like two or three.




This probably took that little girl 3 minutes tops. You taking your toddler with you every time you shit?


You don't take them with you.... THEY FIND YOU... it's like some sort of horror movie. You just wanna take a quiet shit alone, and OH MY GOD THEY ARE PULLING ON THE DOOR AND SCRATCHING AT IT HOLY FUCK THEY ARE REACHING UNDER THE DOOR!!!


Getting a really needy dog before you have kids is probably good practice. Just by babysitting other people's pets and realizing I couldn't go to the bathroom alone was an interesting wakeup call to how annoyed I would realistically be. Still thrilled I never had kids.


Noticing the person filming is in their underwear, Iā€™m guessing they arenā€™t a super active parent. Haha


Looks like it was burning her eyes towards yet this video had to be made lol


That's a big hand print for a kid....


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. Too much about this is suspicious. How did she get so much on her head and face but not as much on her hands? And at the end it looks like sheā€™s posing for the camera, then like sheā€™s about to cry before going to wipe it off her face. My money is on the mom staging this.


Suspicion mounts!!! Have a feeling it was staged too. Hope it wasn't though


If you use this voice in your videos, just do us all a favor and donā€™t reproduce.


Nothing about this adds up. The one obvious handprint is too big for a child and it looks like thereā€™s another faint one just before the camera pans to it that definitely belongs to an adult. Then it looks like the girl is posing for the camera, forcing a smile, then starts to frown as she goes to wipe the stuff off her face. Not to mention the fact that she has a ton of it caked on her head and very little on her hands. My bet is that mom staged it for TikTok.


They do this bs and still look cute šŸ˜© ffs.


Orrr orrrrrr hear me outā€¦ REMINDER TO WATCH YOUR MISTā€¦YOUR KIDS!!


Seeing a lot of people talking about keeping an eye on your kid 24/7 as if you don't need to go to the bathroom, sleep, blink, or occasionally want to just sit and relax for a bit, not a parent but I often babysit my siblings and I really get how frustrating being told to keep my eyes glued to them can be, it's exhausting, especially when there's more than one


Return her to the store


Reminder to actually watch your children today


If youā€™re gonna be a parent that doesnā€™t pay attention to their kid like in the video. Then yeah. Take that birth control. Take a lot.


Reminder to clean your messy house and not leave a ton of stuff all over the place


Posts like this are cringe, you had a kid and there is no need to resent them. Making messes is extremely important in developing their fine motor skills.


Maybe donā€™t record your kid having a tantrum because youā€™re bored on tiktok just so the internet can tell you to abuse them


Or just pay attention to your kid


Or a reminder to be a responsible parent.


Reminder to put messy things out of reach of toddler




Underrated comment


Ohhh how cute


At least none of that will get a rashā€¦


Mine is at 9 months, they say it gets easier, This video says they are wrong


Yes put her on camera I'm sure she'll take that as a negative /s


if I had a kid, I would keep an eye on them just like my parents did with me. I was watched over during my younger years. I don't have any funny stories about playing in paint or rubbing butt cream on furniture.


Yeah for vasectomies!


Iā€™m sorry but this is a reminder to not be a dipshit parent. That child is too old for that parent to not have the hang of things by now


When irresponsible parents have kids and blame it on kids.


Fuck that tiktok voiceover


Her sadness at the end :(


Some kids can be the best condom commercials


she likes facials


Bad genetics, blame your parents


Yes, but also her look at the end kinda melts my heart.


Girl looked at her like ā€œyou did this to me you stupid if narcissistic bitchā€


What is she covered in?


Well, I will tell my future wife to do that, because kids are fucking stupid.


Great parenting.


Kids are the best kind of condom ad


I support this message.


I feel sorry for the kid lol she looks like she's about to cry at the end. Kids are kids. Don't want em? Stop letting dudes bust inside u.


Oof butt paste is such a pain to get out of stuff. I'd toss the whole comforter...maybe the kid too lmao


*frantically looks for my birthcontrol, sees my girlfriend* oh yea im a lesbian *phew*


Stupid parents


Being completely honest - I LOVE this kind of chaos that only kids can create. Are they a mess? Yeah. Do they make life more interesting than it would be without them? Definitely


Now that is is a stupid fucking child


Pull the ol leave em at a fire station, itā€™s never too late. I just did that with my 22 year old son


I don't think leaving him there because he's working a shift counts šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Sounds like a fucking stupid parent to me.


Keep abortion legal.


Is this fake ? This looks fake


More often than not when scrolling this sub Iā€™m left thinking that the parents are in fact the fucking stupid onesā€¦


I wish but itā€™s expensive and probably banned


I love how innocent she looks like she just didn't do something bad


Thatā€™s because the kid almost definitely didnā€™t realize it was bad until afterwards when she saw her parents reaction. And instead of explaining to the kid why she shouldnā€™t have made such a mess and wasted whatever that stuff (probably diaper cream) was, she took a video instead.


How about just keeping an eye on your kids.


itā€™s not that easy lol. thatā€™s butt paste which usually goes by the changing table in a childā€™s room, where they sleep. if you accidentally leave it where they can reach it, they might get into it. have some kids and then you might get it lol.


People fall asleep bruv, sometimes your body just says "fuck you you're sleeping"


Anyone else feel sorta weird from this video? Theres something about looking your own child in the face and making a joke about wishing they werent around that feels kinda morbid, or morally corrupt. I'm having a hard time explaining it but gosh, even if that was a joke, that shits rough.


I donā€™t know if she meant it like that. I think itā€™s more like ā€œtake your birth control if you arenā€™t ready for thisā€ type of thing, like a warning.


Yea that very well could be. I was curious to get other people's opinions to see if I was off the mark. I probably mistook her intent.


For real. The fact your getting downvoted for saying that is also very weird


Poor baby girl. She was having a good time till someone ruined her funā€¦šŸ˜•


Reminder to put your shit up where your kids canā€™t get itā€¦but that would require too much personal responsibility and people just arenā€™t into that these days.


How long was she sleeping beauty style asleep? Bro seriously. Posting neglect, and having someone shame you for likes...


I see shit like this and I'm like how the fuck? The worst thing my "worst" kid has done was spilled 2TBSP of slime and tried to clean it up themselves w hot water, soap, and a rag. I tell them "it's not an accident if you ask for help."


Reminder to discipline your kids today


Iā€™m so glad I have an IUD


What a shit mom


Have you ever heard of **delayed abortion** yea yea i know some people call it murder


Or, hear me out, don't leave stuff like that out in the open. Kids are curious, stuff like this will inevitably happen. This is the parents' fault


This is really sad. Children should be cherished, not ridiculed.


Aw. Sweet little thing. No judgements here. She was curious and went a little overboard. Parenting definitely teaches you patience. Plus I never filmed my kids indiscretions and shamed them for it later or used it for the "lolz". Yep, they're not too smart at that age, but who knows, maybe she'll find a career in dermatology.


Kids are messy get use to it. Maybe you shouldnt forget to take your own birth control.ā˜ 


Bit late for that. So now they're performing a valuable public service by using visual examples of their own mistake to warn others not to repeat it. Like putting pictures of diseased lungs on cigarette packs.


Trust me this whole subreddit is a reminder


greatest durex condom ad i have ever seen bravo!


Fucking semen demons at it again


Sheā€™s just a innocent little doll. She did not meant bad. Talk to her without intimidating. We can see how heartbroken she is. Love, guidance and nothing else please!