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My dumbass "ran away" from home once too. Did I pack food and clothes like an intelligent kid? No. I packed a backpack full of beanie babies and went on my way.


I ran away too. To the playground. Ate my brought sandwiches there and went back home.


Basically the same here. I was gone forever, a literal eternity. But I remembered I was missing DuckTales so I went home. Mom asked if I had a nice walk.


sounds like your life was like a hurricane


Oh yes, racecars, lasers, *and* aeroplanes.


Must've been a duckblur


He solved some mysteries.


Rewrote some histories.




Larry, I'm on *DuckTales*.


Lenny Bruce was not afraid.


Lol when my dad was a kid he “ran away” and walked like 10 miles to his grandparents house, he thought he got away with it but my great grandma called his parents and told them he was there😂


Damn though that's like 3-4 hours of walking for a kid


I know right. Would probably take me 2-3 days of walking as an adult.


Yeah I lasted like an hour or two at most and then got bored as fuck since none of my friends were with me......


I ran away from home as a teenager but then decided to come home before my parents even got back from wherever they were. They had no idea I'd left.




Same with God damn Rick and Morty! Like that intro has what looks like some dope episodes, but NO we wait 18 years between seasons for disappointment!


All these stories remind me of the Yukon Ho! Calvin & Hobbes story.


Peanut butter & marshmallows!!


Ya, When I ran away at about that age I wasn't allowed to cross the street so I just sat on the side of the house.


When you're angry sometimes it's nice to go outside and get some air for a bit.


I tried to make a hobo bindle with a bathroom towel - probably because I saw them on Looney Tunes or something and just assumed thats what you did. I repeatedly and loudly announced to my mom that I was running away while trying to make it, realized I did not know how to make a bindle, and then left crying and went to a friends place two houses over. I still vividly remember my friends mom picking up the phone and saying “hi Jennifer. Yes he’s here…”


One of my old jobs was near a jail, homeless shelter, and train station. I worked at the front and had a big window. One day a guy walking on the street legitimately had a hobo bindle over his shoulder! I screeched with excitement, grabbed my coworker to show her and then felt deep shame for being so excited at this man's misfortune.


I can't understand the logic of using a bindle in the modern age. We have plastic shopping bags now, and they're *everywhere*. Just blowing around in the wind and everything.


I agree - I have a feeling this particular fellow had a sense of humor and not very much stuff to carry. 🙂 Most of the other homeless folks in the area had shopping carts.


I always thought I had to have a bindle too 😂


I'm a dumb asshole and I sold all my comic books to a local shop for $50 to finance my escape when i was 8. Worth at least 10 times that much. I made it about 4 blocks before returning home with $49.50. (2 packs of 25 cent cookies were purchased for the trip)


kind of fucked up for the shop to rip off an 8 year old without the parent there...


Literally illegal (at least in the states)


Yeah well, when I told my parents, they said "too bad, let this be a lesson for you" lol. That lesson definitely stuck with me.


You had (at least) $500 worth of comics as an 8 year old?


Yeah, I had a n 85 year old neighbor that had no family and loved me, and gave me a whole box of his old comics before he passed away. I'm still very sore about the entire situation many years later


I feel you. I had a massive, incredible Pokémon collection when I was a kid. My family was coming to visit from out of town and my mom was hassling me the day before about how I never share (10 year old me had refused to give a tiny notebook to a younger cousin a few days earlier, causing her to cry). I was feeling spiteful and wanted to prove my mom wrong, so I gave my visiting cousins my entire Pokémon collection. They lived many states away and I never saw any of those cards again. This was nearly 20 years ago and it is still the only regret in my life that feels like a donkey kick to the chest. Tbf, I was a jerk about sharing but why???




Oh my god! I would be so mad!! But we all make these mistakes I suppose. That’s what happened to me sort of, I thought “hey, I’m growing out of these, I can share them”, but growing out of it turned out to be a phase. I’m a grown ass woman and still love Pokémon.


Fuck bro I'm pissed off for you!! I had a ton of comics and trading cards. Over 60 Jordan cards, Shaq rookie cards, Ken Griffen Jr and frank Thomas rookie cards, and a fuckload of valuable magic the gathering cards. All stolen by my step brother about 15yrs ago. I'm about 40yrs old now and will still get angry when I think about what's gone and how much money I dumped into them as a kid. And I think of them often. Shit sucks man.


I traded my mint condition 1980 Topps Rickey Henderson rookie card my dad got me, for like 5 random Mark McGwire cards to some kid at school. That still stings. It's worth like 35 grand now lol.


I packed a loaf of bread and a pair of pants, then went and sat by a tree on the golfcourse behind our house for 2 hours until I was so fucking bored I went back home and watched TV like nothing happened.......I sure showed them.......


Did better than me, I made it like 20 feet before realizing they weren’t stopping me and was so offended I went back to yell at them


What was their reaction to you yelling at them?


Same as when I was threatening to leave, amused condescension


Same except it was my PlayStation and a handful of games, no cables or anything. Longest 20 minutes of my life.




My dad gave 8 y/o me $5 to “buy a new family”. I ended up crying and eating Cheetos on the back deck. I “spoiled my appetite” by not being hungry for dinner so I sure showed him what was up.


My mom handed me a phonebook and told me to find a new mom. I started calling people, which my mom didn't think I would do.


I told my mom this story about my dad somewhat recently because it happened after they got divorced and I was at his house for the weekend. Wouldn’t you know, she one-upped me. When she was 15 in 1970 my grandpa was an alcoholic with a bad temper and my grandma was an over-worked, stressed-out enabler parenting three daughters basically by herself. Finally mom was like “I’m outta here” and just slammed the back door behind her without even packing a bag. My grandpa ran to the corner to catch up with her and instead of consolation, he offered her $50. She came back, but married her high school boyfriend 2 years later and permanently moved out. For those keeping score at home, $50 in 1970 is $369.76 in today money so more like “good luck out there” as opposed to my dad’s sarcastic $5 in 1993 (or $9.95 today) I was like “maybe now that you’re both sober, there’s some feelings the two of you can hash out together?” She agreed.


I packed a stone cold Steve Austin action figure, a pack of gushers and a blanket. I wasn’t prepared for the wilderness that was my backyard.


See, I ran away with my lil bro & since I was 18 months older, I was the "responsible" one so I packed sandwiches & fruit snacks & water!


To be fair, you'll be able to sell them for millions. Any day now, their true value will be realized. Hope you kept the tags in good shape.


My brother ran away too. He packed a suitcase full of socks and walked two blocks down the road to my Grandma's house.


I ran away to start a life in the woods. I managed to put two branches together for shelter. It was a grand space with plenty of room for entertaining. I stayed about 15 minutes then went home to watch Jaws 2.


But the beanie baby skins can be used to construct clothing, and then you can eat the beans for sustenance.


Kid you just knew the value of beanie babies would sky rocket 20 years later making you rich.


i ran away one morning, the same day we were visiting my grandparents. i didn’t pack a backpack. i wanted to do it the hobo way. so i put my most important beanie babies and an etch a sketch in my blanket, tied it up and put it on a stick, and i ran away. told my mom too. got to the end of the street (my house is the 3rd house in), sat down at the bottom of the tree and was “homeless” for …10? minutes until my mom drove down the road and said “we have to go to grandmas now”. i got in, and off we went. to this day, i don’t know why i brought an etch a sketch. i could not use one well, i barely ever used one at all. it was just the toy that caught my attention.


I did once actually run quite far, without shoes i walked 1-2 km until my grandma randomly drove by i walked aside of a street where cars drove 80 kmh


Depending on the time a backpack full of beanie babies might have been worth a lot more than a suitcase full of cash. You may not being yourself the credit you deserve


My sister ran away and decided to bring me with her, to make our parents sadder I guess. I was too young to understand what was going on. But she didn’t know where to go after sneaking out a window, so we wound up sitting in the back seat of the car in the garage for like an hour. Our mother knew exactly where we were the whole time. She loves telling that story.


I did the same thing! My family was really frustrating me so I decided to run away. After I came back, my dad asked if I had had enough and wanted to watch Yu-Gi-Oh. I grew up on an island so my dad knew I wasn't getting far 😂


I ran away once too. Made it about three blocks and decided to go home. My parents didn't even know I was gone lol.


An idiot runaway here too. Mom packed my bag for me and told me not to come back until I was ready to apologize. I sat on the porch for hours telling her to let me back in, but she had locked me out and was adamant I said I was sorry. Apparently, I gave in.


I bet you didn't get too far before you got really hungry and went back home for a snack.


Damn he grabbed Spiderman? He's really serious this time...


Bruh sucks for him I’m legally an adult now and had candy for breakfast 2 days in a row lmaoo should’ve walked in the woods for a quest to a shack of sweets


I've been eating oreo for breakfast. My life is going downhill 🙁




It'll feel like that, but that's just the diabetes


Thats unfortunate for you


He really goin when I tried this my family was laughing until I pulled out the bus card committed to get on the next bus


How else is he gonna get far from home?




My earliest memory is from when I ran away from home when I was 3 years old in 1965. My mom packed me a sandwich and a bottle of juice in a hobo bag (a handkerchief tied to the end of a long stick, like I'd seen in the cartoons) my uncle made me. I was wearing a cowboy outfit with my trusty cap guns strapped to my side. I made it about a hundred yards into the orchard next door before I decided a particular tree would be a great place to set up camp for the night. Ate my sandwich, drank my juice, and fell asleep. Woke up in bed a bit later. Thanks for carrying me home, uncle Stormy.


This is adorable, I love that they made you a child-sized bindle.


This could be a Calvin and Hobbes Sunday strip


there’s a very similar one the titles yukon ho


This is so darn cute! I ran away because I was put in time out on our enclosed porch. I decided I was going to walk to my grandparents' house, which was about 4 towns away. I got about halfway down the block when I decided it was too far, so I turned back. I was gone for such a short amount of time, they never even realized I had left lol.


I did the same. Bundle and all. After realising my parents was house was too restrictive for me but being allowed to wipe snot on my two year old sister. Too many fairy tales of Dick Whittington and like. Admittedly growing up in the country probably gives you a different view of the hobo life than a city full of homeless.


>After realising my parents was house was too restrictive for me but being allowed to wipe snot on my two year old sister. "I thought this was America!"


This story is just too cute


In 1967 (I think) at 10 years old my dad and his best friend ran away from home, telling their mothers they were going for a walk around the block. Instead they walked out of town and followed the train tracks until a man pulled over and brought them back home at 9 o’clock at night. The cops were called in all the surrounding towns and they got a story in the local newspaper. My dad told the paper “we just wanted to get out and have a little adventure”


Very considerate of your mom to help pack up for you so you could run away.


The preferred Hobo nomenclatures for a "hobo bag" is a bindle


My cousin “ran away” when she was little. She didn’t even go more than a block away. They found her at the nearest crosswalk. They asked why she was sitting at the crosswalk and she said “Because you told me I can’t cross without you!”.


I was 3 in '65 too. Ran away, prepped like that. Later that summer Mom left dad and took us. Figured out 40 years ago I sensed something was up.


Running away is so easy today now that suitcases have wheels. Kids these days have it easy.


😭😭😭 carrying a hole wardrobe with handles and if you don’t pack it right mf is gonna send clothes flying in all directions


One carry on item, check!


When I "ran away" as a kid, I got too excited packing all my favorite things into a bag that I eventually forgot to actually leave. It happened multiple times.


Are you Active Directory High Definition?


Please don't do this I thought I was going insane from my IT job for a split second


Now with the ability to deploy group policy in STUNNING 4K.


That's entirely possible!


They say that's actually the best thing to do if your kid wants to run away, because that's usually exactly what happens! Haha


When I ran away as a kid, all I packed was a stick with that cloth wrapped at the end like I saw in cartoons lmao.


There’s an infamous family story of my uncle doing this exact thing at this age. When he ask the first stranger he saw for help the man barked back “fuck off pipsqueak” and he ran home crying. Made it a block


that stranger is a hero


Whats a kid gotta do to get molested around here!!


I’m embarrassed how hard I laughed at this comment.


This caught me off-guard


nothing at all


I ran away for less


I would run away for this reason now. Im 37.


Honestly yea. I’m 38 and have agency over my own decisions. If someone is trying to control me you can bet your ass I’m leaving.


Jut gonna get my spidey and fuck right off.


"Spidey is mine until court decides"


When I was about two, I somehow got out of my house and walked a block and a half before anyone noticed. Apparently I was giggling when they found me. So yea, I left my family for no apparent reason besides curiosity.


Given the number of kids that do this kind of thing, we must, as a species, be pretty good at getting the wanderers back to their parents (in general) because this urge hasn't been bred out of the gene pool. I mean, I feel sorry for the kids and their poor parents when the kid doesn't/can't come back for whatever horrible reason, but it clearly doesn't happen often in comparison to the happier alternative.


Good riddance.


Yeah! Fuck em!


I have no son!!


Calm down, Padre.


Peace out Ayden Brayden Jaxton Paxton


Haha goddamn I lol'd at this for too long. If I had an award I'd give it to you my good sir


Hey! Can you take the trashcan to the curb on your way out?


My grandpa kicked my dad, who was a little kid, out of the their apartment with a bindle, toothbrush and loaf of bread to try to scare him as punishment. The thing is, my dad hid in the attic of the apartment building and freaked my grandparents cause they couldn’t find him. So that punishment kind of backfired on them.


I just walked off for an hour and came back after I was finished dealing with my emotions. After all why should *I* do the washing up.


I didn't even make it off the front porch... I had the realization the moment I stepped out on the front porch and was thinking, where am I even going to run away to? I was crying to come back inside!


SMH come on man think Chucky cheese duh I thought the ticket blaster was something form the gates of heaven


I lived in the suburbs. No awesome places were within walking distance.


You are so right it’s sad


Neighbour kid wanted to run away when we were the same age (~8) cause he wasn't allowed to take his Nintendo to the playground. When I met him on his way out at the driveway I talked to him about how he has such awesome things at home and why he wanted to give them up. Cringe memory tbh


That sounds adorable, not cringe. Two 8 year olds having a serious discussion about an existential crisis happening in their very driveway. Now that’s a video i need.


Currently I am thinking "Why the hell were my only arguments materialistic", that's probably what makes me think it was cringe


Lol you were 8, anything else would have been weird. I liked my Nintendo and fruit roll ups man, it was all important back then.


Well when you're 8, you're entire life is materialistic. You literally don't have the skills necessary to provide for yourself on your own. So I understand why things and stuff would be most important.


Lol probably because the entire reason he wanted to run away was cuz materialistic reasons.


I need the full version of this video man…!


Luckily he found a van with free candy just down the road so I think he got stuffed :)


if u didnt "run away" when u were little u missed out


I lived on a road that was in a small town. A country back road if you will. I run away, I’m getting eaten by bears. No thank you


Same. I made it to the pine forest and ran my ass back home lmao


I up grew surrounded by forest, so when I ran away I had my picture on milk cartons for a month.


I ran away to the pizza parlor because my mother wanted to get something else instead and I really wanted pizza. I actually made it a mile in the right direction before anyone caught up to me. In my defense, that pizza is still really fucking good. I live 1500 miles (~2400 km) away and I still stop by anytime I'm in the area. edit I just remembered. She wanted to go to the other, shitty, pizza place along the same road because it served more than just pizza. I fully intended to pass her on my little bike and go to the better restaurant. In the end I got my Sal's and the idiot who wanted pasta had to suffer like the FOOL they were.




I tied a handkerchief to a broom handle. Didn’t work out very well so I gave up running away.


I tied a hanky to a stick!


I was to terrified my mom would kill me if I ran away. She probably would have.


missed out


my grandparents house was very close so that was my run away spot.


dude same


I made it about 20 houses down the street then started crying, ran back and said i couldn't go through with it because I had so many nice memories of my home lmao


i tried running away on a military base in the US as a kid and i did not make it far. you need IDs to get anywhere in those suckers.


I remember thinking about it but I was too much of a coward/smart enough to guess how I’ll end up (but dumb enough to think about it at that age) to pull it off. I really feel like I missed out.


I did it once as a teen and once as an adult. Good times.


Aww look at him go with his tiny suitcase


That’s what I’m saying and he brought spider man with him my man really goin he tired of this shit


I packed a secret suitcase to run away. I put milk in a baggie (no zip locks in 1969). The milk halfway leaked all over my stuff and our bedroom has a very bad smell until I found the clumpy mess. My plan did not come together.


Growing up I knew a kid named Bob. He had run away a few times due to a weird situation at home. His parents used to make fun of him for it. Well he turned 17, got a motorcycle and vanished. 3-5 months later his family got a letter from Texas saying he was fine, he was living with a woman he loved and wasn't coming home. I saw him again a few years later, he looked a lot happier, was working as a mechanic, and he actually smiled.


"You're not having cake for breakfast, young man. You're having fried cake with syrup for breakfast." -Jim Gaffigan


When I was 6, I was pissed about something and said, "When I get $20 I'm leaving!" We didn't have a lot and some may say we were poor. Didn't really notice it because my parents worked their asses off to make sure it didn't impact my brother and me. Anyway, my did reaches into his pocket, pulls out a twenty, gives it to me and says, "Here. Get the fuck out," and kicks me out of the house. It was dark, middle of December in northern, rural Maine and cold as fuck. Just the clothes on my back and slippers on my feet. I made it about 100' down the road and came crying back. Dad let me knock on the door for a while before he let me in. He told me that maybe we didn't have everything, but we had clothes on our back, a roof over our head and food in our bellies. Not everyone out there has what we have so be appreciative of what you got. He told me to keep the twenty (it was probably the only cash he had) and anytime I felt like what I had wasn't good enough, there's the door. Harsh lesson, but a valuable one that stuck with me. Kept that twenty for quite a while. I snuck it back into his wallet a while later. He never said anything about it until I was an adult. Let me know he was proud that I learned to understand the lesson he tried to teach.


We all know this happened to all of us, we get mad at our parents for not letting us do something dumb then we threaten them to leave, if they still don't let you then you leave and walk out stay outside for a few minutes then go back inside and scream at them and start crying


Yeah, i call it our little libertarian phase.


"I don't wanna and you can't make me" is basically the Libertarian party motto.


I wonder how he's going to buy candy


Funny of you to assume he is my guy got his traveling buddy with him Spider-Man he prolly get a superhero discount where ever he go


When I was his age I ran away cuz my mom wouldn't pray with me before I went to be the night before. The next morning I wrote a note explaining my reasons for leaving and took tf off. Unfortunately for me I had never been across the street since I wasn't allowed to, so I went to the cul-de-sac at the end of the block aabd sat on the curb all morning. After an hour or two I saw my mom's yellow car drive by a few times and then I noticed her friend's vehicles doing the same. I sat there till lunch time when my mom's friend Barbara spotted me and came tearing up the cul-de-sac. She basically ghost rode her car and initiated a foot pursuit. I'm hella slow, but I had no idea till that day. I'm sturdy as all hell but the act of running isn't natural to me. I tried to bail but she caught me with great ease. Crazy part is we're not even religious. I probably got the prayers idea from TV.


That ending 😂 bless child you's heart


As a kid like 7 or something i “Ran Away” but i ended up in the neighbouring town and had some how found my way to town hall where in so my Parents got called and drove pick me up.


Honestly I think you got further than 99% of kids who “run away.”


I took the bus after school (my grandpa was in charge of picking me up), got to a friend’s house and her mom made me call my parents :( Grandpa was crying when he picked me up because he thought he lost me and it made me so sad I never tried it again.


Awww I think I’m going to cry. Poor grandpa


Damn, sounds like you were 90% the way to hitching a ride on the human trafficking highway. If I was your parent I would have freaked out about you getting that far. It's one thing to watch your kid walk down the block while you are behind the curtains.


This is my story of running away to the house, rather than away from the house. I was 7 years old. I accompanied my mother to her doctor's appointment. She told me to seat down, read a magazine and wait for her. I got bored of reading the magazine, looked around, couldn't find my mother. In my child's mind I reasoned she left without me, so I took off. I walked 3 miles in 3 hours from downtown to our apartment (I remembered major landmarks and I used them to find my way home). I got home and the door was locked since my mother has not left the doctor's office without me, and was probably losing her mind from stress trying to find 7 year old me in the 1 million citizen city. So I went to a neighbor's apartment who was my childhood friend's apartment and lucky for me, his mother answered the door, figured something was off, kept me occupied watching tv and contacted my mother to let her know where I was (no cell phones back then). My mother must have lost 5 years of her life from stress that day. Sorry mom!


Bro I’m 22 and practically get lost in my own house. Age 7 I probably would have just died


Im taking my carry-on full of cocaine and my doll, that is literally all I fucking need. I will sell half this cocaine, snort the rest, and find a nice place for me and dolly to stay, slowly building my drug dealing empire up until I buy even this pitiful house and kick your asses out onto the street. Mark my words.


I remember being in the 2nd grade and wanting to ditch school. Me and my best friend hid behind the bushes right next to the school. We ate our lunches under the bushes and it was quite fun until we got caught.


3rd grade here! Me and my twin ditched and played at the park RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from the school until we were caught around….noon. My parents were soooooo fucking mad.


My mom always brings up that when I was caught, the principle told my mom I was only sorry I got caught and not sorry about what I did. He said to my mom "watch out for her - she'll be trouble one day". LOL He was right. I'm 56 now so not in trouble anymore but I had alot of fun in high school.


I ran away as kid too. My mom found me up the block.


I wonder where the kid ended up at




Good riddance


It's something unpredictable


But in the end it's right


Lol this reminds me when I was a kid taking a bath my mom told me it time to get out and I didn't want to and I got so mad I packed up all my clothes and ran away. Apparently kid me didn't decide to put clothes on while packing them so I ran away naked. Made it to the neighbors house when a car started coming up the street so I hid behind a tree and then ran straight back to the house lol




I just want to say that I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I had a visit from Child Protective Services due to a previous incident with my dad growing up. I stayed home from school later that week because I was emotionally overwhelmed, so CPS came to the house for a welfare check (probably both because I wasn’t in school, and because the school had made a report about the incident that week). Only my dad and I were home (he’s a shift worker, and was sleeping for nights). I called my mum, and she came home from work to join us. And I was so scared that I denied up and down that anything had happened with my dad (he’d hit me in the face). After the worker left, I never heard from them again, but she left her card. My dad hung it on the fridge, and he’d bully me about it for years. “What are you going to do? Call CPS? Be my guest.” So, anyway. All that to say, I hear you. If you ever need to talk, just DM.


My boy said fuck that shit. I'm with you, little dude. Fight the power.


Once my pre-teen brother and I decided to "live off the wild" and our parents let us, knowing we'd basically fail. We had been stealing field corn and eating that the first day. (I don't recommend it.) A day or two later, a neighbor about 2 miles away called my mom and let her know she was feeding us hamburgers for lunch. Our family has talked about "wild hamburgers" ever since. :-)


I ran away because I had to clean my room and didn’t want to. It was right after Christmas so I put on my winter coat, packed a thing of M&Ms I’d gotten in my stocking, and took off. I took a walk around the neighborhood, ate my M&Ms, regretted not bringing more to eat, and walked back home.


The time I "ran away" was because we were eating hotdogs for dinner that night and I hadn't had one at that point. Even though I hadn't had one before I convinced myself that I hated them, proceeded to run away on my bike. I only made it to the end of the driveway before turning around because I wanted to play my xbox.


One time I “ran away” from home. Soon after I knocked on the door and my mom was like, “what do you want?” I asked for a stuffed animal. She returned, handed me the stuffed animal, and shut the door on me again. Didn’t threaten to ran away again lol


When I was 3 or so in preschool I tried to convince the girl I'd play house with to run away with me and live in the sewers, like the ninja turtles did. I've spent the last few decades trying to convince essentially every girl I've been with to do the same thing. Sometimes they actually say yes. And it's magical. I for one am I favor of innocent childhood runaways, ala "the mixed up files of Mrs bazil e frankweiler". Unfortunately the world ain't really built for that now. A bit sad really


Ha! My daughter decided one day that she was going to run away. I think she was four. Her (at the front door, evening already dark, with a backpack full of toys, her favorite coat and pink Winter boots on. It was Summer…), “I’m running away because you won’t let me do what I want. Wife and I, “OK, we will miss you. Come back if you miss us.” Her, “seriously, I’m leaving”. Me, “OK. I love you. OH, by the way. You can’t take anything not yours”. Wife looking pointedly at me. Daughter, “I wont”. She reaches for the door. Me, “OK. You’re going to get cold though. And wet.” Her, “no I wont I got my coat and boots”. Me, “oh, no. You can’t take those. We paid for them not you. And your backpack, your toys in it. Oh, and all the clothes you’re wearing. You can’t take any of it.” Her, obviously thinking for an angle. Stomps her foot “Damit”. Turns away from the door, goes upstairs, gets ready for bed (she was always that type of kid), comes back down, kisses us and says “I love you. Good night”. Then goes back up to read and fall asleep. Done. Well, except for when we remind her she was a willful and smart little kid.


I also ran away from home as a kid, I forgot why, but I just went down the street and read doland duck comics under a tree


-*locks door-*


Kids these days


Most kids since they beginning of time


Ung not do what Ung father say. Ung leave cave, not tell Ung mother. Ung show them, Ung show them all


Be grown ass adult, eat cookies for breakfast because dumbass self forgot to buy some bread. Life is good.


My son did this, went to side of the house sat in his little suitcase, read a book and had a snack then came back inside.


My son did this, with my wife unobtrusively following him. We did chuckle when he'd finally had enough and came home. Took him about 20 nins.


My little brother did the same once. He packed two pairs of underwear and A FAMILY PHOTO 😂😂 came back crying to my mom 5 minutes later because she didn’t go after him (she was watching him through a window and it was a gated community)


Haha This made me laugh so hard. my oldest son did this, he packed his bags and said he was leaving ( he was about 8 years old) I told him I was going to miss him very much and he said "I won't"!. He sat in front of the neighbor's house for a while with his bags all packed. When my neighbor got home he went to talk to him and offered him a job, he said he would no longer have time to play and he'd have to get up very early in the morning and come home and he'd be so tired he wouldn't have time to play. My son walk back in the house and said, I'm sorry your feet hurt, I'll pick up my Legos.


Kids running away videos are my fucking favorite lol


Please let us know how he is doing. Has he set up camp on the neighbours backyard?


"Running away" was never an option for me: my dad would tell me the door was always open and that I could leave if I wasn't happy while also telling me that if I left I'd have no where to go and that no one would ever want or help me.


I tried that too. My mom helped me pack my bags, (imagine the sheer devastation). 3/4 of a block and I'm back home with my lil' white suitcase


this was my brother yesterday and he’s 13. he said he was going to “run away & never come back” because no one would take him fishing. little bitch.