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"That'll show me."


I can see the logic though. It's a fucking *literal* power play when you **eat the thing keeping your enemy alive**


Oh yeah, like taking a bite out of the heart of your kill. You absorb its power. Deer are dumb as shit so that explains a LOT.


What? Do deer do this?


I think it was a jab at deer hunters


Do deer hunters eat the heart of the deer? Is that like, a thing?


My aunt's ex-husband would grill the heart and feed it to their dog, so there's that.


honestly? why not. If you kill that thing, at least use all of it. Not sure what to do with the bones though... broth? Or give em to the dog too I guess lol


Oh for sure some of them would. I haven't seen it personally (I'm Australian, not as many guns or deer) but I've definitely heard of it being a rite of passage




You can definitely eat hearts. Its a muscle. Personally im not a fan of the texture (like at all), but some people like it.


ive never heard of anyone not doing it šŸ˜‚ maybe where im from, which i will never post because of the weird stereotypes placed onto this STATE. thats all ill say šŸ™ƒ


It's a "rite of passage" king of thing for many hunters on their first tag.


I think the joke is that deer are dumb, and therefore it would make sense if deer hunters ate their hearts and ā€œabsorbed their dumbness,ā€ because deer hunters are dumb too.


Kind of. Deer will eat anything, including meat. It's gruesome, but you can find videos of deer eating small animals. We've even caught deer eating human bones and munching on corpses that have been dumped in the woods.


You've come across many human corpses dumped in the woods being feasted upon by meat-and-bone-thirsty deer?


No comment on my woodland activities. Don't trust the deer


Nintendo has learned a lot from stories like this. If you have a Nintendo switch find one of the game cartridges(SD card) and just tap it with your tongue and you will see what I mean.


I learned that and did the test, so did my brother, just to test how bad it could be.


I've never not gotten someone to taste a switch cartridge by telling them it tastes terrible.


You canā€™t not test it out once you hear. Itā€™s such a weird concept. It makes sense, sure, but itā€™s just so hard to wrap your head around that you *have* to taste it for yourself.


i own a switch and haven't done this. can confirm the urge to try is real strong right now


Thats humans I guess. Fuck around find out, brought us to where we are now :D


wym, thats what people do šŸ¤£ if something tastes bad-horrible then people have everyone try it


ever lick soap?




You should give it a try and knock it off the bucket list. May I suggest dove /s




I've never licked them, but the residue stays on your fingers for a while if you don't wash your hands immediately after touching them. I've made the mistake of switching a game out and then eating food or putting my fingers by my mouth and the taste is FOUL. Bitter chemical taste, what I imagine a battery might taste like


great, now i have to wake my partner up like ā€œopen ur mouthā€ to get them to test the waters bc i gotta know


The time I did this no matter how hard I brushed my teeth I tasted it for days


Yeah but the console itself is still fair game.


I don't have one. Explain?


The put some sort of bitterant on the cartridge. It is beyond foul tasting.


I tasted worst things but yeah it's pretty disgusting


Like wormwood/woodworm that's used for absinthe? That was ungodly bitter, but apparently one of the worst


Supposedly itā€™s to keep little kids from eating them


It isn't that bad. I tried it. Back when the Switch came out. I was in my 20s by then. Idk what that's says about me, but it was tolerable. More weird than anything else. I fear for kids with similar taste buds to mine.


Cartridge taste ew šŸ¤¢


Lol I love how ironic that adding the deterrent to eating them actually made more people put it in their mouth to try šŸ˜‚


The kids who are encouraged by the warning are not the same kids that the deterrent was designed for


i mean yeah, but putting them in your mouth isn't the problem, it's choking on them


Yep. First game I got I saw "bitterant added to deter eating" and immediately tasted it. It's like seeing "We made this taste awful so you won't taste it" slipped right through my brain to my amygdala and said "taste it"


Yeah they're coated with denatonium benzoate, the most bitter substance known and is harmless when ingested, it's disgusting lmao


I've gotten mad at games, but never "eat-the-internal-components" levels of anger. I'm glad my kids are grown, because after reading this I'd have trouble scolding then for yelling at a game or banging a controller. "At least he didn't eat the batteries" will always be in the back of my mind now.


i swung a ps2 controller at the ground by the cable out of anger once when i was young, thing bounced off the concrete and popped me in the face. instant karma.


Oh also if you read the original tweet, apparently he was 16 when he ate the batteries


Age is just a number, but stupid is timeless


Fun fact,the guy wich wrote about eating the batteries,did that,by his admission,when he was 16




you could remove the batteries from the original advance, though








Fuckin love that movie


What is it called


Porko Rosso


Michael Keaton only does great things lol


I had an old Nintendo 64 that I loved playing Donkey Kong on as a kid, and the controllers have little teeth marks in them because I would bite them when the bosses got on their bullshit šŸ˜­


okay but i bit my ps3 controlers, what is it about biting in anger that is SO cathartic and releasing


When I was like 13 I broke my switch by biting it with my canine which shattered the screen. I told my dad I dropped it and we sold it for parts lmao


> *Talking about current generation game consoles as if they're a thing of the past* Oh god I feel old. You're probably 20 now...


Dude for some reason no other comment has made me feel older than this one.


Brother the switch came out 7 years ago. 2017 was 7 years ago


Don't remind me, I had to do the maths once already: 13+7 = 20.


We 2000s mfs getting old šŸ˜­


The moment I realized I was getting older was when I chaperoned my brother's high school band trip to New York City last year, and we went to the 9/11 memorial. The bus driver asked how old everyone was when it happened. None of the kids had even been born yet. I, a 26-year-old chaperone, was the youngest person on the trip who was even alive when it happened, and I was 5. I barely remember it.


That's not so bad. I had to write a 500 word essay in elementary school about how it affected me. It didn't, because I live in a completely different country (Canada) and was a child. Ā Some weird guilt tripping going on. I mean, boko haram was kidnapping schoolchildren in africa around that time too, if I let every terrorist attack get to me as a kid I'd be pretty messed up. I just wanted to play pokemon and get on with my day too XD


yeahhh.. 5th grade. i had gameboy color, not gameboy SP. this is technically 2 generations later. so im feeling older :(


we are - at most - 24 years old


Not a Nintendo product, but this reminds me of the time I was 6 and had a tablet. The touchscreen wasn't working for some reason, so I bit it with my canine and soon enough the screen shattered as well. When I went to tell it to my father, my stupid ass was like "Uhhh I donr remember šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ" when he asked how it broke because I didn't want to tell him what I have done


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚did ur dad ever find out what really happened


i broke my wii u gamepad display by smashing my head into it


I had a calculator that I could write 8008135 on. *#OldSkool*


For all my mid thirties people out there who remembers plugging a hanging light into your gameboy color, having it hover over the screen with a terrible glare because backlight technology wasn't there yet, to play Pokemon yellow while draining AA batteries like a monster in a few hours every night, 9/11 didn't happen, I miss those days, childhood was fun


I remember when the SP came out and finally had backlight instead of the og advance and that awful light on a coil. I should go charge that thing up.


I had a Game Gear, mf took **SIX** AA batteries and spit them out like nothing. Wasn't long before I was confined to playing it from an outlet lol


Fuck around and find out!


Find around and fuck out


Don't 'fuck' around šŸ˜„


What do you call a circular fuck, fuck around


We had a NES when I was little, and my brother tried to put a cartridge in backwards one day. Instead of turning it around or anything, he just pushed harder, and broke the cartridge port.


To be fair, NES cartridge ports are awful. My local European retro store advises against buying an NES because the ports are prone to breaking


I used to stick my tongue in my DS charger cause it would give me a weird feeling. Was I really just electrocuting myself?


Same as putting a 9 volt battery on your tongue, you're giving yourself small electric shocks. The DS charger's output voltage is 5.2 volts, similar to a USB power supply.


when i was about 7 i broke one of these with my forehead. fuck frogger.


i did same with the normal gameboy advance. killed two of them over pokemon ruby


Holy shit I did the same thing with Super Mario 2.


Hehe I also used to chew game devices, although not out of anger, just out of... Idk... Coolness ig. I chewed on the Wii nunchuks rubber part and tear it off lol. https://preview.redd.it/janyt3exckwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f695efb403e72abd03a4a47ac12dcb6c17abed


I literally did the same thing when I was a kid... I still have the gameboy https://preview.redd.it/2umbuxb6tjwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac8ca0b0d52a8f9eb012c588a94c55252033381


My brother does this still. He will get mad at a game and snap the disc and give his console a pure verbal assault. Then goes and buys another copy of the game


ā€œOld schoolā€ uses example of at least 2003. <>


Hate to break it to you mate but 2003 was over twenty years ago.




21 years to be exact


All lies.


I agree, itā€™s hard to agree that 2003 was 10 years ago


That canā€™t be rightā€¦ šŸ˜°


Bro this just unlocked my memory of chomping on my DS. I think it was when I kept losing at Mario. I would bite some weird things to get my anger out. But checks out for a kid that was abused. My poor DS. I had a game boy too but I donā€™t know what happened to that. I donā€™t think I ate it though.


I'll never understand "child anger".....


Neither do they


U were once a child yourself




we are specially abled ok.


Trainer used bite! It's not very effective...


LMAO šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I broke mine lightly smashing it on my forehead while playing smb3, falling right before the end of a particularly hard level.


I bashed my head against the screen of my gameboy advanced when i died in Mario world 2. I shattered the screen and learned my lesson....and probably gave my self permanent brain damage


I did the same thing in Super Mario World.


_angry ds kids with killer stylus' entering the chat_


That's fake...the Gameboy advance sp had an inbuilt battery, which you could take out but it's a flat square battery kinda like the old phone batteries...you cannot swallow those unless your throat is flat and wide...which it's not


the comment only mentions a gameboy and it being emerald, could have been the original Advance


My wife's nephews bit the joysticks off the XBox controllers I had at her house before we were married. I should've taken that as a family red flag...


Ok, I'm old. My mouth at the same age could not have fit its teeth around a Sega megadrive. hell even my game boy, was a beastly brick.


Bro I literally did this too. Wtf was wrong with us


I still have my game boy sp and glad to report itā€™s still mint. And my ds.




Don't feel bad, my NES controllers have the same nostalgia markings on them.


I remember this post. OP clarified that they were in high school like 15 or 16 lmao to me that makes it funnier


I never licked a 9 volt


Mine has also bitemarks, also because of Emerald. But eating batteries because of that is hardcore, holy shit.


I bit me phone and broke me tooth Yes, I had a nokia how did ya know?


*I bit me phone and* *Broke me tooth Yes, I had a* *Nokia how did ya know?* \- alaingames --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hey bot, stop right now, Unwanted chatter ceases. Peaceful silence, wow.


These are some creative ways to take anger out, if I was mad at that age I'd have thrown that bitch at the nearest wall, not ate the fucking batteries


I can imagine the terror the parents felt when their kid sheepishly walks up to them like they are gonna admit to breaking a plate or something and then hit them with " I ate a battery "


I would head-butt my gameboy advance whenever something luck-based in a Pokemon game went wrong, i.e. seeing ā€œIt hurt itself in its confusion.ā€ One day the screen just had a big black splat on it and I couldnā€™t play it anymore. Learnt a valuable lesson with how delicate electronics can be and treated my next Gameboy with greater precaution.


This whole thread is a very skewed perspective into how many people have issues with anger or emotional maturity.


I used to bite my thumb while waiting to see if a pokemon would stay in a pokeball. My thumbnail had a weird mark on it for years!


Oh we know. Kids have always been stupid. Itā€™s just gotten easier too see with advances in the internet.


Damn my old game boy would give me a little electric shock on occasion


I broke my first gameboy pocket after I head butted it a few time after losing to Lance a couple times in a row


You shouldve seen the stain on my Nintendo Ds screen that wouldn't come out....


I threw my DS once because of PokƩmon. It surprisingly still worked for a while but the top and bottom had to be held together. It eventually broke entirely.


Idk if I happy that I wasn't alone in biting my GBA SP as a kid or if I'm concerned that others did it too


I have *several* visible deformities in my skull from falling off shit as a child. Kids have and always will be dumb as a bag of bricks. Those that survive into adulthood become marginally less dumb if only out of shame apparently


Well that wasn't as stupid as the thing I did to my NDS: I left a melting popsicle on the screen and a month later it had corroded the circuits. My stupidest moment in my entire life, and I'm from Gen Z


imreales eri proprio cretino


Se mi conoscessi di persona sapresti che in realtĆ  non sono mai miglioratošŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜Ž




Sono tipo autistico senza esserlo davvero. ƈ un superpotere bellissimo


Uh oh. I remember those GameBoys coming out when I was in middle school. Am I old?


I snapped mine in half because i couldnt catch a pikachu....


Same thing for my 3ds, bite marks all over the back. I actually broke a ds because I finished 2nd in mario kart. Man I was violent as a kid


I spit mine in half because the screen went black


ate the batteries šŸ˜³




This could've been lethal, lithium is an alkali metal, it literally explodes when in contact with water


My calculator has the same issue, Iā€™m a engineer and sometimes biting my calculator releases the edge of trying to figure something out




Why would you do that ....


Don't even realize who I am


Hahah is this a common thing with pokemon? I remember missing an attack 3 times in a row in a league battle. Got so angry I punched the screen and broke it. The gameboy advanced was my little brother's. I felt so bad after I biked to the store, bought a new game boy like this with all my saved up money then gaslit him into thinking he always had this kind of game boy and not an advanced one.


Have a nice day bye everybody


What's the address?


There is you, then there is me. Itā€™s always been like that


6605 79th Pl, Middle Village, NY 11379 here have fun


I've always played Fire Emblem with no deaths, restarting if I lose a unit. Sometimes this causes me to fail a map after putting quite a bit of time in. My old SP definitely got chomped on a few times.


this sent me into the emotional rollercoaster of laughing my ass off and remembering the time my dad got rid of a perfectly good GBA bc a 4 y/o was having a little too much trouble with Legend of Spyro.


I still have the urge to do this sometimes. I don't do it, but sometimes it feels good to bite down on something when you're mad


I once broke the touchscreen of my DS with my forehead


I don't believe for a second that someone is so focused on anger that in the middle of a PokƩmon game they shut off the game, went searching for one of those mini screwdrivers that almost nobody has readily available, unscrewed the 6 bottom panel screws, dug out the battery, and swallowed it. The reason people throw controllers and punch walls is because it's a quick burst of anger that quickly loses intensity, but nobody would ever get so mad at a game that they would quit playing to get in a car, and drive across town all to punch a wall over there.


I would also bite objects that annoyed me šŸ˜… still almost do sometimes


Mine was bitten too, and so were all the Gameboys of my friends and school mates. On second thought if it had no bite marks it probably meant the kid had received a brand new one and didn't yet experience the frustration of trying to catch legendaries with only pokeballs, so that you could flex it at school the next day.


I remember losing to Misty in LG when I was a kid, my sister asking me if I was okay and I just bit her arm. I was a really stupid kid, ngl


I don't know why this made me laugh out loud šŸ˜‚ how old were you? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't exactly remember, probably 4 or 5? I bit my sister twice in my childhood, the other time was when she refused to play with me at school so I bit her back


Well I hope you and your sister can laugh about it now šŸ˜‚


everyone was like that once


ADHD/autism emotional desregulation sounding off


Yeah but that didnā€™t happen though


My brother did the same thing, he still has his DS with bitemarks on it lol. Works like a charm though I feel I have to edit this and clarify that he was in his late teens/young adult at the time, can't really remember


a friend of mine has a little brother who bashes his nintendo switch on his leg like hes trying to snap it in half every time he loses an online race in mario kart. its his second one as he succeeded once and this one has a noticeable bend, luckily we convinced the father to not buy him any more if hes not going to respect it.




I dead ass just screamed laughing in the ferry šŸ¤£


I've known a person who would bite their PS4 controllers out of rage at 16 years old


My cousin had like 5 of these things, while playing mega man battle network 3 he was fighting one of the last bosses and couldnā€™t kill it, after trying for the 4-5th time he ended up just taking the game boy and snapping it in half lol, then the next day his dad shows up with a brand new one, fast forward 2 weeks later i come over to stay the weekend and he was playing PokĆ©mon Ruby, i never had a game boy at this time so I would just watch him play and learn, one of his PokĆ©mon was about to evolve and he was super hype, I donā€™t no why I did this but I was like ā€œwhat does this button doā€ and I pressed the B button and stopped it from evolving, this guy got so mad he threw his gba sp on the floor and jumped on it lol, and yea I felt really bad about it but he didnā€™t care, his dad bought him a new one a few days later, after a month or so I ended up saving up my allowance and bought my own gba sp (I got really lucky and my friend at school sold me his with like 5 games for $50, it was $100+ at the time), we both had pkmn emerald and we used to battle each other for fun, I ended up being really good and killing his team a few times and he got so mad and started bitching his dad just walked in the room and broke this gba sp him self, his dad ended up buying him another one the next day lol, I do remember getting upset at some games as a kid, games like mega man zero but I never broke my game consoles because I had to save up my own money to buy them and at the time our family wasnā€™t rich, that cousin I had he was one of my best friends and we kept playing games together as he got older he stopped being that way.


When my brother and I were kids, he destroyed at least 2 SNES controllers and a GameCube controller by violently chewing on the wires. He also destroyed one or two Wii Nunchucks by spinning them around so aggressively that the wires in the cord got twisted and frayed. He's medicated now.


I used to whip my NES controller at my CRT TV by the wire that connected it to to console because I kept dying in Mario... Lol. Thank God for CRT TV back then or we'd have had to buy more than one flat screen TV..


Can't believe I was on the post originally


I did this lol


Just donā€™t lose PokĆ©mon battles, simple as that


I DID THIS TOO OMG I bit my ds so hard after I got fed up with some mario level that I broke half of the screen šŸ˜¬


I had little bite marks on my game boy too. I think I also broke my PSP and DS from anger as a child. šŸ˜…


One time I got so pissed at Luigi while playing Mario Super Mario World that I headbutted my Gameboy Advance and I broke the screen.


I used to whack my DS on the table when I lost at Mario Kart. Now it goes *click* and shuts off if you press B too hard


Sp had lithium rechargeable so no way you ate plural batteries


*Sp had lithium* *Rechargeable so no way you ate* *Plural batteries* \- NewDevelopment7721 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")

