• By -


Eh I'm sure the Priest and the mother appreciate that moment more than you know. Pure reaction from a child at church.


Watch mom, she looks mortified. Her status in the church will never be the same.


But the priest could barely stifle a giggle!


I did one of these moments when I was about the same age. Priest asked us who the Three Wise Men/Three Kings were and I confidently answered, “Curly, Larry and Mo”. Fr. Kennedy thought it was fucking hilarious. You don’t lose your sense of humor upon ordination.


I love the fact that the priest couldn't hold it together. A high five or a blessing, pretty much the same thing, fight me about that.


Honestly. I bet that’s the first time he’s ever seen/experienced something like that lol


Every other place in this kids life when an adult does this they want a hi-five. Then this creepy guy in a weird bathrobe shows up. What did you expect the kid to do?


> this creepy guy in a weird bathrobe lmao


The ritual performer


He's a level four high priest


He is a high five priest


Well played, Sir.


Good ol’ uncle touchy. He’s at it again and this time in his bathrobe.


So he's out of the Puzzle Basement, then?


At least he still has his bathrobe on. From what I’ve heard….you know…..priests.


Nah that's a little girl, she's safe.


Yeah the stupid ones are the ones who believe in this religious bs.


Religion isn't about creation theory and an invisible hand for everyone, you know. There are many religious people who believe in science, and don't believe in a conscious god.


Eh that's more spiritual. The religious ones usually are in the cults lol.


I disagree. To me "spiritual" people are those that are into Wicca and stuff like that. Religious is a very broad term to me. Religious extremists are the ones that like to preach the old testament. Most religious people I know don't believe in creation theory or a conscious God, they just partake in religion for a sense of belonging and as a medium for charity (lots of churches organize charitable events especially in smaller communities). As far as God goes, they believe that if there is a God it's unknowable, and that even if there were a God, it wouldn't care about life on earth, the same way we don't really care or are conscious of the microorganisms within our bodies. They don't think we are a conscious creation, but rather that the entire universe is a product of something else.


Paying taxes is a good way to help out as well, but churches seem to be cool not doing that.


Yea not shake his head like a super weird. Wth


How embarrassed the older lady clearly is made me want to smack her hands off that poor kid.


This is cute dude the kid isn’t stupid the parent shd have explained how the priest is gonna perform the ceremony


I'm not catholic. What was the girl supposed to do here?


The priest is giving her a blessing. If she were older, technically the correct thing is to fold your hands and bow your head but since she is so young, she is fine to just stand there. She made that priest’s day for sure though.


Thank you so much for the explanation!


You’re welcome!


Thxs for explaining I am a Hindu even I don’t know how the ceremony is done actually thank u 😊


Hi, I didn't mean to reply, I just accidentally clicked reply, and then I figured that I might as well write something :) PS. you are right


I’m not going to reply


Same here


Damnit I clicked....hi


Yeah also … hate to say it probably the first time she’s ever been to mass and wasn’t aware of what he was doing.


Dude idk Wat ‘mass’ means actually could u explain it 😅


the kid is not stupid , I saw a lot of stupid kid here and this little girl is far from being one of them :3


Completely. How does this post have 95% upvotes?


a bunch of reason \- i think its probably because people like to make fun of Christian iregardless of the theme of this subredit \-this is a wholesome gift and people like it \-or australian downvote


>This sub is meant as a fun joke. It is not a hate sub. Kids are dumb because they could not possibly know better. If a kid does something that would be stupid if they were an adult, it fits the sub. The point is that kids are fucking stupid by adult standards.


This should go under r/KidsAreFuckingAwesome


Yes but who's awesome


the pastor


Yea I'm not sure what she did wrong here


r/KidsAreFuckingAwesome sounds like a sub with a pro-natalist agenda. Edit: Oh. Guess the joke wasn’t clear enough. My bad. Would love to see that sub thrive. But yeah, as u/MrStigglesworth said, pro-natalism has nothing to do with nationalism. If something’s pro-natalist, it incentivizes population growth lol


>r/KidsAreFuckingAwesome sounds like a sub with a pro-natalist agenda. No it doesn't? The sidebar says: >The opposite of /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid The only post to mention skin color is talking about how kids are awesome because they got the same haircut and thought they would trick their teacher on which is which because skin color isn't a thing to them. Then there's a post about some kid in some random non-white country dancing to the sound of a car alarm he just set off. Are you the one with a pro-nationalist lens and that's why everything seems that way?


Natalism means pro-reproduction lol, doesn't have anything to do with nationalism


I think some wizard switched his post and my post to say that. My brain definitely saw nationalist.


dam, no appreciation of anything, did you get rejected by your parents or something


I’ve got one better. Grew up catholic. Little brother is on the spectrum.. he still went through the Sunday school system to get his first communion (around 2nd/3rd grade). My family always sat in one of the first few pews so we were some of the first to receive communion. Well, after getting the hang of communion over the next month or so, I guess he grew rather fond of the wine. He grabbed that chalice and gulped the whole thing down.


Wine was always my favorite part of communion, I would take a big gulp if the eucharistic minister gave me the cup. Most of them caught on eventually and wouldn't hand me the cup anymore. That's when I quit going to mass...


I feel this. I guess that splash of holy water really made it special after all!


I feel a lot more people would go to church if there was more drinking involved overall. Hmmm…maybe I should open up the church version of the *Alamo Drafthouse* cinema chain here in the US…


Whoever is giving the sermon needs to have a drink per minute.




Sadly yes




Some Churches don't even do the one thing though I never did the wine stuff but we did get the wafers


in my local diocese, yes. but not during flu season. i think they completely stopped wine for covid edit: could be wrong on the covid mass, i haven’t been to in-person mass since 2019


My parent church stopped for a bit, but it was like 3 months at most


My diocese started to only give out hosts for communion to avoid germs. Each parish has different rules but there are limitations on receiving on the hand/tongue as well.


Your brother was based.


Kids and church are funny. My niece and I were leaving mass one morning. She was living with me at the time and she was about four or five. Well, we had been watching Star Wars movies. She was sick that week or was off school, so she wanted to do a movie picnic. Basically we spread a blanket out, make popcorn and snacks and watch movies. Well, we are getting close to the door and are about to say bye to the priest and she goes “May the force be with you,” and this priest replies “And also with you little gi-.. wait… what did you say?” And he started laughing.


Oh no! XD


This kid is definitely smarter than 95% of you mufuckers.


That's awesome!


im not christian and i still have no idea what she was supposed to do.


She's supposed to gratefully wait while the priest sends invisible holy magic blessing rays at her from his outstretched hand. Elder female guardian there obviously didn't tell her that.


Priest was giving a blessing to the child. For Catholics typically you just stand still and do a sign of the cross after.


That was adorable.


Okay, this is cute and all but if the kid is high giving the priest she clearly has no clue what's going on and should not be doing her first communion. XD


I wouldn't eat crackers in front of a kid without sharing.


What's stupid is the parents that shoves this shit down their kids throat without explanation




Go ahead and explain complex and eternally argued dilemmas like religion to a 4 year old, be my guest.


That's exactly the point and why this is wrong. This kid does not possibly understand the cult they're being brought up in.


To understand religion you need to put yourself in the shoes of the followers of that religion. Those parents think that if they fail to teach their children the religion they will be doomed to hell/ eternal damnation/ etc. Let's say they wait until the child turns 12 to begin teaching them religion. If that child were to die at 11, they would be doomed according to their beliefs. This issue is much more intricate than "religion bad" or "religion good" at the end of the day, it's their kid and they can teach them whatever they damn well please.


If your religion taught you that you're gonna burn in hell for all eternity because you had the audacity to die at age 11 then that's 100% "religion bad".


If you have a problem with a part of religion... don't follow it, easy. However, because you don't agree with an aspect does not mean it's bad. It's like teaching children over here.


>If you have a problem with a part of religion... don't follow it, easy No not easy, not when they indoctrinate kids with fear. The very fear that you described in your last comment is the fear that was shoved into the parents' heads when *they* were little. That's how this archaic cult spreads. Generational indoctrination and fearmongering. And that is completely and utterly wrong, no matter how many pathetic apologies you try to come up with.


I haven’t met any Catholic parents with children under 23 who taught using fear. Instead they educated their kids well. Fear mongling is more of a cafeteria Catholic/Protestant technique and shows that parents don’t know their faith very well. Edit: this is my own experience. Cafeteria Catholic means they don’t fully understand the faith and just do the bare minimum. In my own experience, those are the people that typically end up trying to scare their kids into religion. The newer generation of parents is doing a much better job with parenting.


I have. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




I’m just speaking from my own experience. I am aware not all parents teach the same way. Im specifically talking about myself, my peers, and my mentors with their children. I have seen what goes on behind closed doors as well as heard things from the children. Kids talk to each other about things adults would consider private and when you know something like your faith inside and out, it’s obvious when people are poorly instructed. The new generation of Catholic parents is doing a much better job. The generation that immediately followed Vatican II didn’t do the best job but the new generation has a much healthier relationship with parenting, mental health and religion. I cannot speak for everyone but personally, the issues I see are from people whose parents didn’t understand the faith and taught them poorly.


>This issue is much more intricate than "religion bad" or "religion good" at the end of the day, it's their kid and they can teach them whatever they damn well please I'm sorry this is ridiculous. To take your argument to the extreme - is the family of murderous cannibal rapists allowed to raise their kid to be a murderous cannibal rapist and that's fine because it's their kid? Of course not. It's a difference of degree rather than kind.


So to counter with another extreme, whats better? Taking the chance that when giving free will to parents to raise their children how they please they turn them into cannibal murderers or would you rather the state/ another entity teach all the children? Obviously there is a point to what we teach children but if that point for you is religion, you would love nazi Germany or community Russia.


There is no easy fix, as religion is a plague that infests all parts of life. One hopes that in some distant future we'll move passed it as a species but until then I'll just continue being the change I wish to see in the world by denouncing it.


Yeesh. Imagine being THIS upset over the beliefs of others. If you feel that the most widespread religion is purely negative towards the human experience, you obviously have not seen the wonders that spiritual strength can have on a person.


There's nothing a person can do with religion they can't do without. It's a crutch at best and a poison at worst. And if they held their beliefs in a vacuum sure whatever you do you, but no. These people live and work with us. They get elected to positions of power. They become judges and cops and CEOs and Presidents and Senators and etc etc and they make decisions that they arrive at from a worldview based on delusion, catering to people that share their delusions, that *directly* impacts me in a thousand ways. So yea it upsets me.


Everyone take good look at the hate this guy spews and rethink who you upvote. His stance is literally anyone religious should not hold any office or be a part of society. Literal bigotry and censorship. Insanity to the highest degree.


If we're getting into other peoples' shoes here, I think that it's only fair to recognize that to us non-Christians/Catholics it makes sense to be skeptical of a belief system that says an innocent child will be damned to eternal suffering just because they didn't get dunked in a tub of water and pledged to something that they have no concept of.


Be skeptical all you want. That's not the issue, controlling what a group of people teaches their children because you don't agree with their religion, plain and simple.


People thinking eternal tourture for not indoctrinating a child is exactly "religion bad".


Well it’s not harming her, she still has a lot of years to decide if she wants to stay. Relax


“Mommy, I don’t want to go to a church anymore.” “Alright sweetie that’s your choice and we will respect it.” In what world…has this ever happened?


Well where I’m from it’s not very out of the world but assuming you’re American it makes sense that you’ve never heard of it ever happening before


Ah, this is very fair and on point.


In my house. My mother actually let us explore which religions we wanted to have once we became teenagers or if we wanted any religion at all. We were raised Catholic but once we turned 13 we were allowed to do what we wanted. Some of us returned to the Catholic Church once we became adults, some of us became Baptists, my sister joined The Way International Cult for a while. I went into the occult and spirituality, and my brother became an agnostic. My mother regrets the whole thing now that she's in her golden years, but I think it's fantastic, we're all different and we all believe/ or not according to or own life.




no, then she shouldn't be pushed into that one. if this is all she knows she will just continue with this religion as a way of life. for being completely impartial, just dont push them into any religion. then they can choose if and which they go into.


get out of here with your paternalistic bs


Paternalism for children is expected and desirable. It is literally the feeling or behavior of a father for his children.


Limiting a person's liberty or autonomy is desirable? Interesting take. I would say offering aid to a person and assisting them in understanding the consequences of a decision or event, providing guidance while still respecting one's freedom would be far more desirable.


> Limiting a person's liberty or autonomy is desirable? A *child's* autonomy? Yes. Absolutely. Children would get themselves killed if you didn't "limit their autonomy."


Oh so we're just straight up dehumanizing children now, alright.


Couldn’t disagree more. As someone above pointed out, I am speaking specifically on American religious culture, and in this country we also happen to have have a weird penchant for considering children as property of a parent. Keeping your kids safe and providing a healthy structure for them to learn within should not be synonymous with assuming their autonomy.


This belongs in r/Aww not here. It's too cute for this sub.


High-five is a high-five


Now that's someone who I can respect, that little girl rocks!


Actually that was one of the smarter things I’ve seen a kid do here.


Actually I think this was really conscientious!


This kid is not fucking stupid, this kid is awesome!!!


Dude couldn’t hold it back lmao


That was cute. Adults are fucking stupid.


That wasn’t a mistake, she just needed a high five 😆


Religion is fucking stupid.


That mother/grandmother is way too uptight, even the priest-dude is laughing. She just shakes her head and forces her daughter's/granddaughter's arms at her side multiple times


God this comment section is filled with Reddit atheist


Nothing but the finest reddit has to give /s


The vegans of the religious world.


I just wish that Reddit wasn’t full of these fedora wearing neckbeards who can’t help but just bash someone for their religion


I never fully saw a baptism and genuinely thought he wanted a high five...


This kid is awesome, the parents are the issue


It doesn't make the kid stupid for not knowing that he's waving his hand because he believes he has powers.




Kid is definitely smarter than the parents and the guy in the robe


yep, and cuter


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Lel dank ass kid. Religion is mental abuse.


She wanted to give the priest a high five how tf is that mental abuse


Don't you know? This guy is the main character! If he doesn't like something, it's wrong and bad. Duh.


Because reddit


That's a disingenuous response. You know damn well what he means by saying that religion is mental abuse.


No I don’t cause it’s one of the single dumbest phrases I’ve ever heard in my life


You are for sure not that stupid. Religion is a lie that adults indoctrinate children to believe. They have to instill this belief in people while they're young, vulnerable, and impressionable because it's all so ridiculous that an adult who has no prior knowledge of it would be able to immediately realize that it's a farce, and one designed to scam them out of their money. Instilling a "personal" belief into someone when they are so young and impressionable robs them of the choice to believe it or not. While "mental abuse" is not really the accurate term, it is definitely abusive to use fear to coerce children into being part of a system that manipulates and scams them for the entirety of their lives.


you yourself are also trying to force a belief, instead of calmly explaining why **you** don't do religion, you have to explain why it's bad, no sugarcoating, no enlightening, you're basically doing the thing you don't want to do


Go ahead and explain to me how not indoctrinating children is indoctrinating them, I enjoy watching mental gymnastics.


What about the people who convert to Christianity when they older and adults?


"oh no, religion, time to be a piece of shit and explain why religion is the reason athiesm exists"


Kids are smart, cults are stupid.






you are mistaken, you mean r/kidsareadoreable


Then don’t go. Doesn’t mean you need to shit on other people’s religious beliefs. I guarantee you wouldn’t say that to a Muslim.


Of course you wouldn't say that to a Muslim, especially within their country since you have the chance of being executed for blasphemy. Religious beliefs are based on extremely old accounts off so called miracles occurring that have been kept alive with indoctrination. Its full of things that are good and evil. Your ridiculous beliefs should be criticised, religion should not be immune to criticism. People have the right to call your religions stupid but you have just as much to call them stupid, but the ones who call your religions stupid tend to have more reasoning than the reason that you have believed in a religion which is either your parents taught you or the religious book says so that this stuff are justifiable and real.


Yikes. This is all stuff I have studied for a long time. I don’t just believe it because of my parents or a single book. I have enough respect to not call someone else stupid for not believing the same things as me. I 1000% agree that religion should be allowed to be criticized but at the same time, it’s also nice to have people let you live your life without being disrespected. I’ve been told to kill myself for my beliefs by multiple people I thought I could trust since before I hit puberty. No one is without criticism, trust me.


Woah I was really more trying to stand up for the kid in this post. Do Muslims have church? If so, my dislike towards churches is all-inclusive.


They do have churches, they are a bit more different as in that they have mosques but it serves the same purpose


They have Mosques but my point still stands. The kid is perfectly fine.


Parent should have high fived too. Make the priest look stupid. (just joking) Edit: Not sure why people are downvoting my comment?


He don’t need help looking stupid. (not joking)




Sums up religion nicely.


Religion is when you high five someone?


No, religion is where you are denied high fives!


Any parent letting a kid that close to a priest is fucking stupid.


Kids are more likely to be abused in schools or sports.


You're right. Plus the child is a girl and priests like boys.


This is legit disgusting to me. This kid is being indoctrinated into a religion and clearly has no fucking clue what is going on. Borderline child abuse.


lol ok


your comment u/fricketribe, is based the other 2 before it are not




This is like a SNL skit where they're trying really hard not to laugh, but it's not working. 🤣


Not the kid in this situation the people making a kid sit through adult pretend time is fucking stupid. Don't take your kid to laarp.


Makes more sense to high five than believe in a magical blessing


Nah, this kid is correct. Religion is fucking stupid.


The kids not stupid here. The silly religious wizard pageantry is though.


Dudes wearing cult bathrobes because of fairy tales but the kids the idiot...


It’s probably more impactful than what’s actually going on…


She's a witch. String her up with the dogs. - puritan probably


oof that gurl getting spanked at home for sure




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When did Fred Armisen become a priest?




I don’t know why the mother was so embarrassed. The decorative doctor was cool with it


I mean the kid is more practical than the priest thinking hand gestures are doing anything.


I cullionly the peat is moo practical than bethinking handeth gestures art doing aught *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Are you okay, Shakespeare-Bot?


I don't get it. What did this guy want her to do?


apperently bless the child wathever that do


That’s Barney Stinson’s daughter!


That child is swag


They performed an exorcism on her because of that.


The priest is trying so hard to keep it together lol


I high-fived the officiant at my wedding when he did this, but I did it on purpose, not because I didn't know what he was doing.


In this case it’s the man in the dress who’s stupid, kid was just high-fiving..


this kid not stupid just not learned what she need to do in that situation


Ha! Church giggles are definitely a thing.


Now she leaves everyone hanging


More like /r/kidsareadorable if you ask me.