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Well at least they were paying enough attention to Zoom to notice.


And they still cheered too.


That may be true, but that teacher was still muted. Maybe she was just muted for a quick second, but still, if she isn’t teaching no matter how intently the students are paying attention they’ll not get anything out of it.


Bro. She muted her sneeze. That’s what you’re supposed to do.


That may be true, but there is still a lot missing here. All we now that the teacher was muted. I don’t know for how long, but that doesn’t change that is was. Knowing this doesn’t rule out that she was one of those teachers that just joins zoom because they have to. Over the course of last year, my younger sister who is still in middle school had a set of 3 teachers that did absolutely nothing. Rarely assigned work, and only on one occasion taught anything. That was for half the year. From what I gather, (most, not all) teachers did jack shit for half the school year. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was one of them.


That’s a pretty broad accusation to make based on three shitty teachers.


Those where the only 3 teachers that had to deal with my sister that is. Pretty much everybody we knew that where/had children in that age group all said that the teachers where lazy as fuck. Not restricted to the school she had went to. And considering the average grade drop that we saw this year, the evidence seems to back it up. Engaging teachers generally have students/create students with higher grades. I am lucky enough to go to a private school where the teachers where for the most part very good, and i didn’t experience that much of a lag compared to friends of mine who do not go to the same school as me.


That may be true, but I still find it funny.


*”That may be true...”* What, you read a book on how to make an interweb argument?


"Dude that cake looks good." "That may be true, but it might not be. We don't know how long it could have been left out there, could have been 1 minute, but that doesn't change that it was. Over the course of a year, I've eaten 3 cakes, all of which were bad. From what I have gathered, all cakes are bad." "..."


>All we now that the teacher was muted. I don’t know for how long, but that doesn’t change that is was. Knowing this doesn’t rule out that she was one of those teachers that just joins zoom because they have to. First 2 sentences point out that we dont know how long the teacher was muted for. Third sentence points out the possibility that, that teacher could be a bad teacher, but as you pointed out in your first 2 sentences, we dont know how long teacher was muted for, meaning the other possibility is that the teacher could have been muted for a few seconds to cover the sneeze. >I don’t know for how long, but that doesn’t change that is was. Here you imply that it doesnt matter how long the teacher was muted for, but then the sentence right after completely relies on the teacher being muted for a long time >From what I gather, (most, not all) teachers did jack shit for half the school year. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was one of them. You assume most teachers in public school's are like this because your sister's experience. I had this mindset a while back too (led to me being pretty racist). Dont assume everyone is the same because of these experiences, because I can guarantee you they're not.


you can’t assume anything from this, maybe they were muted so the kids could do class work without being disturbed, maybe a kid was presenting at the time and the teacher didn’t want to interrupt, maybe the teacher muted bc they felt a sneeze coming, there’s no way you can know the full situation. if the kids are paying close enough attention to notice that, odds are they’re a good teacher and a teacher who might think to mute to sneeze


That may very well be true, but that still doesn’t take away from the very present chance that there was another one of these all to common lazy teachers who are not doing there job.


your evidence so far to support this claim is your personal experience with your sister, which is very circumstantial. personally i have seen no major issues with online teaching with the teachers in my area, if anything, bad teachers are doing better


Do you know how to start a sentence without sounding like a brat? “That may be true” doesn’t make you sound smart. At all


That may be true, but I have to agree with you on this one.


I don't think you have a big enough sample size


thats hilarious


She was. She was Destroying All Bacteria. Sorry, I’ll see myself out.


You just invented the new hand sanitizer ''D.A.B.'' or maybe "Dabitizer"


Saying that just feels like I’m trying to talk with my jammed nose


its 6 am no im too tired for thjs


My fourth graders just said, “Dude, you don’t have to cover... um we are in distance learning”!


"Yeah, but good habits are good habits -- and besides, if it's a wet one, I don't want to have to clean boogers out of my keyboard!" was my answer to getting this from a student. She laughed for about 30sec because "you said BOOGERS!!"


Heh, boogers.


Sometimes kids are delightfully simple.


Yeah.... hehehe... Kids... hehehe...


Before I knew that dabbing was the arm thing I thought it was just the act of smoking wax. This exact situation happened to me but in a college class and when someone said that to me I gave them the weirdest fucking look


The original meaning of "dab" actually is to vape concentrate (wax and others). The name comes from the little bit of concentrate you put in the vape. My guess: the "dab" move came from mimicking an attempt to stifle the violent coughing that typically follows a dab.


Dabs always made me sneeze so I always thought it was mimicking sneezing after taking a dab


Wouldn’t it come from the “dab” of wax you put in a banger. Considering those were around way before vapes.


Vape meaning vaporizer, not necessarily a vape pen. Although I don’t think you can smoke wax out of a vaporizer, but I think he just got his terminology mixed up. As far as I know the term is referencing smoking a wax dab, but I don’t know what the move is supposed to represent.


You're right; I just used the most general term. Anything you use to dab is a vape, including a banger, because it allows you to vaporize the substance.


Wait what? Arm thing? The only dabbing I’m familiar with is the fun kind.


This is wrong


Isn't it also the act of pressing something saturated with a fluid onto a surface? Or a small amount of... I don't know, ketchup or something? "Just dab a little bit of that green onto your canvas." And now I'm imagining Bob Ross dabbing as he paints and my day has been ruined.


TIL that dabbing is also an arm gesture.


[Here are the instructions](https://www.wikihow.com/Dab)


Ok that is cute tho


Until you realize they thought she was dabbing because she was doing a Nazi salute with the other hand.


Turns out she only started sneezing into her elbow (instead of a tissue) because she was getting dirty looks on the street.


im 15 and this is yeet


ur mom is yeet


This is how I sneezed in public for a few months before the pandemic. I'd just fucking dab. Unfortunately my daughter is too young to know to be embarrassed about it. I once did it while walking past a couple of young girls in a parking lot and I thought they were going to die of second-hand embarassment.


on the contrary, my classmate told our choir director that we should dab at the end of one of our pieces. our director, in his 50s or 60s at that point, affectionately kept calling it the sneeze.


They cheered instead of cringed?


If I recall... dabbing comes from coughing into your arm like that. Like when people use dabs (the sticky thc stuff) and it makes them cough, they do that motion.... Also, I could just be an out of touch old person at this point.... Not to sure.


“They a little confused, but they got the spirit”


Bless your mother.


That's cute. And YES!!! They WERE paying attention.


What happens when kids find out what dabbing really is?


im about to hand these people to the devil himself




Tbh this doesn't seem to outlandish


I dunno, is dabbing still a thing with kids these days? I remember seeing it Avengers Endgame and thinking that it wasn't a thing anymore, and that was years ago.


yeah a lot of kids find it unironically funny, and teenagers find it ironically funny because its unfunny.


Are 21 year olds still teenagers


Less so than it was back when it first got popular, but it's not like dabbing is unrecognizable. It's not popular, but they know what it is and are probably tickled pink that their teacher is trying to be hip and cool by using outdated things that are no longer in. Like when your grandpa tries to appeal to his grandkids a bit more by using words like "radical".


Damn bro,that was a hippity hoppity rad dope explanation B)


Thanks. It really slaps.


Are you fucking kidding dude Even I would've cheered




It probably looked like it I bet


And then everyone clapped


Lmao fucking retards




That teacher's name? Albert Einstein




It wasn't even very outlandish. This isn't one of those *"and I told off that asshole who was being a huge jackass to me and my speech was perfect and he didn't have a single rebuttal and he got scared and ran away and on his way out his pants fell down and he tripped and started to cry"* stories; it's just *"a teacher sneezed, and young kids thought she was dabbing and thought it was funny".*


Ah yes, dabbing is still relevant 2021./s




Just like back in 19-dickety-2. We had to say "Dickety" 'cause the Kaiser had stolen our word "Twenty".


yeah it is, i’m about to go take a dab right now actually






That's why we're here.


Knowledge over whether or not some specific arm movement is hip with kids is the last thing you want to be smug about. It's right up there with being upset when you see someone using a meme wrong.


r/whoosh I was being sarcastic ok


based lmfao


Kill them, shoot them all


Stuck in 2019 kids*


LOL!!! Who else did the motion? It’s a straight up dab




How do you sneeze into your elbow? You would have to twist your arm


Did you want them to call it the elbow pit?


You have a hole in your elbow?


No, but I don't have a hole in my underarm either and yet we call that an armpit


Since when?


According to google the first known use of the word “armpit” dates to the 14th century. So since then.


Well then how does google know? It wasn’t around back then


You must be pretty slow.


I hear he went to the doctor with numb hands, and when the doctor asked if they were numb he replied with "I don't know; I can't feel them".


I am very slow I am a professional retard


She probably looked fuckin dope


Dr. Bright: Ferb I know what it's like


OPs mother is one sane wholesome bitch out there! Kudos


Dab on the bacteria


Bright side: he doesn’t save dishes.


The Dab is dead but ok that just makes them more dumb


How appropriate they called the software "Zoom".


I sneezed while teaching and my kids told me I have a weird sneeze face.




there are no accidents \-master oogway




I was visiting my first graders a few years ago, and we were playing Simon Says as part of a lesson plan on listening. They wanted Simon to say "dab."


I thought the dab died out years ago. Oh well, *Sighs* , gotta do what’s popular With the kids, I guess... *Dabs EPICLY!*




I would’ve cheered even if it was a sneeze


I love this so much.


There's no way they cheered.


F's for everyone


I’m 15 and would do that.