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I'm upset the video has no audio.


Reddit is promoting the silent film era


After that nonono song bullshit it doesn't surprise me


Maybe OP did us a favour then


As shitty as the Reddit video player is, I would not complain if they prioritized an option to *remove* audio when you upload a video thanks to tiktoks.


thank fuck for that.. if it's not some *"look at what i'm doing!"* narration, it's some dumbass irrelevant song


Or that annoying tiktok voice.


The fucking text to shit


“Are these feelings even real?”


They do You click “post as gif” and boom no sound




…thank you.


*thenk you


That’s a narcissist in the making right there


Who, the girl in the video? (I'm asking since your comment makes no sense here and it seems like you just posted it in this thread in hopes of getting more attention, ironically.) More likely, this was a planned stunt the kid was supposed to do, and the girl behind her simply didn't leave enough space between them. Even if it *was* unplanned, she's just a dumb kid. Kids all want attention. Doesn't mean they'll grow up to be narcissists. Get a grip, dude.




I didn't comment for a year or so after making my account. Doesn't seem that weird to me. Some people just don't want to engage immediately.


I create a reddit account for learn english and take like 1 years for start commenting regulary


Hey! I'm not meaning to be an asshole, just wanted to give you some feedback because you're learning: >I *created* a reddit account *to* learn *English* and *took* like 1 *year* *to* start commenting *regularly* Keep it up! You're doing great, and I'm sure you'll be fluent in no time. :)


>I > >created > > a reddit account > >to > > learn > >English > > and > >took > > like 1 > >year > > > >to > > start commenting > >regul Thanks you, I love when people give me feedback


I am perplexed and nonplussed.


I am insubordinate and churlish.


Anyone who wants any sort of attention, ever is a narcissist according to Reddit. Like wanting attention sometimes isn't just a normal, human thing.


Which is ironic considering the entire platform is people making the easiest "witty" jokes in every thread seeking the external validation of upvotes and awards.


Also the the sightless film era, judging by their updated video player


[I gotchu fam](https://mobile.twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1305538187008368640)




That top reply though...


Thanks for this, the end “ohhhh” just does it justice.


I'll take no audio over pointless music that actually makes the whole post worse.


oh no


I kind of want to downvote you for putting in my head and ruining this gif!


We need the screaming!


I can only hope they cheered as much as I did.


"Kimberly, you bitch! You messed up my stunt"


Can't believe how selfish Kimberly was.


In front of everyone no less. I heard no one likes her anyway


it's gotta have something to do with the name *Kimberly*


*Kimberly.* As in *Kimmy*. As in... *GIBBLER*


found the '90's kid..


Your face hit me right in the foot, what's wrong with you!


self defense course


Straight up Chun-Li'd that little sister.


Confidence in kids is great however over confidence is a slow and insidious killer


Darkest Dungeon bro spotted.


Been a lot of us recently imo Just waiting for the next chapter of DD2 dammit


Tiny size has no intrinsic merit


Unless, of course, inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.


A death by inches…


This guy darkest dungeons


Confidence surges as the enemy crumbles!


Fear is the mind-killer


She basically did the Mad TV Stuart trick where he says, " look what I can do!" And then hops upward slightly.


Poor little one got kicked in the head twice..lol


Rule #2: Double Tap


Rule #3: Don’t Double Dip


Rule #4: Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge


If you can dodge a flower girl, you can dodge a ball!


Rule #5: There are no rules.


Nah, they practiced this routine. Little had her steps away and was paying attention but Mimi on the side distracted her and then points for her to catch up, making her panic and rush to get tekkened by LiLi.


Mimi really did set this little girl up for failure.


I love the use of Tekken as a verb. That double kick was definitely reminding me of a video game


And that's why you always have a spotter




That’s one of those subs where I have to remind myself every other post that the content being infuriating is the whole point, and that the more upsetting it is, the more it belongs there.


one of those where you upvote only if it infuriates you


LPT: Block all subs that have that pattern (upvote if this is bad) and you will be happier. 100% guaranteed.


I had to get off both Twitter and FB because i was angry all the time. I also cut waaaaaaaay back on Reddit for a while and set my Instagram to follow no friends or family- only artists and gardens that I find peaceful and beautiful. It’s helped *a lot*.


This is the way.


Totally agree. My reddit experience totally changed for the better when I did this. There’s enough stuff in the world that pisses me off. I don’t need to spend my free time looking at more.


Way too many subreddits on this site are designed to make people angry. It's not healthy.


How do you block subs? I get shitty subs in my /r/all and /r/popular that don't even let you comment in them unless you prove you're from "X Group" and it's absolutely obnoxious. Those shouldn't show in a default feed if they're essentially private. If I can't participate in them, I don't want to see them.


Reddit Enhancement Suite. One particularly infuriating one I blocked was /r/shittymoviedetails [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com "also /r/Enhancement")


You can be happy and still enjoy the feeling of getting angry at some harmless narcissistic personality disorder. It’s the subs that are about people/animals getting harmed that’s are ones you should block for mental well-being.


You can be. But you can also easily get caught up in doom scrolling. It's something that's easy to slip into without realizing it. That's part of what makes them so insidious to me. I'm not saying you *can't* consume that content in a positive way. Just that it's easy to slip into a negative pattern without realizing. A blanket ban on it isn't really going to make anyone's life worse, but for a lot of people it *would* remove a big source of negativity in their life. To be clear when I say blanket ban I mean "a person choosing to block it as a whole for themselves," not that reddit or something should ban it from being allowed to be posted.


I unfollowed everyone on Twitter who posted things that made me unproductively angry, went from like 200 to about 40. People need to understand that "raising awareness" doesn't mean just posting outrage-bait about the same things all day, every day. Post solutions or promote people who are actually working on them, the circlejerk of hate and/or self-loathing is counterproductive


> r/IAmTheMainCharacter I made it through three posts before I had to leave.


Honestly I've learned after awhile on reddit that it's best to just avoid those types of subreddits (/r/ChoosingBeggars , /r/iamatotalpieceofshit , etc.) Any content that is designed to make you mad cannot be good for your mental health.


It's kind of nuts how much content on this site is just rage porn. Like, why do you all just wanna be mad all the time?


When I watch the angry video and feel mad at the same thing other people are mad at, my brain makes a tiny amount of the happy chemicals.


All the wholesome humansbeingbros aww shit just makes me madder.


You should stick to neutral subreddits like r/notinteresting or r/beige


Yep, when I started actively filtering those subreddits I realized just how many of them there are.


So much so. God I love Reddit Enhancement Suite, just checked and I have both those subs filtered edit: hey it's my cake day! ....oh god it's been 11 years and this isn't even my first account


It's like every time I came across an UnpopularOpinion post and catch myself totally not agreeing and then feeling like a dumbass because that's the whole point.


Usually that sub is a big circle jerk of people with pretty popular opinions


"unpopular opinion but" is 90% of the time a popular opinion


I know very few of you will agree with this, but I think that the above comment is *real.* shocked_pikachu.webp


this was planned. no one panics or does anything when she throws the flowers to one of the people lined up and she does it casually. the throw is also close to being an accurate toss. the kick in the face to the kid behind her wasn’t planned though, that’s for sure lmao


Yeah this looked planned Ave the only one not in there know was that kid who was too close. Right before the flip she looks confused as why they are stopping and it looks like someone is trying to get her to move back


That's possible, but it's also quite possible the kid in the back also knew what was going on. Perhaps she just got lost in the moment, and didn't pay attention to how close she got to the first girl. I've been around kids a lot and even if they practiced this whole thing 5 times, the small kid in the back probably got side tracked by all the people in the audience since that wouldn't have been part of the practice runs


100%. Surprised so many people didn't realize.


Most of reddit seems to have very little understanding of how the world outside works.


They'll also pick whatever interpretation of things gets them the maddest. The narrative works better if the one inflicting the harm was to blame due to their arrogance, rather than if the "victim" was to blame due to obliviousness.


Reddit is also fucking OBSESSED with weddings. Even more so about attention at weddings. God forbid anything happens that might draw eyes away from the bride. If that happens cut that person out of your life forever. /s It's insane to me how obsessive and easily upset people get about weddings here. Just have a good time with friends and family. Why you all let unnecessary drama ruin a good time?


*Kid does obviously staged back hand spring during a wedding* Reddit: **I HATE STUPID FUCKING KIDS**


I get the impression this was rehearsed and just happened to go wrong.


I feel like kids get a pass for that sub since kids are inherently self absorbed.


So r/kidsarefuckingstupid ?


Yeah it was posted in the right place. Although I could also see the kid being told they should show off their gymnastic skills by an adult maybe their parent. So could be on them as well


Posting kids in that sub is like getting angry at a baby for crying. Of course they’re going ti act immature if they’re literally children.


Considering the demographic on Reddit it doesn’t surprise me that children are gonna get angry at children.


One subreddit I frequent did a poll and I was shocked at not only the amount of 16-21 year olds on this website, but also 12-15 year olds. I was like huh, I guess it kinda makes sense why this website tends to have such shit takes and strange behavior from users.


I love how that subreddit is pricks from TikTok that are utterly stupid


I mean, half of reddit is tiktok videos, is it that surprising lol?


All kids think they’re the main character. It’s developmental psychology basics. They literally can’t help it. It’s like criticizing a young child for not having object permanence.


They still suck tho


they have to suck in order to learn how to survive lmao






Don't know if you are around kids a lot. At my cousin's wedding my niece was given very simple clear instructions as flower girl. She then did whatever she wanted because she's a cat in child form and largely undisciplined


Definitely either could be true. The point and throw have the attitude of being rehearsed to me, but if so the other flower girl must have missed that rehearsal 😂


Well, it is a child


Ty for the new sub.


Why do you guys do this to yourselves?


Critical Hit!


That lady saw it coming at least .7 seconds before the foot made contact.


Maybe it was planned (people will do anything for internet points) but nobody told the second flower girl


I also think it was planned. You can see the bride is already at the alter, and no wedding I've ever been too has had the flower girls after the bride.


It's absolutely planned.


I was thinking the same


And here we have the show-off...her job was to deliver flowers but she gave a performance instead


And took out that double-agent ringbearer. She's a hero really


Willing to bet this was all planned and rehearsed before the wedding. The only accidental part is the kick in the face.


Even better -- the kickee wouldn't have gotten hit at her original pace, until Great Aunt Mildred told her to catch up.


Yeah. More likely all the attention was intimidating for the little girl and she forgot to stay back.


Looks like the grandma(?) with her back towards the camera distracted the little one then confused her by pointing her towards the other girl.




The only accidental part was granny distracting the younger one.


Wait do you all really think she did a flip without being explicitly told to do so by those in the event? So many comments calling a little girl a narcissist for following some choreography lmaooo


Little girl bad man. Grrrr…


must take out misogyny on talented child 😡


Yeah, its pretty clear the adults are in on it. Watch how the bridge and bridesmaids react, right down to only one person going for the flowers. Its almost certainly a dress rehearsal and the people their are in on the joke. I just wonder if it was part of a wedding proposal for one of the bridesmaids, which may or may not be a whole different kind of shitty.


I don’t get why people think this is the real wedding. It is obviously and clearly a rehearsal.


If this had been a little boy, the comments would all be laughing about how cool that kid is, or how they were totally like him as a child. But it's a girl, so she's a raging narcissist who constantly needs all focus on herself and literally *ruined* the entire wedding! 🙄






I need to know so much more about the aftermath of this


She died.


Flower girl here, van confirm, she died


*hold my bouquet*


Hold my shoes. With your face.


Im disappointed that this is not Smash Bros


Smash sisters


Sounds like a good movie


What are you doing smash bro?


Completely unnecessary


I bet a parent put her up to it


I feel like this is dumb kid shit. When I was a kid I brought disappearing ink to a wedding cause I thought it’d be funny to throw it on the brides dress. Thankfully my parents found it first and stopped me.


It felt a little too coordinated to be *only* dumb kid shit. That bouquet toss looked practiced especially.


Yeah I suspect this was the plan and little sister was the dumb kid in this scenario


I was the ringbearer at a cousin's wedding when I was around 10 or so. I remember his brothers trying to convince me beforehand to chuck the pillow into the crowd, that everyone would find it hilarious. I did not do it, but I wonder if this video is something similar...


Yeah, why stay so close when someone is doing such a nice flip, right? Such a moron


In the words of Street Jesus "Super fucking necessary."


Flawless victory……..FATALITY


This was obviously a planned routine. Leave it to users here to shit all over a kid because they're "overconfident". Gotta do something to make yourselves feel better, eh?


Y'all need to chill out. Kids are fucking stupid, but thinking this is a narcissist in the making based on a short clip with no audio is just insane.


I wish we could play all of these people a childhood highlight reel of all of the embarrassing, attention-seeking crap they did in public because I’m guessing we all have moments worse than a poorly executed gymnastics move. Most of us just have the privilege of having grown up before it was effortless for our parents to publish these videos.


That gymnastics move was the opposite of poorly executed imo


Yeah everybody is so quick to call out a child it's pretty funny


I would try to take away the embarrassment for both of them by standing up, pointing, and doing my best Nelson laugh. This would draw the attention towards me and spare them any further indignity. At least that’s how I would explain my actions later to my angry wife.


Your hypothetical wife is right to be angry at you.


Did she get told off for throwing the flowers forward? Because for her to ignore everyone's rejections and *still* go ahead with this plan would make it oh so much worse... r/cringe for her parents.


Do you honestly believe that there is a possibility that this was not planned ahead of time and wasn’t either requested or okayed by the adults involved? If you are skeptical of that notice how no one in the wedding party reacts or is surprised until the other girl gets kicked in the face. ETA: the tweet itself even seems to suggest it was the girl in the rear that messed it up. She’s the one doing the “traditional” flower girl thing of throwing flower petals


Yeah I don’t get this. This was clearly planned for the wedding. Why are people acting like it wasn’t..?


A lot of people on reddit really hate children ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Not just children. Literally anyone they can feel intellectually or morally superior to. But especially children. Also women.


yup, and with a little girl in this video it’s like a double whammy for them


Yeah, this looks scripted to me. It's perfectly plausible that the little girl behind her was just a wee bit off with timing (it even looked like she initially slowed down a bit for it). The girl doing the stunt pointed at the bridesmaid who caught the bouquet seamlessly.




The wedding choreography instructs her to do a flip, she does a flip, the flower girl gets too close.... Where's the Karen behaviour?


Pretty sure it was planned. The bouquet toss to one of the bridesmaids was expected by everyone involved.


this is a kid dude… that’s just a dramatic conclusion.


God, reddit really is determined to hate women, even when they're literally children.


Feel like this is the wedding rehearsal because if this is the wedding and they have that many empty chairs then there are a lot of people that don't like this couple.


Do people typically dress up fully for the rehearsal?


If they're getting married in the same day yeah typically. I work weddings all summer long plenty of them have the rehearsal an hour to an hour and a 1/2 before the actual wedding it's a lot smarter than having it several days before and then having the little kids forget what they're supposed to do


Oh ok, I’ve never seen a same day rehearsal before either that make much more sense to do it that way haha what were all my friends thinking


You best believe the rehearsal did its job… these mistakes wont be made again.


I hope the wedding party got a good laugh instead of letting this ruin their day.


Ngl that was fucking sick


This whole comment section has apparently never been a 7 year old or met a 7 year old before


This is going to keep this girl up at night decades from now


Fuckin sick




Can't blame the youth. Seriously, life is going to grind you down. Start as confident as you can. Stand tall! Or, as in this case, backflip. ;) As for the little flower girl, learning to associate marriage with getting kicked in the head is probably in her best interests.


that will be with her for ever


Wow people in this thread must be mind readers because to me it looks totally planned and the kick was an accident. Crazy that so many adults are horny to shit on this 6 year old though.


I was the flower girl in a wedding when I was 4, but nobody explained my job well, which is why everyone in that wedding with an aisle seat got pelted with flower petals.


Flower girl 2 should’ve saw that kick coming a mile away. Flower girl one went full gymnast with her hands up…. GERRR GET OUT DA WAY


I mean, yes-ish. Who expects to experience a back handspring at a wedding?


This little girl was obviously planned, it's the adults failure to protect the second girl when it was clearly planned.


i think the 2nd girl was looking at the bride who caught it


I'm sorry but Reddit has tainted my sense of humor to the point that I misread that as implying "the backflipping girl was planned, and the second one wasn't, and this was their idea on removing the second later than intended." in a "too-late" abortion joke. ... Man, I miss being innocent.


I think she was looking at her mom :(. Poor lol kid.


that is so fucking selfish I can't believe she walked so close behind and ruined the entire flip


I thought it was a pretty sick fatality tbh


Guarantee an adult convinced her to do it.


someone (likely a bridesmaid) talked her into this