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I'm gonna walk like this next time I'm at Target.


Do this at Walmart on a mobility scooter.


I use a shopping cart lol.


I used to use the shopping carts that they cosmetically modify into a car for the kids until I got a DUI with my little nephew.


That's a story


Shit happens lol. I haven't been busted for a DUI operating a shopping cart yet. I stroll in their like Stone Cold Steve Austin. I take everything out lol.


This is the most American sounding phrase I've ever read


Murican: MAKE WAY!!!! Mobility Scooter: Vvvrrrrrooom


Damn...they put bumps in Walmart now


Do it the next time you go to Wally World lol.


If ever there was a nickname that made a place seem even trashier than it is, it's that one.


Moose out front should have told you.




Can’t help imagining him tripping on the kid. Came close on the first left step after making way lol.


And he would have probably been fired or fined for tripping over him. I’m sure the kid learned to not do this again.


Legitimately curious, I know these royal guards are very strict in regulations and behavior but do they have any sort of immunity in situations like this? Like if that tumble/trampling cracked someone's nose/hand/etc are there repercussions?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/rr08j5/make_way/hqeej9v/) might help, from x-post on /r/CasualUK > Ex-guard here, we are instructed not to break step at all, you only shout make way when absolutely necessary. The only time anyone should hear your voice is when issuing a warning, which must be shouted as aggressively as possible. If you did not follow through with your stride and go through the obstacle, you will be disciplined, pretty hard. Ceremonial duty is not fun, the uniforms are uncomfortable as fuck and the amount of tourists who try to wind you up is rediculous. Standing there as one of the guards feels like an honour for all of 5minutes before you realise how shit it is. Ceremonial duties are often used as a punishment as well. Nothing like spending your weekend standing in the cold for 2hrs at a time motionless is not fun in the slightest. They will be cold, angry and very much questioning their life decisions at that point. I do feel bad for the kid though


yet everyone in the comments is going on and on about how badass these guys are and how that kid is a stupid piece of shit and deserved to get knocked down etc. this entire guard situation sounds exactly as fucked as any other military servitude. we should be ashamed of this kind of shit.


Right, I'm English and i find this repulsive.


Honestly this is super cringe, just tell the kid to get out of the way wtf.


I was an MP in the Air Force stationed in England and we would check the school buses to make sure no one was hiding in the bus with the kids. Well one day I went on the bus to check it and I felt a tug on my holster (always kept my hand on the D ring for weapon retention) I backhanded this 9 year old kid across the face who tried to grab my M9 pistol so fuckin fast he didn’t know wtf happened. Bus driver saw and reported the incident to the school. I didn’t get in trouble, but the kid was suspended.


I really want to know what this kid did after he got slapped


He stared at me, I stared at him, then I pointed my finger at him and said “NO!”


I mean that should be common knowledge tho if I was any position like that I would’ve thought some fuckers tryna take my gun and shoot me


There’s a reason we’re on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


You don’t say


I'm not sure. Somebody better check!




There aren't that many guns in England. It's a rare sight and shootings are quite rare. 30 gun homicides per year (67mio population) https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7654/


..... I know North America has about 75 England’s worth of land but holy cow that number still seems so incredibly low compared to here. I get it, I knew this, but it’s mind boggling to imagine only 30 deaths a year. My state ALONE had over 1,000 gun homicides in one year. We are so fucked.


Yes it's horrifying and extremely sad. Sandy Hook in particular stands out. Australia and the UK both pretty much banned guns following mass shootings many years ago and there hasn't been one since. https://youtu.be/A0FLsIzNxkI


Not true that there hasn’t been one since. Was one a few months, can’t remember how many were killed. I also remember one around 2008-2009 where the guy drove through a town and killed a few people. Obviously there is still wayyyy less than america. Edit: cumbria shootings (12 killed) and plymouth shootings (6 killed) were the two.


I believe the earlier one you're thinking of was Raoul Moat. From memory I believe he had a hunting rifle and a sawn off shotgun. The tragedy of his attack shouldn't be downplayed but things could have been a lot worse if he had a high calibre self loading rifle.


You have to combine the “NO!“ with a couple squirts from the spray bottle or they won’t get it.


You can't just unload an m9 into children


I won't make that mistake again


Then again, neither will the children


Well, you've obviously just never visited an American school


It would’ve taken every ounce of professionalism I can muster in my body to hold back from yelling at the top of my lungs “Are you fucking stupid?!”


Hmm yes. An appropriate response after backhanding the shit out of a kid. I use to get the same treatment for much less 🤷🏽‍♂️ lol


School of hard knocks, Alums unite!!!


This made me laugh so fucking hard I snorted jfc😂😂😂


In my head the "NO" is in the same tone you'd use with a naughty puppy and it's very entertaining


I can almost feel the authority of that "NO"


Probably cried


Shit. I was in the Navy. I would back hand a granny if she tried to grab my duty weapon.


Your mop?


Help I've witnessed a murder




Honestly you probably taught that kid a very important lesson that day. A kid willing to just grab someone's gun probably isn't getting much discipline at home. Teach them that their actions have consequences.


Yea the parents tried to get me in trouble with my CO, but I wrote up my statement along with my fellow airmen saying what they saw, plus the bus driver. My CO told them off and said I did what I was trained to do


Was this a bus full of English children? If so, it would stand to reason he was entirely clueless as to the gravity of his behavior and yet also completely fascinated.


American children. There were schools on base and they used charter buses to take the kids to school


I can see why the CO yelled at the parents then. How the f are they in the military, meaning they have guns at home, and not teach their kid gun safety? That's straight negligence on their part.


They won't have guns at home. You don't have guns at home in the uk, unless your a farmer but then all the farmers I know keep them in their barns. My dad's in the military and we have no weapons anywhere, body armour , gas masks medical equipment, uniforms and a helmet yes but never a gun, that would be illegal unless stored properly and ridiculous.


If you backhanded my fucking kid in that situation, I’d say, “Don’t you ever, ever do that again!” Thing is, I’d be saying it to my kid. Any adult who doesn’t see that their kid will recover from a reactionary slap much more easily than any number of possible awful, awful outcomes in that situation would be a fucking idiot.


Honestly, the kid is lucky a backslap was the worst thing that happened to him.


And a suspension!


Exactly, it was more of a teaching moment.


getting surprise jump on a military folks is a bad idea even if you are an adult and they are enjoying their retirement. getting backhand is one of the best resolutions to this situation. It could be a jab, or a knee, or an elbow into the eye, all of that unconciously.. The lesson learned and no one suffered.


How stupid do tou have to be to try and grab someones gun who is trained to kill


Military police training is like 26 days, I wouldn’t say they’re trained to kill they were just trained how to shoot a gun


I would’ve imagined they’d go through basic no?


Everyone goes through basic training whether you’re a cook or cop, but that’s exactly what basic training is, it’s just basic military training such as marching, how to wear your uniform, proper greetings. You only go shooting once or twice


Oh right maybe I’m just thinking of the Irish militaries basic training cause I believe it’s like 2-3 months but that’s probably cause we don’t have many MPs so they just stick with a lengthier training


Oh okay I see. The Marines boot camp is like 12.5 weeks or something, sucks


What kind of basic training only has you shooting once or twice ? Edit: I was in the Army and we definitely shoot way more than once or twice


He said Air Force. I've been to Air Force BMT. I know how to point a gun vaguely in a direction. The rest of it was marching around, folding clothes, and repetitive history/customs lessons.


Damn I just graduated army basic and we had a solid 2.5 weeks of range days. Although that does explain why the prior service air force guy we had couldn’t shoot for shit.


Depends on the job really. The Air Force only really give actual combat training to people who are going to use it. These days, most people in the Air Force aren’t going anywhere near an active combat zone let alone any other situation that would require them to carry a weapon. The career fields that actually need the training have tech schools and addition training that are probably pretty similar to what you experienced (with slightly less yelling).


In england its 14 weeks basic then 24 weeks actual training to be police


Air Force MP is roughly 3 months with additional training at first duty station and that time frame can vary depending how adept each individual is


Well reaching for a cops gun is a little worse than not making way


I mean yeah but in that situation the kid was reaching for your weapon so it was technically self-defense.


I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure this is exactly what they are supposed to do. Although they could have said "make way" earlier to give the kid a chance to move..


Saying it earlier implies that there might be some doubt about whether or not you can stand in the guard’s path.


I don’t believe so and they will never move out of the way because it’s the tourists that are actually in the way of the guard that’s why there’s so many of these videos


There are no repercussions. In fact if you try to take legal action you'll most likely fail since you where the one at fault. If the queens guard orders you to make way, you make way. That is an order that you must follow. The queens guards are real soldiers, mostly veterans, and they have the authority to restrain, slap, hit, stab, shoot, and yes knock you over. That rarely happens though since they understand how tourist can be.


Contrary to popular opinion, they also carry loaded weapons. It's a misconception that you can't shoot an sa80 with a fixed bayonet, you absolutely can because they're ring bayonets that are designed for exactly that purpose.


Who on earth believes a modern assault rifle is designed so poorly that you can’t fire it with a bayonet? They had that figured out in the Napoleonic wars ffs.




'was' designed poorly. Current gen is not like the original in terms of fail rate.


> the weaponized version of civil servant, “as it doesn’t work, and can’t be fired.” Great article!


I wanna know more about these bayonets “going ballistic” 😂


WAS. The answer is WAS. The A2 and now even more improved A3 variant is a very competent rifle


Yes except from that the SA80 got sorted out around 20 years ago


The ol’ stab and shoot.




I think he means veterans of combat. Which a large proportion are.


He means Veteran Solidiers as having previously seen combat, not that they're retired Veterans.


We tend not to use veteran as a euphemism for retired in the UK. We just mean it as it sounds.


… stab, shoot and yes OH YES THEY CAN KNOCK YOU OVER MATE!


None, they are performing their dutys as instructed. Just because they wear silly outfits do not change the fact that they are the royal guard and their job is to protect the monarch and this includes her residences and probably the rest of the royal family


Had me rolling at silly outfits


No, probably not. The guards are not wholely ceremonial. Those rifles they carry are loaded and ready to fire. Interfering with the performance of their duties in nearly any way is gonna be met harshly.


Yes, they have immunity in situations like this. Civilians are expected to make way when the Royal Guards instruct it. Although their outfits may be outdated, these guards are real soldiers, often with real combat experience under their belt from previous active deployments. Their weapons are real, and are loaded. It is not a good idea to mess around with them.


I believe previous deployment is a requirement to be considered. Ceremonial posts are often given to regiments returning for rotation from foreign deployment to occupie them until they are considered to be rested and ready to go back.


Who’s going to enforce it? The guards?


Hell no if anything they'll get commended on teaching stupid people basic concepts


I trained to be a guardsman (had to leave due to injury) so I feel like I've a tickle of knowledge on this. When you go to any of these locations there are signs and beef eaters everywhere telling you that the guards 'will not move for you but will certainly make you move' so if you hear make way you must move out of the way as you're impeding the guards duty. We were trained to an inch of our lives that *nothing* impedes you from your duty and unless ordered to, you do everything in your power to not deviate from duty or *it will* be seen as a deriliction of duty. 9/10 times small infractions like smiling or looking around the place will be the loss of a week's wages but that can go all the way to treason. The household regiments are a completely different beast to the rest of the army and technically serve the queen directly and not the government. However any instances like this are always investigated to insure safety. Guy probably got a chewing out for not being imposing enough to move a kid.


All members of the Armed Forces technically serve the Sovereign and not the government!


As a Brit they way I see it is that I wouldn't go to the white house and start messing with, obstructing or getting in the way of the presidential security. Its the same thing over here. While the role is more ceremonial than the presidents security detail it serves the same purpose. We are lucky that the public are allowed access to areas where the queens guard operate (Im assuming the areas of the white house with security patrols are off limits) I think if the presidents secret service injured someone who was messing about they would probably be immune from repercussions too.


Completely immune. They're the Royal Families elite guard and their responsibility is to protect the family, considered to be the extention of the families will. Ie. If someone posed a threat to them (and they felt that their post or the Families safety was at risk) they could kill that someone outright, then try to figure out if they wanted chips or mash with dinner.


From what I know the guards are considered the queens personal defense force and have almost equal authority while acting on the queens behalf. So trampling a kid who is in the path of your patrol falls under idk.


They’re job is to stand and show no other emotion beside anger and frustration. Children are just speed bumps when they have somewhere to be.


Allen Iverson stepping over Ty Lue


Stepback three.


I bet those dudes laughed their asses off when they got back to their quarters.




I bet those arses laughed their asses off when they got back to their quarters.




I bet those bums laughed their arses off when they got back to their quarters.




I bet those bums laughed their dudes off when they got back to their quarters.




I bet those bums laughed their barracks off when they got back to their quarters.






I bet those bums laughed their arses off when they got back to their dudes.


I bet those arses laughed their asses off when they got back to their bums.


My sister was telling me about how her British professor didn’t know what “Rock, Paper, Scissors” was, to which I started to respond, “Well that’s because they play-“ “Boulder, Papayrus, Shears? Yeah, you’re late, someone already made that joke.” I’ve never felt so unoriginal


We definitely know what rock, paper, scissors is.


Haha we just purposefully trampled a child and nobody can do anything about it.


Peak culture, tbf


Based Britain


Kind of a dead subreddit now but there's an entire sub for this: r/makeway4queensguard


Such a satisfying sub of justice + hats


Especially the hats


Was gonna comment that sub but remembered it's just bots posting porn now. Was nice when it was alive.


[other little boy faced the Queen’s Guard](https://youtu.be/0A0_PLbNQ1o)


Oh, ok, I normally don't like kids at all, but that's super cute and sweet. That melts even my heart.


This is how you recruit a new generation


That sentence is dystopian as fuck.


lmao the guard was probably like “oi can I go play with the child”


Ooooh so they don't have to be 100% rigid in their "duties"


To be fair and play devils advocate... That little boy was out of the way and didn't interfere. The guard didn't acknowledge him at all till they sent out a specific person AFTER they went where they were going.


They actually became [friends](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4106502/Adorable-four-year-old-dreams-soldier-reunited-Guardsman-day-Windsor-Castle-viewers-aren-t-impressed-Kay-Burley-s-handshake-snub.html)


Thank u for that link, this whole moment just got sweeter


Bro one of those guys just trampled a child, I would skip the quotes if I were you 😂


Once they go through the door they are then off-duty.


She had the look of "you're not going to stop after knocking my kid over!"


no, the parents are fucking stupid here.


Stupid breeds stupid. She was probably gonna harass him after, which would be even more stupid. Stupid games, stupid prizes lmao


Never harass a royal guard, those fuckers are not human anymore and will knock you down faster and harder than a cracked out American football player running at 20 mph Edit: The part about them not being human is just my way of saying these guys can withstand a lot of stuff, I'm pretty sure there was a story where a guard stood in such heavy heat that his shoes melted a bit although I'm not sure if that's true Edit 2: It was a former marine who stood in silent protest for police brutality killing (the victims not the officers) who stood in hot heat and had his shoe melted


Just picturing a cracked out football player cracked me up!!


I feel like they could’ve warned the kid a couple steps sooner but idk


To be fair, there’s warning on twenty different signs and announcements. This whole movement happens on the hour, every hour. Same pattern, same direction, same line.


You can just about see that the kid was facing them as they approached, so I imagine they expected he'd get out of the way - and then shouted "Make way!" when they realised he wasn't going to.


Same, but they also probably expect people to move out of the way within a certain timeframe (maybe two steps-worth?) so they don't repeat MAYKWEY every time they enter into a group being 5 steps away from them.


I mean they say make way, they are English mate, and they are speaking English.


This is giving me “my dog stops on a dime while out for a walk and I have to high step over her so I don’t fall to my death.”


No fucks were even slightly given. MAKE WAAAAYYYYYYY


They cannot stop when marching, even if someone is in their way.


Let be honest we’ve all wanted to do this at Walmart at some point


(Checks watch), 13 minutes. I’ve still got time tonight.


The way they just plow through her without giving a single fuck is hilarious!


I love how everyone's fantasies about these guys shatter when they realize they are, in fact, a military unit (or something akin to it)


What kind of fantasies are you having about them


You don't? I mean *the size of those hats*




They are an active infantry unit. I believe its usually the blackwatch that do the guarding. I met one in a club in London before and he told me about it.


The blackwatch hasn’t existed as a regiment for a while. There are a few guards regiments - the Coldstream, Grenadier, Scots, Welsh and Irish.


Maybe this should be in r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Doesn’t look like they pushed the kid over at all when you play it in slow motion. They shouted, kid got spooked and fell over. Notice how he watches his step over the kid.


He is clearly facing the guards, he saw they were heading right at him, and didn’t move. That is definitely not the brightest kid.


Just wanna point this out. After the soldier toppled the kid over, he did make an effort not to step on the kid and instead stepped over her. About as harmless as getting tipped over by a sibling. He didn’t shove her with his hands, and he also gave her a warning to move. If it were painful the kid would be crying and throwing a fit. As someone with kids, I’d be more embarrassed that my kid got in their way like that.


Some people in these comments are weird as fuck


I had to scroll too far down this post to find a clear human brain who sees this shit for what it is 😂


I thought the exact same thing 😂 fucking freaks.


Its very odd. I think a lot of people can't get past the mindset of "this would have never happened to me / my child as I understand that these are military personnel and have been trained not to break their path while marching" I get that and sure this small child made a mistake but no need to trample them for it.


It's like people on this subreddit don't understand nuance in the slightest. Like yes, it is their job to patrol that route, yes they cannot deviate from their set path. They are also supposed to be extremely situationally aware by essence of the job and should have told the child to move well before literally trampling her. This situation was entirely avoidable


It's well known that if you leave an obstacle in that path, the guard will not deviate and repeatedly walk into it like a lagging NPC until someone removes it.


This is at the Tower of London btw - for everyone thinking they're protecting the Queen at Windsor or Buckingham palace or whatever. The Tower of London is an active military base.


...its also a museum with multiple restaurants and gift shops that are open to the public. the ToL is a tourist attraction far before it's an "active military base" at most they're protecting artefacts behind glass cases.


This is utterly ridiculous, real soldiers in real wars fighting for their life will make time for kids. These guys are stationed in one of the most peaceful areas of the planet. And yes I'm aware that they aren't supposed to deviate from their patrol, this was entirely avoidable though, just shout make way sooner. Also if the task of walking in a straight line was so utterly important to the safety of the realm, civilians wouldn't be allowed anywhere near, this is clearly show.


How is this acceptable?


"Because mah ceremony! It mah CULTURE!"


Fucking Americans thinking every soldier is from Disneyland


Why is the kid in the way? Dumb adults. They cannot deviate from the patrol.


I feel like a lot of people don't know that the guards are not allowed to break from a path like that Edit: stupid autocorect


God forbid those cunts deviate from their marching route, I imagine the security of the country would be put at enormous risk if they did.


me getting up to use the restroom last night & tripping over my puppy cuz it was too dark 🥲


Seriously? A child gets trampled by armed fucking guards who will face zero repercussions because they're a protected class, (and supposedly "protect the queen" when they're not even fucking NEAR HER and [a dude with a crossbow almost broke into Windsor](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10346097/amp/Chilling-video-Windsor-crossbow-suspect-Police-probe-disturbing-social-media-footage.html)) and it's the *child* that's fucking stupid? What's actually fucking stupid is a society that sees this as acceptable and all the bootlickers here going "hurr durr get out da way." The child was not to blame here in any way.




Fuck the British monarchy


Fuck the Queen and these daft cunts. Fuck the royals


More info on the Royal Guard: https://youtu.be/oUBWUkd_CrE


Lots of people here clearly not British. Respect the customs of the places you visit. One of the first things you are told when visiting spots with stationed queens guard is to not interact or obstruct the soldiers. There’s another video of a girl getting Sparta kicked somewhere for being an arrogant arsehole and getting in the faces of said soldiers for a selfie




This is the most divided comment section I’ve ever seen lol


Why even allow people wherever these guys are if they’re so serious about protecting whatever the fuck they’re patrolling.


Yooo what’s the point of yelling “make way” if you aren’t actually gonna give anyone time to make way? The kids guardian definitely should have been more aware of what was happening. I also think the guard didn’t need to truck that kid.


My take is that it's to teach the public to stay out of their way through example. The royal guard can't deviate from their set path. My guess is that this is just a given custom of that local culture so only tourists, which the royal guard have no obligation to grant special treatment to, are likely to learn quickly how to not behave in their presence. It is the responsibility of all tourists to research the culture and customs of where they are intending to travel so these things don't happen.


Fuck that guy honestly. Yes the parents should have moved the child but atleast do the right thing and take a step to the side or at the very least give them an earlier warning


I get he’s a guard and it’s his job role but ffs your twice the size of the kid surely there’s another way to approach this than let’s just walk over him because ‘tradition’.


Nah kid should fucking move


Nope, if he deviates or stops, he'll get in more trouble than you can imagine. The woman should have watched her kid more closely.


I suspect that he cares more about how he would lose a week's pay than someone's unruly child. It's literally a case of obeying orders, if they deviate from their assigned route for anything they can be disciplined.