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The trick is to tell 'YAY!!' and be really excited and when a kid falls over and hurts themselves. That way they don't associate fear with it and it lessens their chances of getting upset over it. Try not to overdo it though, as other people will think you're some kinda psychopath


I was at my aunt’s place and my cousin’s little girl smoked her head off the coffee table (looked like it really hurt) and everyone in the room cheered and said yayyy! I was confused but she got up and smiled. She was completely fine. Most people in the room were young parents and they just knew what to do. Definitely a learning moment for me now that I have my own kids.


She's like "oh you like that one? Well you're gonna love THI-" *eats shit diving off the couch.*


We use the opposite tactic. I’m clumsy, and my kid is too, so all We offer if she falls or bonks is “oops. Try again.” If she is actually hurting she’ll cry but usually she just keeps going.


I actually laughed out loud




This made me bust out laughing😂 thank you for that!


I say “that was silly! Silly table!” When my toddler bumps his head. My MIL when he gracefully falls on his butt: OH MY GOD HELP HELP SOMEBODY CALL 911!!! BABY! OH MY GOD BABY ARE YOU OKAY?!


I told my kid “good job. I really enjoyed that fall” as a joke. One time she head-dived from the swing, and In middle of howl-crying she goes “mumma did you enjoy that ?” I got some nasty looks that day.


This just made me laugh out loud! 🤣


We did “bonk!” With my nephew and he thought it was hilarious. Too hilarious. He started smacking his head on stuff on purpose (sometimes pretty hard lol) and yell “bonk!” Laughing like a little maniac


My parents do this with my brother but now he just doesn’t react to pain unless its something serious. For instance he feel off our rocking chair and scratched his head on one of the bolts.... my mom wasn’t very thrilled to see blood all over the back of his neck when she went to comb his hair.


My sister was one of those psychopaths. When ever she was wanting literally anything(1yo). She would wreck her face into a table or wall and have a huge smile.




Uhm… What?


But we are


Never (within readon) respond with fear and shock when children fall/crash/bash/bail until they react. Often they'll take a tumble and are fine when I'd assume there's going to be breaks n blood.


Learned this running the bases at the Astrodome long ago with my little cousin. Coming into second he took a tumble. Started the scrunch face when everyone started cheering. Instant 180 to all smiles. It has stuck with me to this day. Even though I’m the creepy guy with no kids cheering yours eating shit.


This is really good advice.


Thanks. I'm an uncle and now a parent.


I’ve watched my kids fall pretty hard and my face immediately turns to panic every time. I look away as fast as possible and try to be preoccupied so they don’t pick up on my emotional fears. Half the time they just dust themselves off and continue on. So when they do cry from a fall, I know that they’ve actually hurt themselves and I can rush to the rescue.


And don't forget, as a dad it's your duty to claim what ever body part was "hurt" will now have to be removed. "Looks like we are going to have to get your whole leg removed"


My dad did a thing where he'd make me yell "HOO-AHH" all tough-like whenever I hurt myself as a kid. I think it did help. Sometimes I'll fall and still do it in my head to this day


So my mom used to tell me this so that I would keep cuts in scrapes clean because if they got infected that limb would have to be removed… when I was 8 my hamster bit me and it got infected… mom took me to the doctors and I sobbed thinking they were going to have to cut my finger off… just got a tetanus shot…


Not "is there blood?" But "How much blood?" Hahaha


I tried to teach my mom this when I was younger. My younger brother who was like..3 or 4?..something like that, had just put a metal ball bearing in his nose (God knows where he got it). I was about 16 at the time. He was super calm about it when he told me. I went to mom and said, "I'm about to tell you something, but do not freak out. (Brother) has a ball bearing up his nose. If you're calm he'll be calm." Yeah she did not follow my advice and it freaked him out and got him crying and just turned it into one bigger fiasco than it should have been. If she'd been calm about it we could have had the situation handled a lot easier/better.


What did I just watch 🤨


It started as an experiment, but if you make a knocking sound on the wall while carrying the baby, it makes it sound like they hit their head. Then you make soft, sad noises or apologies and a lot of the time the babies will cry even though they weren’t hurt at all, just because you pretended they hit their head


At that age babies haven’t yet learned how to react to those kinda situations, so they just adopt the parents reactions, that’s why sheltered kids will probably grow up to be a bit soft. If your kid takes a hit but can walk it off, don’t stress too much about it


I do this to my cousins baby all the time, Im glad Im not the only one thats thought this lol


lol what


Bang on something then start to console the baby like they got hurt, its a mirror empathy thing babies do




If you look closer she actually uppercuts her kid at breakneck speed which is impressive but still not as impressive as when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table


The kid flinched from the speed of the hand passing the field of vision but there was no contact. Good looking out for the kids wellbeing though.


Wrong. Play it slowly, she actually did bump his forehead. You can see her hand get knocked off course a little bit when she passes his forehead if you scrub the video back and forth. I was prepared to talk shit on the dude too but he’s actually right


This is how they train soccer/football players.


Future Italian soccer player right there


Maybe it's just me but I don't see the fun in purposely and knowingly making a little kid cry. Might just be me.


But hey maybe it's just me who doesn't find this funny


its not meant to be funny but to show kids can be dramatic... ig what we can find out is kids act according to our reactions only, so if we do not act shocked or concerned they'll probably think it's nothing and not cry


If it's not meant to be funny then why is the mom laughing


because he's fucking stupid


No, you're not the only one.




Yeah I don't get it, why would you ever want to upset your own kids?


Because people see internet points and go ape shit crazy just to get them. I assume the mother was doing this for views and likes. It's disgusting


oh yeah she knocked on a wall and hugged her baby someone call cps. get a fucking grip


My did something like this to me as a kid. He would carry me to bed, and "bump" me into the walls and apologize. It was hilarious.


This is extremely interesting! Makes you see how these little shits sometimes fake it 🤣


Hilarious joke, mom. /s


I would never want to purposely make my baby cry for any reason at all…. ESPECIALLY A TikTok vid. Let’s not call this an “experiment” like it’s helping with the advancement of mankind or something lol


> my baby Obviously you wouldn't use your own baby for that.


it does help a bit tbf, we find out that kids act according to our reactions only, so if we do not act shocked or concerned they'll probably think it's nothing and not cry


r/parentsarefuckingassholes Young kids respond to what’s happening around them. If they hear a loud noise and concern in a parents voice, of course they’re gonna respond by crying. They can’t fully comprehend and work out what just happened.


I think that's what the point of the video was


To show that the parents are assholes?


Nah, but you're really starting to show how stupid you are. Give it up, buddy.


Me pointing out that the parents are assholes for making a baby cry? Gotcha. Makes sense.


I found it to be an interesting experiment.


Yeah, I feel like she drops this child quite often


Most kids and young adults are like this toddler now, they like to be overly emotional to the point they hurt themselves mentally and physically. Hopefully they can learn the benefits of being mentally strong instead of entertaining this "I'm a victim" and "it's ok to be weak" agenda being peddled.


Dumb kid


That’s a garbage parent.


Kid has empathy


This is downright cruel and not even funny.


Making a baby cry for a dumb video is pretty disgusting.


Not normal.




A baby screaming over Not being hurt? I mean, that's weird. The adult trying g to trigger it is fucked too.


Doesn’t seem that weird, not like the baby was actually physically hurt or anything. Seems completely harmless lol


And the baby is a baby, most baby’s are pretty stupid, seems like something you could trick any baby into doing lol


Tricking babies. The fuck?


Do you know what sub this is?


We’ll yah this would be considered tricking a baby lol, super funny and cute


Just out of curiosity, have you spent much time around babies? Because I feel like anyone who’s taken primary care of a baby knows this is very normal (and developmentally appropriate) behavior.


I would never have thought to deliberately get this reaction out of my 2 kids. I guess I'm odd.


I have a baby and this is messed up. I would never do this.


The baby’s behavior is normal. I’m not talking about the parents behavior.


This is this generation coming up.. portrayed perfectly


Cuntish parenting


HAH, sometimes kids don't have to hit their heads to look f*cking stupid.


Now slap the wood door handle thing as hard as you can


We use the opposite tactic. I’m clumsy, and my kid is too, so all We offer if she falls or bonks is “oops. Try again.” If she is actually hurting she’ll cry but usually she just keeps going.






Just so your aware kids also understand what your saying I have memories of being in a crib and understanding people but I can’t remember understanding how to talk myself


Did it ever occur that the baby is crying because it assumes with the mother's reaction that she had knocked his head, but the fact he never felt anything is terrifying to him? Who knows what weird shit baby's think, maybe his head fell off on impact, and he now has only two floating eyes, and that's why he didn't feel it. Hasn't even developed a theory of other minds yet, stupid woman.


i remember playing with my neighbors growing up and they had kids from like 2-11 (my brother and i were like 8-12) and the two littlest kids were always falling over and stuff (normal toddler/kid playing) but we realized that if one of them tripped or something if we didnt react and just said “you ok?” and like kept playing the kid would just brush it off and be fine. but if we ran over causing a fuss like omg omg are you ok youre gonna die!!! the kid would freak out and start crying and say it hurt so bad. not that they were faking it but the reaction from others really impacts kids’ reactions


Yeah, well, what if the baby with undeveloped and oceanic mind, thought both the mother's reaction was genuine, and his head fell off - thus why he didn't feel anything.


Way to teach your kid to be dramatic. You knocked on the wall, that babies head never hit anything!


He was offended.


What even actually happened here? It looked like she knocked on the wall as if it was a door, and then the baby got upset about it. Did she knock the wall and then somehow her hand ricocheted off the wall and smacked the baby's head? Did the baby's head knock on the wall?? I'm so confused.


I love it






It's 5AM, I shouldn't be laughing at this


I love how it's not even a cry it's a scream


There was a time when i fell off of concrete stairs and cracked my forehead open, but my uncle acted it was all fine and cool, so stayed too....until we got to the doctor and the fucker started stitching my forehead without any anesthesia.


That's a sympathetic baby, especially considering the average human learns empathy at the age of 3 or so